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Economic Aspects of Radiation Treatment; Considerations Economiques sur le Traitement par Irradiation; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty obrabotki produktov metodom oblucheniya; Consideraciones Economicas Sobre el Tratamiento por Irradiacion


In May 1963, at the Conference held by the International Atomic Energy Agency on the Industrial Uses of Large Radiation Sources, there was considerable discussion of costs. This general exchange of views led to a number of assessments of the cost of treatment by radioactive sources and machines. After three years it seems appropriate to review the basic hypotheses, and in particular to take account of the drop in price: of radioisotopes, especially {sup 137}Cs. This affects the cost both of the installed kW and of the KWh of energy produced. In the light of the experience gained in the past: three years it is possible to define the efficiencies and the load factors observed in plants at present in operation. It is true that in most cases these are treating medical equipment and supplies, but the problems are comparable. (author) [French] En mai 1963, lors de la Conference organisee par l'AIEA sur l'emploi des sources de rayonnements intenses dans l'industrie, un large debat s'etait engage sur les prix de revient. De cette confrontation generale, on a pu tirer quelques evaluations du cout de traitement par sources radioactives et machines. Il est bon, trois ans apres, de revoir les hypotheses  More>>
Leveque, P. [1] 
  1. Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay (France)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 1966
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Conference: International Symposium on Food Irradiation, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), 6-10 Jun 1966; Other Information: 2 refs.; Related Information: In: Food Irradiation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Food Irradiation| 979 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M2080075552
Submitting Site:
page(s) 847-849
Announcement Date:
Aug 08, 2013

Citation Formats

Leveque, P. Economic Aspects of Radiation Treatment; Considerations Economiques sur le Traitement par Irradiation; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty obrabotki produktov metodom oblucheniya; Consideraciones Economicas Sobre el Tratamiento por Irradiacion. IAEA: N. p., 1966. Web.
Leveque, P. Economic Aspects of Radiation Treatment; Considerations Economiques sur le Traitement par Irradiation; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty obrabotki produktov metodom oblucheniya; Consideraciones Economicas Sobre el Tratamiento por Irradiacion. IAEA.
Leveque, P. 1966. "Economic Aspects of Radiation Treatment; Considerations Economiques sur le Traitement par Irradiation; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty obrabotki produktov metodom oblucheniya; Consideraciones Economicas Sobre el Tratamiento por Irradiacion." IAEA.
title = {Economic Aspects of Radiation Treatment; Considerations Economiques sur le Traitement par Irradiation; Ehkonomicheskie aspekty obrabotki produktov metodom oblucheniya; Consideraciones Economicas Sobre el Tratamiento por Irradiacion}
author = {Leveque, P.}
abstractNote = {In May 1963, at the Conference held by the International Atomic Energy Agency on the Industrial Uses of Large Radiation Sources, there was considerable discussion of costs. This general exchange of views led to a number of assessments of the cost of treatment by radioactive sources and machines. After three years it seems appropriate to review the basic hypotheses, and in particular to take account of the drop in price: of radioisotopes, especially {sup 137}Cs. This affects the cost both of the installed kW and of the KWh of energy produced. In the light of the experience gained in the past: three years it is possible to define the efficiencies and the load factors observed in plants at present in operation. It is true that in most cases these are treating medical equipment and supplies, but the problems are comparable. (author) [French] En mai 1963, lors de la Conference organisee par l'AIEA sur l'emploi des sources de rayonnements intenses dans l'industrie, un large debat s'etait engage sur les prix de revient. De cette confrontation generale, on a pu tirer quelques evaluations du cout de traitement par sources radioactives et machines. Il est bon, trois ans apres, de revoir les hypotheses de base et surtout de tenir compte de l'abaissement du prix des radioelements et tout specialement du {sup 137}Cs. Ceci influe a la fois sur le prix du kW installe et du kWh d'energie produit. A la lumiere de l'experience acquise pendant ces trois dernieres annees, il est possible de preciser les rendements et facteurs de charge observes dans des installations actuellement en fonctionnement. Il s'agit il est vrai, dans la majorite des cas, de traitements d'accessoires medicaux, mais les problemes sont comparables. (author) [Spanish] En la Conferencia sobre las aplicaciones industriales de las fuentes de radiacion de elevada intensidad, celebrada.en mayo de 1963 bajo los auspicios del OIEA, se inicio un amplio debate sobre los precios de costo. De esta confrontacion general se pudieron sacar varias conclusiones sobre el costo del tratamiento por medio de fuentes radiactivas y maquinas. Es conveniente, tres aflos despues, revisar las hipotesis fundamentales y, sobre todo, tener en cuenta el abaratamiento de los radioelementos, en particular, del {sup 137}Cs. Esto influye a la vez sobre el precio del kilovatio instalado y del kilovatio-hora de energfa producido. La experiencia adquirida en estos tres ultimos aflos permite precisar los rendimientos y factores de carga observados en instalaciones actualmente en servicio. Es cierto que en la mayorfa de los casos estas consisten en instalaciones de tratamiento de accesorios medicos, pero los problemas son analogos. (author) [Russian] V mae 1963 goda vo vremja raboty Konferencii po promyshlennomu primeneniju moshhnyh istochnikov izluchenija, organizovannoj MAGATJe, razvernulas' bol'shaja diskussija po voprosu sebestoimosti. V rezul'tate obmena mnenijami mozhno sdelat' nekotorye ocenki stoimosti obrabotki radioaktivnymi istochnikami i ustrojstvami. Zhelatel'no po istechenii treh let peresmotret' osnovnye gipotezy i uchest' snizhenie stoimosti radiojelementov, i v osobennosti cezija-137. Stoimost' radiojelementov okazyvaet vlijanie srazu na stoimost' 1 kvt ustanovlennoj moshhnosti i kilovatt/chasa proizvodimoj jelektrojenergii. V svete poluchennogo v techenie poslednih treh let opyta imeetsja vozmozhnost' utochnit' proizvoditel'nost' i kojefficient nagruzki dejstvujushhih v nastojashhee vremja ustanovok; Rech' idet v bol'shinstve sluchaev ob obrabotke vspomogatel'nogo medicinskogo oborudovanija, no vse jeti problemy sravnimy. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1966}
month = {Nov}