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Incorporation of Radioisotopes into Melted Silicates; Incorporation de Radioisotopes dans des Silicates Fondus; 0412 0412 0415 0414 0415 041d 0418 0415 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0418 0417 041e 0422 041e 041f 041e 0412 0412 0420 0410 0421 041f 041b 0410 0412 041b 0415 041d 041d 042b 0415 0421 0418 041b 0418 041a 0410 0422 042b ; Incorporacion de Radioisotopos en Silicatos Fundidos


The two aims of this research work are: (1) The selection of melted rock and of glass-type silicate materials suitable for incorporating biologically dangerous and long-lived radioisotopes; and (2) the determination of those factors which could influence the rate of release of incorporated isotopes should these could endanger the biosphere. For raw materials fourteen sorts of basalt-type melted rocks from North and West Bohemia and three sorts of selected glasses were used. In experimental study due attention was paid to the diffusion of radioisotopes in glass and melted rocks and to the chemical resistance of these materials. For investigation of the diffusion of Sr{sup 90} and Cs{sup 134} the method of ''thin layer'', described by Kryukov and Zhuchowickij, was chosen as the most advantageous. In the temperature region of 300 -600 Degree-Sign C: the diffusion coefficients of 10{sup -13}-10{sup -11}cm{sup 2}/sec were found. The fact that, for caesium, lower activation energy was found than for sodium, verifies the assumption of caesium being the least bound of all glass-forming elements. By measuring the leaching rate of caesium and strontium from melted rocks the largest portion of leached radioactivity was determined in the initial phase of the leaching process. After 100 hr,  More>>
Rakova, J.; Saidl, J. [1] 
  1. Nuclear Research Institute Rez near Prague, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (Czech Republic)
Publication Date:
Feb 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Symposium on Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes Radioactive Wastes, Vienna (Austria), 8-12 Oct 1962; Other Information: 18 refs., 4 tabs., 2 figs.; Related Information: In: Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes. Proceedings of the Symposium on Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes| 686 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M3583006620
Submitting Site:
page(s) 341-352
Announcement Date:
Jan 23, 2014

Citation Formats

Rakova, J., and Saidl, J. Incorporation of Radioisotopes into Melted Silicates; Incorporation de Radioisotopes dans des Silicates Fondus; 0412 0412 0415 0414 0415 041d 0418 0415 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0418 0417 041e 0422 041e 041f 041e 0412 0412 0420 0410 0421 041f 041b 0410 0412 041b 0415 041d 041d 042b 0415 0421 0418 041b 0418 041a 0410 0422 042b ; Incorporacion de Radioisotopos en Silicatos Fundidos. IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Rakova, J., & Saidl, J. Incorporation of Radioisotopes into Melted Silicates; Incorporation de Radioisotopes dans des Silicates Fondus; 0412 0412 0415 0414 0415 041d 0418 0415 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0418 0417 041e 0422 041e 041f 041e 0412 0412 0420 0410 0421 041f 041b 0410 0412 041b 0415 041d 041d 042b 0415 0421 0418 041b 0418 041a 0410 0422 042b ; Incorporacion de Radioisotopos en Silicatos Fundidos. IAEA.
Rakova, J., and Saidl, J. 1963. "Incorporation of Radioisotopes into Melted Silicates; Incorporation de Radioisotopes dans des Silicates Fondus; 0412 0412 0415 0414 0415 041d 0418 0415 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0418 0417 041e 0422 041e 041f 041e 0412 0412 0420 0410 0421 041f 041b 0410 0412 041b 0415 041d 041d 042b 0415 0421 0418 041b 0418 041a 0410 0422 042b ; Incorporacion de Radioisotopos en Silicatos Fundidos." IAEA.
title = {Incorporation of Radioisotopes into Melted Silicates; Incorporation de Radioisotopes dans des Silicates Fondus; 0412 0412 0415 0414 0415 041d 0418 0415 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0418 0417 041e 0422 041e 041f 041e 0412 0412 0420 0410 0421 041f 041b 0410 0412 041b 0415 041d 041d 042b 0415 0421 0418 041b 0418 041a 0410 0422 042b ; Incorporacion de Radioisotopos en Silicatos Fundidos}
author = {Rakova, J., and Saidl, J.}
abstractNote = {The two aims of this research work are: (1) The selection of melted rock and of glass-type silicate materials suitable for incorporating biologically dangerous and long-lived radioisotopes; and (2) the determination of those factors which could influence the rate of release of incorporated isotopes should these could endanger the biosphere. For raw materials fourteen sorts of basalt-type melted rocks from North and West Bohemia and three sorts of selected glasses were used. In experimental study due attention was paid to the diffusion of radioisotopes in glass and melted rocks and to the chemical resistance of these materials. For investigation of the diffusion of Sr{sup 90} and Cs{sup 134} the method of ''thin layer'', described by Kryukov and Zhuchowickij, was chosen as the most advantageous. In the temperature region of 300 -600 Degree-Sign C: the diffusion coefficients of 10{sup -13}-10{sup -11}cm{sup 2}/sec were found. The fact that, for caesium, lower activation energy was found than for sodium, verifies the assumption of caesium being the least bound of all glass-forming elements. By measuring the leaching rate of caesium and strontium from melted rocks the largest portion of leached radioactivity was determined in the initial phase of the leaching process. After 100 hr, the percentage of leached radioisotopes assumed a constant value. The leaching rate after a longer time is probably limited by frame-work corrosion and by the internal diffusion of soluble elements from the inside to the surface of the solid body. The corrosion of glasses and melted rocks was examined in static arrangement at constant temperature (35, 60 and 90 Degree-Sign C) and the leaching coefficients of 10{sup -11} -10{sup -9} cm{sup -2}sec{sup -1}(at 35 Degree-Sign C) were found. These results show that the materials investigated are suitable substrate for incorporating some high-level radioactive wastes. Should high-active blocks be disposed under controlled conditions in order to exclude any possible contact with water, the safety of this disposal can be guaranteed. (author) [French] Le memoire rend compte de travaux de recherche qui avaient pour but: 1. De choisir des materiaux (roche fondue ou silicate vitrifiable) se pretant a l'incorporation de radio- isotopes a longue periode biologiquement dangereux. 2. De determiner les facteurs susceptibles de diminuer la vitesse de liberation des radioisotopes incorpores, afin qu'ils ne constituent pas un danger pour la biosphere. Les auteurs ont utilise 14 echantillons de basaltes fondus provenant de la Boheme septentrionale et occidentale et trois echantillons de verres selectionnes. Au cours des experiences, on a tenu dument compte de la diffusion de radioisotopes dans les verres et les roches fondues et de la resistance chimique de ces materiaux. Pour etudier la diffusion de {sup 90}Sr et de {sup 134}Cs, on a choisi la methode de la ' couche mince ' decrite par Kryoukov et Jouchovitski, consideree comme la plus avantageuse. Dans la gamme de temperatures de 300 Degree-Sign a 600 Degree-Sign C, on a note des coefficients de diffusion de 10{sup -13} a 10{sup -11}cm{sup 2}/s. Le fait que l'energie d'activation est plus basse pour le cesium que pour le sodium confirme l'hypothese d'apres laquelle le cesium aurait une liaison plus faible que les autres coips simples vitri- fiables. En mesurant la vitesse de lixiviation du cesium et du strontium incorpores a des roches fondues, on a constate que la majeure partie de la radioactivite entrainee l'etait dans la phase initiale du processus. Apres 100 heures, le pourcentage entraine devenait constant. La vitesse de lixiviation ulterieure est probablement limitee par la corrosivite du milieu et par la diffusion interne des elements solubles, de l'interieur vers la surface du solide. On a etudie la corrosivite des verres et des roches fondues dans des conditions statiques a temperature constante (35, 60 et 90 Degree-Sign C) et on a trouve des coefficients de lixiviation de 10{sup -11}a 10{sup -9}/cm{sup 2}s{sup -1} (a 35 Degree-Sign C). Ces resultats montrent que les materiaux etudies constituent des substrats appropries pour y incorporer certains dechets de haute activite. En stockant les blocs de haute activite de telle maniere que tout contact avec l'eau soit exclu, on peut garantir la securite de ce mode d'elimination. (author) [Spanish] La finalidad de este trabajo es doble: 1. Seleccionar tipos de rocas fundidas y de silicatos vitreos que se prestan para la incorporacion de radioisotopos de periodo largo biologicamente peligrosos; y 2. Determinar los factores capaces de influir en la velocidad de liberacion de los isotopos incorporados, en caso de que estos puedan contaminar la biosfera. Como materia prima, se han utilizado 14 variedades de rocas basalticas fundidas del Norte y el Oeste de Bohemia, asi como tres variedades de vidrios. En el estudio experimental, se ha prestado la debida atencion a la difusion de los radioisotopos en el vidrio y en las rocas fundidas, asi como a la resistencia quimica de estos materiales. Para investigar la difusion del {sup 90}Sr y del {sup 134}Cs, se ha empleado el metodo de la ''capa delgada'', descrito por Kryukov y Zhuchowickij, por considerarse que constituye el mas indicado. En el intervalo de temperaturas de 300 Degree-Sign a 600 Degree-Sign C, se han observado coeficientes de difusion de 10{sup -13} a 10{sup -11}cm{sup 2}/s. El hecho comprobado de que la energia de activacion del cesio sea inferior a la del sodio confirma la hipotesis de que el cesio es el mas debilmente ligado de todos los elementos vitrificantes. Por medida de la velocidad de lixiviacion del Cs y del Sr contenidos en las rocas fundidas se ha comprobado que la mayor parte de la sustancia radiactiva lixiviada aparece en la fase inicial del proceso. El porcentaje de radioisotopos lixiviados alcanza un valor constante al cabo de 100 horas. Pasado ese tiempo, la velocidad de lixiviacion es probablemente reducida por la corrosividad de la estructura y por la difusion interna de elementos solubles del interior del solido hacia la superficie del mismo. La corrosividad de los vidrios y de las rocas fundidas se. ha examinado en condiciones estaticas a temperatura constante (35 Degree-Sign , 60 Degree-Sign y 90 Degree-Sign C) obteniendose coeficientes de lixiviacion comprendidos entre 10{sup -11} y 10{sup -9} cm{sup -2}s{sup -1}(a 35 Degree-Sign C). Estos resultados muestran que los materiales investigados constituyen un medio adecuado para la incorporacion de algunos desechos de elevada radiactividad. Este metodo de evacuacion puede considerare completamente seguro, siempre que los bloques activos asi formados se depositen en condiciones que excluyan la posibilidad de contacto con el agua. (author) [Russian] Cel'ju dannoj issledovatel'skoj raboty javljaetsja: 1. Vybor kamenistyh i steklovidnyh silikatnyh materialov, prigodnyh dlja vvedenija biologicheski opasnyh i dolgozhivushhih radioizotopov. 2. Opredelenie faktorov, kotorye mogut okazyvat' vlijanie na skorost' vysvobozhdenija vvedennyh izotopov, chtoby oni ne predstavljali opasnosti dlja biosfery. V kachestve syr'evyh materialov ispol'zovalis' 14 sortov rasplavlennyh porod bazal'tovogo tipa iz severnoj i zapadnoj Bogemii i tri sorta otdel'nyh vidov stekla. Pri jeksperimental'nom issledovanii dolzhnoe vnimanie udeljalos' diffuzii radioizotopov v stekov i v rasplavlennyh porodah a takzhe himicheokoj ustojchivosti jetih materialov. Dlja issledovanija Diffuzii stroncija-90 i-cezija-134 byl vybran metod {sup t}onkogo sloja{sup ,} opisannyj Krjukovym i Zhukovickim, kak naibolee podhodjashhij. Pri temperaturah porjadka 300 - 600 Degree-Sign C byli ustanovleny kojefficienty diffuzii 10{sup -13} - 10{sup -11}cm{sup 2}/sek. Tot fakt, chto dlja cezija byla obnaruzhena bolee nizkaja jenergija aktivacii, chem dlja natrija, podtverzhdaet predpolozhenie o tom, chto iz vseh stekloobrajeuhhcih jelementov cezij imeet naimen'shie svjazi. Pri izmerenii skorosti vyshhelachivanija cezija i stroncija iz rasplavlennyh porod bol'shaja chast' vyshhelochennoj radioaktivnosti byla obnaruzhena v nachal'noj faze processa vyshhelachivanija-. Po istechenii 100 chasov process vyshhelachennyh radioizotopov stal postojannoj velichinoj. Skorost' vyshhelachivanija po istechenii prodolzhitel'nogo vremeni, verojatno, opredeljaetsja obshhej korrozionnoj stojkost'ju, a takzhe vnutrennej diffuziej rastvorimyh jelementov iz serediny tverdogo tela k poverhnosti. Korrozionnaja stojkost' stekla i rasplavlennyh porod izuchalas' v staticheskom sostojanii pri postojannoj temperature (35, 60 i 90 Degree-Sign C), i najdennye kojefficienty vyshhelachivanija byli v predelah 10{sup -11} -10{sup -9} cm{sup -2}sec{sup -1} (pri 35 Degree-Sign C). Jeti rezul'taty pokazyvajut, chto issledovavshiesja mineraly javljajutsja prigodnoj osnovoj dlja vvedenija nekotoryh vysokoaktivnyh othodov. Esli vysokoaktivnye othody budu udaljat'sja pri kontroliruemyh uslovijah, iskljuchajushhih kakoj-libo kontakt s vodoj, mozhno garantirovat' bezopasnost' jetogo udalenija. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Feb}