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The Use of Copper- 64 in the Investigation of Reaction Mechanisms of Enzymes, Particularly as Related to Food Processing; Emploi de Cuivre-64 dans l'Etude des Mecanismes de Reaction des Enzymes, Notamment en Ce Qui Concerne la Preparation des Denrees Alimentaires; ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ МЕДИ-64 ДЛЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ФЕРМЕНТАТИВНЫХ РЕАКЦИЙ, СВЯЗАННЫХ С ОБРАБОТКОЙ ПИЛИ; Empleo de Cobre-64 en el Estudio de los Mecanismos de Reacciones Enzima Ticas de Interes para la Elaboracion de Alimentos


The oxidative enzymes of plant tissues are often dormant or only slightly active during the resting state, becoming active on the injury of the tissue or on separation from the tissue. During food processing this results in an acceleration of the oxidation of the natural substrates and polymerization of the products, which discolour the tissue. Copper oxidases are the principal enzymes involved in catalysing these reactions. The activation of the enzyme also leads to its reaction inactivation. One of the causes of the phenomenon of reaction inactivation is the decrease in the effective concentration of the enzyme, probably by the removal or binding of its metal prosthetic group copper. By using copper- 64, in vitro, it was shown that, in a resting solution, cupric ion can complex and/or exchange with the copper of the enzyme and that, in oxidizing solutions, an additional amount of cupric ion can be complexed. Cu-o-quinone- type complexes have higher formation constants than Cu-p-quinone- type complexes. The amount of cupric ion complexed was decreased, if the ion was added in an oxidizing solution after the initiation of polymerization of the o-quinone type reaction products. The kinetics of the exchange and complexing processes for cupric ions with  More>>
Arthur, Jr., J. C.; McLemore, T. A. [1] 
  1. Southern Regional Research Laboratory, New Orleans, LA (United States)
Publication Date:
Mar 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Seminar on the Practical Applications of Short-Lived Radioisotopes Produced in Small Research Reactors, Vienna (Austria), 5-9 Nov 1962; Other Information: 13 refs., 6 tabs., 1 fig.; Related Information: In: Production and Use of Short-Lived Radioisotopes from Reactors. Vol. II. Proceedings of a Seminar on the Practical Applications of Short-Lived Radioisotopes Produced in Small Research Reactors| 292 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M4274127990
Submitting Site:
page(s) 247-259
Announcement Date:
Dec 16, 2013

Citation Formats

Arthur, Jr., J. C., and McLemore, T. A. The Use of Copper- 64 in the Investigation of Reaction Mechanisms of Enzymes, Particularly as Related to Food Processing; Emploi de Cuivre-64 dans l'Etude des Mecanismes de Reaction des Enzymes, Notamment en Ce Qui Concerne la Preparation des Denrees Alimentaires; ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ МЕДИ-64 ДЛЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ФЕРМЕНТАТИВНЫХ РЕАКЦИЙ, СВЯЗАННЫХ С ОБРАБОТКОЙ ПИЛИ; Empleo de Cobre-64 en el Estudio de los Mecanismos de Reacciones Enzima Ticas de Interes para la Elaboracion de Alimentos. IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Arthur, Jr., J. C., & McLemore, T. A. The Use of Copper- 64 in the Investigation of Reaction Mechanisms of Enzymes, Particularly as Related to Food Processing; Emploi de Cuivre-64 dans l'Etude des Mecanismes de Reaction des Enzymes, Notamment en Ce Qui Concerne la Preparation des Denrees Alimentaires; ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ МЕДИ-64 ДЛЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ФЕРМЕНТАТИВНЫХ РЕАКЦИЙ, СВЯЗАННЫХ С ОБРАБОТКОЙ ПИЛИ; Empleo de Cobre-64 en el Estudio de los Mecanismos de Reacciones Enzima Ticas de Interes para la Elaboracion de Alimentos. IAEA.
Arthur, Jr., J. C., and McLemore, T. A. 1963. "The Use of Copper- 64 in the Investigation of Reaction Mechanisms of Enzymes, Particularly as Related to Food Processing; Emploi de Cuivre-64 dans l'Etude des Mecanismes de Reaction des Enzymes, Notamment en Ce Qui Concerne la Preparation des Denrees Alimentaires; ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ МЕДИ-64 ДЛЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ФЕРМЕНТАТИВНЫХ РЕАКЦИЙ, СВЯЗАННЫХ С ОБРАБОТКОЙ ПИЛИ; Empleo de Cobre-64 en el Estudio de los Mecanismos de Reacciones Enzima Ticas de Interes para la Elaboracion de Alimentos." IAEA.
title = {The Use of Copper- 64 in the Investigation of Reaction Mechanisms of Enzymes, Particularly as Related to Food Processing; Emploi de Cuivre-64 dans l'Etude des Mecanismes de Reaction des Enzymes, Notamment en Ce Qui Concerne la Preparation des Denrees Alimentaires; ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ МЕДИ-64 ДЛЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ МЕХАНИЗМОВ ФЕРМЕНТАТИВНЫХ РЕАКЦИЙ, СВЯЗАННЫХ С ОБРАБОТКОЙ ПИЛИ; Empleo de Cobre-64 en el Estudio de los Mecanismos de Reacciones Enzima Ticas de Interes para la Elaboracion de Alimentos}
author = {Arthur, Jr., J. C., and McLemore, T. A.}
abstractNote = {The oxidative enzymes of plant tissues are often dormant or only slightly active during the resting state, becoming active on the injury of the tissue or on separation from the tissue. During food processing this results in an acceleration of the oxidation of the natural substrates and polymerization of the products, which discolour the tissue. Copper oxidases are the principal enzymes involved in catalysing these reactions. The activation of the enzyme also leads to its reaction inactivation. One of the causes of the phenomenon of reaction inactivation is the decrease in the effective concentration of the enzyme, probably by the removal or binding of its metal prosthetic group copper. By using copper- 64, in vitro, it was shown that, in a resting solution, cupric ion can complex and/or exchange with the copper of the enzyme and that, in oxidizing solutions, an additional amount of cupric ion can be complexed. Cu-o-quinone- type complexes have higher formation constants than Cu-p-quinone- type complexes. The amount of cupric ion complexed was decreased, if the ion was added in an oxidizing solution after the initiation of polymerization of the o-quinone type reaction products. The kinetics of the exchange and complexing processes for cupric ions with enzyme and reaction products are discussed mathematically. (author) [French] Les enzymes oxydants des tissus vegetaux sont souvent inactifs ou tres peu actifs a l'etat de repos et ne deviennent actifs qu'en cas de lesion du tissu ou lorsqu'ils sont separes de celui-ci. Lors de la preparation des denrees alimentaires, ce phenomene a pour effet d'accelerer l'oxydation des substrats naturels et de polymeriser les produits, ce qui donne lieu a une decoloration du tissu. Les oxydases de cuivre sont les principaux enzymes qui interviennent comme catalyseurs dans ces reactions. L'activation de l'enzyme entraine en outre une inhibition de la reaction qu'il subit. Une des causes de ce phenomene est la diminution de la concentration effective de l'enzyme, qui resulte vraisemblablement de l'elimination ou de la liaison du cuivre de son groupe prothetique. Il a ete demontre, en utilisant du cuivre-64 in vitro, que dans une solution en repos l'ion cuivre peut former un complexe ou faire l'objet d'un echange avec le cuivre de l'enzyme et que, dans les solutions oxydantes, une quantite supplementaire d'ions cuivre peut rentrer dans le complexe. Les complexes du type Cu-o-quinone ont des constantes de formation plus elevees que les complexes du type Cu-p-quinone. On a observe que la quantite d'ions cuivre rentrant dans le complexe diminuait lorsque les ions etaient ajoutes a une solution oxydante apres le commencement de la polymerisation des produits de reaction du type o-quinone. Les auteurs examinent, du point de vue mathematique, la cinetique des phenomenes des echanges et de la formation de complexes entre les ions de cuivre et les produits des enzymes ou les produits de reaction. (author) [Spanish] Las enzimas oxidantes de los tejidos vegetales se encuentran a menudo latentes o solo presentan una leve actividad durante el estado de reboso, activandose al sufrir el tejido una lesion o al separarlas de el. En la elaboracion de alimentos, este efecto acelera la oxidacion de los substratos naturales y provoca polimerizaciones que alteran el color de los tejidos. Las principales enzimas que catalizan estas reacciones son las cuproxidasas. La inactivacion de la reaccion se debe, entre otras causas, a una disminucion de la concentracion efectiva de la enzima, probablemente por eliminacion o por fijacion del cobre de su grupo prostetico. Con ayuda de cobre 64 in vitro se demostro que en una solucion en reposo, el ion cuprico puede complejarse o intercambiarse con el cobre de la enzima, o ambas cosas, y que las soluciones oxidantes pueden formar un complejo con una cantidad adicional de ion cuprico. Las constantes de formacion de los complejos del tipo Cu-o-quinona son mas elevadas que las de los complejos del tipo Cu-p-quinona. Al afladir el ion a una solucion oxidante despues de iniciada la polimerizacion de los productos de reaccion del tipo o-quinona disminuyo la cantidad de ion cuprico complejado. La memoria examina matematicamente la cinetica del intercambio y de los procesos en virtud de los cuales se forman los complejos del ion cuprico con la enzima, asi como con los productos de reaccion. (author) [Russian] Okislitel'nye fermenty rastitel'nyh tkanej chasto ne aktivny ili lish' slabo aktivny v stadii pokoja, stanovjas' aktivnymi pri povrezhdenii tkanej ili pri otdelenii ot nee. pri obrabotke pishhi jeto privodit k uskoreniju okislenija estestvennyh substratov i polimerizacii produktov, chto menjaet cvet tkani. Katalizatorami jetih reakcij v osnovnom javljajutsja mednye oksidajen. Aktivacija fermenta vedet k ego reakcii inaktivacii. Odnoj ije prichin fenomena reakcii inaktivacii javljaetsja snizhenie jeffektivnoj koncentracii fermentov, vozmozhno, za schet udalenija ili svjazyvanija ego metallosoderzhashhej prosteticheskoj gruppy med'ju. S pomoshh'ju medi-64 in vitro, bylo pokazano, chto v pokojashhemsja rastvore ion dvuhvalentnoj medi mozhet obrazovyvat' kompleksy ili ob- yenivat'sja s med' fermenta, i chto v okisljajushhihsja rast.vorah dobavochnye kolichestva iona dvuhvalentnoj medi mogut obrazovyvat' kompleksy. Kompleksy medno-orto-hinonovogo tipa imejut bolee vysokuju konstantu obrazovanija, chem kompleksy medno-paro-hinonovogo tipa. Kolichestvo komplekse- obrazujushhego iona dvuhvalentnoj medi umen'shalos', esli ion dobavljalsja k okisljajushhemusja rastvoru posle nachala polimerizacii produktov reakcii orto-hinonovogo tipa. Obsuzhdaetsja s matematicheskoj tochki zrenija kinetiki processov obmena i kompleksoobrazovanija dlja ionov dvuhvalentnoj medi s fermentom i produkty reakcii. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Mar}