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Management of Waste from the Use of Radioisotopes; Divers Aspects Resultant de l'Utilisation des Isotopes Radioactifs; 0423 0414 0410 041b 0415 041d 0418 0415 041e 0422 0425 041e 0414 ; Diversos Aspectos Relacionados con los Desechos Procedentes del Empleo de Radioisotopos


The author examines the origin and nature of radioactive waste generated in the use of radioisotopes in industry, medicine, agriculture and research and studies the relationship between types, quantities and uses of radioisotopes and disposal of the radioactive waste generated in their use. He also discusses the methods used for the disposal of such waste under the licensing controls of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. These methods include: 1. The controlled discharge of low concentrations of effluents into streams and into the atmosphere; 2. Controlled release of small quantities of soluble or readily dispersible waste products into sanitary sewage systems; 3. Burial, under controlled conditions, of small quantities of waste in the soil ; 4. Return to AEC installations of radioactive waste for storage or land burial ; 5. Treatment by incineration; and 6. Disposal of packaged waste at sea. The paper reviews the criteria and regulatory requirements applicable to cach method of disposal to accomplish the objective of preventing the waste from entering the food chain of man in hazardous quantities, or of adversely affecting the use of the environment by man. It goes on to discuss the limitations on the types, quantities, and methods of disposal for  More>>
Rogers, Lester R. [1] 
  1. Radiation Safety Branch, Division of Licensing and Regulation, United States Atomic Energy Commission (United States)
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 1960
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Scientific Conference on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes, Monaco (Monaco), 16-21 Nov 1959; Other Information: 2 tabs.; Related Information: In: Disposal of Radioactive Wastes. Vol. I. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on the Disposal of Radioactive Wastes| 615 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France); Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M3481016846
Submitting Site:
page(s) 51-62
Announcement Date:
Feb 20, 2014

Citation Formats

Rogers, Lester R. Management of Waste from the Use of Radioisotopes; Divers Aspects Resultant de l'Utilisation des Isotopes Radioactifs; 0423 0414 0410 041b 0415 041d 0418 0415 041e 0422 0425 041e 0414 ; Diversos Aspectos Relacionados con los Desechos Procedentes del Empleo de Radioisotopos. IAEA: N. p., 1960. Web.
Rogers, Lester R. Management of Waste from the Use of Radioisotopes; Divers Aspects Resultant de l'Utilisation des Isotopes Radioactifs; 0423 0414 0410 041b 0415 041d 0418 0415 041e 0422 0425 041e 0414 ; Diversos Aspectos Relacionados con los Desechos Procedentes del Empleo de Radioisotopos. IAEA.
Rogers, Lester R. 1960. "Management of Waste from the Use of Radioisotopes; Divers Aspects Resultant de l'Utilisation des Isotopes Radioactifs; 0423 0414 0410 041b 0415 041d 0418 0415 041e 0422 0425 041e 0414 ; Diversos Aspectos Relacionados con los Desechos Procedentes del Empleo de Radioisotopos." IAEA.
title = {Management of Waste from the Use of Radioisotopes; Divers Aspects Resultant de l'Utilisation des Isotopes Radioactifs; 0423 0414 0410 041b 0415 041d 0418 0415 041e 0422 0425 041e 0414 ; Diversos Aspectos Relacionados con los Desechos Procedentes del Empleo de Radioisotopos}
author = {Rogers, Lester R.}
abstractNote = {The author examines the origin and nature of radioactive waste generated in the use of radioisotopes in industry, medicine, agriculture and research and studies the relationship between types, quantities and uses of radioisotopes and disposal of the radioactive waste generated in their use. He also discusses the methods used for the disposal of such waste under the licensing controls of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. These methods include: 1. The controlled discharge of low concentrations of effluents into streams and into the atmosphere; 2. Controlled release of small quantities of soluble or readily dispersible waste products into sanitary sewage systems; 3. Burial, under controlled conditions, of small quantities of waste in the soil ; 4. Return to AEC installations of radioactive waste for storage or land burial ; 5. Treatment by incineration; and 6. Disposal of packaged waste at sea. The paper reviews the criteria and regulatory requirements applicable to cach method of disposal to accomplish the objective of preventing the waste from entering the food chain of man in hazardous quantities, or of adversely affecting the use of the environment by man. It goes on to discuss the limitations on the types, quantities, and methods of disposal for which private concerns can be licensed due to long-term responsibility for maintenance of burial grounds or storage facilities. (author) [French] L'auteur se propose d'examiner l'origine et la nature des dechets radioactifs resultant de l'utflisation des radioisotopes dans l'industrie, la medecine, l'agriculture et dans les laboratoires de recherche, et d'etudier les rapports qui existent entre les types, les quantites et les utilisations des radioisotopes, d'une part, et les dechets de leur production, d'autre part. Il etudie aussi les methodes utilisees pour l'elimination de ces dechets conformement aux mesures de controle appliquees par la Commission de l'energie atomique des Etats-Unis. Les methodes employees consistent: 1. A evacuer sous controle les effluents en concentration reduite, dans les cours d'eau et dans l'atmosphere; 2. A eyacuer sous controle, dans le systeme d'egouts, de petites quantites de dechets solubles ou susceptibles d'etre entraines rapidement; 3. A enfouir sous controle dans le sol de petites quantites de dechets; 4. A renvoyer les dechets radioactifs aux installations de la C.E.A. pour entreposage ou enfouissement dans la terre; 5. A les traiter par incineration; 6. A les evacuer dans la mer - contenus dans des recipients. L'auteur etudie ensuite les criteres et les normes applicables a chacune de ces methodes pour empecher que les dechets ne penetrent-dans la chaine de Inverted-Exclamation-Mark 'alimentation de l'homme en quantites dangereuses ou d'une maniere qui ait un effet defavorable sur l'utilisation de son milieu par l'homme. Suivant les types, les quantites et les methodes d'evacuation, l'auteur etablie les limitations dont il faut tenir compte en octroyant des autorisations aux entreprises privees, en raison des responsabilites a long terme qui resultent de la disposition de terrains d'enfouissement ou d'installations d'entreposage. (author) [Spanish] El autor analiza el origen y la naturaleza de los desechos radiactivos que se forman como consecuencia del empleo de radioisotopos en la industria, la medicina, la agricultura y la investigacion, y pasa revista a las relaciones existentes entre los tipos, cantidades y aplicaciones de los radioisotopos y los desechos correspondientes. En la memoria se examinan especialmente los metodos utilizados para evacuar, con arreglo a las normas de autorizacion de la Atomic Energy Commission de los Estados Unidos de America, los desechos radiactivos derivados del empleo de radioisotopos en las mencionadas esferas. Estos metodos abarcan: 1. La descarga controlada de efluentes diluidos en las corrientes de agua y en la atmosfera; 2. La descarga regulada, en los alcantarillados, de pequenas cantidades de desechos solubles o facilmente dispersables ; 3. La inhumacion en el suelo, en condiciones controladas, de pequenas cantidades de desechos; 4. El envio de los desechos radiactivos a las instalaciones de la Atomic Energy Commission para su almacenamiento o inhumacion; 5. El tratamiento por incineracion; 6. La evacuacion en el mar de desechos envasados. El autor examina los criterios y requisitos reglamentarios aplicables a cada metodo de evacuacion con el proposito de impedir que los desechos entren en la cadena alimentaria humana en cantidades peligrosas o afecten desfavorablemente la utilizacion del medio por el hombre. Estudia asimismo las limitaciones que se han de imponer a los tipos y metodos de evacuacion aplicados por las empresas privadas que, por su larga experiencia en Inverted-Exclamation-Mark el mantenimiento de terrenos de inhumacion o instalaciones de almacenamiento, pueden recibir autorizacion oficial para efectuar esta clase de operaciones. (author) [Russian] Budut obsuzhdeny voprosy proishozhdenija i haraktera radioaktivnyh othodov, obrazuemyh pri ispol'zovanii radioizotopov v promyshlennosti, medicine, sel'skom hozjajstve i nauchnyh issledovanijah. Budet rassmotrena svjaz' mezhdu tipami, kolichestvami i metodami ispol'zovanija radioizotopov i othodami, kotorye pri jetom obrazujutsja. Budut obsuzhdeny metody, primenjaemye dlja udalenija radioaktivnyh othodov, obrazuemyh pri ispol'zovanii radioizotopov v promyshlennosti, medicine, nauchnyh issledovanijah i sel'skom hozjajstve, na kotorye rasprostranjaetsja kontrol' Komissii po atomnoj jenergii. Jeti metody vkljuchajut: 1. Kontroliruemoe udalenie zhidkostej nizkoj koncentracii v reki i v atmosferu ; 2. Kontroliruemoe udalenie nebol'shih kolichestv rastvorjaemyh ili nahodjashhihsja v dispersionnom sostojanii produktov othoda v kanalizacionnye sistemy ; 3. Zahoronenie nebol'shih kolichestv othodov v zemlju pri kontroliruemyh uslovijah; 4. Vozvrashhenie radioaktivnyh othodov na ustanovki Komissii po atomnoj jenergii dlja hranenija ili zahoronenija; 5. Szhiganie othodov; i 6. Udalenie v morja othodov v kontejnerah. Budut rassmotreny kriterii i reglamentacionnye trebovanija, primenjaemye k kazhdomu metodu udalenija othodov dlja dostizhenija takogo polozhenija, chtoby predotvratit' popadanie opasnyh kolichestv radioaktivnosti v pishhu cheloveka ili neblagoprijatnoe vlijanie na ispol'zovanie chelovekom okruzhajushhej sredy. Budut obsuzhdeny ogranichenija tipov, kolichestv i metodov udalenija othodov, na kotorye chastnym koncernam neobhodimo imet' razreshenie v svjazi s dlitel'nym harakterom otvetstvennosti po soderzhaniju mest zahoronenija ili oborudovanija dlja hranenija radioaktivnyh othodov. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1960}
month = {Jul}