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Perspectives for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in the Decontamination (Salmonella Radicidation) of Some Frozen Proteinaceous Foods and Dry Mixed Feed Ingredients; Perspectives de l'Emploi des Rayonnements pour la Decontamination (Radicidation de Salmonella) de Certains Aliments Proteiques Congeles et des Constituants de Melanges Alimentaires Secs pour Animaux; Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya dlya unichtozheniya bakterij (Gruppy Salmonella) nekotorykh zamorozhennykh belkovykh osnovnykh pishchevykh produktov i sukhikh komponentov smeshannogo'fura; Radiodescontaminacion (Radicidacion de la Salmonella) de Algunos Alimentos Proteicos Basicos Congelados y de Componentes de Alimentos Secos para Animales


Radiation decontamination, particularly of proteinaceous staple foods of low water activity, seemed to be promising, as one of the first applications of ionizing energy in food ancieed processing because of (a) restricted radiochemical damage to the commodities concerned; (b) absence of microbial proliferation subsequent to irradiation; and (c) some, often unique, technological advantages, such as applicability to materials already packaged, e.g. mixed feed ingredients, and effective decontamination without simultaneously- losing freshness, as in the case of red meats and poultry. As a first step, laboratory-scale dose range-finding experiments in this area were carried out earlier with, at the same time, sub-acute testing for wholesomeness. The results of these experiments were very promising. Pilot-plant-scale tests were next carried out, while concurrently research on wholesomeness was extended to a full two years/three generations assay with rats. In these tests it was confirmed that a dose of the order of 0.7 {+-} 0.1 Mrad suffices for the elimination of Salmonellae from frozen and dried proteinaceous products, such as chickens, fish meal and mixed feed. If, for reasons of analytical facility, a negative Enterobacteriaceae test for representative numbers of samples of the order of 10 g of radicidized material were preferred, the radiation dose  More>>
Mossel, D. A.A. [1] 
  1. Central Institute for Nutrition and Food Research T.N.O., Zeist (Netherlands)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 1966
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Conference: International Symposium on Food Irradiation, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), 6-10 Jun 1966; Other Information: 58 refs., 4 figs., 3 tabs.; Related Information: In: Food Irradiation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Food Irradiation| 979 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M2047075519
Submitting Site:
page(s) 365-380
Announcement Date:
Aug 08, 2013

Citation Formats

Mossel, D. A.A. Perspectives for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in the Decontamination (Salmonella Radicidation) of Some Frozen Proteinaceous Foods and Dry Mixed Feed Ingredients; Perspectives de l'Emploi des Rayonnements pour la Decontamination (Radicidation de Salmonella) de Certains Aliments Proteiques Congeles et des Constituants de Melanges Alimentaires Secs pour Animaux; Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya dlya unichtozheniya bakterij (Gruppy Salmonella) nekotorykh zamorozhennykh belkovykh osnovnykh pishchevykh produktov i sukhikh komponentov smeshannogo'fura; Radiodescontaminacion (Radicidacion de la Salmonella) de Algunos Alimentos Proteicos Basicos Congelados y de Componentes de Alimentos Secos para Animales. IAEA: N. p., 1966. Web.
Mossel, D. A.A. Perspectives for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in the Decontamination (Salmonella Radicidation) of Some Frozen Proteinaceous Foods and Dry Mixed Feed Ingredients; Perspectives de l'Emploi des Rayonnements pour la Decontamination (Radicidation de Salmonella) de Certains Aliments Proteiques Congeles et des Constituants de Melanges Alimentaires Secs pour Animaux; Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya dlya unichtozheniya bakterij (Gruppy Salmonella) nekotorykh zamorozhennykh belkovykh osnovnykh pishchevykh produktov i sukhikh komponentov smeshannogo'fura; Radiodescontaminacion (Radicidacion de la Salmonella) de Algunos Alimentos Proteicos Basicos Congelados y de Componentes de Alimentos Secos para Animales. IAEA.
Mossel, D. A.A. 1966. "Perspectives for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in the Decontamination (Salmonella Radicidation) of Some Frozen Proteinaceous Foods and Dry Mixed Feed Ingredients; Perspectives de l'Emploi des Rayonnements pour la Decontamination (Radicidation de Salmonella) de Certains Aliments Proteiques Congeles et des Constituants de Melanges Alimentaires Secs pour Animaux; Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya dlya unichtozheniya bakterij (Gruppy Salmonella) nekotorykh zamorozhennykh belkovykh osnovnykh pishchevykh produktov i sukhikh komponentov smeshannogo'fura; Radiodescontaminacion (Radicidacion de la Salmonella) de Algunos Alimentos Proteicos Basicos Congelados y de Componentes de Alimentos Secos para Animales." IAEA.
title = {Perspectives for the Use of Ionizing Radiation in the Decontamination (Salmonella Radicidation) of Some Frozen Proteinaceous Foods and Dry Mixed Feed Ingredients; Perspectives de l'Emploi des Rayonnements pour la Decontamination (Radicidation de Salmonella) de Certains Aliments Proteiques Congeles et des Constituants de Melanges Alimentaires Secs pour Animaux; Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya dlya unichtozheniya bakterij (Gruppy Salmonella) nekotorykh zamorozhennykh belkovykh osnovnykh pishchevykh produktov i sukhikh komponentov smeshannogo'fura; Radiodescontaminacion (Radicidacion de la Salmonella) de Algunos Alimentos Proteicos Basicos Congelados y de Componentes de Alimentos Secos para Animales}
author = {Mossel, D. A.A.}
abstractNote = {Radiation decontamination, particularly of proteinaceous staple foods of low water activity, seemed to be promising, as one of the first applications of ionizing energy in food ancieed processing because of (a) restricted radiochemical damage to the commodities concerned; (b) absence of microbial proliferation subsequent to irradiation; and (c) some, often unique, technological advantages, such as applicability to materials already packaged, e.g. mixed feed ingredients, and effective decontamination without simultaneously- losing freshness, as in the case of red meats and poultry. As a first step, laboratory-scale dose range-finding experiments in this area were carried out earlier with, at the same time, sub-acute testing for wholesomeness. The results of these experiments were very promising. Pilot-plant-scale tests were next carried out, while concurrently research on wholesomeness was extended to a full two years/three generations assay with rats. In these tests it was confirmed that a dose of the order of 0.7 {+-} 0.1 Mrad suffices for the elimination of Salmonellae from frozen and dried proteinaceous products, such as chickens, fish meal and mixed feed. If, for reasons of analytical facility, a negative Enterobacteriaceae test for representative numbers of samples of the order of 10 g of radicidized material were preferred, the radiation dose would have to be slightly raised; the strict maximum would then amount to 1.0 Mrad, e.g. when mixed feeds, initially containing higher numbers of relatively radiation-resistant, pigmented Enterobacter strains were to be treated. No consistent, radiation-dependent, untoward effects on the experimental animals used, i.e. rats and, to a lesser extent, piglets, was detected at any of the irradiation levels tested. It is, therefore, concluded that the third evaluation step can now be undertaken, that is: tentative commercial-scale decontamination experiments in the region of production. Latin American countries like Argentina and Peru might be the most promising areas for the first tests of this sort, as they are amongst the greatest exporters of some of the commodities that are most frequently found contaminated with Salmonellae (frozen boneless horse meat, and fish and cottonseed meals), while having generally well- equipped laboratories and reasonably well-trained graduate staff available. A 50 000-Ci source of {sup 60}Co, or an X-ray machine of a similar output, may be successfully used in such test runs. Microbiological evaluation techniques for routinely controlling the efficacy of such irradiation treatments have already been worked out and tested under pilot plant conditions. Finally, wherever possible, the merits of these radicidation treatments should be experimentally compared with those of competitive, conventional processing methods, such as pelleting in the decontamination of feed ingredients; this approach would make it possible for the industries concerned to take their decisions at the completion of the first commercial-scale tests. (author) [French] La decontamination par les rayonnements, notamment celle des denrees proteiques de base a faible activite chimique de la teneur en eau est apparue comme une des premieres applications prometteuses de l'energie ionisante au traitement des denrees alimentaires destinees a la consommation humaine ou animale; les raisons en sont les suivantes: a) alteration radio chimique limitee des denrees en question; b) absence de toute proliferation microbienne apres irradiation; c) avantages techniques souvent exceptionnels, telle la possibilite d'application a des produits deja empaquetes, par exemple aux constituants de melanges alimentaires pour animaux, et la decontamination efficace sans alteration simultanee de la fraicheur, notamment dans le cas des viandes rouges et de la volaille. Comme premiere etape, on a procede anterieurement a des experiences en laboratoire en vue de determiner les diverses doses necessaires et de verifier simultanement la comestibilite apres irradiation a des doses sous-critiques. Les donnees obtenues etant fort prometteuses, on a procede ensuite a des essais dans des installations pilotes en entreprenant en meme temps une etude de la comestibilite sur des rats pendant deux annees entieres (trois generations). Ces essais ont confirme qu'une dose de l'ordre de 0,7 i 0,1 Mrad suffisait amplement pour detruire les Salmonellae dans les produits proteiques congeles ou deshydrates tels que poulets, farines de poisson ou melanges alimentaires pour animaux. Lorsque, pour des raisons de facilite d'analyse, on etait amene a preferer un test entero-bacterien negatif pour un nombre representatif d'echantillons de l'ordre de 10 g de matieres traitees par radicidation, il fallait augmenter l'egerement la dose de rayonnement; la dose maximale strictement necessaire s'elevait alors a 1,0 Mrad, par exemple lorsqu'il s'agissait de traiter des melanges alimentaires pour animaux, contenant initialement un grand nombre de souches de bacteries intestinales pigmentees a radioresistance relativement elevee. Quel que fut le niveau d'irradiation, aucun des essais n'a permis de detecter un effet radioinduit defavorable se reproduisant regulierement chez les rats et encore moins chez les jeunes potes utilises pour les experiences. On peut donc conclure qu'il est desormais possible de passer a la troisieme etape d'evaluation, c'est-a-dire aux essais de decontamination a l'echelle industrielle dans les regions productrices. Les pays d'Amerique latine, tels que l'Argentine et le Perou, peuvent presenter un grand interet pour les premiers essais de ce genre du fait qu'ils figurent parmi les plus grands exportateurs de plusieurs des produits frequemment contamines de Salmonellae (viande de cheval desossee congelee et produits a base de poisson et de grains de coton), et qu'ils disposent generalement de laboratoires bien equipes et d'un personnel diplome suffisamment competent. Au cours de ces essais on pourrait utiliser avec succes des sources de 50 000 Ci au cobalt-60 ou un appareil a rayons X d'une puissance analogue. On a d'ores et deja elabore et verifie dans des installations-pilotes des methodes d'evaluation microbiologiques permettant de controler regulierement l'efficacite de ces traitements par irradiation. Enfin, toutes les fois ou cela se revele possible, les avantages de ces traitements par radicidation devraient faire l'objet de comparaisons experimentales avec les methodes de traitement classiques competitives telles que rechauffement par agglomeration dans le'cas de la decontamination des constituants de produits alimentaires pour animaux; cette maniere de proceder permettra en outre aux industries interessees de prendre leurs decisions apres achevement des premiers essais a l'echelle commerciale. (author) [Spanish] La radiodescontaminacion de los alimentos proteicos basicos de escaso contenido de agua residual parece ser una de las primeras aplicaciones interesantes de las radiaciones al tratamiento de los alimentos del hombre y de los animales debido a las pocas alteraciones radioquimicas producidas en los alimentos tratados, a la ausencia de una proliferacion microbiana subsiguiente a la irradiacion, y a ciertasiventajas tecnologicas inherentes a ese procedimiento: la posibilidad de tratar productos ya empaquetados (mezclas de ingredientes de alimentos para animales) y la eficacia de la decontaminacion sin que los alimentos dejen de ser frescos, como en el caso de la carne roja y de la carne blanca. Para empezar se efectuaron experimentos de laboratorio con objeto de determinar la escala de las dosis y se llevaron a cabo algunos ensayos sobre comestibilidad. Como los resultados experimentales fueron muy prometedores, se hicieron ensayos en planta piloto y los estudios sobre comestibilidad se extendieron a dos anos utilizando tres generaciones de ratas. Estos ensayos confirmaron que una dosis del orden de 0,7 {+-} 0,1 Mrad basta para eliminar las Salmonellae de los productos proteicos congelados y deshidratados: pollos, harina de pescado, mezclas de alimentos para animales. Si por razones de comodidad analitica, se prefiriese un ensayo negativo de Enterobacteriaciae para un numero representativo de muestras del orden de 10 g de sustancias radicidadas, habria que aumentar algo la dosis, que seria entonces de 1,0 Mrad como maximo, para las mezclas de alimentos destinados a los animales, que en principio contienen un numero mas elevado de cepas pigmentadas de Enterobacteriaciae relativamente radiorresistentes. Con las dosis ensayadas no se ha observado ningun efecto perjudicial de las radiaciones en los animales de laboratorio utilizados (ratas y, en menor medida, cerdos jovenes). Puede iniciarse ya la tercera etapa, que consistira en experimentos de descontaminacion en escala comercial efectuados en las zonas de produccion. Algunos paises latinoamericanos tales como la Argentina y el Peru podrian ser las regiones mas adecuadas para efectuar los primeros ensayos de esta indole, pues figuran entre los mayores exportadores de algunos de los productos que con frecuencia estan contaminados por las Salmonellae (carne de caballo congelada y desosada, harinas de pescado y de semilla de algodon), y al mismo tiempo disponen de laboratorios bien equipados y de personal competente. Para estos ensayos puede utilizarse con exito una fuente de {sup 60}Co de 50 000 Ci o un aparato de rayos X de capacidad analoga. Se han elaborado ya, o se estan ensayando en planta piloto, algunas techicas de evaluacion microbiologica para controlar la eficacia de este tipo de irradiacion. Por ultimo, siempre que sea posible, habra que comparar experimentalmente las ventajas de esta radicidacion con otros metodos tradicionales de tratamiento, por ejemplo, la descontaminacion por el calor al fabricar aglomerados con ingredientes de los alimentos de animales. Esto permitira que las industrias interesadas tomen sus decisiones al terminar los primeros ensayos en escala comercial. (author) [Russian] Radiacionnaja dezaktivacija, osobenno belkovyh osnovnyh pishhevyh produktov nizkoj vodnoj aktivnosti, kak predstavljalos', dolzhna byla ispol'zovat'sja v kachestve odnogo iz pervyh primenenij ionizirujushhej jenergii v obrabotke pishhevyh produktov i furazha v silu a) ogranichennogo radiohimicheskogo povrezhdenija sootvetstvujushhih predmetov potreblenija; b) otsutstvija mikrobnoj proliferacii posle obluchenija; v) nekotoryh, chasto edinstvennyh v svoem rode, tehnologicheskih preimushhestv, kak, naprimer, primenimosti k uzhe upakovannym materialam, naprimer, k komponentam smeshannogo furazha, i jeffektivnoj dezaktivacii bez odnovremennoj poteri svezhesti, chto imeet mesto v sluchae s obychnym mjasom i mjasom domashnej pticy. V kachestve pervogo shaga byli provedeny laboratornye opyty po opredeleniju diapazona doz v jetoj oblasti odnovremenno s pochti maksimal'nym ispytaniem na sohranenie vkusovyh i pitatel'nyh kachestv. Poskol'ku rezul'taty jetih opytov javljalis' ves'ma obnadezhivajushhimi, byli provedeny opytnye ispytanija, hotja odnovremenno nauchnye issledovanija na sohranenie vkusovyh i pitatel'nyh kachestv byli prodleny na polnye dva goda, i prove- . deny opyty na treh pokolenijah krys. V hode jetih opytov bylo podtverzhdeno, chto doza porjadka 0,7{+-}0,1 megarad ves'ma dostatochna dlja udalenija salmonelly iz zamorozhennyh i zasushennyh belkovyh produktov, kak, naprimer, kurjatiny, rybnoj muki i smeshannogo furazha. Esli po prichinam analiticheskogo haraktera nuzhno bylo otdat' predpochtenie otricatel'nomu jenterobakterial'nomu ispytaniju dlja znachitel'nogo chisla obrazcov porjadka 10 g materiala, podvergnutogo dejstviju ionizirujushhego izluchenija, doza izluchenija dolzhna byla byt' neskol'ko uvelichena; strogaja maksimal'naja doza dolzhna sostavljat' v takom sluchae 1,0 megarad, naprimer, esli nuzhno obrabotat' smeshannyj furazh, pervonachal'no soderzhavshij bol'shoe chislo otnositel'no ustojchivyh k izlucheniju, pigmentirovannyh jenterobakterial'nyh vidov. Ni na odnom iz ispytannyh urovnej obluchenija ne bylo zafiksirovano postojannoe, radiacionno zavisimoe, neblagoprijatnoe'vozdejstvie na'po'dopytnyhzhivotnyh, naprimer,krysah i v men'shej stepeni - na porosjatah. Pojetomu delaetsja vyvod, chto teper' mozhno osushhestvit' tret'ju stupen' ocenki, kak-to: (probnye opyty po dezaktivacii na kommercheskoj osnove v rajone proizvodstva. Vozmozhno, chto latinoamerikanskie strany, kak, naprimer, Argentina i Peru, javljajutsja naibolee podhodjashhimi rajonami dlja provedenija pervyh ispytanij takogo roda, poskol'ku oni vhodjat v chislo samyh krupnyh jeksporterov nekotoryh predmetov potreblenija, kotorye chasto byvajut zarazheny salmonelloj (zamorozhennoe konskoe mjaso bez kostej, a takzhe rybnaja muka i muka iz semjan hlopka), i raspolagajut, kak pravilo, horosho oborudovannymi laboratorijami i otnositel'no horosho podgotovlennymi kadrami. Istochnik kobal't-60 v 50 000 kjuri ili rentgenovskaja ustanovka analogichnoj moshhnosti mogut uspeshno primenjat'sja pri provedenii takih ispytanij. Metody mikrobiologicheskoj ocenki dlja obychnogo kontrolja za dejstvennost'ju takoj obrabotki posredstvom obluchenija uzhe razrabotany i ispytany v opytnyh uslovijah. Nakonec, tam, gde jeto vozmozhno, v jeksperimental'nom porjadke sleduet sravnit' preimushhestva takoj obrabotki s preimushhestvami konkurentosposobnyh, obychnyh metodov obrabotki, kak, naprimer, granulirovaniem v sluchae dezaktivacii furazha; takoj podhod dast vozmozhnost' sootvetstvujushhim otrasljam promyshlennosti sdelat' svoi vyvody uzhe pri zavershenii pervyh ispytanij na kommercheskoj osnove. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1966}
month = {Nov}