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Recent Research on the Irradiation of Fruits and Vegetables; Recherches Recentes sur l'Irradiation des Fruits et Legumes; Poslednie issledovaniya po oblucheniyu fruktov i ovoshchej; Investigaciones Recientes Sobre la Irradiacion de Frutas y Verduras


Radiation treatments of fruits and vegetables after harvest have evoked much interest for the control of market diseases, insect infestation, delay of ripening and prevention of growth. Radiation as a fungicidal treatment is of special interest because of its therapeutic action. Unfortunately, the dose is often severely limited by host sensitivity. The tolerance to irradiation varies; among species and varieties and is influenced by ripeness at time of treatment. If destined for storage, commodities may be limited to a low dose because of delayed adverse effects. The suppression of a pathogen depends primarily on its sensitivity and the extent of lesion development. Commonly a large portion of small fungus lesions are inactivated while others are delayed. To date, radiation treatments have been most promising where disease problems were most serious, as in the treatment of highly perishable commodities that are harvested when ripe and contain established disease lesions when picked. Presumably the fungicidal effect of radiation treatments could be greatly improved if pathogens could be made more sensitive, the host more resistant, or both. Use of a localized oxygen effect, chemical sensitization of pathogens, or shallow irradiation have presented formidable difficulties. More promise has been shown by combinations of radiation  More>>
Sommer, N. F.; Maxie, E. C. [1] 
  1. University of California, Davis, CA (United States)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 1966
Product Type:
Report Number:
UCD-34P73-9; IAEA-SM-73/27
Resource Relation:
Conference: International Symposium on Food Irradiation, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), 6-10 Jun 1966; Other Information: 25 refs., 2 tabs., 8 figs.; Related Information: In: Food Irradiation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Food Irradiation| 979 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Contract Number:
Contract AT(11-1)-34; Project 73; 80
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M2060075532
Submitting Site:
page(s) 571-587
Announcement Date:
Aug 08, 2013

Citation Formats

Sommer, N. F., and Maxie, E. C. Recent Research on the Irradiation of Fruits and Vegetables; Recherches Recentes sur l'Irradiation des Fruits et Legumes; Poslednie issledovaniya po oblucheniyu fruktov i ovoshchej; Investigaciones Recientes Sobre la Irradiacion de Frutas y Verduras. IAEA: N. p., 1966. Web.
Sommer, N. F., & Maxie, E. C. Recent Research on the Irradiation of Fruits and Vegetables; Recherches Recentes sur l'Irradiation des Fruits et Legumes; Poslednie issledovaniya po oblucheniyu fruktov i ovoshchej; Investigaciones Recientes Sobre la Irradiacion de Frutas y Verduras. IAEA.
Sommer, N. F., and Maxie, E. C. 1966. "Recent Research on the Irradiation of Fruits and Vegetables; Recherches Recentes sur l'Irradiation des Fruits et Legumes; Poslednie issledovaniya po oblucheniyu fruktov i ovoshchej; Investigaciones Recientes Sobre la Irradiacion de Frutas y Verduras." IAEA.
title = {Recent Research on the Irradiation of Fruits and Vegetables; Recherches Recentes sur l'Irradiation des Fruits et Legumes; Poslednie issledovaniya po oblucheniyu fruktov i ovoshchej; Investigaciones Recientes Sobre la Irradiacion de Frutas y Verduras}
author = {Sommer, N. F., and Maxie, E. C.}
abstractNote = {Radiation treatments of fruits and vegetables after harvest have evoked much interest for the control of market diseases, insect infestation, delay of ripening and prevention of growth. Radiation as a fungicidal treatment is of special interest because of its therapeutic action. Unfortunately, the dose is often severely limited by host sensitivity. The tolerance to irradiation varies; among species and varieties and is influenced by ripeness at time of treatment. If destined for storage, commodities may be limited to a low dose because of delayed adverse effects. The suppression of a pathogen depends primarily on its sensitivity and the extent of lesion development. Commonly a large portion of small fungus lesions are inactivated while others are delayed. To date, radiation treatments have been most promising where disease problems were most serious, as in the treatment of highly perishable commodities that are harvested when ripe and contain established disease lesions when picked. Presumably the fungicidal effect of radiation treatments could be greatly improved if pathogens could be made more sensitive, the host more resistant, or both. Use of a localized oxygen effect, chemical sensitization of pathogens, or shallow irradiation have presented formidable difficulties. More promise has been shown by combinations of radiation and heat which provide a striking synergism when used to inactivate fungi. Gamma-irradiation inhibits ripening of some fruits but is stimulatory to others. In those fruits which are caused to ripen more rapidly by irradiation, ethylene production is stimulated. Fruits in which ripening is inhibited by irradiation apparently have a reduced sensitivity to the ripening action of ethylene, and also produce less ethylene before ripening. At doses of 20 to 35 krad, ripening is inhibited in bananas for 4 to 15 days depending on maturity and the amount of mechanical injury to the fruit. Irradiated fruits ripen to good quality when given a standard ethylene treatment. Peaches and nectarines subjected to doses of gamma rays that might retard rots are excessively susceptible to transit injury. Papaya fruits show promise for gamma-ray control of the Hawaiian fruit fly. Irradiated fruits have 3 to 5 days longer shelf-life than fruits subjected to ethylene dibromide fumigation. The present outlook for the radiation treatment of various fruits and vegetables is discussed. (author) [French] On s'interesse beaucoup au fait que l'irradiation des fruits et legumes apres la recolte permet de lutter contre les maladies affectant la commercialisation, de detruire les insectes qui y sont presents, de retarder la maturation et de prevenir la germination. L'action fongicide des rayonnements est particulierement interessante en raison de ses effets therapeutiques. Malheureusement, dans de nombreux cas, la dose applicable est considerablement reduite par la sensibilite de l'hote. La tolerance a l'irradiation varie suivant l'espece et la variete, et elle est fonction du degre de maturation au moment du traitement. Si les denrees alimentaires sont destinees a etre enmagasinees, il est parfois necessaire de n'utiliser qu'une faible dose de rayonnements, pour eviter des effets nuisibles differes. La suppression d'un agent pathogene est essentiellement fonction de sa sensibilite aux rayonnements et du degre d'alteration. En regle generale, dans le cas des alterations de faible etendue provoquees par des champignons, une grande partie des organismes pathogenes sont inactives et les autres se developpent plus lentement. A ce jour, l'irradiation a donne les meilleurs resultats dans les cas ou les problemes poses par la presence d'organismes pathogenes etaient particulierement graves, par exemple, pour le traitement des denrees tres perissables que l'on recolte lorsqu'elles sont parvenues a maturation et qui presentent des alterations bien definies au moment de la recolte. Il est probable que l'effet fongicide de l'irradiation pourrait etre considerablement accru en augmentant la sensibilite des organismes pathogenes ou la resistance de l'hote, ou les deux a la fois. L'utilisation d'un effet localise de l'oxygene, la sensibilisation des organismes pathogenes par des produits chimiques ou l'irradiation a faible profondeur soulevent de tres grandes difficultes. Il serait plus facile de combiner l'action des rayonnements et celle de la chaleur, qui se conjuguent de maniere remarquable lorsqu'on les utilise pour inactiver des champignons. L'irradiation gamma inhibe la maturation de certains fruits mais stimule celle d'autres fruits. Les fruits qui murissent plus rapidement lorsqu'ils sont exposes aux rayonnements produisent egalement une plus grande quantite d'ethylene. Les fruits dont la maturation est inhibee par l'irradiation semblent moins sensibles a l'action maturatrice de l'ethylene et produisent egalement moins d'ethylene avant d'arriver a maturation. A des doses de 20 a 35 krad, la maturation des bananes est inhibee pendant 4 a 15 jours suivant le degre de maturation et l'etendue des dommages mecaniques subis par le fruit. Les fruits irradies atteignent un degre de maturation satisfaisant lorsqu'ils sont soumis a un traitement standard a l'ethylene. Les peches et brugnons soumis a des doses de rayons gamma qui pourraient retarder le pourrissement sont excessivement susceptibles d'alteration en cours de transpon. Il semble qu'en soumettant les papayes aux rayons gamma on pourra les proteger contre les effets de la mouche hawa'ienne des fruits. Apres cueillette, les fruits irradies peuvent etre conserves pendant 3 a 5 jours de plus que les fruits soumis a la fumigation par le dibromure d'ethylene. Le memoire etudie les perspectives actuellement offertes par l'irradiation de differents fruits et legumes. (author) [Spanish] La irradiacion de frutas y verduras despues de su recoleccion ha despertado gran interes por la posibilidad que ofrece de combatir las enfermedades de los productos vegetales durante su distribucion, eliminar los insectos parasitos, retardar la maduracion e impedir que germinen. La irradiacion ofrece especial interes como tratamiento fungicida por su efecto terapeutico. Pero por desgracia, la sensibilidad del portador suele limitar considerablemente la dosis. La tolerancia a las radiaciones es distinta de unas especies y variedades a otras y depende del grado de madurez en el momento de la irradiacion. Si los productos vegetales han de ser almacenados, la dosis que se les administra suele ser baja, debido a los efectos nocivos retardados. La eliminacion de un agente patogeno depende sobre todo de su sensibilidad y de la magnitud de las lesiones. Corrientemente se inactiva gran parte de las pequenas lesiones causadas por los hongos, mientras que se retarda el desarrollo de otras. Hasta la fecha, los tratemientos por irradiacion han sido mas eficaces cuando las enfermedades han presentado mayor gravedad, como en el caso de los productos altamente perecederos que se cosechan en estado de madurez y presentan lesiones patologicas caracterizadas en el momento de la recoleccion. Al parecer, el efecto fungicida de la irradiacion se intensificaria considerablemente si fuera posible incrementar la sensibilidad de los agentes patogenos, la resistencia del portador, o ambas cosas a la vez. El empleo de oxigenantes localizados, la sensibilizacion de los agentes patogenos por via quimica o mediante irradiacion en bajas dosis presentan enormes dificultades. Mejores perspectivas ofrece la combinacion de la irradiacion y del tratamiento termico, cuya accion concertada, cuando se utilizan para inactivar hongos, es sumamente eficaz. Las radiaciones gamma inhiben la maduracion de algunas frutas pero estimulan la de otras. Las frutas que maduran mas rapidamente por irradiacion producen mayor cantidad de etileno. Las frutas cuya maduracion se inhibe por irradiacion tienen, en apariencia, menor sensibilidad al efecto madurador del etileno y, ademas, producen menos etileno antes de madurar. Las dosis de 20 a 35 krad inhiben la maduracion de los platanos de 4 a 15 dias, segun el grado de sazon y la importancia delas deteriora-, ciones mecanicas sufridas por la fruta. Las frutas irradiadas sometidas a un tratamiento tipo con etileno maduran en buenas condiciones. Los melocotones y persicos sometidos a dosis de rayos gamma capaces de retardar la putrefaccion son muy sensibles a los danos debidos al transporte. La irradiacion de papayas con rayos gamma para eliminar la mosca de la fruta de Hawaii presenta perspectivas alentadores. El periodo de almacenamiento de las frutas irradiadas es de 3 a 5 dias mayor que el de las frutas sometidas a fumigacion con dibromuro de etileno. En ia memoria se examinan las perspectivas que ofrece la irradiacion de varias frutas y verduras. (author) [Russian] Posleuborochnaja radiacionnaja obrabotka fruktov i ovoshhej vyzvala bol'shoj interes s tochki zrenija bor'by s rynochnymi boleznjami, zarazhenija nasekomymi, zamedlenija sozrevanija i zaderzhki rosta. Obluchenie kak sredstvo bor'by protiv gribkov predstavljaet osobyj interes vvidu svoego terapevticheskogo dejstvija. K sozhaleniju, doza obluchenija chasto sil'no ogranichena vvidu chuvstvitel'nosti ''hozjaina'': Te ili inye vidy i sorta imejut razlichnuju stojkost' k oblucheniju, na kotoruju vlijaet stepen' sozrevanija v moment obluchenija. Esli produkty napravljajutsja v hranilishha, to ih mozhno obluchit' nebol'shoj dozoj vvidu zamedlennyh neblagoprijatnyh vozdejstvij. Zaderzhka rosta patogennogo mikroorganizma zavisit glavnym obrazom ot ego chuvstvitel'nosti i razmera porazhennogo, mesta. Obychno znachitel'naja chast' nebol'shih gribkovyh porazhenij inaktiviruetsja, a razvitie drugih porazhenij priostanavlivaetsja. V nastojashhee vremja radiacionnaja obrabotka javljaetsja naibolee perspektivnym metodom v teh sluchajah, kogda problemy bolezni javljajutsja ves'ma ser'eznymi, kak naprimer, pri obrabotke skoroportjashhihsja tovarnyh fruktov i ovoshhej, kotorye sobirajutsja, kogda oni sozreli i uzhe porazheny zabolevanijami. Verojatno, fungicidnoe dejstvie radiacionnoj obrabotki mozhno bylo by znachitel'no usilit', esli by mozhno bylo sdelat' patogennyj organizm bolee chuvstvitel'nym, a ''hozjaina'' bolee stojkim k oblucheniju ili odnovremenno dobit'sja jetih dvuh celej. Ispol'zovanie lokalizovannogo kislorodnogo jeffekta, himicheskoj ili ul'trafioletovoj sensibilizacii patogennyh organizmov ili neglubokogo obluchenija svjazano s gromadnymi trudnostjami. Bolee perspektivnym javljaetsja kombinirovannyj metod obluchenija i nagrevanija, kotoryj okazyvaet udivitel'nyj sinergeticheskij jeffekt v teh sluchajah, kogda on ispol'zuetsja dlja inaktivacii gribkov. Gamma-obluchenie zaderzhivaet sozrevanie odnih fruktov, odnako stimuliruet sozrevanie drugih. V teh fruktah, v kotoryh obluchenie vyzyvaet bystroe sozrevanie, stimuliruetsja obrazovanie jetilena. Frukty, sozrevanie kotoryh zaderzhivaetsja v rezul'tate obluchenija, ochevidno, imejut men'shuju chuvstvitel'nost' k stimulirujushhemu sozrevanie dejstviju jetilena, i v nih obrazuetsja men'she jetilena do togo, kak oni sozreli. Pri dozah v 20 - 35 krad zaderzhivaetsja sozrevanie bananov na 4-15 dnej v zavisimosti ot spelosti i razmera mehanicheskih povrezhdenij fruktov. Obluchennye frukty sozrevajut do horoshego kachestva kogda oni podvergajutsja obychnoj jetilenovoj obrabotke. Persiki i nektariny, kotorye poluchili dozy gamma-obluchenija, mogushhie zaderzhat' porchu, javljajutsja krajne chuvstvitel'nymi k povrezhdeniju vo vremja perevozki. Papajja javljaetsja perspektivnoj s tochki zrenija unichtozhenija gavajskoj plodovoj muhi s pomoshh'ju gamma- obluchenija. Srok godnosti pri hranenii obluchennyh fruktov na 3 - 5 dnej bol'she, chem fruktov, podvergnutyh fumigacii bromistym jetilenom. Obsuzhdajutsja nyneshnie perspektivy radiacionnoj obrabotki razlichnyh fruktov i ovoshhej. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1966}
month = {Nov}