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Hanford High-Level Waste Management; Gestion des Dechets de Haute Activite a Hanford; 041e 0411 0420 0410 0411 041e 0422 041a 0410 0412 042b 0421 041e 041a 041e 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 041d 042b 0425 041e 0422 0425 041e 0414 041e 0412 0412 0425 042d 041d 0424 041e 0420 0414 0415 ; Tratamiento y Evacuacion de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad en Hanford


During the 17-year history of Hanford operations, a high degree of safety has been provided at reasonable cost by storing high-level radiochemical wastes as alkaline slurries in underground tanks. Since this operation has been regarded as an interim measure only, a programme is being developed to decrease the mobility of the stored materials in order to achieve an increased assurance of continued containment of the stored materials. As currently visualized the large volumes of essentially non-heating dejacketing wastes will be evaporated to salt cakes in existing underground tanks. Laboratory studies and prototype operation in a 5000-gal tank indicate that the passage of heated air through the solution can remove enough water that, with controlled carbonation to convert free caustic to sodium carbonate, a non-hydroscopic salt cake can be formed. The self-heating wastes will be fractionized to permit the separate storage of the long-lived heat emitters in small volume, high-integrity containers. These materials could be made available for beneficial use on request. After 5 to 10 years decay of the short-lived heat emitters, the residual salt wastes will be combined with current dejacketing wastes and evaporated to salt cakes. Assuming the concurrence of the United States Atomic Energy Commission an obsolete  More>>
Tomlinson, R. E. [1] 
  1. Hanford Laboratories, General Electric Co., Richland, WA (United States)
Publication Date:
Feb 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Symposium on Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes Radioactive Wastes, Vienna (Austria), 8-12 Oct 1962; Other Information: 5 tabs., 11 figs.; Related Information: In: Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes. Proceedings of the Symposium on Treatment and Storage of High-Level Radioactive Wastes| 686 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M3571006610
Submitting Site:
page(s) 93-118
Announcement Date:
Jan 23, 2014

Citation Formats

Tomlinson, R. E. Hanford High-Level Waste Management; Gestion des Dechets de Haute Activite a Hanford; 041e 0411 0420 0410 0411 041e 0422 041a 0410 0412 042b 0421 041e 041a 041e 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 041d 042b 0425 041e 0422 0425 041e 0414 041e 0412 0412 0425 042d 041d 0424 041e 0420 0414 0415 ; Tratamiento y Evacuacion de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad en Hanford. IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Tomlinson, R. E. Hanford High-Level Waste Management; Gestion des Dechets de Haute Activite a Hanford; 041e 0411 0420 0410 0411 041e 0422 041a 0410 0412 042b 0421 041e 041a 041e 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 041d 042b 0425 041e 0422 0425 041e 0414 041e 0412 0412 0425 042d 041d 0424 041e 0420 0414 0415 ; Tratamiento y Evacuacion de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad en Hanford. IAEA.
Tomlinson, R. E. 1963. "Hanford High-Level Waste Management; Gestion des Dechets de Haute Activite a Hanford; 041e 0411 0420 0410 0411 041e 0422 041a 0410 0412 042b 0421 041e 041a 041e 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 041d 042b 0425 041e 0422 0425 041e 0414 041e 0412 0412 0425 042d 041d 0424 041e 0420 0414 0415 ; Tratamiento y Evacuacion de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad en Hanford." IAEA.
title = {Hanford High-Level Waste Management; Gestion des Dechets de Haute Activite a Hanford; 041e 0411 0420 0410 0411 041e 0422 041a 0410 0412 042b 0421 041e 041a 041e 0420 0410 0414 0418 041e 0410 041a 0422 0418 0412 041d 042b 0425 041e 0422 0425 041e 0414 041e 0412 0412 0425 042d 041d 0424 041e 0420 0414 0415 ; Tratamiento y Evacuacion de Desechos de Elevada Radiactividad en Hanford}
author = {Tomlinson, R. E.}
abstractNote = {During the 17-year history of Hanford operations, a high degree of safety has been provided at reasonable cost by storing high-level radiochemical wastes as alkaline slurries in underground tanks. Since this operation has been regarded as an interim measure only, a programme is being developed to decrease the mobility of the stored materials in order to achieve an increased assurance of continued containment of the stored materials. As currently visualized the large volumes of essentially non-heating dejacketing wastes will be evaporated to salt cakes in existing underground tanks. Laboratory studies and prototype operation in a 5000-gal tank indicate that the passage of heated air through the solution can remove enough water that, with controlled carbonation to convert free caustic to sodium carbonate, a non-hydroscopic salt cake can be formed. The self-heating wastes will be fractionized to permit the separate storage of the long-lived heat emitters in small volume, high-integrity containers. These materials could be made available for beneficial use on request. After 5 to 10 years decay of the short-lived heat emitters, the residual salt wastes will be combined with current dejacketing wastes and evaporated to salt cakes. Assuming the concurrence of the United States Atomic Energy Commission an obsolete canyon-type building will be reactivated and revised to conduct the chemical processing operations required. Solvent extraction (D2EHPA) will probably be used to isolate strontium and cerium from acid waste. A choice has not yet been made between solvent extraction, ion exchange and precipitation for caesium isolation. The integrated operation is anticipated to be in operation about 1966. (author) [French] Pedant les dix-sept annees de fonctionnement des installations de Hanford, on a obtenu un degre de securite eleve a un cout raisonnable en stockant les dechets radiochimiques de haute activite, sous forme de boues alcalines, dans des reservoirs souterrains. Comme on considere cette operation comme une mesure provisoire, on s'occupe activement de mettre au point une methode permettant de reduire la mobilite des matieres stockees, afin d'etre plus certain de leur confinement a long terme. Dans les reservoirs souterrains existants, on fera evaporer, jusqu'a obtention de tourteaux de sel, les volumes importants de dechets et de gainage, qui, par nature, sont peu susceptibles d'auto-echauffement. Les etudes en laboratoire et les premiers essais effectues avec un reservoir de 5000 gallons montrent que le passage d'un courant d'air chaud a travers la solution, associe a une carbonatation controlee pour transformer Thydroxyde de sodium libre en carbonate de sodium, permet d'eliminer suffisamment d'eau pour former un tourteau de sel non hygroscopique. Les dechets susceptibles d'auto-echauffement seront fractionnes pour permettre d'entreposer separement les emetteurs de chaleur a longue periode dans de petits recipients tres resistants. Etant donne que ces matieres peuvent etre utilisees avec profit, on pourrait en obtenir sur demande. Apres 5 a 10 ans de desintegration des emetteurs de chaleur a courte periode, les dechets salins residuels seront combiries avec les dechets courants de degainage pour evaporation comme il est dit plus haut. Pour pouvoir mener a bien le traitement chimique necessaire, on amenage un ancien batiment a cellules isolees. On recourra probablement a l'extraction par solvant (D2EHPA) pour separer le strontium et le cerium des dechets acides, mais on n'a pas encore decide si la separation du cesium se fera au moyen de l'extraction par solvant, par echanges d'ions ou par precipitation. On prevoit que l'ensemble de l'operation pourra etre realise aux environs de 1966. (author) [Spanish] En los 17 anos que vienen funcionando las instalaciones de Hanford, se ha conseguido un elevado grado de seguridad a un costo razonable almacenando los desechos radioquimicos de elevada actividad en forma de barros alcalinos en tanques subterraneos. Como esta operacion solo se considera provisional, se esta llevando activa mente a la practica un programa encaminado a reducir la movilidad de los materiales almacenados a fin de mejorar el confinamiento a largo plazo. En los actuales tanques subterraneos, se evaporaran hasta obtener tortas de sal grandes volumenes de desechos de desenvainado que en esencia no son autocalentadores. Los estudios de laboratorio y los primeros ensayos efectuados en un tanque de 5 000 gal demuestran que el paso de una corriente de aire caliente a traves de la solucion, junto con una carbonatacion controlada para transformar elhidroxidodesodio libre en carbonato de sodio, permite eliminar bastante agua para formar una torta de sal no higroscopica. Los desechos auto- calentadores se fraccionaran para poder almacenar por separado los emisores de periodo largo en pequenos recipientes de gran solidez. Estos materiales podrian aprovecharse en casos especiales. Despues de que los emisores autocalentadores de periodo corto se hayan ''friado''urante 5 a 10 a, los desechos salinos residuales se combinaran con los desechos corrientes de desvainado y se evaporaran para formar tortas de sal. Para llevar a cabo el tratamiento quimico necesario, se estan introduciendo ciertas modificaciones en un antiguo edificio con pasillos blindados. Probablemente se recurrira a la extraccion por solvente (D2EHPA) para separar el estroncio y el cerio de los desechos acidos; aun no se ha decidido si la aislacion del cesio se efectuara mediante extraccion por solventes, el intercambio ionico o la precipitacion. Se confia que la operacion completa podra llevarse a cabo alrededor de 1966. (author) [Russian] Za 17 let v Hjenforde dostignuta vysokaja stepen' bezopasnosti hranenija vysokoradioaktivnyh othodov v vide shhelochnyh shlammov v podzemnyh bakah pri sravnitel'no nevysokoj stoimosti. V nastojashhee vremja osushhestvljaetsja programma sokrashhenija podvizhnosti hranimyh materialov dlja dostizhenija bol'shej uverennosti v nadezhnosti ih dlitel'nogo hranenija. Bol'shie ob'my prakticheski ne nagrevahhcihsja othodov poduchennyh v rezul'tate snjatija obolochek s teplovydeljajushhih jelementov, budut uparivat'sja v sushhestvujushhih podzemnyh bakah do poluchenija solenyh briketov. Laboratornye issledovanija i probnaja operacija v bake emkost'ju v 18 900 l pokazyvajut, chto putem -propuskanija nagretogo vozduha cherez rastvor mozhno udalit' dostatochnoe kolichestvo vody i chto reguliruemoe nasyshhenie ugol'noj kislotoj dlja prevrashhenija svobodnogo edkogo natrija v karbonat daet vozmozhnost' poluchat' negigroskopichnye soljanye brikety. Samoproizvol'no nagrevajushhiesja othody budut frakcionizirovat'sja dlja togo, chtoby dolgozhivushhie izluchateli tepla mozhje bylo hranit' razdel'no v prochnyh kontejnerah malogo ob{sup e}ma. V sluchae neobhodimosti jeti materialy mogut byt' ispol'zovany dlja razlichnyh celej. Cherez 5 idi 10 det posle raspada korotko-- zhivushhih izluchatelej tepla, ostavshiesja oodjanye othody budut smeshivat'sja s othodami, poluchaemymi v rezul'tate udalenija obolochek, uparivat'sja i briketirovat'sja. Dlja provedenija neobhodimyh rabot po himicheskoj pererabotke v nastojashhee vremja vosstanavlivaetsja i rekonstruiruetsja staroe zdanie s kan'onami. Dlja vydelenija stroncija i cerija iz kislyh othodov, verojatno, budet ispol'zovan metod jekstrakcii rastvoritelem (D2EHPA). Dlja vydelenija cezija eshhe ne sdelano okonchatel'nogo vybora mezhdu jekstrakciej, ionnym obmenom i metodom osazhdenija. Predpolagaetsja, chto processy vydelenija otdel'nyh izotopov budut vneseny primerno v 1966 godu. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Feb}