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Nuclear Rocket Studies
Document Type:
Publication Date:
1959 Nov 01
Declassification Date:
1998 Mar 31
Declassification Status:
Document Pages:
99 p.
Accession Number:
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Originating Research Org.:
Martin Company, Baltimore, MD (United States)
OpenNet Entry Date:
2018 Sep 27
OpenNet Modified Date:
2023 Oct 19
The studies reported herein were undertaken to assist in determining the best way to flight test the first nuclear rocket. Since the nuclear system is yet to be designed, some flexibility is possible in the study work. Of the many test vehicle configurations possible, it was decided to investigate a two-stage device wherein the upper stage is nuclear and lower stage is a current ICBM booster. In this configuration, it is required that the nuclear stage possess the performance capability of propelling itself into earth-satellite orbit after first stage-burnout The study was directed toward determining the basic feasibility of developing such a nuclear stage. The system component which has greatest effect on basic feasibility is the reactor. Study results indicate that it is possible to develop a graphite-fuel-element reactor which meets the requirements of the test vehicle stage. The results indicate also that some rather remarkable advantages accrue from the introduction of a moderate percentage of beryllium oxide into the core of such a reactor. Of great interest is the fact that it appears possible, with such core addition, to develop reactors with great growth potential. Results indicate that a reactor system can be developed in this fashion which can be flight tested atop an ICBM booster and which has the potential of powering a much larger rocket (in the neighborhood of one-half-million pounds thrust). This indicates a strong possibility of flight testing a nuclear Saturn second stage atop an ICBM booster and, perhaps, a nuclear Nova second stage atop a Saturn booster.

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