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Automatic Sample Changing System for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry; Changeur Automatique d'Echantillons Pourla Spectrometrie Gamma; Avtomaticheskaya sistema dlya smeny obraztsov pri gamma-spektrometrii; Cambiador Automatico de Muestras para Espectroscopia Gamma


The detection of gamma-emitting radionuclides at environmental levels in biological media requires that the sensitivity of the counting system be high. To accumulate sufficiently precise data, it is often necessary to count samples for long periods of time - from one to several hours. The most efficient utilization of expensive low-background gamma-ray spectrometric counting equipment requires that it be operated on a continuous basis. This necessitates either the continuous presence of personnel or a completely automated system, including the changing of samples and recording of data. The purpose of this paper is to describe the automated gamma-ray spectrometry counting system designed, built and in use at the Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory, Winchester, Massachusetts. The sample changing unit was designed to operate in conjunction with a large steel shield, any commercial unit with a front opening door being readily adaptable for this purpose. The changer is equipped to handle a variety of samples including biological and medical types. The unit consists of a revolving tray with a capacity for sixteen samples, an indexing system for positioning the samples, a mechanical arm with an attached electromagnet for inserting and removing the samples from the shield, and a lever for opening and closing  More>>
Lamson, K. C.; Sesko, W. J.; Nicholson, G. C. [1] 
  1. Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory, Winchester, MA (United States)
Publication Date:
Oct 15, 1965
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Symposium on Radioisotope Sample Measurement Techniques in Medicine and Biology, Vienna (Austria), 24-28 May 1965; Other Information: 2 refs., 6 figs., 1 tab.; Related Information: In: Radioisotope Sample Measurement Techniques in Medicine and Biology. Proceedings of the Symposium on Radioisotope Sample Measurement Techniques| 741 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M2473086407
Submitting Site:
page(s) 127-136
Announcement Date:
Sep 19, 2013

Citation Formats

Lamson, K. C., Sesko, W. J., and Nicholson, G. C. Automatic Sample Changing System for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry; Changeur Automatique d'Echantillons Pourla Spectrometrie Gamma; Avtomaticheskaya sistema dlya smeny obraztsov pri gamma-spektrometrii; Cambiador Automatico de Muestras para Espectroscopia Gamma. IAEA: N. p., 1965. Web.
Lamson, K. C., Sesko, W. J., & Nicholson, G. C. Automatic Sample Changing System for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry; Changeur Automatique d'Echantillons Pourla Spectrometrie Gamma; Avtomaticheskaya sistema dlya smeny obraztsov pri gamma-spektrometrii; Cambiador Automatico de Muestras para Espectroscopia Gamma. IAEA.
Lamson, K. C., Sesko, W. J., and Nicholson, G. C. 1965. "Automatic Sample Changing System for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry; Changeur Automatique d'Echantillons Pourla Spectrometrie Gamma; Avtomaticheskaya sistema dlya smeny obraztsov pri gamma-spektrometrii; Cambiador Automatico de Muestras para Espectroscopia Gamma." IAEA.
title = {Automatic Sample Changing System for Gamma-Ray Spectrometry; Changeur Automatique d'Echantillons Pourla Spectrometrie Gamma; Avtomaticheskaya sistema dlya smeny obraztsov pri gamma-spektrometrii; Cambiador Automatico de Muestras para Espectroscopia Gamma}
author = {Lamson, K. C., Sesko, W. J., and Nicholson, G. C.}
abstractNote = {The detection of gamma-emitting radionuclides at environmental levels in biological media requires that the sensitivity of the counting system be high. To accumulate sufficiently precise data, it is often necessary to count samples for long periods of time - from one to several hours. The most efficient utilization of expensive low-background gamma-ray spectrometric counting equipment requires that it be operated on a continuous basis. This necessitates either the continuous presence of personnel or a completely automated system, including the changing of samples and recording of data. The purpose of this paper is to describe the automated gamma-ray spectrometry counting system designed, built and in use at the Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory, Winchester, Massachusetts. The sample changing unit was designed to operate in conjunction with a large steel shield, any commercial unit with a front opening door being readily adaptable for this purpose. The changer is equipped to handle a variety of samples including biological and medical types. The unit consists of a revolving tray with a capacity for sixteen samples, an indexing system for positioning the samples, a mechanical arm with an attached electromagnet for inserting and removing the samples from the shield, and a lever for opening and closing the shield door. The changer has been completely integrated with a multichannel analyser with the provision of safety features to interrupt the cycle in case of malfunction at any step. After a preset counting period, the data are punched onto paper tape and processed by an IBM. 1620 computer. The first model of the sample changer, for which a patent is pending, has been in operation at the Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory for about one year. During that time, it has been used extensively and has proven completely satisfactory. The total cost of the unit, including labour, was less than $ 2000. (author) [French] GAMMAPour deceler les radionucleides emetteurs gamma presents dans les milieux biologiques a la concentration naturelle, il faut que l'ensemble de comptage utilise soit de haute sensibilite et, de plus, que la duree du comptage des echantillons soit longue - de une li plusieurs heures -, sil'onveut obtenir des donnees assez precises. Pour tirer le meilleur parti possible de l'appareil de comptage par spectroscopie gamma a faible mouvement propre qui est couteux, il faut l'utiliser sans interruption. Cela suppose la presence continue de personnel ou une complete automatisation comprenant le changement des echantillons et l'enregistrement des donnees. Le memoire a pour objet de decrire l'appareil automatique de comptage par spectrometrie gamma, concu et realise par le Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory, a Winchester (Massachusetts). Le changeur d'echantillons est coupje a une enceinte blindee en acier, n'importe quelle enceinte blindee en vente dans le commerce avec porte sur le devant pouvant etre facilement adaptee a cette fin. Le changeur est capable de manipuler toute une variete d'echantillons, notamment des echantillons biologiques et medicaux. Il est constitue par un plateau rotatif destine a recevoir 16 echantillons, un dispositif code de positionnement des echantillons, un bras mecanique muni d'un electro-aimant qui introduit les echantillons dans l'enceinte et les en retire, et d'un levier automatique commandant l'ouverture et la fermeture de la porte de l'enceinte. Le changeur est completement integre a un analyseur multicanal et equipe de circuits de controle permettant d'arreter l'experience en cas de fonctionnement defectueux a un moment quelconque. Apres comptage pendant une periode determinee a l'avance, les donnees sont enregistrees par perforation sur bande puis traitees a l'aide d'une calculatrice IBM 1620. Ce premier modele de changeur d'echantillons, qui doit etre brevete incessamment, fonctionne depuis un an environ au Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory. Il a ete intensement utilise pendant cette periode et s'est revele tout a fait satisfaisant. Son prix de revient, main-d'oeuvre comprise, est inferieur a 2000 dollars. (author) [Spanish] La deteccion en medios biologicos de radionuclidos emisores gamma de actividad poco superior a la ambiente requiere el empleo de un sistema de recuento muy sensible. Ademas, para lograr datos suficientemente precisos es necesario que el tiempo de recuento sea relativamente largo, a saber, de una a varias horas. Para utilizar con la mayor eficacia posible el equipo de recuento de espectrometria gamma de baja actividad de fondo, que es sumamente costoso, conviene hacerlo funcionar en forma continua durante 24 h al dfa. Para ello se requiere personal que lo atienda constantemente o un sistema de recuento enteramente automatico incluso para el cambio de muestras y el registro de los datos. En esta memoria se describe el sistema automatizado de recuento por espectroscopia gamma disenado, construido y utilizado en el Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory de Winchester, Massachusetts. El cambiador de muestras funciona en conjuncion con un blindaje de acero que no necesita ser especial; cualquiera de los comerciales, si esta provisto de una puerta frontal, puede ser adaptado al cambiador. Dicho cambiador puede adaptarse a diversos tipos de muestras, incluidas las biologicas y medicas. Consta de una bandeja giratoria con capacidad para 16 muestras; un sistema localizador para las muestras; un brazo mecanico, con electroiman, para introducir o retirar las muestras desde el exterior, y una palanca para abrir y cerrar la puerta blindada. El cambiador se ha integrado completamente con un analizador multicanal provisto de dispositivos de seguridad que interrumpen el ciclo cuando se produce una averfa en cualquier punto. Despues de un periodo de recuento predeterminado, los datos pasan a una calculadora IBM 1620 transcritos en cinta de papel perforada. El primer modelo de cambiador de muestras, para el cual se ha solicitado una patente, viene funcionando satisfactoriamente desde hace mas de un ano en el Northeastern Radiological Health Laboratory. Su costo total, inclusive la mano de obra, fue inferior a 2000 dolares. (author) [Russian] Obnaruzhenie prirodnyh kolichestv gamma-izluchajushhih radioizotopov v biologicheskoj srede trebuet vysokoj chuvstvitel'nosti schetnoj sistemy. Dlja togo, chtoby poluchit' dostatochno tochnye dannye, trebuetsja mnogo vremeni, ot odnogo do neskol'kih chasov. Naibolee jeffektivnoe ispol'zovanie dorogostojashhego gamma-spektrometricheskogo schetnogo oborudovanija s nizkim fonom trebuet ego nepreryvnoj raboty. Dlja jetogo neobhodimo libo postojannoe prisutstvie personala, libo nalichie polnost'ju avtomatizirovannoj sistemy, vkljuchajushhej smenu obrazcov i registraciju dannyh. Cel'ju nastojashhego doklada javljaetsja opisanie avtomatizirovannoj gamma-spektrometricheskoj schetnoj sistemy, sproektirovannoj, izgotovlennoj i rabotajushhej v radiologicheskoj laboratorii v Uinchestere, shtat Massachusets. Prisposoblenie dlja smeny obrazcov bylo sproektirovano dlja raboty v sochetanii s bol'shim stal'nym jekranirovannym kontejnerom, i dlja jetoj celi mozhno legko primenit' ljuboe imejushheesja v prodazhe prisposoblenie takogo roda s otkryvajushhejsja perednej dvercej. Prisposoblenie oborudovano takim obrazom, chtoby obrabatyvat' razlichnye obrazcy, v tom chisle biologicheskie i medicinskie. Ono sostoit iz vrashhajushhegosja lotka, rasschitannogo na shestnadcat' obrazcov, sistemy periodicheskoj krugovoj podachi dlja ustanovki obrazcov v nuzhnoe polozhenie, mehanicheskoj ruki s jelektromagnitom dlja vvedenija i vyemki obrazcov iz kontejnera i rychaga dlja otkryvanija i zakryvanija dvercy kontejnera. Sistema dlja smeny obrazcov soedinena s mnogokanal'nym analizatorom, kotoryj obespechivaet bezopasnost', preryvaja cikl v sluchae neispravnosti v ljuboj faze. Posle zadannogo vremeni scheta dannye nanosjatsja putem punshirovanija na bumazhnuju lentu i obrabatyvajutsja schetno-reshajushhim ustrojstvom IBM 1620. Pervaja sistema dlja smeny obrazcov, na kotoruju zajavlen patent, prorabotala v laboratorii okolo odnogo goda. Za jeto vremja ona shiroko ispol'zovalas' i pokazala sebja vpolne udovletvoritel'noj. Obshhaja stojmost' ustanovki, vkljuchaja rabotu, sostavila menee 2000 doll.SShA. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1965}
month = {Oct}