Low fields and low frequency shielding properties of YBCO magnetic shields are measured at 77 K. They compare favourably with shielding properties of mumetal shields. Therefore high-T{sub c} superconducting magnetic shields can already be used to shield small volumes. The case of magnetic shields for large volumes is also discussed. 3 refs; 6 figs; 4 tabs.
Lainee, F;
Kormann, R;
Lainee, F
- Thomson-CSF, Domaine de Corbeville, 91 - Orsay (FR)
- Ecole des Mines de Paris, 91 - Evry (FR)
Citation Formats
Lainee, F, Kormann, R, and Lainee, F.
Superconducting magnetic shields production. Realisation d'ecrans magnetiques supraconducteurs.
France: N. p.,
Lainee, F, Kormann, R, & Lainee, F.
Superconducting magnetic shields production. Realisation d'ecrans magnetiques supraconducteurs.
Lainee, F, Kormann, R, and Lainee, F.
"Superconducting magnetic shields production. Realisation d'ecrans magnetiques supraconducteurs."
title = {Superconducting magnetic shields production. Realisation d'ecrans magnetiques supraconducteurs}
author = {Lainee, F, Kormann, R, and Lainee, F}
abstractNote = {Low fields and low frequency shielding properties of YBCO magnetic shields are measured at 77 K. They compare favourably with shielding properties of mumetal shields. Therefore high-T{sub c} superconducting magnetic shields can already be used to shield small volumes. The case of magnetic shields for large volumes is also discussed. 3 refs; 6 figs; 4 tabs.}
journal = []
volume = {2:2}
place = {France}
year = {1992}
month = {Feb}
title = {Superconducting magnetic shields production. Realisation d'ecrans magnetiques supraconducteurs}
author = {Lainee, F, Kormann, R, and Lainee, F}
abstractNote = {Low fields and low frequency shielding properties of YBCO magnetic shields are measured at 77 K. They compare favourably with shielding properties of mumetal shields. Therefore high-T{sub c} superconducting magnetic shields can already be used to shield small volumes. The case of magnetic shields for large volumes is also discussed. 3 refs; 6 figs; 4 tabs.}
journal = []
volume = {2:2}
place = {France}
year = {1992}
month = {Feb}