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Oceanographic Research Required in Support of Radioactive Waste Disposal; Recherches Oceanographiques Necessaires pour l'Elimination des Dechets Radioactifs; 041e 041a 0415 0410 041d 041e 0413 0420 0414 ; Investigaciones Oceanograficas Necesarias para la Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos


For low-level waste disposal in coastal waters the character of the biota and the eating habits of local human populations will determine the safe limits of contamination. In such a situation the sedimentary bottom populations win be important, since they will be exposed continuously, while planktonic and fish populations will drift through or enter the area of contamination sporadically. In the open ocean, on the other hand, planktonic populations are of prime importance, both as the food supply of pelagic edible species, and because they may be effective in transporting isotopes. Similar questions face biologists studying either sedentary or planktonic populations. These include the need to know the distribution and density of populations of various species, the rate of growth of the individuals and of the populations, the seasonal cycle of production and of abundance, the ability of various organisms to accumulate various elements, and the ways in which these elements are transported through the food web, to the bottom through sedimentation or vertically within the water column through migration and exchange. For each specific waste-disposal problem a survey of the local biota will be required, as will the subsequent monitoring of the operation. (author) [French] En ce qui concerne  More>>
Ketchum, Bostwick H. [1] 
  1. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA (United States)
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 1960
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Scientific Conference on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes, Monaco (Monaco), 16-21 Nov 1959; Other Information: 7 refs.; Related Information: In: Disposal of Radioactive Wastes. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes| 586 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France); Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Contract Number:
Contract AT (30-1) 1918
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M3547016912
Submitting Site:
page(s) 283-291
Announcement Date:
Feb 20, 2014

Citation Formats

Ketchum, Bostwick H. Oceanographic Research Required in Support of Radioactive Waste Disposal; Recherches Oceanographiques Necessaires pour l'Elimination des Dechets Radioactifs; 041e 041a 0415 0410 041d 041e 0413 0420 0414 ; Investigaciones Oceanograficas Necesarias para la Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos. IAEA: N. p., 1960. Web.
Ketchum, Bostwick H. Oceanographic Research Required in Support of Radioactive Waste Disposal; Recherches Oceanographiques Necessaires pour l'Elimination des Dechets Radioactifs; 041e 041a 0415 0410 041d 041e 0413 0420 0414 ; Investigaciones Oceanograficas Necesarias para la Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos. IAEA.
Ketchum, Bostwick H. 1960. "Oceanographic Research Required in Support of Radioactive Waste Disposal; Recherches Oceanographiques Necessaires pour l'Elimination des Dechets Radioactifs; 041e 041a 0415 0410 041d 041e 0413 0420 0414 ; Investigaciones Oceanograficas Necesarias para la Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos." IAEA.
title = {Oceanographic Research Required in Support of Radioactive Waste Disposal; Recherches Oceanographiques Necessaires pour l'Elimination des Dechets Radioactifs; 041e 041a 0415 0410 041d 041e 0413 0420 0414 ; Investigaciones Oceanograficas Necesarias para la Evacuacion de Desechos Radiactivos}
author = {Ketchum, Bostwick H.}
abstractNote = {For low-level waste disposal in coastal waters the character of the biota and the eating habits of local human populations will determine the safe limits of contamination. In such a situation the sedimentary bottom populations win be important, since they will be exposed continuously, while planktonic and fish populations will drift through or enter the area of contamination sporadically. In the open ocean, on the other hand, planktonic populations are of prime importance, both as the food supply of pelagic edible species, and because they may be effective in transporting isotopes. Similar questions face biologists studying either sedentary or planktonic populations. These include the need to know the distribution and density of populations of various species, the rate of growth of the individuals and of the populations, the seasonal cycle of production and of abundance, the ability of various organisms to accumulate various elements, and the ways in which these elements are transported through the food web, to the bottom through sedimentation or vertically within the water column through migration and exchange. For each specific waste-disposal problem a survey of the local biota will be required, as will the subsequent monitoring of the operation. (author) [French] En ce qui concerne l'evacuation des dechets de faible activite dans les eaux cotieres, les limites de securite pour la contamination seront determinees par le milieu biologique et le regime alimentaire des habitants de la region. Dans une telle situation, ce sont les populations du fond sedimentaire qui joueront un role important puisqu'elles subissent une exposition permanente alors que le plancton et les poissons n'entrent dans les regions contaminees qu'en passant ou dans des cas isoles. En revanche, dans la haute mer, les populations planctoniques sont d'une importance primordiale a la fois comme source alimentaire pour les especes pelagiques comestibles et comme transporteurs eventuels d'isotopes. Des questions semblables se posent aux biologistes qui etudient les populations sedentaires ou planctoniques. Il faut qu'ils connaissant entre autres la distribution et la densite des populations de diverses especes, la rapidite de croissance des individus et de ces populations, le cycle saisonnier de la reproduction et de l'abondance, la faculte de divers organismes d'accumuler divers elements, et la facon dont ces elements atteignent le fond au moyen de la chaine alimentaire par voie de sedimentation, ou sont transportes verticalement au sein de la colonne d'eau par migration ou echange. Pour chaque probleme concret que souleve l'elimination des dechets, il faudra etudier le milieu biologique local et, par la suite, faire le controle radiologique de l'operation. (author) [Spanish] Cuando se trata de evacuar desechos de baja actividad en aguas costeras, - las condiciones de seguridad de la operacion quedan determinadas por el caracter de la fauna y la flora y por la forma de alimentacion de la poblacion humana local. En dicho caso habra que estudiar especialmente los organismos bentonicos sedentarios, que estaran expuestos continuamente a la irradiacion, en tanto que los peces y el plancton atravesaran la zona contaminada o solo entraran en ella de cuando en cuando. En cambio, las poblaciones planctonicas son de fundamental importancia en mar abierto, tanto por servir de alimento a las especies pelagicas comestibles como porque pueden transportar isotopos. Los biologos que estudian las poblaciones bentonicas o planctonicas deben resolver problemas similares. Por ejemplo: la necesidad de conocer la distribucion y la densidad de poblaciones de distintas especies; el indice de crecimiento individual y colectivo; el ciclo estacional de produccion y de abundancia ; la capacidad de algunos organismos para acumular diversos elementos, y la forma en que esos alimentos son transportados a traves de la cadena de alimentacion al fondo del mar (por medio de la sedimentacion) o verticalmente, dentro de la columna de agua (por migracion e intercambio). Para cada problema concreto de evacuacion de desechos sera necesario estudiar la fauna y flora local, asi como el consiguiente monitoraje de la operacion. (author) [Russian] Dlja udalenija othodov s nizkim urovnem aktivnosti v pribrezhnye vody opredeljajushhim faktorom urovnja zarazhenija budet sluzhit' harakter zhivotnogo i rastitel'nogo mira i sredstva pitanija mestnogo naselenija. Pri takom polozhenii veshhej sleduet udelit' vnimanie osadochnomu zhivotnomu miru, poskol'ku on budet podvergat'sja oblucheniju nepreryvno, togda kak planktony i ryba budut lish' proplyvat' ili zahodit' v zony sporadichnogo zarazhenija. S drugoj storony, v otkrytom okeane planktony igrajut pervostepennoe znachenie, kak s tochki zrenija togo, chto oni javljajutsja morskoj raznovidnost'ju pishhevogo produkta, tak i s tochki zrenija togo, chto oni javljajutsja nositeljami izotopov. S podobnymi voprosami stalkivajutsja biologi, izuchajushhie libo mir neperedvigajushhihsja zhivyh organizmov, libo mir planktonov. Zdes' neobhodimo znat' rasselenie i plotnost' razlichnyh raznovidnostej jetih organizmov; skorost' rosta otdel'nyh organizmov i ih semejstv v celom; vremja ih razmnozhenija i izobilija; sposobnost' razlichnyh organizmov akkumulirovat' v sebe razlichnye jelementy, a takzhe puti, po kotorym jeti jelementy perenosjatsja pishhevoj tkan'ju na dno posredstvom osazhdenija ili vertikal'no v vodjanom sloe posredstvom migracii i obmena. Dlja kazhdoj specificheskoj problemy po udaleniju othodov trebuetsja issledovanie mestnogo haraktera zhivotnogo i rastitel'nogo mira, a takzhe posledujushhego kontrolja samoj operacii po udaleniju othodov. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1960}
month = {Jul}