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Economic Aspects of the Food Irradiation Programme in Israel; Aspects Economiques du Programme d'Irradiation des Produits Alimentaires en Israel; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty izrail'skoj programmy po oblucheniyu pishchevykh produktov; Aspectos Economicos del Programa de Irradiacion de Alimentos de Israel


The economics of many developing countries are based on agriculture, with semi-tropical fruits as the predominant crops. The harvest and shelf-life periods are brief because of the hot and humid climate. Refrigerated storage is underdeveloped or expensive. Economically important markets are distant. The economics of food irradiation must be surveyed on a national scale at the outset of any ambitious technological feasibility study programme. This must be followed by detailed economic feasibility studies as the programme progresses. Such a technological-economic survey of radiation-preserved agricultural produce was made in Israel in July 1965. All items which, potentially,could benefit from irradiation (fruits and vegetables, fodder, cereals and cereal products, fish, meat, poultry and poultry produce) were examined. Crop sizes and their values for 1962-63 and 1968-69 (based on Ministry of Agriculture data) were considered. Irradiation costs were estimated on the basis of available and extrapolated data for small irradiators in the growth areas and for large irradiators in port or along main highways. Surface treatment by electron accelerators and bulk treatment of {sup 60}Co, {sup 137}Cs or X-ray sources were considered. This survey was useful in formulating the programme for detailed technological and economic feasibility studies of individual items and in forecasting  More>>
Lapidot, M.; Foa, E.; Sivan, Y.; Kahan, R. S. [1] 
  1. Soreq Nuclear Research Centre, Yavne (Israel)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 1966
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Conference: International Symposium on Food Irradiation, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), 6-10 Jun 1966; Other Information: 3 refs., 3 tabs.; Related Information: In: Food Irradiation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Food Irradiation| 979 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M2081075553
Submitting Site:
page(s) 851-864
Announcement Date:
Aug 08, 2013

Citation Formats

Lapidot, M., Foa, E., Sivan, Y., and Kahan, R. S. Economic Aspects of the Food Irradiation Programme in Israel; Aspects Economiques du Programme d'Irradiation des Produits Alimentaires en Israel; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty izrail'skoj programmy po oblucheniyu pishchevykh produktov; Aspectos Economicos del Programa de Irradiacion de Alimentos de Israel. IAEA: N. p., 1966. Web.
Lapidot, M., Foa, E., Sivan, Y., & Kahan, R. S. Economic Aspects of the Food Irradiation Programme in Israel; Aspects Economiques du Programme d'Irradiation des Produits Alimentaires en Israel; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty izrail'skoj programmy po oblucheniyu pishchevykh produktov; Aspectos Economicos del Programa de Irradiacion de Alimentos de Israel. IAEA.
Lapidot, M., Foa, E., Sivan, Y., and Kahan, R. S. 1966. "Economic Aspects of the Food Irradiation Programme in Israel; Aspects Economiques du Programme d'Irradiation des Produits Alimentaires en Israel; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty izrail'skoj programmy po oblucheniyu pishchevykh produktov; Aspectos Economicos del Programa de Irradiacion de Alimentos de Israel." IAEA.
title = {Economic Aspects of the Food Irradiation Programme in Israel; Aspects Economiques du Programme d'Irradiation des Produits Alimentaires en Israel; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty izrail'skoj programmy po oblucheniyu pishchevykh produktov; Aspectos Economicos del Programa de Irradiacion de Alimentos de Israel}
author = {Lapidot, M., Foa, E., Sivan, Y., and Kahan, R. S.}
abstractNote = {The economics of many developing countries are based on agriculture, with semi-tropical fruits as the predominant crops. The harvest and shelf-life periods are brief because of the hot and humid climate. Refrigerated storage is underdeveloped or expensive. Economically important markets are distant. The economics of food irradiation must be surveyed on a national scale at the outset of any ambitious technological feasibility study programme. This must be followed by detailed economic feasibility studies as the programme progresses. Such a technological-economic survey of radiation-preserved agricultural produce was made in Israel in July 1965. All items which, potentially,could benefit from irradiation (fruits and vegetables, fodder, cereals and cereal products, fish, meat, poultry and poultry produce) were examined. Crop sizes and their values for 1962-63 and 1968-69 (based on Ministry of Agriculture data) were considered. Irradiation costs were estimated on the basis of available and extrapolated data for small irradiators in the growth areas and for large irradiators in port or along main highways. Surface treatment by electron accelerators and bulk treatment of {sup 60}Co, {sup 137}Cs or X-ray sources were considered. This survey was useful in formulating the programme for detailed technological and economic feasibility studies of individual items and in forecasting research activities and commercial applications for the period up to 1971. Preliminary results with sprout prevention in irradiated potatoes justified detailed economic surveys of the potato and onion commercial set-up as it is to-day in comparison to a modified set-up comprising several variants of combined irradiation and controlled temperature storage installations. The suggested set-up would reduce the expenditure for storage and handling from 15% to about 8% of the total crop value, the savings representing a net return of about 24% on the investment. This detailed economic survey on potatoes and onions will help considerably in the rapid adoption of the irradiation technique owing to the clear advantages shown. (author) [French] L'economie de nombreux pays en voie de developpement repose sur l'agriculture, les fruits semi-tropicaux constituant la production essentielle. La recolte et la duree de conservation sont tres breves a cause du climat chaud et humide. Le stockage sous refrigeration est insuffisant ou tres onereux. Les marches ayant une importance economique sont eloignes. Avant d'etudier serieusement la possibilite technique de recourir a l'irradiation, il faut examiner les aspects economiques nationaux de ce procede de traitement des produits alimentaires. Il faut ensuite proceder a des etudes economiques detaillees sur les possibilites de realisation, a mesure que le programme se developpe. Cette enquete technico-economique sur les produits agricoles irradies a ete entreprise en Israeel en juillet 1965. Tous les articles susceptibles de profiter de l'irradiation (fruits et legumes, fourrage, cereales et derives, poisson, viande, volaille et derives) ont ete examines. On a tenu compte du volume des recoltes et des prix correspondant aux campagnes 1962/63 et 1968/69 (d'apres les donnees fournies par le Ministere de l'agriculture). Les frais d'irradiation ont ete evalues d'apres les donnees disponibles et leur extrapolation, pour de petits irradiateurs dans les regions productrices et pour de grands irradiateurs dans les ports et le long des principaux axes routiers. Le traitement superficiel par des accelerateurs d'electrons et le traitement en vrac avec {sup 60}Co, {sup 137}Cs ou par les rayons X ont ete consideres. Cette etude a ete utile a l'etablissement du programme d'etudes technologiques detaillees et d'etudes de rentabilite pour certains articles, et a l'elaboration des previsions concernant les activites de recherche et les applications commerciales jusqu'en 1971. Des resultats preliminaires, notamment l'arret de la germination des pommes de terre apres irradiation, ont justifie une etude economique detaillee du systeme de commercialisation actuel des pommes de terre et des oignons, en vue de le comparer a un systeme modifie comportant divers types d'installations combinant l'irradiation et le stockage a temperature controlee. Le systeme suggere ferait passer les frais de stockage et de manutention de15% a environ 8% de la valeur totale de la recolte. Les economies representeraient un benefice net d'environ 24% par rapport aux investissements. Cette enquete economique detaillee sur les pommes de terre et les oignons contribuera beaucoup a faire rapidement adopter la technique d'irradiation dont elle a mis les avantages en evidence. (author) [Spanish] Son muchos los pafses en desarrollo cuya economfa esta basada primordialmente en los productos agricolas semitropicales. Debido al clima calido y humedo, los perfodos de recoleccion y conservacion de esos productos son muy breves. El almacenamiento en frigorificos no se halla generalizado o resulta caro. Los mercados de importancia economica se encuentran muy alejados de las zonas de produccion. Cuando se emprende la ejecucion de un programa ambicioso de estudios sobre las posibilidades tecnologicas de la irradiacion de los productos alimenticios es preciso tener en cuenta los aspectos economicos de la cuestion en el plano nacional. A medida que se ejecuta el programa es preciso llevar a cabo otros estudios sobre las posibilidades economicas de la irradiacion. En julio de 1965 se llevo a cabo en Israel uno de estos estudios tecnico-economicos sobre la conservacion de los productos agricolas por irradiacion. Se estudiaron todos los productos que podfan ser objeto de este tratamiento (frutas y verduras, forrajes, cereales y sus derivados, pescados, carnes, volateria y sus productos). Se calculo el volumen y el valor de las diversas cosechas para los anos agricolas de 1962-1963 y 1968-1969 (partiendo de datos facilitados por el Ministerio de Agricultura). Tomando como base datos disponibles y extrapolados se calculo el costo de la irradiacion tanto para pequenas instalaciones montadas en las zonas de cultivo como para grandes plantas de irradiacion instaladas en puertos o en las principales carreteras. Se estudiaron las posibilidades del tratamiento superficial mediante aceleradores de electrones y las del tratamiento a granel con fuentes de {sup 60}Co, {sup 137}Cs y rayos X. Esta labor resulto de utilidad para la preparacion del programa de estudios detallados sobre las posibilidades economicas y tecnologicas de la irradiacion de diversos productos y el planeamiento de las actividades de investigacion y de las aplicaciones comerciales hasta 1971. Los primeros resultados obtenidos irradiando patatas almacenadas para evitar su germinacion justificaron que se llevasen a cabo estudios economicos detallados sobre la estructura actual del comercio de la patata y la cebolla en relacion con un sistema modificado que comprendiera diversas combinaciones de instalaciones de irradiacion y de instalaciones de almacenamiento con regulacion de la temperatura. La combinacion propuesta reduciria los gastos de almacenamiento y acarreo entre un 15 y un 8% del valor total de la cosecha, representando estas economfas una ganancia neta de un 24 Degree-Sign Inverted-Exclamation-Mark o sobre el capital invertido. Este estudio economico detallado sobre las posibilidades de la irradiacion de la patata y la cebolla contribuira considerablemente a la rapida adopcion de esa tecnica, dadas las evidentes ventajas que ofrece. (author) [Russian] Jekonomika mnogih razvivajushhihsja stran baziruetsja na sel'skom hozjajstve, preobladajushhimi kul'turami v kotorom javljajutsja polutropicheskie frukty. V rezul'tate zharkogo i vlazhnogo klimata periody sbora urozhaja i hranenija ogranicheny. Hranenie v zamorozhennom vide ili nedostatochno razrabotano, ili dorogostojashhe. Jekonomicheski vazhnye rynki nahodjatsja daleko. Pri razrabotke ljuboj obshirnoj programmy s cel'ju izuchenija tehnologicheskoj celesoobraznosti, jekonomicheskie voprosy po oblucheniju pishhevyh produktov dolzhny rassmatrivat'sja v nacional'nom masshtabe. Po mere vypolnenija programmy sleduet detal'no izuchat' ee jekonomicheskuju celesoobraznost'. Takoe tehniko-jekonomicheskoe izuchenie voprosa sohranenija sel'skohozjajstvennyh produktov s pomoshh'ju obluchenija bylo provedeno v ijule 1965 goda v Izraile. Byli izucheny vse pishhevye produkty, obluchenie kotoryh mozhet byt' jekonomicheski vygodnym (frukty, ovoshhi, furazh, zernovye i produkty iz nih, ryba, mjaso, ptica). Vo vnimanie prinimalsja obshhij urozhaj i ego stoimost' za 1962 - 63 gg. i 1968 - 69 gg. (po dannym Ministerstva sel'skogo hozjajstva). Stoimost' obluchenija ocenivalas' na osnovanii imejushhihsja i jekstrapolirovannyh dannyh, poluchennyh kak na malen'kih obluchateljah, ispol'zujushhihsja v polevyh uslovijah, tak i na bol'shih ustanovkah v portah i vdol' shossejnyh dorog. Provodilos' izuchenie obrabotki poverhnosti jelektronnymi uskoriteljami i obrabotki vsej massy s pomoshh'ju kobal'ta-60, cezija-137 ili rentgenovskih luchej. Jeto obsledovanie bylo polezno dlja razrabotki programmy detal'nogo tehnologicheskogo i jekonomicheskogo izuchenija celesoobraznosti obluchenija pishhevyh produktov, a takzhe dlja vybora napravlenija issledovatel'skoj dejatel'nosti i kommercheskogo primenenija na period do 1971 g. Predvaritel'nye rezul'taty opytov po predotvrashheniju prorastanija obluchennogo kartofelja prodimonstrirovali celesoobraznost' provedenija detal'nyh jekonomicheskih jssledo- vanij sushhestvujushhih metodov hranenija kartofelja i luka po sravneniju s novymi uluchshennymi metodami, zakljuchajushhimisja v sovmestnom primenenii ustanovok po oblucheniju i hraneniju pri zadannoj temperature. Primenenie predlagaemogo metoda snizilo by zatraty vo vremja hranenija i transportirovki s 15% primerno do 8% ot obshhej stoimosti urozhaja, prichem sjekonomlennye sredstva sostavili by okolo 24% ot novyh kapitalovlozhenij. Takoe detal'noe jekonomicheskoe obsledovanie budet sposobstvovat' bystrejshemu vnedreniju jetogo metoda blagodarja vysheperechislennym preimushhestvam. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1966}
month = {Nov}