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Solidification of Radioactive Waste Solutions; Solidification des Effluents Radioactifs; 041e 0422 0412 0415 0420 0416 0414 0415 041d 0418 0415 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 041d 042b 0425 0421 0411 0420 041e 0421 041d 042b 0425 0420 0410 0421 0422 0412 041e 0420 041e 0412 ; Solidificacion de Efluentes Radiactivos


This paper sets out the results of experimental development of a method for the solidifaction of radioactive waste solutions, based on the drying and vitrification of precipitates of iron-hydroxide obtained by settling from radioactive solutions. The solidification system is based on the principle of maximum reduction of the waste off-gases after removal of the aerosols and volatile radioactive components. The authors established optimum conditions to obtain a chemically stable glass and succeeded in lowering the temperature for the melting of the glass by modifying the fluxes added. An appreciable drop in the chemical stability of the glass was noted when it was stored for a long time at temperatures above 300 Degree-Sign - 350 Degree-Sign C. The authors studied the leachability of radiocaesium from the glass. They also investigated the volatility of radiocaesium and radio ruthenium in the course of drying and melting and showed that in an atmosphere of carbonic acid gas the volatility of ruthenium completely disappears. Hie volatility of radiocaesium in appreciable quantities becomes noticeable at temperatures above 700 Degree-Sign C and increases as the temperature rises. It is shown that radiocaesium condenses in the drainage tubes at temperatures below 400 Degree-Sign C and is easily washed  More>>
Publication Date:
Feb 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Symposium on Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes Radioactive Wastes, Vienna (Austria), 8-12 Oct 1962; Other Information: 8 refs., 13 figs., 9 tabs.; Related Information: In: Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes. Proceedings of the Symposium on Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes| 686 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M3588006625
Submitting Site:
page(s) 441-463
Announcement Date:
Jan 23, 2014

Citation Formats

Brezhneva, N. E., Golovanov, Ju. N., Oziraner, S. N., Eremin, A. A., and Rozanova, V. N. Solidification of Radioactive Waste Solutions; Solidification des Effluents Radioactifs; 041e 0422 0412 0415 0420 0416 0414 0415 041d 0418 0415 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 041d 042b 0425 0421 0411 0420 041e 0421 041d 042b 0425 0420 0410 0421 0422 0412 041e 0420 041e 0412 ; Solidificacion de Efluentes Radiactivos. IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Brezhneva, N. E., Golovanov, Ju. N., Oziraner, S. N., Eremin, A. A., & Rozanova, V. N. Solidification of Radioactive Waste Solutions; Solidification des Effluents Radioactifs; 041e 0422 0412 0415 0420 0416 0414 0415 041d 0418 0415 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 041d 042b 0425 0421 0411 0420 041e 0421 041d 042b 0425 0420 0410 0421 0422 0412 041e 0420 041e 0412 ; Solidificacion de Efluentes Radiactivos. IAEA.
Brezhneva, N. E., Golovanov, Ju. N., Oziraner, S. N., Eremin, A. A., and Rozanova, V. N. 1963. "Solidification of Radioactive Waste Solutions; Solidification des Effluents Radioactifs; 041e 0422 0412 0415 0420 0416 0414 0415 041d 0418 0415 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 041d 042b 0425 0421 0411 0420 041e 0421 041d 042b 0425 0420 0410 0421 0422 0412 041e 0420 041e 0412 ; Solidificacion de Efluentes Radiactivos." IAEA.
title = {Solidification of Radioactive Waste Solutions; Solidification des Effluents Radioactifs; 041e 0422 0412 0415 0420 0416 0414 0415 041d 0418 0415 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 041d 042b 0425 0421 0411 0420 041e 0421 041d 042b 0425 0420 0410 0421 0422 0412 041e 0420 041e 0412 ; Solidificacion de Efluentes Radiactivos}
author = {Brezhneva, N. E., Golovanov, Ju. N., Oziraner, S. N., Eremin, A. A., and Rozanova, V. N.}
abstractNote = {This paper sets out the results of experimental development of a method for the solidifaction of radioactive waste solutions, based on the drying and vitrification of precipitates of iron-hydroxide obtained by settling from radioactive solutions. The solidification system is based on the principle of maximum reduction of the waste off-gases after removal of the aerosols and volatile radioactive components. The authors established optimum conditions to obtain a chemically stable glass and succeeded in lowering the temperature for the melting of the glass by modifying the fluxes added. An appreciable drop in the chemical stability of the glass was noted when it was stored for a long time at temperatures above 300 Degree-Sign - 350 Degree-Sign C. The authors studied the leachability of radiocaesium from the glass. They also investigated the volatility of radiocaesium and radio ruthenium in the course of drying and melting and showed that in an atmosphere of carbonic acid gas the volatility of ruthenium completely disappears. Hie volatility of radiocaesium in appreciable quantities becomes noticeable at temperatures above 700 Degree-Sign C and increases as the temperature rises. It is shown that radiocaesium condenses in the drainage tubes at temperatures below 400 Degree-Sign C and is easily washed off by weak solutions of nitric acid and water. Calculations of the heat release from radioactive glass show that the radius of globular glass castings from high-activity materials (10 c/g) must not exceed 25 cm. The paper includes the flowsheet for a process for the drying and vitrification of radioactive sludge by means of a gas- and heat-remover, together with details of the apparatus required. (author) [French] Les auteurs exposent les resultats des recherches qu'ils ont faites, dans leur laboratoire, pour mettre au point une methode de solidification des effluents radioactifs, fondee sur la dessiccation et la vitrification de l'hydroxyde de fer, obtenu par precipitation des solutions radioactives initiales. Le procede de solidification a ete elabore de maniere a reduire au minimum les gaz d'echappement necessitant une epuration en raison de la presence d*aerosols et d* elements radioactifs volatils. Au cours de leur travaux, les auteurs ont determine les conditions optima permettant d'obtenir du verre chimiquement stable et demontre qu'il est possible de reduire la temperature de fusion du verre en faisant varier les fondants ajoutes. Ils ont constate une diminution notable de la stabilite chimique du verre lorsque celui-ci a ete conserve pendant un temps prolonge a une temperature superieure a 300 - 350 Degree-Sign C. Ils ont examine dans quelle mesure le radiocesium risque d'etre elimine du verre par lixiviation. Ils ont egalement etudie la volatilite du radio- cesium et du radioruthenium au cours de la dessiccation et de la fusion et montre que la volatilite du ruthenium disparait entierement dans une atmosphere de gaz carbonique. Quant a la volatilite du radiocesium, elle se manifeste de facon sensible a partir de 700 Degree-Sign C et s'intensifie avec l'augmentation de la temperature. Les auteurs montrent que le radiocesium se condense sur les parois des tuyaux d'ecoulement a une temperature inferieure 3. 400 Degree-Sign C et qu'il peut etre facilement elue au moyen d'une faible solution d'acide nitrique et d'eau. Il ressort du calcul de la chaleur degagee par du verre radioactif que le rayon d'une boule de verre contenant une substance fortement radioactive (10 c/g) ne doit pas depasser 25 cm. Le memoire expose les diverses phases du procede de dessiccation et de vitrification des pates radioactives, qui est fonde sur l'utilisation du gaz comme conducteur thermique. Il indique en outre l'appareillage necessaire a cet effet. (author) [Spanish] Los autores exponen los resultados de la aplicacion de un metodo de laboratorio para la solidificacion de efluentes radiactivos, basado en el secado y la vitrificacion del hidroxido de hierro obtenido por precipitacion de las soluciones radiactivas iniciales. El procedimiento de solidificacion se elaboro con miras a reducir al minimo el volumen de los gases de escape que requieren una depuracion en raaon de la presencia de aerosoles y de componentes radiactivos volatiles. En el curso del trabajo los autores determinaron las condiciones optimas de preparacion de un vidrio quimicamente estable y demostraron la posibilidad de disminuir la temperatura de fusion del vidrio modificando la proporcion de fundentes agregados. Comprobaron que la estabilidad quimica del vidrio disminuye apreciablemente si se lo almacena durante largo tiempo a una temperatura superior a 300 Degree-Sign -350 Degree-Sign C. Estudiaron la medida en que el radiocesio corre el riesgo de ser extraido del vidrio por lixiviacion e investigaron la volatilidad del radiocesio y del radiorrutenio en el proceso de desecacion y fusion demostrando que la volatilidad del rutenio desaparece totalmente en atmosfera de anhidrido carbonico. La volatilidad del radiocesio adquiere valores apreciables a temperaturas superiores a los 700 Degree-Sign C y se intensifica al ascender la temperatura. Se observo que el radiocesio se condensa en la paredes de las tuberias de evacuacion por debajo de los 400 Degree-Sign C, pudiendo eluirse facilmente con una solucion diluida de acido nitrico en agua. Un calculo del calor desprendido en loe vidrios radiactivos indica que el radio de una esfera de vidrio que contenga un material de elevada radiactividad (10 c/g) no debe exceder de los 25 cm. Los autores presentan un esquema de las distintas fases del procedimiento de desecacion y vitrificacion de sustancias radiactivas basado en la utilizacion de refrigerantes gaseosos. Describen ademas los aparatos necesarios para llevar a cabo la operacion de moldeo. (author) [Russian] Izlagajutsja rezul'taty laboratornoj razrabotki metoda otverzhdenija radioaktivnyh sbrosnyh rastvorov, osnovannogo ka sushke i osteklovyvajaii osadkov gidrookisi zheleza, poluchennyh osazhdeniem iz radioaktivnyh ishodnyh rastvorov. Shema otverzhdenija razrabotana, ishodja iz uslovija umen'shenija do minimuma sbrosnyh sduvochnyh gazov, podlezhashhih ochistke, ot ajerozolej i letuchih radioaktivnyh komponent. V processe raboty ustanovleny optimal'nye uslovija poluchenija himicheski stojkogo stekla, a takzhe pokazana vozmozhnost' snizhenija temperatury plavki stekla var'irovaniem dobavok fljusov. Ustanovleno zametnoe snizhenie himicheskoj stojkosti stekla, podvergshegosja dlitel'nomu hraneniju pri temperature vyshe 300 - 350 Degree-Sign C. Izuchena vymyvaemost' radiocezija iz stekol. Issledovana letuchest' radiocezija i radiorutenija v processe sushki i plavki i pokazano, chto v atmosfere uglekislogo gaza letuchest' rutenija polnost'ju podavljaetsja. Letuchest' radiocezija v zametnyh kolichestvah stanovitsja zametnoj pri temperature vyshe 700 Degree-Sign C i rastet s povysheniem ee. Pokazano, chto radiocezij kondensiruetsja na otvodjashhih trubkah pri temperature nizhe 400 Degree-Sign C i legko smyvaetsja slabym rastvorom azotnoj kisloty i vody. Provedennyj raschet teplovydelenija radioaktivnyh stekol pokazal, chto radius sharovoj otlivki stekla iz vysokoaktivnogo materiala (10 kjuri/g) ne dolzhen prevyshat' 25 sm. Daetsja shema i apparaturnoe oformlenie processa sushki i osteklovyvanija radioaktivnyh pul'p, osnovannogo na ispol'zovanii gaza teplonositelja v sisteme. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Feb}