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Present and Future Programmes in the Treatment and Ultimate Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in the United States of America; Programmes Actuels et Futurs de Traitement et d'Elimination Definitive des Dechets Radioactifs de Haute Activite aux Etats-Unis; 0422 0415 041a 0423 0429 0410 042f 0418 0411 0423 0414 ; Programas Estadounidenses Actuales y Futuros para el Tratamiento y Evacuacion Definitiva de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad


The inherent restrictions of tank storage for high activity waste, such as potential leakage and the necessity of liquid-waste transfer for periods of hundreds of years, has resulted in a vigorous research and development programme in the United States directed at engineering practical systems for the ultimate disposal of these materials. The programme in the Atomic Energy Commission Reactor Development Division is described as it relates to the development of a future nuclear power economy. The long-range waste management.programmes at the plutonium production centres, Hanford and Savannah River, with their particular site requirements, are briefly summarized. Several ''conversion to solids'' methods, including the use of fluid beds, heated pots, radiant-heated spray columns, rotary kilns and ceramic sponges are under study. The addition of glass - forming materials to be waste for the purpose of providing a more stable final product is also being investigated. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of each process are noted. The present status of these development projects is summarized and the proposed future programme plans are stated. The investigation of specific geologic formations such as salt structures, deep permeable basins, and impermeable crystalline rock for the ultimate storage or disposal of calcined solids or certain  More>>
Belter, W. G. [1] 
  1. United States Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, DC (United States)
Publication Date:
Feb 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Symposium on Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes Radioactive Wastes, Vienna (Austria), 8-12 Oct 1962; Other Information: 23 refs., 11 figs.; Related Information: In: Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes. Proceedings of the Symposium on Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes| 686 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M3567012628
Submitting Site:
page(s) 3-22
Announcement Date:
Feb 06, 2014

Citation Formats

Belter, W. G. Present and Future Programmes in the Treatment and Ultimate Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in the United States of America; Programmes Actuels et Futurs de Traitement et d'Elimination Definitive des Dechets Radioactifs de Haute Activite aux Etats-Unis; 0422 0415 041a 0423 0429 0410 042f 0418 0411 0423 0414 ; Programas Estadounidenses Actuales y Futuros para el Tratamiento y Evacuacion Definitiva de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad. IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Belter, W. G. Present and Future Programmes in the Treatment and Ultimate Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in the United States of America; Programmes Actuels et Futurs de Traitement et d'Elimination Definitive des Dechets Radioactifs de Haute Activite aux Etats-Unis; 0422 0415 041a 0423 0429 0410 042f 0418 0411 0423 0414 ; Programas Estadounidenses Actuales y Futuros para el Tratamiento y Evacuacion Definitiva de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad. IAEA.
Belter, W. G. 1963. "Present and Future Programmes in the Treatment and Ultimate Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in the United States of America; Programmes Actuels et Futurs de Traitement et d'Elimination Definitive des Dechets Radioactifs de Haute Activite aux Etats-Unis; 0422 0415 041a 0423 0429 0410 042f 0418 0411 0423 0414 ; Programas Estadounidenses Actuales y Futuros para el Tratamiento y Evacuacion Definitiva de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad." IAEA.
title = {Present and Future Programmes in the Treatment and Ultimate Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in the United States of America; Programmes Actuels et Futurs de Traitement et d'Elimination Definitive des Dechets Radioactifs de Haute Activite aux Etats-Unis; 0422 0415 041a 0423 0429 0410 042f 0418 0411 0423 0414 ; Programas Estadounidenses Actuales y Futuros para el Tratamiento y Evacuacion Definitiva de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad}
author = {Belter, W. G.}
abstractNote = {The inherent restrictions of tank storage for high activity waste, such as potential leakage and the necessity of liquid-waste transfer for periods of hundreds of years, has resulted in a vigorous research and development programme in the United States directed at engineering practical systems for the ultimate disposal of these materials. The programme in the Atomic Energy Commission Reactor Development Division is described as it relates to the development of a future nuclear power economy. The long-range waste management.programmes at the plutonium production centres, Hanford and Savannah River, with their particular site requirements, are briefly summarized. Several ''conversion to solids'' methods, including the use of fluid beds, heated pots, radiant-heated spray columns, rotary kilns and ceramic sponges are under study. The addition of glass - forming materials to be waste for the purpose of providing a more stable final product is also being investigated. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of each process are noted. The present status of these development projects is summarized and the proposed future programme plans are stated. The investigation of specific geologic formations such as salt structures, deep permeable basins, and impermeable crystalline rock for the ultimate storage or disposal of calcined solids or certain types of liquid wastes is described. Plans for a proposed field experiment in salt with full-scale activity are discussed. The exploratory drilling programme at the Savannah River Plant to determine the feasibility of storing aged, first- cycle wastes in the basement rock below SRP is briefly described and preliminary results noted. Brief reference is made of the-long-range engineering studies being conducted at Oak Ridge to evaluate the hazards and economics of various methods for handling, storage, and/or ultimate disposal of highly radioactive liquid and solid wastes. The role of this engineering evaluation programme in relation to future programme planning in waste management is discussed. (author) [French] Les difficultes inherentes au stockage en reservoir des dechets de haute activite, telles que le risque de fuite et la necessite du transfert des dechets liquides pendant des periodes extremement longues, ont donne lieu a l'execution aux Etats-Unis d'un vaste programme de recherches et de mises au point qui comporte l'etablissement de systemes pratiques d'elimination definitive de ces matieres. L'auteur decrit le programme de la 'Division de mise au point des reacteurs ' de la Commission de l'energie atomique des Etats-Unis, car il est important pour l'evolution des aspects economiques de l'energie d'origine nucleaire. Il donne un apercu des programmes a long terme de gestion des dechets dans les centres de production de plutonium, a Hanford et a Savannah River, compte tenu des conditions propres a leur situation geographique. L'auteur expose plusieurs methodes de 'conversion en solides 'actuellement a l'etude, dont l'emploi de lits fluidises, de pots chauffes, de colonnes de vaporisation a chaleur rayonnante, de fours a calciner rotatifs et d'eponges en matiSreTceramique. Il examine egalement la methode fondee sur l'addition aux dechets de materiaux vitrifiants en vue d'obtenir un produit plus stable. Il signale divers avantages et inconvenients de chacune de ces methodes. Il fait le point des travaux en cours et expose les plans des futurs programmes. L'auteur decrit les recherches sur certaines formations geologiques; structures salines, profonds bassins permeables et roches cristallines impermeables, pouvant servir au stockage ou a l'elimination definitive de solides calcines ou de divers types de dechets liquides. Il analyse des plans visant a faire une experience dans des structures salines avec des produits de haute activite. Il decrit brievement le programme de forages exploratoires que l'on execute a Savannah River pour determiner s'il est possible d'emmagasiner de vieux dechets du premier cycle dans le sol rocheux sous-jacent; il indique les resultats preliminaires obtenus. L'auteur evoque les etudes techniques a long terme qui se poursuivent ,aOak Ridge et qui ont pour objet d'evaluer les risques et les aspects economiques des diverses methodes de manipulation, de stockage et d'elimination definitive de dechets liquides et solides hautement radioactifs. Il examine le role de ces evaluations techniques dans l'elaboration des futurs programmes de gestion des dechets. (author) [Spanish] Las desventajas inherentes al almacenamiento de desechos de elevada radiactividad en tanques, tales como el riesgo de escape y la perspectiva de tener que proceder durante tiempos muy largos al transporte de desechos liquidos han inducido a preparar en los Estados Unidos un programa intensivo de estudios y mejoras encaminado a establecer sistemas practicos de evacuacion definitiva de aquellos materiales. El autor describe el programa de la Division de Desarrollo de reactores de la Comision de Energia Atomica de dicho pais en la medida en que se relaciona con la evolucion futura de la energia nucleoelectrica en sus aspectos economicos. Asimismo, presenta una sintesis de los programas a largo plazo para el tratamiento y la evacuacion de los desechos radiactivos en los centros de produccion de plutonio, en Hanford y Savannah River, senalando los requisitos impuestos por sus ubicaciones respectivas. Se estan llevando a cabo estudios sobre diversos metodos de {sup c}onversion en solidos', incluyendo el empleo de lechos fluidizados, crisoles, columnas de vaporizacion de calor radiante, hornos rotatorios y esponjas de material ceramico. Tambien se examina el metodo basado en la adicion de materiales vitrificantes a los desechos, a fin de obtener un producto mas estable. El autor senala las ventajas e inconvenientes inherentes a cada uno de esos metodos. Resume el estado actual de los mencionados proyectos y expone los planes propuestos para los futuros programas. El autor se refiere luego a las investigaciones sobre la posibilidad de utilizar determinadas formaciones geologicas, tales como estructurasesalinas, estanques permeables profundos y rocas cristalinas impermeables para el deposito o la evacuacion definitiva de solidos calcinados o de ciertos tipos de desechos liquidos. Examyea los planes propuestos para experimentar en el terreno con una sal de actividad analoga a la que se da en condiciones industriales. Alude brevemente al programa de perforaciones exploratorias que se ejecuta en la planta de Savannah River para determinar la posibilidad de almacenar desechos envejecidos, del primer ciclo, en el suelo rocoso de la region y menciona los resultados preliminares. Hace una referencia somera a los estudios tecnicos que, con proyecciones al futuro, se estan llevando a cabo en Oak Ridge con miras a evaluar los riesgos y las ventajas economicas que presentan los distintos metodos de tratamiento, almacenamiento y evacuacion definitiva de desechos Ifquidos y solidos de elevada radiactividad. Examina la funcion de esta evaluacion tecnica dentro del conjunto de la planificacion de futuros programas de tratamiento y evacuacion de desechos. (author) [Russian] Ogranichenija, prisushhie bakam dlja hranenija othodov vysokoj aktivnosti, a imenno vozmozhnost' utechki i neobhodimost' peremeshhenija zhidkih othodov v techenie soten let priveli v Soedinennyh Shtatah k razrabotke obshirnoj issledovatel'skoj i jeksperimental'noj programmy s cel'ju sozdanija prakticheski primenimyh tehnologicheskih sistem dlja okonchatel'nogo udalenija jetih materialov. Daetsja opisanie programmy Otdelenija po razrabotke reaktorov Komissii po atomnoj jenergii v svjazi s budushhim razvitiem jadernoj jenergetiki. Kratko rezjumirujutsja dolgosrochnye programmy obrabotki othodov v centrah po proizvodstvu plutonija v Hjenforde i Savanna River v sootvetstvii s osobennostjami ih mestoraspolozhenija. Izuchaetsja celyj rjad metodov po ''prevrashheniju v tverdoe sostojanie'', v tom chisle ispol'zovanie metoda dvizhushhegosja sloja, podogrevaemyh tigelej, forsunochnyh kolonn s teploizlucheniem, vrashhajushhihsja pechej i gubchatoj keramiki. Issleduetsja takzhe vozmozhnost' dobavlenija k othodam, stekloobra- zuzhhcih materialov dlja poluchenija bolee ustojchivogo konechnogo produkta. Otmechajutsja nekotorye preimushhestva i nedostatki kazhdogo iz jetih processov. Rezjumiruetsja sostojanie razrabotka jetih processov v nastojashhee vremja i privodjatsja nkmetki budushhej programmy. Privodjatsja rezul'taty obsledovanija specifichnyh geologicheskih obrazovanij, kak, naprimer, soljanyh zalezhej, glubokih vodoemov i vodonepronicaemyh kristallicheskih porod na predmet ispol'zovanija ih dlja okonchatel'nogo hranenija ili udalenija kal'cinirovannyh tverdyh veshhestv ili nekotoryh vidov zhidkih othodov. Obsuzhdajutsja plany predpolagaemyh polevyh jeksperimentov s real'noj aktivnost'ju v solenyh zalezhah. Kratko opisyvaetsja programma razvedochnogo burenija na zavode Savanna River dlja opredelenija vozmozhnostej hranenija staryh othodov pervogo cikla v korennyh porodah, zalegajushhih neposredstvenno v rajone zavoda. Soobshhajutsja predvaritel'nye rezul'taty. Dajutsja kratkie ukazanija otnositel'no dolgosrochnyh tehnologicheskih issledovanij, provodimyh v nastojashhee vremja v Okridzhe, dlja ocenki stepeni bezopasnosti i jekonomichnosti razlichnyh metodov obrabotki, hranenija i okonchatel'nogo udalenija zhidkih i tverdyh vysokoaktivnyh othodov. Obsuzhdaetsja rol' jetoj programmy tehnicheskoj ocenki v svjazi s dal'nejshim planirovaniem programmy obrabotki radioaktivnyh othodov. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Feb}