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The Subcritical Assembly for High-Temperature Use; Assemblage Sous-Critique Pour Emploi a Haute Temperature; K voprosu o podkriticheskoj sborke dlya ispol'zovaniya pri vysokikh temperaturakh; Conjunto Subcritico para Temperatura Elevada


The subcritical assemblies are of the graphite-moderated, natural-uranium fuelled type. The special design of this assembly is characterized by its high-temperature portion which can be put into the heart of the core assemblies of a lower-temperature portion and enables information to be obtained both for the future high-temperature gas-cooled reactor and the direct energy conversion from high-temperature gas medium to electricity. Furthermore, it is intended to be used for the training of undergraduate students. The assembly was piled up into the volume of 2 m x 2 m x 3 m consisting of graphite blocks of 10 cm square bar. The high-temperature portion of 1 m{sup 3} is energized by Joule's heating and can be maintained at the temperature up to 2000 Degree-Sign C. The fuel of UO{sub 2} pellets is used for the low-temperature portion, and the UC{sub 2} pellets are prepared for the high-temperature part. The fuels are inserted into the graphite sheath of square rods. The Am-Be sources of 5 c are put under the pedestal located at the bottom of the assemblies; on the other hand, the pulsed neutrons are injected at the arbitrary point inside the assembly. The target at the end of the extension  More>>
Sakurai, Y.; Sekiya, T.; Suita, T.; [1]  Hishida, H.; Hamada, H.; Nagashima, K. [2] 
  1. Osaka University (Japan)
  2. Sumitomo Atomic Energy Industries Group (Japan)
Publication Date:
Apr 15, 1964
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Symposium on Exponential and Critical Experiments, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2-6 Sep 1963; Other Information: 1 tab.; 2 figs.; Related Information: In: Exponential and Critical Experiments. Vol. III. Proceedings of the Symposium on Exponential and Critical Experiments| 494 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M2704078850
Submitting Site:
page(s) 63-69
Announcement Date:
Aug 30, 2013

Citation Formats

Sakurai, Y., Sekiya, T., Suita, T., Hishida, H., Hamada, H., and Nagashima, K. The Subcritical Assembly for High-Temperature Use; Assemblage Sous-Critique Pour Emploi a Haute Temperature; K voprosu o podkriticheskoj sborke dlya ispol'zovaniya pri vysokikh temperaturakh; Conjunto Subcritico para Temperatura Elevada. IAEA: N. p., 1964. Web.
Sakurai, Y., Sekiya, T., Suita, T., Hishida, H., Hamada, H., & Nagashima, K. The Subcritical Assembly for High-Temperature Use; Assemblage Sous-Critique Pour Emploi a Haute Temperature; K voprosu o podkriticheskoj sborke dlya ispol'zovaniya pri vysokikh temperaturakh; Conjunto Subcritico para Temperatura Elevada. IAEA.
Sakurai, Y., Sekiya, T., Suita, T., Hishida, H., Hamada, H., and Nagashima, K. 1964. "The Subcritical Assembly for High-Temperature Use; Assemblage Sous-Critique Pour Emploi a Haute Temperature; K voprosu o podkriticheskoj sborke dlya ispol'zovaniya pri vysokikh temperaturakh; Conjunto Subcritico para Temperatura Elevada." IAEA.
title = {The Subcritical Assembly for High-Temperature Use; Assemblage Sous-Critique Pour Emploi a Haute Temperature; K voprosu o podkriticheskoj sborke dlya ispol'zovaniya pri vysokikh temperaturakh; Conjunto Subcritico para Temperatura Elevada}
author = {Sakurai, Y., Sekiya, T., Suita, T., Hishida, H., Hamada, H., and Nagashima, K.}
abstractNote = {The subcritical assemblies are of the graphite-moderated, natural-uranium fuelled type. The special design of this assembly is characterized by its high-temperature portion which can be put into the heart of the core assemblies of a lower-temperature portion and enables information to be obtained both for the future high-temperature gas-cooled reactor and the direct energy conversion from high-temperature gas medium to electricity. Furthermore, it is intended to be used for the training of undergraduate students. The assembly was piled up into the volume of 2 m x 2 m x 3 m consisting of graphite blocks of 10 cm square bar. The high-temperature portion of 1 m{sup 3} is energized by Joule's heating and can be maintained at the temperature up to 2000 Degree-Sign C. The fuel of UO{sub 2} pellets is used for the low-temperature portion, and the UC{sub 2} pellets are prepared for the high-temperature part. The fuels are inserted into the graphite sheath of square rods. The Am-Be sources of 5 c are put under the pedestal located at the bottom of the assemblies; on the other hand, the pulsed neutrons are injected at the arbitrary point inside the assembly. The target at the end of the extension tube of the accelerator is bombarded by the deuteron beam. The terminal bus of Joule's heating is cooled by water and helium gas is used for the cooling of overall wall surface of the high-temperature portion These high-temperature gas loops are designed to be applicable to the research of direct conversion of nuclear energy. Concerning the control systems, these assemblies are equipped with control and measuring systems comparable to those of small-scale nuclear reactors. The experimental approach to find out the buckling constant of the system is being studied and the best arrangement of the pulsed neutron source and the detector locations has been examined. Furthermore, the unique method of measuring the neuron flux density at high temperature has been developed. Finally, it is intended to study the influence of high temperature upon the reactor parameters. (author) [French] Les assemblages sous-critiques sont a uranium naturel et a graphite. L'assemblage qui fait l'objet du memoire est caracterise par une partie a haute temperature qui peut etre placee au centre d'assemblages a basse temperature, et peut fournit des renseignements a la fois pour le futur reacteur a haute temperature refroidi par un gaz et pour la conversion directe de l'energie d'un milieu gazeux a haute temperature en electricite. En outre, il est prevu qu'il sera utilise pour renseignement. L'assemblage a ete place dans une structure de 2 x 2 x 3 m, composee de manchons en graphite de barres carrees de 10 cm de cote. La partie a haute temperature, de 1 m3, est chauffee par effet Joule et peut etre maintenue a une temperature de 2000 Degree-Sign C. Pour la partie a basse temperature, on utilise comme combustible des pastilles d'UO{sub 2} , et pour la partie , a haute temperature, des pastilles d'UC{sub 2}. Le combustible est introduit dans les manchons en graphite de barres de section carree. Les sources Am-Be de 5 c sont placees sous le socle fixe a la base des assemblages; d'autre part, les neutrons puises sont injectes dans l'assemblage a un point pris arbitrairement. La cible placee a l'extremite d'un tube branche sur un accelerateur est bombardee par un faisceau de deutons. Les connexions du dispositif de chauffage par effet Joule sont refroidies a l'eau et l'ensemble de la surface des parios de la partie a haute temperature a l'helium. Les circuits d'helium a haute temperature sont concus de maniere a servir pour les travaux de recherche relatifs a la conversion directe. Ces assemblages sont equipes d'appareils de controle et de mesure comparables a ceux dont sont dotes les petits reacteurs nucleaires. L'auteur met au point une methode experimentale de determination du laplacien du systeme; il a cherche quelle est la meilleure disposition pour la source de neutrons puises et pour les detecteurs. Il met egalement au point une methode particuliere pour mesurer la densite du flux de neutrons a haute temperature. Enfin, il a l'intention d'etudier l'influence des hautes temperatures sur les parametres de reacteur. (author) [Spanish] El autor estudio un conjunto subcritico del tipo alimentado por uranio natural y moderado por grafito. Este conjunto se caracteriza por la existencia de una zona de elevada temperatura que se puede crear en un cuerpo de menor temperatura y que permite obtener informaciones aplicables a un futuro reactor de temperatura elevada refrigerado con gas, asi como datos sobre la conversion directa de la energia nuclear en electricidad en un medio gaseoso a temperatura elevada. Ademas, el conjunto se utiliza para el adiestramiento de los estudiantes universitarios. El conjunto esta constituido por barras cuadradas de grafito de 10 cm de lado apiladas hasta formar un volumen de 2 x 2 x 3 m. La zona de alta temperatura, que tiene 1 m3, se calienta por efecto Joule y puede mantenerse a temperaturas hasta de 2000 Degree-Sign C. En la zona de baja temperatura se usa combustible de pastillas de UO{sub 2}, mientras que para la zona de temperatura elevada, se han preparado pastillas de UC{sub 2}. El combustible esta revestido de vainas de grafito, de seccion cuadrada. Las fuentes de Am-Be, de 5 c se instalan debajo del pedestal ubicado en la base del conjunto, mientras que el flujo neutronico pulsante se inyecta en un punto arbitrario. El blanco, situado en el extremo del tubo de extension del acelerador, es bombardeado por el haz de deuterones. Las barras de conexion para el calentamiento por efecto Joule se enfrian con agua y la superficie total de separacion de la zona de alta temperatura se enfria con helio. Este circuito de gas refrigerante esta diseflado de manera que pueda servir para investigar la conversion directa de la energia nuclear en electricidad. El conjunto esta provisto de dispositivos de control y medicion semejantes a los de un pequeflo reactor nuclear. Se estudia la manera de determinar experimentalmente el laplaciano del sistema y se procura encontrar la mejor ubicacion posible para la fuente neutronica pulsante y para los detectores. Ademas, se esta perfeccionando un metodo exclusivo de medicion de la densidad del flujo neutronico a temperatura elevada. Por ultimo, el autor se propone investigar la influencia de esta temperatura elevada sobre los parametros del reactor. (author) [Russian] Podkriticheskie sborki predstavljajut soboj ustanovki s grafitovym zamedlitelem i toplivom v vide prirodnogo urana. Osobennost' konstrukcii takoj ustanovki zakljuchaetsja v nalichii vysokotemperaturnoj oblasti, kotoraja mozhet byt' sozdana v centre sborok aktivnoj zony v nizkotemperaturnoj oblasti i daet vozmozhnost' poluchenija informacii kak dlja vysokotemperaturnogo reaktora s gazovym ohlazhdeniem, tak i dlja neposredstvennogo prevrashhenija jenergii vysokotemperaturnoj gazovoj sredy v jelektrichestvo. Dalee, podkriticheskie sborki predpolagaetsja ispol'zovat' dlja podgotovki studentov starshih kursov. Dannaja sborka byla smontirovana v ob{sup e}me 2 x 2 x 3 m iz grafitovyh blokov v vide kvadratnyh sterzhnej dlinoj 10 sm. Vysokotemperaturnaja oblast' ob{sup e}mom 1 m3 obrazuetsja s pomoshh'ju dzhouleva tepla, v nej mozhet podderzhivat'sja temperatura do 2000 Degree-Sign S. Dlja nizkotemperaturnoj oblasti primenjaetsja toplivo v vide tabletok UO{sub 2}, dlja vysokotemperaturnoj chasti izgotovljajutsja tabletki iz UC{sub 2}. Toplivo pomeshhaetsja vnutri grafitovoj obolochki kvadratnyh sterzhnej. Istochniki Am -Be moshhnost'ju 5 kjuri ustanavlivajutsja pod podstavkoj, raspolozhennoj v nizhnej chasti sborok. S drugoj storony, impul'snye nejtrony inzhektirujutsja v proizvol'noj tochke vnutri sborki. Mishen' v konce rasshiritel'noj trubki uskoritelja bombardiruetsja puchkom dejtronov. Vyhodnaja shina sistemy dzhouleva podogreva ohlazhdaetsja vodoj, a dlja ohlazhdenija vsej poverhnosti stenok vysokotemperaturnoj oblasti primenjaetsja gelij. Jeti vysokotemperaturnye gazovye petli proektirujutsja takim obrazom, chto ih mozhno ispol'zovat' dlja issledovanija voprosov neposredstvennogo prevrashhenija atomnoj jenergii v jelektricheskuju. Sborki osnashhajutsja sistemami upravlenija i kontrol'no-izmeritel'nymi sistemami podobno nebol'shim atomnym reaktoram. V nastojashhee vremja izuchaetsja jeksperimental'nyj metod opredelenija laplasiana sistemy i issleduetsja nailuchshaja shema raspolozhenija istochnika impul'snyh nejtronov i detektorov. Dalee, razrabatyvaetsja unikal'nyj metod izmerenija plotnosti potokov nejtronov pri vysokoj temperature. Nakonec, predpolagaetsja izuchit' vopros o vlijanii vysokoj temperatury na parametry reaktora. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1964}
month = {Apr}