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Recovery of Mice Thymus after X-Rays and 15 MeV Electrons. Comparative Study of the Cell Population Using Tritiated Thymidine; Regeneration du Thymus chez la Souris Apres Irradiation par des Rayons X et des Electrons de 15 MeV. Etude Comparee de la Population Cellulaire a l'Aide de Thymidine Tritiee; 0412 043e 0414 ; Restauracion del Timo de los Ratones Despues de Irradiarlo con Rayos X y Electrones de 15 MeV. Estudio Comparativo de la Poblacion Celular Utilizando Timidina Tritiada


The mechanism of recovery from acute radiation damage may be studied by using two types of radiations which show small differences in the acute RBE, and large differences of effect in the recovery phase. As observed in previous experiments, this condition is achieved by comparing the effects in mammals of 150 kVpX-rays and those of 15 MeV electrons produced by a betatron. The present paper presents the results of an autoradiographic study on the behaviour of single classes of cells of the mice thymus by use of tritiated thymidine as DNA precursor. Data are related to the modifications in distribution of the size categories of the cell population and to organ weight. After irradiation the large to small cell ratio is increased ; the incorporation of tritiated thymidine is reduced in large and in small lymphocytes. In the acute phase of effect, no significant differences between X-rays and electrons are observed in cell sizes and in labelling of large cells. A relative change appears in labelling of small cells, a fact that may have a relation with the RBE values of fast electrons, in agreement with the organ weight data. In the recovery, less differentiated cells show active proliferation, but  More>>
Biagini, C.; Paleani Vettori, P. G.; Zito Bignami, R. [1] 
  1. Istituto di Radiologia dell'Universita and Comitato Nazionale per l'Energia Nucleare, Rome (Italy)
Publication Date:
Feb 15, 1962
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Symposium on the Detection and Use of Tritium in the Physical and Biological Sciences, Vienna (Austria), 3-10 May 1961; Other Information: 6 refs., 2 tabs.; Related Information: In: Tritium in the Physical and Biological Sciences. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Detection and Use of Tritium in the Physical and Biological Sciences| 456 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Joint Commission on Applied Radioactivity of the International Council of Scientific Unions, Paris (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M3715014597
Submitting Site:
page(s) 373-379
Announcement Date:
Feb 14, 2014

Citation Formats

Biagini, C., Paleani Vettori, P. G., and Zito Bignami, R. Recovery of Mice Thymus after X-Rays and 15 MeV Electrons. Comparative Study of the Cell Population Using Tritiated Thymidine; Regeneration du Thymus chez la Souris Apres Irradiation par des Rayons X et des Electrons de 15 MeV. Etude Comparee de la Population Cellulaire a l'Aide de Thymidine Tritiee; 0412 043e 0414 ; Restauracion del Timo de los Ratones Despues de Irradiarlo con Rayos X y Electrones de 15 MeV. Estudio Comparativo de la Poblacion Celular Utilizando Timidina Tritiada. IAEA: N. p., 1962. Web.
Biagini, C., Paleani Vettori, P. G., & Zito Bignami, R. Recovery of Mice Thymus after X-Rays and 15 MeV Electrons. Comparative Study of the Cell Population Using Tritiated Thymidine; Regeneration du Thymus chez la Souris Apres Irradiation par des Rayons X et des Electrons de 15 MeV. Etude Comparee de la Population Cellulaire a l'Aide de Thymidine Tritiee; 0412 043e 0414 ; Restauracion del Timo de los Ratones Despues de Irradiarlo con Rayos X y Electrones de 15 MeV. Estudio Comparativo de la Poblacion Celular Utilizando Timidina Tritiada. IAEA.
Biagini, C., Paleani Vettori, P. G., and Zito Bignami, R. 1962. "Recovery of Mice Thymus after X-Rays and 15 MeV Electrons. Comparative Study of the Cell Population Using Tritiated Thymidine; Regeneration du Thymus chez la Souris Apres Irradiation par des Rayons X et des Electrons de 15 MeV. Etude Comparee de la Population Cellulaire a l'Aide de Thymidine Tritiee; 0412 043e 0414 ; Restauracion del Timo de los Ratones Despues de Irradiarlo con Rayos X y Electrones de 15 MeV. Estudio Comparativo de la Poblacion Celular Utilizando Timidina Tritiada." IAEA.
title = {Recovery of Mice Thymus after X-Rays and 15 MeV Electrons. Comparative Study of the Cell Population Using Tritiated Thymidine; Regeneration du Thymus chez la Souris Apres Irradiation par des Rayons X et des Electrons de 15 MeV. Etude Comparee de la Population Cellulaire a l'Aide de Thymidine Tritiee; 0412 043e 0414 ; Restauracion del Timo de los Ratones Despues de Irradiarlo con Rayos X y Electrones de 15 MeV. Estudio Comparativo de la Poblacion Celular Utilizando Timidina Tritiada}
author = {Biagini, C., Paleani Vettori, P. G., and Zito Bignami, R.}
abstractNote = {The mechanism of recovery from acute radiation damage may be studied by using two types of radiations which show small differences in the acute RBE, and large differences of effect in the recovery phase. As observed in previous experiments, this condition is achieved by comparing the effects in mammals of 150 kVpX-rays and those of 15 MeV electrons produced by a betatron. The present paper presents the results of an autoradiographic study on the behaviour of single classes of cells of the mice thymus by use of tritiated thymidine as DNA precursor. Data are related to the modifications in distribution of the size categories of the cell population and to organ weight. After irradiation the large to small cell ratio is increased ; the incorporation of tritiated thymidine is reduced in large and in small lymphocytes. In the acute phase of effect, no significant differences between X-rays and electrons are observed in cell sizes and in labelling of large cells. A relative change appears in labelling of small cells, a fact that may have a relation with the RBE values of fast electrons, in agreement with the organ weight data. In the recovery, less differentiated cells show active proliferation, but the percentage of mature lymphocytes remains small. After exposure to 15 MeV electrons proliferative activity of large cells is greater, according to the time curves of the thymic atrophy. From the above results, regenerative potentiality appears related to the degree of damage on primitive cells; for a given dose, the latter appears larger after X-rays than after electrons. (author) [French] On peut etudier le mecanisme de la guerison de radiolesions aiguees en utilisant deux types de rayonnements, qui ont a peu pres le meme EBR, mais dont les effets sont tres differents pendant la phase de regeneration. Comme les auteurs l'ont observe dans des experiences anterieures, une bonne methode consiste a comparer, chez des mammiferes, les effets des rayons X de 150 kVp avec ceux des electrons de 15 MeV emis par un betatron. Les auteurs presentent les resultats d'une etude autoradiographique sur le comportement de differentes categories de cellules de thymus chez la souris, etude dans laquelle ils ont utilise de la thymidine tritiee comme precurseur de l'ADN. Les donnees sont fonction des modifications du nombre relatif des diverses categories de cellules (par taille), ainsi que du poids de l'organe. Apres irradiation, la proportion des grandes cellules par rapport aux petites augmente; l'incorporation de thymidine tritiee diminue au niveau des grands et petits lymphocytes. Dans la phase aiguee, on n'observe aucune difference notable entre l'effet des rayons X et celui des electrons sur les dimensions des cellules et sur le marquage des grandes cellules. Une modification relative apparait pour le marquage des petites cellules; ce phenomene, qui peut avoir un rapport avec les valeurs EBR des electrons rapides, concorde avec les donnees relatives au poids de l'organe. Pendant la regeneration, les cellules moins differenciees presentent une proliferation active, mais le pourcentage des lymphocytes arrives a maturation reste faible. Apres exposition a des electrons de 15 MeV, la proliferation des grandes cellules est plus active, suivant les courbes d'atrophie du thymus en fonction du temps. D'apres les resultats ci-dessus, il semblerait que le pouvoir de regeneration depende de l'importance des lesions subies par les cellules primitives; pour une dose donnee, ces lesions semblent plus marquees apres exposition aux rayons X qu'apres exposition aux electrons. (author) [Spanish] El mecanismo de restauracion de las radiolesiones agudas puede estudiarse utilizando dos tipos de radiaciones que presentan escasas diferencias en cuanto a la intensidad de la EBR, pero que difieren notablemente en lo que respecta a los efectos durante la fase de restauracion. Como se ha observado en experimentos anteriores, ello puede lograrse comparando los efectos producidos en los mamiferos por rayos X de 150 kVp y por electrones de 15 MeV emitidos por un betatron. En la memoria se exponen los resultados de un estudio autorradiografico sobre el comportamiento de diferentes clases de celulas del timo de los ratones, en el que se ha utilizado timidina tritiada como precursor del acido desoxirribonucleico. Los datos se relacionan con las modificaciones de la distribucion de tamanos en la poblacion celular y con el peso del organo. Despues de la irradiacion, aumenta la razon macrocitos/microcitos y la incorporacion de timidina tritiada disminuye tanto en los linfocitos grandes como en los pequenos. Durante la fase en que los efectos se manifiestan con mayor intensidad, no se observan diferencias significativas entre los rayos X y los electrones en cuanto al tamano de las celulas o la marcacion de los macrocitos. En la marcacion de los microcitos se advierte una variacion relativa que concuerda con los datos referentes al peso del organo y que puede estar relacionada con el valor de la EBR de los electrones rapidos. En la fase de restauracion, las celulas menos diferenciadas proliferan activamente, pero el porcentaje de linfocitos maduros sigue siendo bajo. Despues de la exposicion a electrones de 15 MeV, la actividad de proliferacion de los macrocitos aumenta, segun la curva de la atrofia del timo en funcion del tiempo. A juzgar por estos resultados, la capacidad de regeneracion parece estar relacionada con la gravedad de la lesion de las celulas primitivas; para una dosis determinada, esta ultima es mayor cuando la irradiacion se efectua con rayos X que cuando se realiza con electrones. (author) [Russian] Mehanizm vosstanovlenija posle ostrogo radiacionnogo porazhenija mozhet byt' izuchen pri pomoshhi ispol'- zovanija radiacii dvuh vidov s nebol'shoj raznicej v zhestkoj otnositel'noj biologicheskoj jeffektivnosti, no so znachitel'nymi rashozhdenijami rezul'tatov v faze vosstanovlenija. Na osnovanii nabljudenij pri predydushhih onpytah zto usldovie dostigaetsja putem sravnenija vozdejstvija na mlekopitajushhih rntege- novskih luchej s pikovoj moshhnost'ju v 150 kvr i obluchenija ih jelektronami iz betatrona moshhnost'ju v 15 mev. V nastojashhem doklade privodjatsja rezul'taty avtoradiograficheskogo issledo- vanija povedenija odnorodnyh kletok myshinogo timusa s ispol'zovaniem tritiro- vannogo timidina v kachestve predshestvennika deoksiribonukleinovoj kisloty. Rezul'taty stavjatsja v zavisimost' ot izmenenij v raspredelenii razmernyh kategorij kletochnyh populjacij i ot vesa organa. V rezul'tate obluchenija sootnoshenie mezhdu krupnymi i melkimi kletkami uvelichivaetsja; pogloshhenie tritirovannogo timidina umen'shaetsja v krupnyh i v malyh limfocitah. V ostroj faze vozdejstvija ne nabljudaetsja znachitel'nyh rashozhdenij mezhdu rezul'tatami obluchenija rentgenovskimi luchami i jelektro- nami v smysle razmerov kletok i markirovki krupnyh kletok. Otnositel'noe izmenenie projavljaetsja v mechenii malyh kletochek; v sootvetstvii s dannymi o vese organa zto obstojatel'stvo mozhet nahodit'sja v zavisimosti ot znachenij otnositel'noj bilogicheskoj jeffektivnosti bystryh nejtronov. V processe vosstnovlenija menee differencirovannye kletki projavljajut aktivnoe razmnozhenie, no procentnaja dolja zrelyh limfocitov ostaetsja ne- znachitel'noj. V rezul'tate obluchenija jelektronami moshhnost'ju v 15 mjev razmno- zhenie krupnyh kletok proishodit bolee intensivno v zavisimosti ot krivyh vremeni atrofii timusov. Na osnovanii vyshepri edennyh rezul'tatov vosstano- vitel'naja sposobnost', po-vidimomu, svjazana so stepen'ju porazhenija prostejshih kletok; dlja dannoj dozy zta sposobnost' sohranjaetsja duchshe pri obluchenii rentgenovskimi luchami, chem pri obluchenii jelektronami. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1962}
month = {Feb}