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Development of Radiation-Sterilized Sea Food Products. I. Enzyme-Inactivated Cod and Halibut Patties; Essais de Radiosterilisation des Produits Alimentaires d'Origine Marine. I. Pates de Morue et de Fletan a Enzymes Inactives; Primenenie izlucheniya dlya sterilizatsii morskikh pishchevykh produktov; Preparacion de Alimentos de Origen Marino Esterilizados por Irradiacion. I. Pastelillos de Bacalao y de Hipogloso con Enzimas Inactivadas


Radiation-sterilized enzyme-inactivated cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepsis) patties or cakes were developed which show promise as commercial products. They were prepared by incorporating the comminuted fish with white corn meal, gelatin, and salt and forming the mixture into sausages. Enzymes were inactivated by heating the sausages in a boiling water-bath. After cooling overnight to set the protein, the sausages were sliced into 3/8-in-thick patties, packed in cans and given a radiation dose of 4.5 Mrad. The radiation sterilized products were stored for 12 months at 72 Degree-Sign F with periodic evaluations to assess the quality and the effect of various treatments. The treatments included vacuum packing, the addition of various antioxidants, and the use of charcoal packets. The products just prior to serving were dipped in batter and breading and deep-fried. The fish patties were evaluated by flavorpanels and objective measurements, such as total volatile bases, 2-thiobarbituric acid number, pH and colorrreflectance values. The products received acceptable flavor scores from preference panels (140 to 170 judges) during twelve months of storage at 72 Degree-Sign F. Although the panels preferred the non-irradiated control samples to the irradiated samples after 12 months, all stored irradiated patties scored on the ''like''  More>>
Sinnhuber, R. O.; Landers, Mary K.; Yu, T. C.; [1]  Simon, M.; Heiligman, F. [2] 
  1. Department of Food Science And Technology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR (United States)
  2. United States Army Natick Laboratories, Natick, MA (United States)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 1966
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Conference: International Symposium on Food Irradiation, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), 6-10 Jun 1966; Other Information: 13 refs., 5 tabs.; Related Information: In: Food Irradiation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Food Irradiation| 979 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Contract Number:
Contract DA19-129-QM-1356; DA19-129-AMC-155(N)
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M2057075529
Submitting Site:
page(s) 535-547
Announcement Date:
Aug 08, 2013

Citation Formats

Sinnhuber, R. O., Landers, Mary K., Yu, T. C., Simon, M., and Heiligman, F. Development of Radiation-Sterilized Sea Food Products. I. Enzyme-Inactivated Cod and Halibut Patties; Essais de Radiosterilisation des Produits Alimentaires d'Origine Marine. I. Pates de Morue et de Fletan a Enzymes Inactives; Primenenie izlucheniya dlya sterilizatsii morskikh pishchevykh produktov; Preparacion de Alimentos de Origen Marino Esterilizados por Irradiacion. I. Pastelillos de Bacalao y de Hipogloso con Enzimas Inactivadas. IAEA: N. p., 1966. Web.
Sinnhuber, R. O., Landers, Mary K., Yu, T. C., Simon, M., & Heiligman, F. Development of Radiation-Sterilized Sea Food Products. I. Enzyme-Inactivated Cod and Halibut Patties; Essais de Radiosterilisation des Produits Alimentaires d'Origine Marine. I. Pates de Morue et de Fletan a Enzymes Inactives; Primenenie izlucheniya dlya sterilizatsii morskikh pishchevykh produktov; Preparacion de Alimentos de Origen Marino Esterilizados por Irradiacion. I. Pastelillos de Bacalao y de Hipogloso con Enzimas Inactivadas. IAEA.
Sinnhuber, R. O., Landers, Mary K., Yu, T. C., Simon, M., and Heiligman, F. 1966. "Development of Radiation-Sterilized Sea Food Products. I. Enzyme-Inactivated Cod and Halibut Patties; Essais de Radiosterilisation des Produits Alimentaires d'Origine Marine. I. Pates de Morue et de Fletan a Enzymes Inactives; Primenenie izlucheniya dlya sterilizatsii morskikh pishchevykh produktov; Preparacion de Alimentos de Origen Marino Esterilizados por Irradiacion. I. Pastelillos de Bacalao y de Hipogloso con Enzimas Inactivadas." IAEA.
title = {Development of Radiation-Sterilized Sea Food Products. I. Enzyme-Inactivated Cod and Halibut Patties; Essais de Radiosterilisation des Produits Alimentaires d'Origine Marine. I. Pates de Morue et de Fletan a Enzymes Inactives; Primenenie izlucheniya dlya sterilizatsii morskikh pishchevykh produktov; Preparacion de Alimentos de Origen Marino Esterilizados por Irradiacion. I. Pastelillos de Bacalao y de Hipogloso con Enzimas Inactivadas}
author = {Sinnhuber, R. O., Landers, Mary K., Yu, T. C., Simon, M., and Heiligman, F.}
abstractNote = {Radiation-sterilized enzyme-inactivated cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepsis) patties or cakes were developed which show promise as commercial products. They were prepared by incorporating the comminuted fish with white corn meal, gelatin, and salt and forming the mixture into sausages. Enzymes were inactivated by heating the sausages in a boiling water-bath. After cooling overnight to set the protein, the sausages were sliced into 3/8-in-thick patties, packed in cans and given a radiation dose of 4.5 Mrad. The radiation sterilized products were stored for 12 months at 72 Degree-Sign F with periodic evaluations to assess the quality and the effect of various treatments. The treatments included vacuum packing, the addition of various antioxidants, and the use of charcoal packets. The products just prior to serving were dipped in batter and breading and deep-fried. The fish patties were evaluated by flavorpanels and objective measurements, such as total volatile bases, 2-thiobarbituric acid number, pH and colorrreflectance values. The products received acceptable flavor scores from preference panels (140 to 170 judges) during twelve months of storage at 72 Degree-Sign F. Although the panels preferred the non-irradiated control samples to the irradiated samples after 12 months, all stored irradiated patties scored on the ''like'' side of the 9-point hedonic scale. The color-reflectance values of radiation-sterilized seafood products can be used as a measure of the radiation-induced browning and seemed to correlate with length of storage. (author) [French] Les auteurs ont mis au point des pates ou hachis de morue (Gadus macrocephalus) et de fletan (Hippoglossus stenolepsis) a enzymes inactives, sterilises par rayonnement, qui semblent pouvoir etre commercialises. Ils ont ete prepares par malaxage du poisson finement hache avec de la farine de mais blanche, de la gelatine et du sel, le melange etant debite sous forme de saucisses. Les enzymes ont ete inactives par Inverted-Exclamation-Mark immersion des saucisses dans un bain d'eau bouillante. Apres refroidissement pour laisser prendre les proteines, les saucisses ont ete debitees en tranches de 1 cm d'epaisseur, puis mises en boites et irradiees a 4,5 Mrad. Le produit radiosterilise a ete emmagasine pendant 12 mois a une temperature de 22 Degree-Sign C; il- a ete procede periodiquement a une evaluation de la qualite et de l'effet des divers traitements. Ces traitements comportaient l'emballage sous vide, l'addition de divers anti-oxydants et l'emploi de paquets de charbon de bois. Pour la consommation, les produits ont ete trempes dans de la pate a frire, roules dans de la chapelure et passes a la friture. Le produit a ete evalue par des groupes de degustateurs; on a egalement fait des mesures objectives sur le total des bases volatiles, l'indice d'acide 2-thiobarbiturique, le pH et le coefficient de reflexion des couleurs. Les groupes de degustateurs (composes de 140 a 170 membres) ont donne des cotes satisfaisantes aux produits pendant 12 mois de stockage a 22 Degree-Sign C. Bien que ces groupes aient prefere les echantillons temoins non irradies aux echantillons irradies, apres 12 mois, tous les pates irradies conserves ont ete classes du cote positif de l'echelle hedonistique des qualites (neuf degres). Le coefficient de reflexion des couleurs des produits alimentaires d'origine marine radiosterilises peut servir a evaluer le brunissement produit par l'action des rayonnements et parait etre en rapport avec la duree de conservation. (author) [Spanish] Se han preparado pastelillos o tortas de bacalao (Gadus macrocephalus) e hipogloso (Hippoglossus stenolepsis) esterilizados por irradiacion, con inactivacion de enzimas, productos que ofrecen interes desde el punto de vista comercial. Se prepararon mezclando el pescado picado con harina de maiz, gelatina y sal y dando a la masa forma de salchicha. Las enzimas se inactivaron calentando las salchichas en un baflo de agua hirviente. Despues de dejarlas enfriar durante un dfa, para que las proteinas se asentasen, se cortaron en pastelillos de 3/8 pulg. de espesor, se envasaron en latas y se sometieron a una dosis de irradiacion de 4,5 Mrad. Los productos radioesterilizados se almacenaron durante 12 meses a 72 Degree-Sign F, y se sometieron a examenes periodicos para evaluar la calidad y el efecto de varios tratamientos. Los tratamientos que se aplicaron fueron: envasado al vacfo, adicion de varios antioxidantes y empleo de paquetes de carbon vegetal. Antes de servirlos, los pastelillos fueron rebozados en besamela y empanados, y se frieron bien. La coniestibilidad de los pastelillos se estudio por medio de grupos de catadores y de mediciones objetivas, tales como contenido total de bases volatiles, fndice de acido 2-tiobarbiturico, pH e indice de reflectancia cromatica. El sabor de los productos recibio puntuaciones aceptables de grupos de catadores (140 a 170 personas) durante 12 meses'de almacenamiento a 72 Degree-Sign F. Aunque los catadores prefirieron las muestras testigo no irradiadas a los productos irradiados, todos los pastelillos irradiados almacenados puntuaron en la parte positiva de la escala hedonfstica de 9 puntos. Los indices de reflectancia cromatica de los productos alimenticios marinos radioesterilizados pueden utilizarse para medir el dorado producido por la irradiacion y parecen guardar correlacion con la duracion del almacenamiento. (author) [Russian] Byli prigotovleny lepeshki iz treski (Gadus macrocephalus) i paltusa (Hippoglossus steno- lepsis), sterilizovannye s pomoshh'ju obluchenija i inaktivirovannye v otnoshenii dejstvija jenzimov, kotorye javljajutsja perspektivnymi s kommercheskoj tochki zrenija. Oni prigotavlivajutsja putem smeshenija razmel'chennoj ryby s beloj kukuruznoj mukoj, zhelatinom i sol'ju, posle chego jetoj smesi pridaetsja forma kolbasok. Inaktivacija jenzimov dostigaetsja posredstvom nagrevanija kolbasok v vanne s kipjashhej vodoj. Posle togo, kak kolbaski v techenie nochi ostyli i protein zatverdel, ih razrezali na lepeshki tolshhinoj 3/8 djujma, pomestili v banki i obluchili dozoj v 4,5 Mrad. Sterilizovannye oblucheniem produkty hranilis' v techenie 12 mesjacev pri temperature 72 Degree-Sign F, pri jetom periodicheski proizvodilas' ocenka kachestva, a takzhe posledstvij razlichnoj obrabotki. Jeta obrabotka vkljuchala upakovku v vakuume, vkljuchenie razlichnyh antiokislitelej i ispol'zovanie paketov dlja drevesnogo uglja. Neposredstvenno pered potrebleniem produkty pokryvalis' vzbitym testom i panirovochnymi suharjami i kak sleduet prozharivalis. Ocenka rybnyh pirozhkov proizvodilas' degustatorami, a takzhe putem izmerenija ob{sup e}ktivnyh pokazatelej, takih kak obshhie letuchie osnovanija, 2-tiobarbiturovoe kislotnoe chislo, pH i cvetnaja otrazhatel'naja sposobnost. Gruppy degustatorov (140- 170 chelovek) dali udovletvoritel'nuju ocenku vkusovyh kachestv produktov v.techenie 12 mesjacev hranenija pri temperature 72 Degree-Sign F. Hotja posle 12 mesjacev degustatory otdali predpochtenie neobluchennym kontrol'nym obrazcam, vse hranivshiesja obluchennye pirozhki poluchili polozhitel'nuju ocenku,po 9-ti bal'noj gedonicheskoj sisteme. Cvetnaja otrazhatel'naja sposobnost' sterilizovannyh oblucheniem morskih pishhevyh produktov ispol'zovalas' v kachestve merila, vyzvannogo oblucheniem potemnenija produktov i, kazhetsja, zavisit ot prodolzhitel'nosti hranenija. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1966}
month = {Nov}