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The Use of Direct Tritium Assay Techniques in Studies with Tritiated Thymidine; Application des Methodes de Dosage Direct du Tritium aux Etudes avec la Thymidine Tritiee; 041f 0440 0438 043c 0435 043d 0435 0414 ; Aplicacion de Tecnicas de Medicion Directa del Tritio a Estudios con Timidina Tritiada


Results are described of investigations into the catabolism of tritiated thymidine in the rat, during the period of its initial localization in tissues, and into the retention of tritium-labelled cells in intestine and bone marrow up to 16 d after labelling. During the first hour after the injection of tritiated thymidine, whilst the concentration of nonvolatile tritium in most tissues rose to a saturation level, the concentration in liver fell rapidly from an initially high level. Using a device which enabled a sample of tissue water to be extracted from a cold tissue specimen, measurements were made of the specific activity of tritiated water from various organs. By one hour after injection, the tritium concentration was almost constant throughout the body water, but during the period of establishment of this equilibrium, considerable gradients of tissue water specific activity could be detected. In liver, the gradient indicated a flow of tritiated water from the liver into the blood; in spleen, testis and muscle the flow was from the blood into the tissue. Measurements of tritium retention in intestine and bone marrow after giving tritiated thymidine, indicated that in both tissues there was an initial plateau and that the subsequent decay had  More>>
Gordon Steel, G. [1] 
  1. Physics Department, Institute of Cancer Research, Royal Cancer Hospital, Clifton Avenue, Belmont, Surrey (United Kingdom)
Publication Date:
Feb 15, 1962
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Symposium on the Detection and Use of Tritium in the Physical and Biological Sciences, Vienna (Austria), 3-10 May 1961; Other Information: 7 refs., 7 figs.; Related Information: In: Tritium in the Physical and Biological Sciences. Vol. II. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Detection and Use of Tritium in the Physical and Biological Sciences| 456 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Joint Commission on Applied Radioactivity of the International Council of Scientific Unions, Paris (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M3713014595
Submitting Site:
page(s) 349-358
Announcement Date:
Feb 14, 2014

Citation Formats

Gordon Steel, G. The Use of Direct Tritium Assay Techniques in Studies with Tritiated Thymidine; Application des Methodes de Dosage Direct du Tritium aux Etudes avec la Thymidine Tritiee; 041f 0440 0438 043c 0435 043d 0435 0414 ; Aplicacion de Tecnicas de Medicion Directa del Tritio a Estudios con Timidina Tritiada. IAEA: N. p., 1962. Web.
Gordon Steel, G. The Use of Direct Tritium Assay Techniques in Studies with Tritiated Thymidine; Application des Methodes de Dosage Direct du Tritium aux Etudes avec la Thymidine Tritiee; 041f 0440 0438 043c 0435 043d 0435 0414 ; Aplicacion de Tecnicas de Medicion Directa del Tritio a Estudios con Timidina Tritiada. IAEA.
Gordon Steel, G. 1962. "The Use of Direct Tritium Assay Techniques in Studies with Tritiated Thymidine; Application des Methodes de Dosage Direct du Tritium aux Etudes avec la Thymidine Tritiee; 041f 0440 0438 043c 0435 043d 0435 0414 ; Aplicacion de Tecnicas de Medicion Directa del Tritio a Estudios con Timidina Tritiada." IAEA.
title = {The Use of Direct Tritium Assay Techniques in Studies with Tritiated Thymidine; Application des Methodes de Dosage Direct du Tritium aux Etudes avec la Thymidine Tritiee; 041f 0440 0438 043c 0435 043d 0435 0414 ; Aplicacion de Tecnicas de Medicion Directa del Tritio a Estudios con Timidina Tritiada}
author = {Gordon Steel, G.}
abstractNote = {Results are described of investigations into the catabolism of tritiated thymidine in the rat, during the period of its initial localization in tissues, and into the retention of tritium-labelled cells in intestine and bone marrow up to 16 d after labelling. During the first hour after the injection of tritiated thymidine, whilst the concentration of nonvolatile tritium in most tissues rose to a saturation level, the concentration in liver fell rapidly from an initially high level. Using a device which enabled a sample of tissue water to be extracted from a cold tissue specimen, measurements were made of the specific activity of tritiated water from various organs. By one hour after injection, the tritium concentration was almost constant throughout the body water, but during the period of establishment of this equilibrium, considerable gradients of tissue water specific activity could be detected. In liver, the gradient indicated a flow of tritiated water from the liver into the blood; in spleen, testis and muscle the flow was from the blood into the tissue. Measurements of tritium retention in intestine and bone marrow after giving tritiated thymidine, indicated that in both tissues there was an initial plateau and that the subsequent decay had two prominent exponentials. In bone marrow the observation of a plateau conflicts with other published work; the plateau is not observed in animals which have received protracted irradiation. (author) [French] L'auteur decrit les resultats de recherches sur le catabolisme de la thymidine tritiee dans le rat, au cours de la periode de fixation initiale dans les tissus, et sur la retention de cellules marquees au tritium par l'intestin et la moelle osseuse dans un delai allant jusqu'a 16 jours apres le marquage. Pendant la premiere heure suivant l'injection de thymidine tritiee, alors que la concentration du tritium non volatil dans la plupart des tissus atteignait rapidement un degre de saturation, la concentration dans le foie, initialement elevee, diminuait rapidement. A l'aide d'un dispositif permettant de prelever des echantillons de l'eau des tissus faiblement irradies, l'auteur a mesure l'activite specifique de l'eau tritiee dans divers organes. Une heure apres l'injection, la concentration du tritium etait pratiquement uniforme dans tout le corps; mais pendant la periode ou s'etablissait cet equilibre, on a pu constater des gradients considerables dans l'activite specifique de l'eau des tissus. Dans le cas du foie, il s'agissait d'un afflux dans le sang d'eau tritiee provenant de cet organe; pour la rate, les testicules et les muscles, le mouvement etait oriente en sens contraire. Les mesures de la retention du tritium dans l'intestin et la moelle osseuse apres administration de thymidine tritiee ont montre qu'il existe pour les deux tissus consideres un palier initial et que la desintegration ulterieure comporte deux exponentielles predominantes. Dans le cas de la moelle osseuse, l'observation d'un palier est en desaccord avec d'autres travaux publies; il n'est du reste pas observe de palier chez les animaux qui ont ete soumis a une irradiation prolongee. (author) [Spanish] La memoria describe los resultados de investigaciones del catabolismo de la timidina tritiada en la rata durante el periodo de su fijacion inicial en los tejidos, y de la retencion de celulas marcadas con tritio en el intestino y en la medula osea hasta 16 dias despues de la marcacion. Durante la hora que sigue a la inyeccion de timidina tritiada, la concentracion de tritio no volatil crece hasta alcanzar el valor de saturacion en la mayoria de los tejidos, pero la concentracion hepatica desciende rapidamente desde un nivel inicial elevado. El autor midio la actividad especifica del agua tritiada de varios organos, empleando para ello un dispositivo que permite extraer en frio muestras de agua de los tejidos. Una hora despues de la inyeccion, la concentracion de tritio era casi uniforme en toda el agua del organismo, pero hasta alcanzar este equilibrio, se observan gradientes considerables de la actividad especifica del agua tisular. En el caso del higado, el gradiente indica que el agua tritiada fluye desde este organo hacia la sangre; en el bazo, los testiculos y el musculo, el agua fluye desde la sangre hacia el tejido. Las mediciones efectuadas en el intestino y en la medula osea despues de administrar timidina tritiada indican que en ambos tejidos la curva de retencion del tritio presenta una meseta inicial y que la disminucion subsiguiente tiene dos exponenciales prominentes. La existencia de una meseta en el caso de la medula osea esta en contradiccion con los resultados de otros trabajos publicados; esta meseta no se observa en la curva correspondiente a animales que han sido sometidos a una irradiacion prolongada. (author) [Russian] Opisyvajutsja rezul'taty issledovanij katabolizma tritirovannogo timidina u krysy v period ego per- vonachal'noj lokalizacii v tkanjah i uderzhanija mechennyh tritiem kletok v kishechnike i kostnom mozge do 16 dnej posle mechenija. V techenie pervogo chasa posle in{sup e}kcii tritirovannogo timidina, v to vremja kak koncentracija neletuchego tritija v bol'shinstve tkanej dostigaet urovnja nasyshhenija, koncentracija v pecheni bystro padaet s pervonachal'nogo vysokogo urovnja. V rezul'tate ispol'zovanija pribora, kotoryj daet vozmozhnost' vzjat' probu tkanievoj vody iz holodnogo obrazca tkani, byli sdelany izmerenija specificheskoj aktivnosti tritirovannoj vody iz razlichnyh organov. Cherez chas posle in{sup e}kcii koncentracija tritija byla pochti postojannoj vo vsej soderzhashhejsja v tele vode, no vo vremja ustanovlenija jetogo ravnovesija mogut byt' obnaruzheny znachitel'nye gradienty specificheskoj aktivneosti tkanievoj zhidkosti. V pecheni gradient ukazyval na pritok tritirovannoj vody iz pecheni v krov'; v selezenke, jaichkah i muskulah pritok nabljudalsja iz krovi v tkan'. Izmerenija uderzhanija tritija v kishechnike i kostnom mozge posle vvedenija tritirovannogo timidina ukazyvakot, chto v jetih tkanjah imelos' pervonachal'noe plato i chto posledujushhij raspad imel dve zametnye jeksponecii. V kostnom mozge nabljudenie plato rashoditsja s drugoj opublikovannoj rabotoj; plato ne nabljudaetsja u zhivotnyh, kotorye podvergalis' prodolzhitel'nomu oblucheniju. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1962}
month = {Feb}