Research on chromosomal aberrations of the bone marrow in continuously irradiated rats showed that chromosomal aberrations are a highly sensitive indicator of radiation injury. An increase in the chromosomal aberration frequency was already found on the 5th day at daily doses of 0.5 R, i.e. a 12% increase at a total dose of 25 R. In the steady-state stage at daily doses of 0.5; 1; 2.5 R, the number of chromosomal aberrations stabilized at values of about 20%; at daily doses of 5 and 10 R at values of 30.=., at daily doses of 53 R at 45%, at a daily dose of 82.5 R, the number of chromosomal aberrations increased to 55%.
Chlebosky, O;
Praslicka, M;
Chlebovska, K
- Univerzita P.J. Safarika, Kosice (Czechoslovakia). Prirodovedecka Fakulta
Citation Formats
Chlebosky, O, Praslicka, M, and Chlebovska, K.
Chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow of continuously irradiated rats.
Serbia and Montenegro: N. p.,
Chlebosky, O, Praslicka, M, & Chlebovska, K.
Chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow of continuously irradiated rats.
Serbia and Montenegro.
Chlebosky, O, Praslicka, M, and Chlebovska, K.
"Chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow of continuously irradiated rats."
Serbia and Montenegro.
title = {Chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow of continuously irradiated rats}
author = {Chlebosky, O, Praslicka, M, and Chlebovska, K}
abstractNote = {Research on chromosomal aberrations of the bone marrow in continuously irradiated rats showed that chromosomal aberrations are a highly sensitive indicator of radiation injury. An increase in the chromosomal aberration frequency was already found on the 5th day at daily doses of 0.5 R, i.e. a 12% increase at a total dose of 25 R. In the steady-state stage at daily doses of 0.5; 1; 2.5 R, the number of chromosomal aberrations stabilized at values of about 20%; at daily doses of 5 and 10 R at values of 30.=., at daily doses of 53 R at 45%, at a daily dose of 82.5 R, the number of chromosomal aberrations increased to 55%.}
journal = []
volume = {30:6}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Serbia and Montenegro}
year = {1975}
month = {Jan}
title = {Chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow of continuously irradiated rats}
author = {Chlebosky, O, Praslicka, M, and Chlebovska, K}
abstractNote = {Research on chromosomal aberrations of the bone marrow in continuously irradiated rats showed that chromosomal aberrations are a highly sensitive indicator of radiation injury. An increase in the chromosomal aberration frequency was already found on the 5th day at daily doses of 0.5 R, i.e. a 12% increase at a total dose of 25 R. In the steady-state stage at daily doses of 0.5; 1; 2.5 R, the number of chromosomal aberrations stabilized at values of about 20%; at daily doses of 5 and 10 R at values of 30.=., at daily doses of 53 R at 45%, at a daily dose of 82.5 R, the number of chromosomal aberrations increased to 55%.}
journal = []
volume = {30:6}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Serbia and Montenegro}
year = {1975}
month = {Jan}