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Irradiation of Poultry and Egg Products; Irradiation de la Volaille et des Ceufs et Derives; Obluchenie domashnej ptitsy, yaits i izdelij iz nikh; Irradiacion de Volateria, Huevos y Productos Derivados


Poultry and egg products may be treated advantageously with various kinds of irradiation process, in different circumstances. Where contamination with Salmonella is a problem, 'radicidation' may be carried out with doses of the order of 0.5 Mrad. This is particularly valuable for frozen products, such as whole egg and some kinds of poultry, especially duck. Dried-egg products may be treated also in this way. This application is described in detail by other authors (Ley, Mossel [2,3]). The treatment of poultry carcasses so that they can be stored indefinitely, or 'radappertization', can be achieved by doses of 4,5 Mrad. However, other processes must be associated with the irradiation, to prevent undesirable off-flavours. These can include pre-heating to inactivate enzymes, irradiation in the frozen state, in vacuum or nitrogen packs, or with activated charcoal included in the pack, and particular methods of cooking are sometimes recommended. These methods are of interest for army use, and have been extensively studied for the research programme of the United States Army. The 'radurization' process for poultry, i.e. increase in storage life by inactivation of most of the spoilage microorganisms, is of interest for commercial use. Doses ranging from 0.15 to 0.25 Mrad may be used  More>>
Thornley, Margaret J. [1] 
  1. Sub-Department of Chemical Microbiology, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 1966
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Conference: International Symposium on Food Irradiation, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), 6-10 Jun 1966; Other Information: 28 refs., 3 tabs., 3 figs.; Related Information: In: Food Irradiation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Food Irradiation| 979 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M2051075523
Submitting Site:
page(s) 427-437
Announcement Date:
Aug 08, 2013

Citation Formats

Thornley, Margaret J. Irradiation of Poultry and Egg Products; Irradiation de la Volaille et des Ceufs et Derives; Obluchenie domashnej ptitsy, yaits i izdelij iz nikh; Irradiacion de Volateria, Huevos y Productos Derivados. IAEA: N. p., 1966. Web.
Thornley, Margaret J. Irradiation of Poultry and Egg Products; Irradiation de la Volaille et des Ceufs et Derives; Obluchenie domashnej ptitsy, yaits i izdelij iz nikh; Irradiacion de Volateria, Huevos y Productos Derivados. IAEA.
Thornley, Margaret J. 1966. "Irradiation of Poultry and Egg Products; Irradiation de la Volaille et des Ceufs et Derives; Obluchenie domashnej ptitsy, yaits i izdelij iz nikh; Irradiacion de Volateria, Huevos y Productos Derivados." IAEA.
title = {Irradiation of Poultry and Egg Products; Irradiation de la Volaille et des Ceufs et Derives; Obluchenie domashnej ptitsy, yaits i izdelij iz nikh; Irradiacion de Volateria, Huevos y Productos Derivados}
author = {Thornley, Margaret J.}
abstractNote = {Poultry and egg products may be treated advantageously with various kinds of irradiation process, in different circumstances. Where contamination with Salmonella is a problem, 'radicidation' may be carried out with doses of the order of 0.5 Mrad. This is particularly valuable for frozen products, such as whole egg and some kinds of poultry, especially duck. Dried-egg products may be treated also in this way. This application is described in detail by other authors (Ley, Mossel [2,3]). The treatment of poultry carcasses so that they can be stored indefinitely, or 'radappertization', can be achieved by doses of 4,5 Mrad. However, other processes must be associated with the irradiation, to prevent undesirable off-flavours. These can include pre-heating to inactivate enzymes, irradiation in the frozen state, in vacuum or nitrogen packs, or with activated charcoal included in the pack, and particular methods of cooking are sometimes recommended. These methods are of interest for army use, and have been extensively studied for the research programme of the United States Army. The 'radurization' process for poultry, i.e. increase in storage life by inactivation of most of the spoilage microorganisms, is of interest for commercial use. Doses ranging from 0.15 to 0.25 Mrad may be used without adverse effects on flavour, and will extend the periodjbefore microbial spoilage by 1.5- to 3-fold. Storage at chill temperatures (5 Degree-Sign C or below) is necessary, and changes in flavour during storage may limit the extension of this period, so that 20 days at 1 Degree-Sign C is about i the most obtainable without quality deterioration. The mechanism of these changes is not understood, but they are not due to microbial spoilage or to the irradiation. The eventual microbial spoilage of irradiated chickens at chill temperatures is due to non-pathogenic bacteria, which are normally present in the spoilage flora, though sometimes the proportions of different kinds of these bacteria may be altered, giving rather different off odours. The application of this process to British conditions for production and distribution of broiler chickens has been studied, and a joint investigation by the United States Atomic Energy Commission, the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., and the United States Army Material Command's Natick Laboratories is now in progress. This will cover economic needs and advantages, wholesomeness, product development, packaging and consumer acceptance. (author) [French] La volaille et les oeufs et derives peuvent etre avantageusement traites par divers procedes d'irradiation, selon les circonstances. S'il s'agit de contamination par Salmonella, on peut recourir a la radicidation a des doses de Tordre de 0,5 Mrad. Ce procede est particulierement interessant pour le traitement de produits congeles, tels les oeufs entiers et certaines volailles, notamment le canard. Les derives deshydrates de l'oeuf peuvent egalement etre traites de cette facon. Cette application est expose en detail par d'autres auteurs (Ley et Mossel [2,3]). Le traitement de volailles entieres en vue de leur conservation indefinie (radappertisation) peut etre effectue a des doses de 4,5 Mrad. Pour prevenir certaines alterations du gout, il faut cependant combiner l'irradiation a d'autres procedes, par exemple: traitement thermique prealable pour inactiver les enzymes, irradiation a l'etat congele, en emballage sous vide ou contenant une atmosphere d'azote ou du charbon de bois active; en outre, certains modes de cuisson sont quelquefois recommandes. Ces methodes sont interessantes pour les usages de l'armee et ont ete longuement experimentees pour le programme de recherche de l'Armee des Etats-Unis. La radurisation de la volaille, destinee a prolonger la duree de conservation par l'inactivation de la plupart des micro-organismes corrupteurs, est commercialement interessante. On peut utiliser des doses de 0,15 a 0,25 Mrad sans provoquer d'alterations desagreables du gout, tout en retardant de 1,5 a 3 fois la corruption microbienne. La conservation sous refrigeration (5 Degree-Sign C ou au-dessous) est necessaire, et cette duree peut etre abregee par l'alteration du gout, de telle sorte que 20 jours a 1 Degree-Sign C est a peu pres le maximum que l'on puisse obtenir sans alteration de la qualite. Le mecanisme de ces changements reste inexplique, mais on sait qu'ils ne sont pas dus a des agents microbiens ni a l'irradiation. La corruption par les microbes de poulets irradies sous refrigeration est due a des bacteries non pathogenes normalement presentes dans la flore corruptrice; toutefois, les proportions des differentes sortes de bacteries peuvent varier, donnant ainsi differentes alterations de l'odeur. L'utilisation de ce procede dans les conditions existant au Royaume-Uni en matiere de production et de distribution des poulets a rotir a ete etudiee, et la Commission de l'energie atomique des Etats-Unis, l'Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., et les laboratoires de l'United States Army Material Command (Natick) examinent conjointement le probleme. Ces etudes portent sur les besoins et les avantages economiques, l'innocuite, l'elaboration de nouveaux produits, le conditionnement et l'accueil du consommateur. (author) [Spanish] La volaterfa, los huevos y sus derivados pueden someterse eficazmente a diferentes procesos de irradiacion, segun las circunstancias. Cuando el problema consiste en la contaminacion por Salmonella, puede practicarse la ' radicidacion' con dosis del orden de 0,5 Mrad. Esto es particularmente util cuando se trata de productos congelados, tales como huevos enteros y algunas variedades de aves, en particular los patos. Los huevos desecados y sus derivados pueden tambien tratarse por este procedimiento. Otros autores (Ley, Mossel [2,3] ) describen detalladamente esta aplicacion. El tratamiento de aves sacrificadas para poder almacenarlas durante tiempo indefinido (' radappertizacion') puede efectuarse con dosis de 4,5 Mrad. De todas formas, la irradiacion debe combinarse con otros procesos para evitar sabores desagradables; por ejemplo, puede recurrirse al calenta miento previo para inactiva: las enzimas y a la irradiacion de los articulos congelados, en envases al vacio o con atmosfera de nitrogeno, o en envases con aditivo de carbon vegetal activado; se recomiendan a veces procedimientos culinarios especiales. Estos son particularmente interesantes para el Ejercito y son objeto de amplios estudios en el programa de investigacion de las fuerzas armadas de los Estados Unidos. I La 'radurizacion' de la volateria, es decir, la prolongacion del periodo de almacenamiento por inactivacion de la mayor parte de los microorganismos causantes lie la descomposicion, presenta interes comercial. Pueden administrarse dosis de 0,15 a 0,25 Mrad, jque no tienen efectos perjudiciales sobre el sabor y permiten un periodo de conservacion de 1,5 a 3. veces mayor que el habitual. Es preciso guardar los productos a baja temperatura (5 Degree-Sign Co inferior); las alteraciones del sabor durante el almacenamiento pueden limitar el periodo de conservacion, de forma que el maximo que se puede conseguir sin detrimento de la calidad suele ser de 20 dias a 1 Degree-Sign C. Estas alteraciones, cuyo mecanismo se desconoce, no se deben a la accion de los microbios ni a la irradiacion. El deterioro eventual por accion microbiana de los pollos irradiados conservados a baja temperatura se debe a bacterias no patogenas normalmente presentes en la nora causante de la descomposicion, aunque a veces las proporciones de las diferentes especies de estas bacterias varian, produciendo malos olores tambien distintos. Se ha estudiado la aplicacion de este procedimiento en Inglaterra para la produccion y distribucion de pollos cebados de asar, y se ha emprendido una investigacion en la que participan la US Atomic Energy Commission, la Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. y los US Army Material Command's Natick Laboratories, en la que se estudiaran las necesidades y ventajas economicas, la comestibilidad, la preparacion de productos, su envasado y su aceptacion por los consumidores. (author) [Russian] Domashnjaja ptica, jajca i izdelija iz nih mogut uspeshno obrabatyvat'sja s pomoshh'ju razlichnyh processov obluchenija v razlichnyh uslovijah. Kogda rech' idet o zarazhenii Salmonella mozhet osushhestvljat'sja 'radisidacija' s dozami porjadka 0,5 megarad. Jeto osobenno jeffektivno v otnoshenii zamorozhennyh produktov, takih kak jajca i nekotorye vidy domashnej pticy, osobenno utki. Takim zhe obrazom mogut obrabatyvat'sja suhie jaichnye produkty. Dannyj metod detal'no opisan drugimi avtorami (Lej, Mossel). Obrabotka tushek domashnej pticy s tem, chtoby oni mogli hranit'sja v techenie prodolzhitel'nogo vremeni, ili {sup r}adappertizacija{sup ,} mozhet byt' dostignuta s pomoshh'ju doz v 4,5 Mrad. Odnako narjadu s oblucheniem pri jetom dolzhny primenjat'sja drugie processy dlja predotvrashhenija nezhelatel'nyh privkusov. Jeti processy mogut zakljuchat'sja v predvaritel'nom nagrevanii dlja inaktivacii fermentov, obluchenii e zamorozhennom sostojanii, v vakuumnyh ili azotnyh upakovkah ili s aktivirovannym drevesnym uglem v upakovke, i inogda rekomendujutsja otdel'nye metody zharenija. Jeti metody predstavljajut interes dlja vooruzhennyh sil i shiroko izuchajutsja v ramkah programmy issledovanij armii SShA. Process 'radurizacii' v otnoshenii domashnej ptniy, t.e. uvelichenie sroka hranenija putem inaktivacii bol'shej chasti mikroorganizmov, vyzyvajushhih porchu produktov, predstavljajut interes dlja kommercheskogo ispol'zovanija. Dozy v diapazone 0,15-0,25 megarad mogut ispol'zovat'sja bez neblagoprijatnogo vozdejstvija na vkus produktov i uvelichat period hranenija bez porchi, vyzyvaemoj mikroorganizmami, v poltora - tri raza. Neobhodimym javljaetsja hranenie pri nizkih temperaturah (5 Degree-Sign C ili nizhe), i izmenenie vkusovyh kachestv v period hranenija mozhet ogranichit' prodolzhitel'nost' dannogo perioda, tak chto 20 dnej pri 1 Degree-Sign C javljajutsja primerno naibolee podhodjashhim srokom bez uhudshenija kachestva. Mehanizm jetih izmenenij eshhe ne ponjat, odnako oni imejut mesto ne iz-za mikrobiologicheskoj porchi ili obluchenija. . Vozmozhnaja mikrobiologicheskaja porcha obluchennyh kur pri nizkih temperaturah vyzyvaetsja nepatogennymi bakterijami, kotorye obychno imejutsja v mikrobiologicheskoj flore, vyzyvajushhej porchu produktov, hotja inogda sootnoshenie razlichnyh vidov jetih bakterij mozhet izmenjat'sja, chto privodit k pojavleniju razlichnyh 'dopolnitel'nyh' zapasov. Primenenie jetogo processa izuchalos' v Anglii v otnoshenii proizvodstva i raspredelenija cypljat-brojlerov i v nastojashhee vremja osushhestvljaetsja sovmestnoe issledovanie Komissiej po atomnoj jenergii SShA, organizaciej Atomik Jenerdzhi of Kanada limited i Natikskimi laboratorijami intendantskogo upravlenija armii SShA. Ono ohvatit jekonomicheskie potrebnosti i preimushhestva, celostnost, podgotovku produktov, upakovku i odobrenie potrebiteljami. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1966}
month = {Nov}