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After-Ripening of Red Pepper (Capsicum Annuum) as Affected by Ionizing Radiation; Effets des Rayonnements Ionisants sur le Murissement du Piment (Capsicum Annuum) Apres la Recolte; Vliyanie ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya na dozrevanie krasnogo pertsa (Capsicum Annuum); Efecto de las Radiaciones Ionizantes en la Postmaturacion del Pimiento Rojo (Capsicum Annuum)


The direct effect of X-rays on freshly picked, sweet red pepper at dose levels of between 0 and 800 krad, and on the after-ripening of red pepper at dose levels of between 0 and 100 krad, was investigated. As an effect of the irradiation of between 400 and 800 krad, the pericarps softened; the carotenoid content, however, was not substantially reduced, even at a dose of 800 krad. During the nine weeks' storage period at room temperature, subsequent to irradiation, an increase of about 90% of the total pigment content, expressed as capsanthin, was observed in the samples not treated. The formation of the carotenoid pigments was accelerated, to some extent, by 80 rad, and substantially accelerated by treatment of 2 krad. The samples treated at the 2-krad level reached the same pigment content in three weeks as the control samples in eight weeks. In the radiation-treated samples, however, the pigment content decreased after the fourth to fifth week of storage. Dose levels above 10 krad slowed down or inhibited the formation of carotenoids during storage (after ripening). The reducing sugar content and the rate of drying were not affected by 0 to 100-krad doses. Since the several hundred kilorad  More>>
Farkas, J.; Kiss, I.; Andrassy, Eva [1] 
  1. Central Food Research Institute, Budapest (Hungary)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 1966
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Conference: International Symposium on Food Irradiation, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), 6-10 Jun 1966; Other Information: 10 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab.; Related Information: In: Food Irradiation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Food Irradiation| 979 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M2062075534
Submitting Site:
page(s) 601-607
Announcement Date:
Aug 08, 2013

Citation Formats

Farkas, J., Kiss, I., and Andrassy, Eva. After-Ripening of Red Pepper (Capsicum Annuum) as Affected by Ionizing Radiation; Effets des Rayonnements Ionisants sur le Murissement du Piment (Capsicum Annuum) Apres la Recolte; Vliyanie ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya na dozrevanie krasnogo pertsa (Capsicum Annuum); Efecto de las Radiaciones Ionizantes en la Postmaturacion del Pimiento Rojo (Capsicum Annuum). IAEA: N. p., 1966. Web.
Farkas, J., Kiss, I., & Andrassy, Eva. After-Ripening of Red Pepper (Capsicum Annuum) as Affected by Ionizing Radiation; Effets des Rayonnements Ionisants sur le Murissement du Piment (Capsicum Annuum) Apres la Recolte; Vliyanie ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya na dozrevanie krasnogo pertsa (Capsicum Annuum); Efecto de las Radiaciones Ionizantes en la Postmaturacion del Pimiento Rojo (Capsicum Annuum). IAEA.
Farkas, J., Kiss, I., and Andrassy, Eva. 1966. "After-Ripening of Red Pepper (Capsicum Annuum) as Affected by Ionizing Radiation; Effets des Rayonnements Ionisants sur le Murissement du Piment (Capsicum Annuum) Apres la Recolte; Vliyanie ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya na dozrevanie krasnogo pertsa (Capsicum Annuum); Efecto de las Radiaciones Ionizantes en la Postmaturacion del Pimiento Rojo (Capsicum Annuum)." IAEA.
title = {After-Ripening of Red Pepper (Capsicum Annuum) as Affected by Ionizing Radiation; Effets des Rayonnements Ionisants sur le Murissement du Piment (Capsicum Annuum) Apres la Recolte; Vliyanie ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya na dozrevanie krasnogo pertsa (Capsicum Annuum); Efecto de las Radiaciones Ionizantes en la Postmaturacion del Pimiento Rojo (Capsicum Annuum)}
author = {Farkas, J., Kiss, I., and Andrassy, Eva}
abstractNote = {The direct effect of X-rays on freshly picked, sweet red pepper at dose levels of between 0 and 800 krad, and on the after-ripening of red pepper at dose levels of between 0 and 100 krad, was investigated. As an effect of the irradiation of between 400 and 800 krad, the pericarps softened; the carotenoid content, however, was not substantially reduced, even at a dose of 800 krad. During the nine weeks' storage period at room temperature, subsequent to irradiation, an increase of about 90% of the total pigment content, expressed as capsanthin, was observed in the samples not treated. The formation of the carotenoid pigments was accelerated, to some extent, by 80 rad, and substantially accelerated by treatment of 2 krad. The samples treated at the 2-krad level reached the same pigment content in three weeks as the control samples in eight weeks. In the radiation-treated samples, however, the pigment content decreased after the fourth to fifth week of storage. Dose levels above 10 krad slowed down or inhibited the formation of carotenoids during storage (after ripening). The reducing sugar content and the rate of drying were not affected by 0 to 100-krad doses. Since the several hundred kilorad irradiation doses needed to destroy, or substantially inhibit, the growth of moulds causing the deterioration of red pepper of high moisture content have a deleterious effect, the application of irradiation to decrease storage losses in fresh, picked red pepper does not seem to be advisable. The application, however, of the very low doses stimulating carotenoid formation does seem to be promising in view of shortening the after-ripening period and increasing the pigment content. Further investigations are needed to establish the most suitable storage conditions for the after-ripening of red peppers and the causes responsible for decrease in the carotenoid content of irradiated fruits in the second half of the storage period. (author) [French] Les auteurs ont etudie l'effet direct des rayons X a des doses comprises entre 0 et 800 krad sur le piment doux fraichement cueilli et a des doses comprises entre 0 et 100 krad sur le murissement du piment apres la recolte. Sous l'effet de l'exposition a une dose comprise entre 400 et 800 krad, les pericarpes se-sont amollis; toutefois, la teneur en carotenoides n'a pas ete sensiblement reduite, meme apres exposition a une dose de 800 krad. Au cours de la periode de neuf semaines consecutives a l'irradiation, pendant laquelle les piments ont ete emmagasines a la temperature ambiante, on a constate que la teneur totale en pigments, sous forme de capsanthine avait augmente d'environ 90% dans les echantillons non traites. La formation des pigments a base de carotenoides a ete acceleree dans une certaine mesure par l'exposition a une dose de 80 rad et sensiblement acceleree par l'exposition a une dose de 2 krad. Les echantillons soumis a une dose de 2 krad avaient au bout de trois semaines la meme teneur en pigments que les echantillons temoins au bout de huit semaines. Toutefois, la teneur en pigments des echantillons irradies a diminue apres une periode d'emmagasinage de quatre a cinq semaines. L'exposition a des doses superieures a 10 krad a ralenti ou inhibe la formation des carotenoides pendant la periode d'emmagasinage (apres maturation). La reduction de la teneur en sucres et la vitesse de dessiccation n'ont pas ete affectees par l'exposition a des doses de 0 a 100 krad. Etant donne les effets nefastes de l'exposition aux doses de rayonnements de plusieurs centaines de krad necessaires pour detruire les moisissures qui provoquent l'alteration du piment a forte teneur en eau, ou pour inhiber fortement le developpement de ces organismes, il ne semble pas souhaitable d'utiliser les rayonnements pour reduire les pertes de piments fraichement cueillis. Neanmoins, l'application des doses tres faibles qui stimulent la formation des carotenoides semble devoir donner de bons resultats, car elle abrege la duree de la maturation apres la recolte et augmente la teneur en pigments. Il serait necessaire de poursuivre les recherches afin de determiner les conditions d'emmagasinage les plus favorables a La maturation du piment apres la recolte ainsi que les causes de la diminution de la teneur en carotenoiedes de fruits irradies au cours de la deuxieme moitie de la periode de stockage. (author) [Spanish] Se ha investigado el efecto directo de los rayos X, en dosis de 0 a 800 krad, sobre pimientos rojos dulces iecien recolectados, y sobre la postmaturacion de estos pimientos, en dosis de 0 a 100 krad. La irradiacion entre 400 y 800 krad causo el ablandamiento del pericarpo, pero el contenido de carotenoides no disminuyo apreciablemente incluso a dosis de 800 krad. Durante un periodo de almacenamiento de nueve semanas a la temperatura ambiente y despues de la irradiacion, se observo en las muestras no tratadas un aumento de un 90fy del contenido total de pigmentos, expresado en capsantina. La formacion de pigmentos carotenoides presento una ligera aceleracion para dosis de 80 rad y una fuerte aceleracion para dosis de 2 krad. Las muestras tratadas con 2 krad alcanzaron en tres semanas el mismo contenido de pigmentos que las muestras testigo en ocho semanas. En cambio, el contenido de pigmentos de las muestras irradiadas disminuyo al cabo de la cuarta o quinta semana de almacenamiento. Las dosis superiores a 10 krad frenaron o impidieron la formacion de carotenoides durante el almacenamiento (postmaturacion). La disminucion del contenido de.azucares y el ritmo de desecacion permanecieron invariables para dosis de 0 a 100 krad. Como las dosis de radiaciones (varios centenares de kilorad) necesarias para impedir o inhibir en medida apreciable el desarrollo de los mohos causantes de la deterioracion del pimiento rojo de gran contenido de agua tienen efectos perjudiciales, no parece aconsejable el empleo de las radiaciones para reducir las perdidas por almacenamiento en los pimientos rojos recien recolectados. En cambio, la aplicacion de dosis muy bajas, que estimulan la formacion de carotenoides, parece un metodo interesante para reducir el periodo de postmaturacion y elevar el contenido de pigmentos. Se precisan nuevas investigaciones para determinar las condiciones optimas de almacenamiento de los pimientos rojos en periodo de postmaturacion, y las causas de la disminucion del contenido de carotenoides de los fiutos irradiados en la segunda mitad del periodo de almacenamiento. (author) [Russian] Bylo issledovano neposredstvennoe vlijanie rentgenovskih luchej na tol'ko chto sorvannyj sladkij krasnyj perec dozami moshhnost'ju ot 0 do 800'krad i vlijanie na dozrevanie krasnogo perca doz moshhnost'ju ot 0 do 100 krad. Vlijanie obluchenija dozami moshhnost'ju ot 400 do 800 krad projavilos' v smjagchenii okoloplodnikov, i soderzhanie karotinoida umen'shilos' neznachitel'no dazhe pod vlijaniem dozy moshhnost'ju v 800 krad. V techenie devjatinedel'nogo perioda hranenija pri komnatnoj temperature, sledovavshego za oblucheniem, v neobrabotannyh obrazcah nabljudalos' pochti 90% uvelichenie obshhego soderzhanija pigmenta, vyrazhennogo v vide capsantine. Obrazovanie karotinoidnyh pigmentov uskorjalos' do nekotoroj stepeni pri obrabotke dozami moshhnost'ju v 80 rad i znachitel'no uskorjalos' pri obrabotke dozami moshhnost'ju v 2 krad. Obrazcy, obrabotannye dozami v 2 krad v techenie 3 nedel' dostigali takogo soderzhanija pigmenta, kotoroe dostigalos' kontrol'nymi obrazcami za 8 nedel'. Tem ne menee, soderzhanie pigmenta v obrabotannyh posredstvom obluchenija obrazcah umen'shalos' posle chetvertoj-pjatoj nedeli hranenija. Dozy moshhnost'ju v 10 krad zamedljajut ili tormozjat obrazovanie karotinoidov v period hranenija (posle dozrevanija). Dozy ot 0 do 100 krad ne okazyvali vlijanija na umen'shenie soderzhanija sahara i skorost' vysyhanija. Tak kak dozy obluchenija v neskol'ko sot kilorad, neobhodimye dlja razrushenija ili sushhestvennogo tormozhenija rosta pleseni, vyzyvajushhej porchu krasnogo perca s vysokim soderzhaniem vlazhnosti, javljajutsja pagubnymi, primenenie obluchenija s cel'ju sokrashhenija poter' pri hranenii svezhesorvaniogo perca kazhetsja celesoobraznym. Odnako s tochki zrenija sokrashhenija perioda dozrevanija i uvelichenija soderzhanija pigmenta ispol'zovanie ochen' nizkih doz, stimulirujushhih obrazovanie karotinoida, predstavljaetsja mnogoobeshhajushhim. Dal'nejshie issledovanija neobhodimy s cel'ju opredelenija naibolee podhodjashhih uslovij hranenija dlja dozrevanija krasnogo perca i ustanovlenija prichin, vyzyvajushhih umen'shenie karotinoidnogo soderzhanija v obluchennyh fruktah vo vtoroj polovine perioda hranenija. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1966}
month = {Nov}