Evaluation of Zircaloy-2 process tubes containing nonstandard spacers
Publication Date:
1968 Apr 04
Declassification Date:
1981 Mar 23
Declassification Status:
Accession Number:
Originating Research Org.:
Battelle-Northwest, Richland, WA
OpenNet Entry Date:
2022 Jul 27
OpenNet Modified Date:
2022 Jul 26
The discovery of a hydride case on the inner surface of the K Reactor Zircaloy tubes in 1965 led to an extensive investigation of its cause and remedial measures. The most probable mechanism determined for the phenomenon was the galvanic coupling of the 6063 alloy aluminum spacers to Zircaloy-2 process tubes. Three remedial actions were indicated which would interrupt this reaction: (1) electrically insulate the spacer from the process tube, thus interrupting the flow of electrons; (2) stop the corrosion of the spacers and thus the corrosion produced electrons; (3) make the spacers from a material which would have insufficient potential to reduce hydrogen on the surface of the Zircaloy, such as stainless steel, nickel, etc. All of these approaches were tested. The purpose of this document is to present the hydrogen absorption and corrosion data relative to this testing.