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Circulations in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea with Reference to Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes Near the Indian Coasts; Les Circulations dans les Eaux du Golfe du Bengale et de la Mer d'Oman et l'Elimination sans Danger des Dechets Radioactifs pres des Cotes Indiennes; 0426 0418 0420 0414 ; Circulaciones en el Golfo de Bengala e en el Mar Arabico con Relacion a la Evacuacion sin Riesgos de Desechos Radiactivos Frente al Litoral Indio


The author briefly reviews the general knowledge of oceanographic conditions in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. On the basis of studies made for some years by the numerous oceanographic stations which operate along the coasts of India, the author studies such oceanographic conditions from the point of view of the safe disposal of radioactive wastes and, using data collected by various expeditions in the Indian Ocean, he studies the physical oceanography of the region north of the equator. Early knowledge of the oceanography of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea is briefly reviewed. In the light of the numerous oceanographic stations occupied along the coasts of India, in recent years, oceanographic conditions with reference to safe disposal of radioactive wastes into the sea are discussed. Also utilizing the data collected by different expeditions to the Indian Ocean, the physical oceanography of the region north of the equator has been studied. In the upper 200 m there are at least three different water masses both in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Because of very great dilution in the Bay of Bengal, the surface waters could be further sub-classified. From horizontal distributions of various  More>>
Rama Sastry, A. A. [1] 
  1. Meteorological Office, Poona 5 (India)
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 1960
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Scientific Conference on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes, Monaco (Monaco), 16-21 Nov 1959; Other Information: 26 refs., 4 figs.; Related Information: In: Disposal of Radioactive Wastes. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes| 586 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France); Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M3539016904
Submitting Site:
page(s) 175-187
Announcement Date:
Feb 20, 2014

Citation Formats

Rama Sastry, A. A. Circulations in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea with Reference to Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes Near the Indian Coasts; Les Circulations dans les Eaux du Golfe du Bengale et de la Mer d'Oman et l'Elimination sans Danger des Dechets Radioactifs pres des Cotes Indiennes; 0426 0418 0420 0414 ; Circulaciones en el Golfo de Bengala e en el Mar Arabico con Relacion a la Evacuacion sin Riesgos de Desechos Radiactivos Frente al Litoral Indio. IAEA: N. p., 1960. Web.
Rama Sastry, A. A. Circulations in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea with Reference to Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes Near the Indian Coasts; Les Circulations dans les Eaux du Golfe du Bengale et de la Mer d'Oman et l'Elimination sans Danger des Dechets Radioactifs pres des Cotes Indiennes; 0426 0418 0420 0414 ; Circulaciones en el Golfo de Bengala e en el Mar Arabico con Relacion a la Evacuacion sin Riesgos de Desechos Radiactivos Frente al Litoral Indio. IAEA.
Rama Sastry, A. A. 1960. "Circulations in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea with Reference to Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes Near the Indian Coasts; Les Circulations dans les Eaux du Golfe du Bengale et de la Mer d'Oman et l'Elimination sans Danger des Dechets Radioactifs pres des Cotes Indiennes; 0426 0418 0420 0414 ; Circulaciones en el Golfo de Bengala e en el Mar Arabico con Relacion a la Evacuacion sin Riesgos de Desechos Radiactivos Frente al Litoral Indio." IAEA.
title = {Circulations in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea with Reference to Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes Near the Indian Coasts; Les Circulations dans les Eaux du Golfe du Bengale et de la Mer d'Oman et l'Elimination sans Danger des Dechets Radioactifs pres des Cotes Indiennes; 0426 0418 0420 0414 ; Circulaciones en el Golfo de Bengala e en el Mar Arabico con Relacion a la Evacuacion sin Riesgos de Desechos Radiactivos Frente al Litoral Indio}
author = {Rama Sastry, A. A.}
abstractNote = {The author briefly reviews the general knowledge of oceanographic conditions in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. On the basis of studies made for some years by the numerous oceanographic stations which operate along the coasts of India, the author studies such oceanographic conditions from the point of view of the safe disposal of radioactive wastes and, using data collected by various expeditions in the Indian Ocean, he studies the physical oceanography of the region north of the equator. Early knowledge of the oceanography of the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea is briefly reviewed. In the light of the numerous oceanographic stations occupied along the coasts of India, in recent years, oceanographic conditions with reference to safe disposal of radioactive wastes into the sea are discussed. Also utilizing the data collected by different expeditions to the Indian Ocean, the physical oceanography of the region north of the equator has been studied. In the upper 200 m there are at least three different water masses both in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Because of very great dilution in the Bay of Bengal, the surface waters could be further sub-classified. From horizontal distributions of various oceanographic parameters, circulation at different levels along the Indian Coasts is given for the upper 150 m and the same is inferred down to 500 m from the vertical sections. The level of no motion seems to be well above the 500 m depth level and fluctuates both in space and time. Mixing of water is deduced from the T-S relations. The seasons of occurrence of upwelling and sinking along the coasts and the region affected are given. Intensity of up we I ling along the coast is more pronounced and during that period a complete overturning of water over the continental shelf takes place. In deeper levels, water masses in the order of their abundance are the Indian equatorial water, Antarctic intermediate water together with Red Sea water and a slight admixture of the Indian Central water, Indian deep water and the Antarctic bottom water. The distribution of these water masses and the deep water circulation north of the equator are given. During the past 60 years, the Antarctic bottom water seems to be advancing further north of the equator both into the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Consequently, lowering of salinity is recorded both in the Bay and the Arabian Sea. Finally, a programme of further oceanographic work in connexion with the safe disposal of radioactive wastes, particularly into the Arabian Sea, is suggested. (author) [French] L'auteur passe rapidement en revue les connaissances generales acquises sur l'oceanographie du golfe du Bengale et de la mer d'Oman. Sur la base des etudes effectuees depuis quelques annees par les nombreuses stations oceanographiques qui fonctionnent Je long des cotes indiennes, l'auteur etudie les conditions oceanographiques du point de vue de l'elimination sans danger des dechets radioactifs. Il s'est egalement servi des donnees reunies par differentes expeditions dans l'ocean Indien pour etudier l'oceanographie physique de la region situee au nord de l'Equateur. Jusqu'a 200 m au-dessous de la surface, les masses d'eau du golfe du Bengale et de la mer d'Oman se repartissent en trois categories au moins. Dans le golfe du Bengale, etant donne le taux de dilution tres eleve, les eaux de surface pourraient etre divisees en un plus grand nombre de categories. Compte tenu de la valeur de differents parametres oceanographiques sur divers plans horizontaux, ou a calcule la circulation le long des cotes indiennes a plusieurs niveaux jusqu'a 150 m de profondeur; a partir de sections verticales, on a deduit la circulation jusqu'a une profondeur de 500 m. La profondeur a laquelle il n'y a pas de mouvements parait bien inferieure a 500 m; elle varie dans l'espace et dans le temps. Le taux de melange des eaux est calcule a partir des rapports espace-temps. L'auteur indique les saisons au cours desquelles les mouvements verticaux sont les plus prononces le long des cotes, ainsi que les regions interessees. Les courants ascendants sont plus intenses le long de la cote ; a cette epoque, il se produit un brassage complet de l'eau au-dessus du plateau continental. En profondeur, les masses d'eau sont - par ordre d'abondance decroissante - celles de la partie equatoriale de l'ocean Indien, les masses intermediaires de l'Antarctique et les eaux de la mer Rouge, puis un melange d'eaux de la region centrale de l'ocean Indien, d'eaux profondes de l'ocean Indien et du fond de l'Antarctique. L'auteur indique la repartition de ces masses d'eau et la circulation des eaux profondes, au nord de l'Equateur. Depuis 60 ans, les eaux du fond de .l'Antarctique semblent avancer au nord de l'Equateur, vers le golfe du Bengale et la mer d'Oman. De ce fait, on enregistre une baisse de la concentration saline, tant dans le golfe du Bengale que dans la mer d'Oman. En conclusion, l'auteur suggere un programme d'etudes oceanographiques plus poussees, du point de vue de l'elimination sans danger des dechets radioactifs, dans la mer d'Oman en particulier. (author) [Spanish] En esta memoria se resumen brevemente los conocimientos de oceanografia relativos al golfo de Bengala y al mar Arabigo. Con los datos proporcionados en los ultimos anos por varios centros oceanograficos del litoral indio, el autor examina las relaciones entre las condiciones oceanograficas y la evacuacion sin riesgos de desechos radiactivos en el mar. Trata asimismo, segun los datos recogidos por diferentes expediciones al Oceano Indico, de la oceanografia fisica de la region situada al norte del ecuador. Tanto en el golfo de Bengala como en el mar Arabigo existen, hasta una profundidad de 200 metros, por lo menos tres tipos distintos de masas de agua. En el golfo de Bengala, debido al elevado indice de dilucion, podrian distinguirse mas tipos de masas de agua superficiales. Fundandose en la distribucion horizontal de varios parametros oceanograficos, el autor de la memoria indica la circulacion, hasta 150 metros de profundidad, en diferentes niveles a lo largo del litoral indio. Las secciones verticales permiten determinar la circulacion en diferentes niveles hasta 500 metros de profundidad. El nivel de las aguas estaticas parece estar situado muy por debajo de los 500 metros y varia segun el lugar y e] tiempo. La mezcla de las aguas se deduce de las relaciones tiempo-espacio. Tambien se senala en la memoria en que estaciones del ano y en que regiones se observan corrientes ascendentes y descendentes frente a la costa. La intensidad de las corrientes ascendentes es mas pronunciada en el litoral, por lo que durante la estacion correspondiente se produce una renovacion total de las masas de agua de la plataforma continental. A mayor profundidad, las masas de agua mas caudalosas son, por orden de importancia, las aguas ecuatoriales del Indico, las aguas intermedias del Antartico junto con las del mar Rojo y una ligera mezcla de las del Indico Centra], las aguas profundas del Indico y las aguas del fondo del Antartico. El autor indica la distribucion de esas masas de agua y la circulacion de las aguas profundas al norte del ecuador. Desde hace 60 anos, las aguas del fondo del Antartico parecen estar avanzando hacia el norte del ecuador tanto en el golfo de Bengala como en el mar Arabigo. Esto ha producido, en el golfo y en el mar Arabigo, un descenso del indice de salinidad. Por ultimo, el autor sugiere un programa de trabajos oceanograficos relacionados con la evacuacion sin riesgos de desechos radiactivos, particularmente en el mar Arabigo. (author) [Russian] Kratko izlagajutsja pervye dannye ob okeanografii Bengal'skogo zaliva i Aravijskogo morja. V svete raboty mnogochislennyh okeanograficheskih stancij, nahodjashhihsja vdol' indijskogo poberezh'ja izuchajutsja okeanograficheskie uslovija v svjazi s bezopasnym udaleniem radioaktivnyh othodov v morja. Krome togo na osnove dannyh, sobrannyh razlichnymi jekspedicijami v Indijskom okeane, izuchaetsja fizicheskaja okeanografija v rajone k severu ot jekvatora. Kak v Bengal'skom zalive, tak i v Aravijskom more na glubine do 200 metrov imeetsja po krajnej mere tri razlichnyh vodnyh sloja. V vidu ochen' sil'noj rastvoritel'noj sposobnosti vod Bengal'skogo zaliva poverhnostnye vody mogut byt' podrazdeleny eshhe na neskol'ko kategorij. Po gorizontal'nomu raspredeleniju razlichnyh okeanograficheskih parametrov daetsja cirkuljacija vodnyh mass na razlichnyh urovnjah do 150 metrov vdol' indijskogo poberezh'ja ; jeto zhe otnositsja i k vodnym massam do 500 metrov po vertikal'nomu secheniju. Uroven' nepodvizhnyh vod, kak kazhetsja, nahoditsja vyshe 500 metrov i menjaetsja kak po ploshhadi, tak i po vremeni. Smeshenie vod vyvoditsja iz otnoshenija T-S (vremja-ploshhad'). Privodjatsja sezony povyshenija i ponizhenija urovnja vody vdol' poberezh'ja i rassmatrivaemogo rajona. Intensivnost' povyshenija urovnja vody vdol' poberezh'ja bolee vyrazhena i v techenie jetogo perioda proishodit polnoe smeshenie sloev vody na priberezhnoj otmeli. Glubokovodnye massy razdeljajutsja na vody jekvatorial'noj chasti Indijskogo okeana, antarkticheskie promezhutochnye sloi vody sovmestno s vodami Krasnogo morja i na neznachitel'nuju chast' vod central'noj chasti Indijskogo okeana, glubokovodnye massy Indijskogo okeana i antarkticheskie donnye vody. Daetsja raspredelenie jetih vodnyh mass, a takzhe cirkuljacija glubinnyh vodnyh sloev k severu ot jekvatora. Kak kazhetsja, za poslednie 60 let antarkticheskie donnye vody prodvigajutsja dalee k severu ot jekvatora kak v Bengal'skom zalive, tak i v Aravijskom more. V svjazi s jetim nabljudaetsja ponizhenie solenosti kak v Bengal'skom zalive, tak i v Aravijskom more. V zakljuchenie predlagetsja programma dal'nejshih okeanograficheskih issledovanij v svjazi s bezopasnym udaleniem radioaktivnyh othodov, v chastnosti v Aravijskoe more. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1960}
month = {Jul}