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Applications of Fluorine-18 in Biological Studies with Special Reference to Bone and Thyroid Physiology; Emploi du Fluor-18 dans des Études Biologiques, Notamment sur la Physiologie des Os et de la Thyroïde; ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ФТОРА-18 В БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ С УДЕЛЕНИЕМ ОСОБОГО ВНИМАНИЯ ВОПРОСАМ ФИЗИОЛОГИИ КОСТЕЙ И ФИЗИОЛОГИИ ПИТОВИДНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ; Aplicaciones del Fluor-18 en Estudios Biologicos, con Especial Referencia a la Fisiologia del Esqueleto y de la Tiroides


At the authors laboratories fluorine-18 was applied during the last three years to a great variety of problems in biology and medicine. Methods were developed to prepare fluorine by each of the O{sup 18}(p, n), O{sup 16}(H{sup 3}, n) and F{sup 18}(n, 2n) reactions. Radiofluorine-labelled compounds were prepared by isotopic exchange, by synthesis, by recoil labelling and by retention of fluorine in fluoro-organic compounds undergoing the (n, 2n) reaction. Special low- level counting techniques were developed to cope with the low activities of tracer amounts of organic fluoro-compounds. Fluoride-18 ions were applied to studies in bone physiology. It was found that F{sup -} follows calcium in many aspects of its physiological behaviour; the accumulation ol F in bone was found to increase under the influence of vitamin D and of testosterone, whereas cortizone and estrogens diminished the extent of fluoride accretion. The pattern of distribution of fluorine in the organism was modified when administered in the form of a cationic complex. Fluorine-18 labelled YF{sup ++} or ZF{sup +3} were found to follow the pattern of distribution of the parent cations. Fluoroborate ions were shown to accumulate in the thyroid gland to an extent comparable to that of iodide ions. Fluoroborate  More>>
Anbar, M.; [1]  IAEC Soreq Research Establishment, Rehovot (Israel)]
  1. Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel)
Publication Date:
Mar 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Seminar on the Practical Applications of Short-Lived Radioisotopes Produced in Small Research Reactors, Vienna (Austria), 5-9 Nov 1962; Other Information: 50 refs., 4 tabs.; Related Information: In: Production and Use of Short-Lived Radioisotopes from Reactors. Vol. II. Proceedings of a Seminar on the Practical Applications of Short-Lived Radioisotopes Produced in Small Research Reactors| 292 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M4273127989
Submitting Site:
page(s) 227-244
Announcement Date:
Dec 16, 2013

Citation Formats

Anbar, M., and IAEC Soreq Research Establishment, Rehovot (Israel)]. Applications of Fluorine-18 in Biological Studies with Special Reference to Bone and Thyroid Physiology; Emploi du Fluor-18 dans des Études Biologiques, Notamment sur la Physiologie des Os et de la Thyroïde; ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ФТОРА-18 В БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ С УДЕЛЕНИЕМ ОСОБОГО ВНИМАНИЯ ВОПРОСАМ ФИЗИОЛОГИИ КОСТЕЙ И ФИЗИОЛОГИИ ПИТОВИДНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ; Aplicaciones del Fluor-18 en Estudios Biologicos, con Especial Referencia a la Fisiologia del Esqueleto y de la Tiroides. IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Anbar, M., & IAEC Soreq Research Establishment, Rehovot (Israel)]. Applications of Fluorine-18 in Biological Studies with Special Reference to Bone and Thyroid Physiology; Emploi du Fluor-18 dans des Études Biologiques, Notamment sur la Physiologie des Os et de la Thyroïde; ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ФТОРА-18 В БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ С УДЕЛЕНИЕМ ОСОБОГО ВНИМАНИЯ ВОПРОСАМ ФИЗИОЛОГИИ КОСТЕЙ И ФИЗИОЛОГИИ ПИТОВИДНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ; Aplicaciones del Fluor-18 en Estudios Biologicos, con Especial Referencia a la Fisiologia del Esqueleto y de la Tiroides. IAEA.
Anbar, M., and IAEC Soreq Research Establishment, Rehovot (Israel)]. 1963. "Applications of Fluorine-18 in Biological Studies with Special Reference to Bone and Thyroid Physiology; Emploi du Fluor-18 dans des Études Biologiques, Notamment sur la Physiologie des Os et de la Thyroïde; ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ФТОРА-18 В БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ С УДЕЛЕНИЕМ ОСОБОГО ВНИМАНИЯ ВОПРОСАМ ФИЗИОЛОГИИ КОСТЕЙ И ФИЗИОЛОГИИ ПИТОВИДНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ; Aplicaciones del Fluor-18 en Estudios Biologicos, con Especial Referencia a la Fisiologia del Esqueleto y de la Tiroides." IAEA.
title = {Applications of Fluorine-18 in Biological Studies with Special Reference to Bone and Thyroid Physiology; Emploi du Fluor-18 dans des Études Biologiques, Notamment sur la Physiologie des Os et de la Thyroïde; ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ФТОРА-18 В БИОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ С УДЕЛЕНИЕМ ОСОБОГО ВНИМАНИЯ ВОПРОСАМ ФИЗИОЛОГИИ КОСТЕЙ И ФИЗИОЛОГИИ ПИТОВИДНОЙ ЖЕЛЕЗЫ; Aplicaciones del Fluor-18 en Estudios Biologicos, con Especial Referencia a la Fisiologia del Esqueleto y de la Tiroides}
author = {Anbar, M., and IAEC Soreq Research Establishment, Rehovot (Israel)]}
abstractNote = {At the authors laboratories fluorine-18 was applied during the last three years to a great variety of problems in biology and medicine. Methods were developed to prepare fluorine by each of the O{sup 18}(p, n), O{sup 16}(H{sup 3}, n) and F{sup 18}(n, 2n) reactions. Radiofluorine-labelled compounds were prepared by isotopic exchange, by synthesis, by recoil labelling and by retention of fluorine in fluoro-organic compounds undergoing the (n, 2n) reaction. Special low- level counting techniques were developed to cope with the low activities of tracer amounts of organic fluoro-compounds. Fluoride-18 ions were applied to studies in bone physiology. It was found that F{sup -} follows calcium in many aspects of its physiological behaviour; the accumulation ol F in bone was found to increase under the influence of vitamin D and of testosterone, whereas cortizone and estrogens diminished the extent of fluoride accretion. The pattern of distribution of fluorine in the organism was modified when administered in the form of a cationic complex. Fluorine-18 labelled YF{sup ++} or ZF{sup +3} were found to follow the pattern of distribution of the parent cations. Fluoroborate ions were shown to accumulate in the thyroid gland to an extent comparable to that of iodide ions. Fluoroborate ions do not undergo any organic binding in the thyroid, and their uptake is a specific, indication of the function of the 'trapping stage' in the gland. Fluorine-18 labelled fluoroborate has been applied to a variety of problems in thyroid physiology. It has been shown that TSH diminishes the uptake of BF{sub 4}{sup -} in the first few hours after administration and enhances it after 24 h. The inhibitory action of iron, copper, zinc, cadmium, fluoride, thiocyanate and other ions on the iodine uptake was simulated by BF{sub 4}{sup -}; thus the trapping stage was shown to be involved. In an analogous series of experiments sulphydryl- containing compounds, as well as azide ions, were found to enhance the trapping of fluoroborate, although they diminish the overall iodine uptake. Next, it was demonstrated that the trapping stage is much less radiosensitive than the stages of thyroxine formation and release. A quite different application of F{sup 16}-labelled fluoroborate ions was in the localization of brain tumours, by directional coincidence scanning owing to the limited permeability of these ions via the intact blood- brain barrier. Fluorine-18 labelled fluoraromatic chelating agents were prepared and applied to problems in bone physiology. Fluorine-18 labelled aromatic vital dyes were used in investigating problems of permeability through biological membranes. Fluorine-18 labelled fluorine containing antimetabolites including 5-fluorouracyl and fluoro-orotic acid, have been prepared and applied to physiological problems, including cancer research. (author) [French] Dans les laboratoires de la CEAI, le fluor-18 a ete utilise au cours des trois dernieres annees pour resoudre de nombreux problemes de biologie et de medecine. Des methodes ont ete mises au point pour preparer le fluor par chacune des reactions {sup 18}O (p, n), {sup 16}O(H{sup 3}, n) et {sup 18}F(n, 2n). Des composes marques au radiofluor ont ete prepares par echange isotopique, synthese, marquage par recul et retention du fluor dans des composes fluores organiques soumis a la reaction (n, 2n). Des techniques speciales de comptage ont ete mises au point pour mesurer les faibles activites de doses traceuses de composes fluores organiques. Les ions {sup 18}F{sup -} ont ete utilises pour des etudes sur la physiologie des os. On a constate que l'ion F' est semblable au calcium en de nombreux aspects de son comportement physiologique; on a observe que la fixation F par l'os augmente sous l'influence de la vitamine D et de la testosterone tandis que la cortisone et les oestrogenes reduisent le taux de fixation. Le mode de distribution du fluor dans l'organisme se modifie lorsqu'il est administre sous la torme d'un complexe cationique. On a constate que la distribution de YF{sup ++} ou ZF{sup +3} marques au fluor-18 est la meme que pour les cations generateurs. uen a montre que l'accumulation des ions fluoboratesdansla glande thyroiede est comparable a celle des ions d'iode. Les ions fluoboratesnesont soumis a aucune liaison organique dans la thyroiede, et leur fixation constitue une indication specifique de la phase de ' capture' qui a lieu dans la glande. Le fluoborate marque au fluor-18 a ete utilise pour resoudre divers problemes relatifs a la physiologie de la thyroiede. On a montre que la thyreostimuline (TSH) diminue la fixation de BF{sub 4}{sup -} au cours des premieres heures qui suivent son administration et l'augmente apres 24 heures. L'action inhibitrice des ions fer, cuivre, zinc, cadmium, fluorure, thiocyanate, etc. sur la fixation de l'iode a ete simulee au moyen de BF{sub 4}{sup -} , ce qui a mis en evidence le role du phenomene de capture. Au cours d'une serie analogue d'experiences, on a constate que les ions azides, comme les composes sulfhydryles, stimulent la capture du fluoborate tout en reduisant la fixation totale d'iode. Il a ensuite ete demontre que la phase de capture est beaucoup moins radiosensible que les phases de formation et de liberation de la thyroxine. Une application tres differente des ions fluoborates marquee au fluor-18 est la localisation de tumeurs du cerveau, par exploration directionnelle par coiencidence, grace a la permeabilite limitee de la paroi intacte des vaisseaux sanguins du cerveau a ces ions. On a prepare des agents de chelation a base de composes aromatiques marques au fluor-18 et on les a utilises pour des etudes de physiologie des os. On s'est servi de colorants vitaux aromatiques marques au fluor-18 pour etudier des problemes de permeabilite des membranes biologiques. Des antimetabolites contenant du fluor marque au fluor-18 notamment 5-fluo-urocyle et de l'acide-fluo-orotique, ont ete prepares et utilises pour resoudre des problemes de physiologie, notamment dans la recherche sur le cancer. (author) [Spanish] En los ultimos tres anos el fluor-18 se ha venido aplicando en los laboratorios del autor a una gran variedad de problemas biologicos y medicos. Se han desarrollado metodos para preparar fluor por las reacciones {sup 18}O (p, n), 16O ({sup 3}H, n) y {sup 18}F (n, 2n). Se prepararon compuestos marcados con radiofluor por intercambio isotopico, sintesis, marcacion por retroceso y retencion de fluor en compuestos nuoroorganicos que experimentan la reaccion (n, 2n). Se han perfeccionado tecnicas especiales de recuento de baja intensidad para poder registrar las actividades de vestigios de compuestos organicos del fluor. Los iones fluoruro-18 se han utilizado en estudios de fisiologia de los huesos. Se encontro que el F{sup -} tiene un comportamiento fisiologico paralelo al del calcio en muchos aspectos; se comprobo que la acumulacion de F{sup -} en los huesos aumenta bajo la influencia de la vitamina D y de la testosterona, mientras que la cortisona y los estrogenos disminuyen la acumulacion de fluoruro. El esquema de distribucion del fluor en el organismo se modifico al administrar este elemento en forma de complejo cationico. Se encontro que el esquema de distribucion del YF{sup ++} o del ZF + marcados con {sup 18}F sigue a la de los cationes de caracteristicas comparativas. Se demostro que los iones fluoroborato se acumulan en la tiroides en una cantidad comparable a'la de los iones yoduro. Los iones fluoroborato no se fijan a la materia organica de la tiroides, y su fijacion constituye un indice especifico de la 'funcion de captacion' de la glandula. El fluoroborato marcado con 1KF se ha utilizado en el estudio de diversos problemas de fisiologia tiroidea. Se ha demostrado que la hormona estimuladora de la tiroides reduce la captacion de BF Inverted-Question-Mark durante las primeras horas que siguen a la administracion y la incrementa despues de 24 hours. El BF{sup -}{sub 4} estimula la accion inhibidora que ejercen sobre la captacion de yodo los iones hierro, cobre, cinc, cadmio, fluoruro, tiocianiato y otros, demostrando que en ella interviene la funcion de captacion. En una serie analoga de experimentos, se encontro que los compuestos sulfhidrilicos y las azidas incrementan la captacion de fluoroborato, aunque disminuyen la captacion total de yodo. Seguidamente, se demostro que la funcion de captacion es menos radiosensible que las funciones de formacion y liberacion de tiroxina. Otra aplicacion muy distinta de los iones fluoroborato marcados con {sup 18}F fue la localizacion de tumores cerebrales por exploracion direccional de coincidencias en la que se aprovecha la baja permeabilidad para estos iones de la barrera sangre- cerebro intacta. Se prepararon agentes de quelacion fluoroaromaticos marcados con {sup 18}F y se aplicaron a problemas de fisiologia de tejido oseo. Para estudiar la permeabilidad a traves de membranas biologicas, se emplearon colorantes aromaticos vitales marcados con {sup 18}F. Se han preparado antimeiabolitos que contienen fluor, marcados con {sup 18}F, entre otros, el 5-fluorouracilo y el acido fluoroorotico y se han aplicado al estudio de problemas fisiologicos e investigaciones sobre el cancer. (author) [Russian] V techenie poslednih treh let ftor-18 primenjaetsja v nashej laboratorii dlja razlichnyh biologicheskih i medicinskih issledovanij. Razrabotany metody poluchenija ftora v rezul'tate reakcij s O{sup 16} (p, n), O{sup 15} (H{sup 3}, p), i F{sup 18} (n, 2 ,). Soedinenija, mechennye radioaktivnym ftorom, byli poducheny metodom izotopnogo obmena sinteza, mechenija otdachej i uderzhivaniem ftora vo ftoroorganicheskih soedinenijah v rezul'tate reakcii (p,2 p). Razrabotana special'naja tehnika scheta nizkogo urovnja aktivnosti dlja raboty s malymi aktivnostjami indikatornyh kolichestv organicheskih ftoristyh soedinenij. Iony ftora-18 byli ispol'zovany pri izuchenii fiziologii kostej. Bylo obnaruzheno, chto fiziologicheskoe povedenie F{sup -} vo mnogom analogichno povedeniju kal'cija; okazalos', chto nakoplenie R {approx} v kostjah uvelichivaetsja pod vlijaniem vitamina D i teosterona, v to vremja kak kortizon i jestrogeny umen'shajut stepen' nakoplenija ftora. Pri vvedenii ftora v vide kationnogo kompleksa harakter ego raspredelenija v organizme izmenjalsja. Bylo ustanovleno, chto mechennye F{sup 18}YF{sup ++} i ZF{sup +3} podchinjajutsja pravilam raspredelenija ishodnyh kationov. Bylo pokazano, chto iony ftoroboratov nakaplivajutsja v shhitovidnoj zheleze v kolichestve, sravnimom s nakopleniem ionov ioda. Iony ftoroboratov ne vstupajut v kakie-libo organicheokie svjazi v shhitovidnoj zheleze, i ih pogloshhenie javljaetsja specificheskim pokazatelem funkcii stadii zahvata dlja zhelezy. Ftoroboraty, mechennye R1v primenjajutsja d.;ja reshenija razlichnyh problem fiziologii shhitovidnoj zhelezy. Pokazano, chto TSH umen'shaet pogloshhenie BF; v pervye neskol'ko chasov posle vvedenija i uvelichivaet cherez 24 chasa. BF{sub 4}{sup -} okazyval takoe zhe tormozjashhee dejstvie na process pogloshhenija joda, kak i zhelezo, med', cink, kadmij, ftoristme soedinenija, tiocianat i drugie ionm, chto ukazyvaet na narushenie' fazy zahvata. Pri provedenii analogichnoj serii opytov bylo obnaruzheno, chto soedinenija, soderzhashhie sul'fgidril'nye gruppy, ravno kak i iony azida, uvelichivajut zahvat vtoro- boratov, hotja i umen'shajut obshhee pogloshhenie joda. Dalee, bylo pokazano, chto v faze zahvata chuvstvitel'nost' k oblucheniju znachitel'no men'she, chem v stadijah obrazovanija i vydelenija tiroksina. Ftoroboraty, mechennye F{sup 18}, shiroko primenjalis' dlja opredelenija lokalizacii mozgovyh opuholej o pomoshh'ju napravlennogo skanniruhvcego ustrojstva na sovpadenijah, vvidu ogranichennoj pronicaeyooti Dlja jetih ionov nepovrezhdennogo gematojencefalicheskogo bar'era. Byod polucheny i primenjalis' v issledovanijah fiziologii kostej ftoroaromaticheskie komplekso- obrazuhhcie reagenty, mechennye Fie. Aromaticheskie prizhiznennye krasiteli, mechennye R1v,prjamevjalsho' ori izuchenii voprosov pronicaemosti biologicheskih membran. Dlja fiziologicheskih issledovanij, vkljuchajushhih izuchenie raka, polucheny i primenjajutsja antimetabolity, mechennye F{sup 18}, v tom chisle pjati- Ftoristyj uracil i ftoristooroticheskaja kislota. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Mar}