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Yttrium-90 Needles in Interstitial Beta-Ray Therapy; Les Aiguilles d'Yttrium-90 en Endo-Electron-Therapie (Betatherapie Interstitielle); ИГЛЫ ИЗ ИТТРИЯ-90 ДЛЯ ЭНДОЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ ТЕРАПИИ ВНУТРИТКАНЕВОЙ БЕТА-ТЕРАГИ; Agujas de Itrio-90 en la Endo-Electronterapia (Betaterapia Intersticial)


The Technical Unit for Interstitial Irradiation Therapy by Radioisotopes, of the Gustave Roussy Institute is at present studying, in collaboration with the Saclay Nuclear Centre, some therapeutic applications of interstitial beta-therapy using yttrium-90. Equipment: The needles consist of a stainless-steel tube, 1-mm diam., 0.1-mm wall thickness and 30 or 40 mm in length, closed at one end by a sharp point and at the other by a projecting head for attaching a pull-out wire. The yttrium oxide cylinders or seeds (5 mm x 0.6 mm) are irradiated for one week at a flux of 2.7 x 10{sup 12} n/cm{sup 2}s and are loaded three or five in each needle. Dosimetry: These yttrium-90 needles are supplied by the Saclay Centre with a standard activity of 1-1.5 me/cm (radioactive length). The activity is monitored both by a 4-{pi} counter and by a film densitometer. The reference dose is calculated by standard method at 2 mm from the tube wall assuming, with a certain approximation, a dose-rate of 10 rad/min for an activity of 1 me/cm. Therapeutic applications: Yttrium-90 needle radiobiology is still an almost unexplored field. The rapid fall-off in the dose beyond 3 mm from the needle wall causes difficulty in  More>>
Pierquin, B.; Mortreuil, M.; Beyer, H.; Dutreix, J.; Chassagne, D.; Galle, P.; Jammes, R. [1] 
  1. Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires, Saclay (France)
Publication Date:
Mar 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Seminar on the Practical Applications of Short-Lived Radioisotopes Produced in Small Research Reactors, Vienna (Austria), 5-9 Nov 1962; Other Information: 6 figs.; Related Information: In: Production and Use of Short-Lived Radioisotopes from Reactors. Vol. II. Proceedings of a Seminar on the Practical Applications of Short-Lived Radioisotopes Produced in Small Research Reactors| 292 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M4271127987
Submitting Site:
page(s) 201-211
Announcement Date:
Dec 16, 2013

Citation Formats

Pierquin, B., Mortreuil, M., Beyer, H., Dutreix, J., Chassagne, D., Galle, P., and Jammes, R. Yttrium-90 Needles in Interstitial Beta-Ray Therapy; Les Aiguilles d'Yttrium-90 en Endo-Electron-Therapie (Betatherapie Interstitielle); ИГЛЫ ИЗ ИТТРИЯ-90 ДЛЯ ЭНДОЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ ТЕРАПИИ ВНУТРИТКАНЕВОЙ БЕТА-ТЕРАГИ; Agujas de Itrio-90 en la Endo-Electronterapia (Betaterapia Intersticial). IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Pierquin, B., Mortreuil, M., Beyer, H., Dutreix, J., Chassagne, D., Galle, P., & Jammes, R. Yttrium-90 Needles in Interstitial Beta-Ray Therapy; Les Aiguilles d'Yttrium-90 en Endo-Electron-Therapie (Betatherapie Interstitielle); ИГЛЫ ИЗ ИТТРИЯ-90 ДЛЯ ЭНДОЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ ТЕРАПИИ ВНУТРИТКАНЕВОЙ БЕТА-ТЕРАГИ; Agujas de Itrio-90 en la Endo-Electronterapia (Betaterapia Intersticial). IAEA.
Pierquin, B., Mortreuil, M., Beyer, H., Dutreix, J., Chassagne, D., Galle, P., and Jammes, R. 1963. "Yttrium-90 Needles in Interstitial Beta-Ray Therapy; Les Aiguilles d'Yttrium-90 en Endo-Electron-Therapie (Betatherapie Interstitielle); ИГЛЫ ИЗ ИТТРИЯ-90 ДЛЯ ЭНДОЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ ТЕРАПИИ ВНУТРИТКАНЕВОЙ БЕТА-ТЕРАГИ; Agujas de Itrio-90 en la Endo-Electronterapia (Betaterapia Intersticial)." IAEA.
title = {Yttrium-90 Needles in Interstitial Beta-Ray Therapy; Les Aiguilles d'Yttrium-90 en Endo-Electron-Therapie (Betatherapie Interstitielle); ИГЛЫ ИЗ ИТТРИЯ-90 ДЛЯ ЭНДОЭЛЕКТРОННОЙ ТЕРАПИИ ВНУТРИТКАНЕВОЙ БЕТА-ТЕРАГИ; Agujas de Itrio-90 en la Endo-Electronterapia (Betaterapia Intersticial)}
author = {Pierquin, B., Mortreuil, M., Beyer, H., Dutreix, J., Chassagne, D., Galle, P., and Jammes, R.}
abstractNote = {The Technical Unit for Interstitial Irradiation Therapy by Radioisotopes, of the Gustave Roussy Institute is at present studying, in collaboration with the Saclay Nuclear Centre, some therapeutic applications of interstitial beta-therapy using yttrium-90. Equipment: The needles consist of a stainless-steel tube, 1-mm diam., 0.1-mm wall thickness and 30 or 40 mm in length, closed at one end by a sharp point and at the other by a projecting head for attaching a pull-out wire. The yttrium oxide cylinders or seeds (5 mm x 0.6 mm) are irradiated for one week at a flux of 2.7 x 10{sup 12} n/cm{sup 2}s and are loaded three or five in each needle. Dosimetry: These yttrium-90 needles are supplied by the Saclay Centre with a standard activity of 1-1.5 me/cm (radioactive length). The activity is monitored both by a 4-{pi} counter and by a film densitometer. The reference dose is calculated by standard method at 2 mm from the tube wall assuming, with a certain approximation, a dose-rate of 10 rad/min for an activity of 1 me/cm. Therapeutic applications: Yttrium-90 needle radiobiology is still an almost unexplored field. The rapid fall-off in the dose beyond 3 mm from the needle wall causes difficulty in obtaining uniform distribution of irradiation in the treated tissues. In principle, the positioning of needles at 5 - 6 mm distance one from another is a possibility, but requires an implanting device capable of extremely delicate control, as an error of 1 or 2mm may cause too many hot or cold points. For that reason the authors decided to use the needles, at a first stage, in benign vascular tumours, with no biological attempt to obtain uniform irradiation of the tissue, the aim being confined to creating sclerotic areas in bands centred around the needles and separated by areas of tissue having received little or no irradiation. In this way it was-hoped to obtain an adequate sclerogenous effect in a certain number of tuberous angiomas while at the same time giving the patients the advantage of a very weak integral dose. The lack of diffusion in healthy tissues is of particular advantage in the case of angiomas situated close to radiosensitive tissues (eyeball, breast) or to the genital glands. The results obtained in the first cases treated appear to be satisfactory. As a second stage, the authors intend to use these needles in malignant cutaneous tumours, again where situated close to healthy radiosensitive tissues (e.g. cancer of the eyelid). (author) [French] En collaboration avec le Centre nucleaire de Saclay, l'Unite technique de Curietherapie interstitielle par radioisotopes de l'Institut Gustave Roussy etudie actuellement quelques applications therapeutiques de beta- therapie interstitielle par yttrium-90. Materiel: Les aiguilles sont constituees par un tube en acier inoxydable de 1 mm de diametre et de 0,1 mm d'epaisseur de paroi. Longues de 30 ou de 40 mm, elles sont fermees a l'une des extremites par une pointe aiguee et a l'autre par une tete debordante permettant de fixer un fil de rappel. Les cylindres ou grains d'oxyde d'yttrium (5 mm x 0,6 mm) sont irradies pendant une semaine au flux de 2,7 . 10{sup 12}n/cm{sup 2} set empiles par trois ou cinq dans chacune des aiguilles. Dosimetrie: Ces aiguilles d'yttrium-90 sont livrees par le Centre de Saclay avec une activite standard de 1 a 1,5 me/cm (longueur radioactive). L'activite est controlee a la fois par compteur 4 {pi} et sur film en densimetrie. La dose de reference est calculee de facon standard a 2 mm de la paroi du tube, en admettant, avec une certaine approximation, un debit de dose de 10 rad/miri pour une activite de 1 me/cm. Applications therapeutiques: La radiobiologie des aiguilles d'yttrium- 90 est encore mal exploree. En effet, la chute rapide de la dose au-dela de 3 mm de la paroi de l'aiguille rend difficile une distribution homogene de l'irradiation dans les tissus traites. On peut, en principe, envisager de disposer chaque aiguille 5 ou 6 mm l'une de l'autre, mais cela implique un dispositif d'implantation d'un controle tres delicat, une erreur de 1 ou 2 mm pouvant entrainer des points chauds ou des points froids excessifs. C'est pourquoi les auteurs ont envisage, dans un premier temps, l'utilisation des aiguilles dans des tumeurs angiomateuses benignes, en ne recherchant pas biologiquement une irradiation homogene du tissu, mais en cherchant seulement a creer des zones de sclerose en manchons concentriques aux aiguilles, separes par des zones de tissus peu ou pas irradies. Ils esperent ainsi obtenir un effet sclerogene suffisant dans un certain nombre d'angiomes tubereux, tout en donnant aux malades les avantages d'une dose integrale tres faible. L'absence de diffusion dans les tissus sains est particulierement interessante pour les angiomes proches de tissus radiosensibles (globe oculaire, glande mammaire) ou proches des glandes genitales. Les resultats actuels sur les premiers cas traites paraissent satisfaisants. Dans un deuxieme temps, ils comptent utiliser ces aiguilles dans des tumeurs malignes cutanees, proches egalement des tissus sains radiosensibles (cancer de la paupiere, par exemple). (author) [Spanish] La 'Unite Technique de Curietherapie Interstitielle par radioisotopes' del Instituto Gustave Roussy, estudia actualmente, en colaboracion con el Centro Nuclear de Saclay, algunas aplicaciones terapeuticas de la betaterapia intersticial con itrio-90. Material: Las agujas consisten en tubos de acero inoxidable de 1 mm de diametro y 0,1 de espesor de pared. Tienen de 30 a 4 {pi} mm de largo y una de sus extremidades esta rematada por una punta aguda, mientras que la otra esta cerrada por una cabeza con reborde que permite fijar un hilo para extraer la aguja. Los cilindros o granos de axido de itrio (5 x 0,6 mm) se irradian durante una semana con un flujo de 2.7 * 10{sup 12}n/cm{sup 2}s y se introducen en las agujas a razon de tres o cinco en cada aguja. Dosimetria: El Centro de Saclay suministra las agujas de itrio- 90 con una actividad normalizada de 1 a 1,5 mc/cm (longitud radiactiva). La actividad se controla simultaneamente por recuento 4 {pi} por densimetria mediante pelicula. La dosis de referencia se calcula siempre de la misma manera, a 2 mm de la pared del tubo, suponiendo que la intensidad de dosis es del orden de 10 rad/min para una actividad de 1 mc/cm. Aplicaciones terapeuticas: La actividad radiobiologica de las agujas de itrio- 90 no esta bien estudiada aun. La dosis disminuye rapidamente a partir de 3 mm de la pared de la aguja, lo que dificulta la irradiacion homogenea de los tejidos tratados. En principio, las agujas se podrian colocar a 5 o 6 mm una de otra, pero esto requiere un dispositivo de implantacion muy dificil de manejar; un error de 1 o 2 mm podria producir excesivos puntos calientes o frios. Por tal motivo, en una primera etapa, los autores utilizaron las agujas en tumores angiomatosos benignos sin tratar de irradiar homogeneamente el tejido, sino solamente de crear zonas de esclerosis, concentricas a las agujas, separadas por zonas de tejido poco o nada irradiadas. De esta manera, esperan lograr en algunos angiomas tuberosos un efecto esclerogeno suficiente con la ventaja de que los enfermos reciben una dosis integral muy reducida. La ausencia de difusion en los tejidos sanos tiene particular interes para los angiomas situados cerca de tejidos radiosensibles (globo ocular, glandula mamaria) o proximos a las gonadas. Al parecer, los resultados obtenidos en los primeros casos tratados son satisfactorios. En una segunda etapa, los autores esperan poder utilizar estas agujas en tumores cutaneos malignos situados tambien en la vecindad de tejidos sanos radiosensibles (por ejemplo, cancer de los parpados) [Russian] V naotojashheee vremja v sotrudnichestve s jaderkym centrom Sakle tehnicheskij otdel vnutritkanevoj radioterapii instituta Gustava Russi izuchaet nekotorye vidy terapevticheskogo primenenija vnutritkanevoj betaterapii s pomoshh'ju ittrija-90. Ishodnyj material. Igla sostoit iz neokisljajushhejsja stal'noj trubki diametrom 1 mm, dlinoj 30 - 40 mm pri tolshhine stenok 0,1 mm. Odin ee konec zakryt ostrokonechnym pvom, a drugoj - vystupajushhej golovkoj, pozvoljajushhej fiksirovat' nit' dlja izvlechenija igly. Cilindry ili zerna okisi ittrija (5 mm h 0,6 mm) podvergajutsja oblucheniju v techenie nedeli potokom v 2,7 * 10{sup 12} n/cm{sup 2}sek i zatem pomeshhajutsja po tri ili pjat' shtuk v kazhduju iz igl. Dozimetrija. Poluchennye iz centra Sakle ittrievye igly imejut standartnuju aktivnost' ot 1 do 1,5 mk/cm (radiacionnaja dlina). Aktivnost' odnovremenno kontroliruetsja schetchikom 4{pi} i na plenke densitometra. Otschetnaja doza opredeljaetsja standartnym obrazom s uchetom tolshhiny stenok trubki 2 mm i dopuskom, pri izvestnom priblizhenii rashoda dozy v 10 rad/min pri aktivnosti v 1 mk/sm. Terapevticheskoe primenenie. Radiobiologicheskoe dejstvie igl iz ittrija-90 eshhe slabo issledovano. Dejstvie igly bystro umen'shaetsja na rasstojanii svyshe 3 mm ot igly, chto zatrudnjaet gomogennoe obluchenie tkanej. Mozhno v principe predusmotret' raspolozhenie kazhdoj igly na rasstojanii v '' ili 6 mm odna ot drugoj, odnako, jeto trebuet nalichija ustrojstva dlja vzhivlenija pri sobljudenii tshhatel'nogo kontrolja. Pri oshibke v 1 ili 2 mm mogut vozniknut' znachitel'nye kolebanija dozy obluchenija. Vot pochemu avtory predusmotreli poka isaol'zovat' igly tol'ko dlja lechenija dobrokachestvennyh angiom, ve stremjao' pri jetom k gomogennomu v biologicheskom otnoshenii oblucheniju tkani, a starajas' lish' sozdat' zony skleroza, koncentricheski raspolagajushhiesja vozle igl, otdelennye zonami elabo idi oovoem ne obluchennyh tkanej. Davaja bol'nym preimushhestvenno ochen' slabye kumuljativnye dozy, avtory nadejutsja poduchit' takim putem sklerogennyj jeffekt, dostatochnyj dlja izlechenija nekotoryh angiom. Otsutstvie diffuzii v zdorovyh tkanjah imeet znachenie dlja angiom, nahodjashhihsja poblizooti ot radiochuvetvitel'nyh tkanej (glaznoe jabloko, molochnaja zheleza) libo vblizi polovyh zhelez. Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty predstavljajutsja avtoram udovletvoritel'nymi. V dal'nejshem predpolagaetsja ispol'zovat' ittrievye igly dlja lechenija zlokachestvennyh opuholej kozhi, raspolozhennyh vblizi ot zdorovyh radiochuvstvitel'nyh tkanej (naprimer, pri rake veka). (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Mar}