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Chemical Changes Induced by Irradiation in Meats and Meat Components; Transformations Chimiques Provoquees par les Rayonnements dans les Viandes et Leurs Constituants; Khimicheskie prevrashcheniya v myasnykh produktakh i ikh sostavnykh chastyakh pod vozdejstviem oblucheniya; Alteraciones Quimicas Producidas por Irradiacion de las Carnes y de sus Componentes


The acceptability of meats preserved by irradiation has been hampered by the formation of an irradiation flavour and odour. This flavour and odour is believed to be due to the volatile chemical compounds produced by radiation impact on the protein and lipid molecules. The analysis of the volatile compounds has been accomplished, employing programmed cryogenic temperature gas chromatography for separation of the complex mixtures obtained, and rapid scanning mass spectrometry for identification of the individually separated components. Comprehensive analyses of the volatiles from irradiated ground beef, pork, mutton, lamb, and veal, as well as the volatile irradiation degradation products of several amino acids and proteins, animal fats, methyl esters of fatty acids, and triglycerides have been made. The results of the analysis of the irradiated component meat substances are compared with those obtained from the irradiation of meat itself, and of separate meat fractions, thus establishing the contribution of each fraction to the total. Mechanisms are postulated for the formation of the volatile components from each fraction and for interactions among intermediates from different fractions. (author) [French] La comestibilite des viandes conservees par les rayonnements s'est trouvee diminuee a la suite de l'apparition dans celles-ci d'un gout et d'une odeur  More>>
Merritt, C. Jr. [1] 
  1. Pioneering Research Division, United States Army Natick Laboratories, Natick, MA (United States)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 1966
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Conference: International Symposium on Food Irradiation, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), 6-10 Jun 1966; Other Information: 21 refs., 6 figs., 6 tabs.; Related Information: In: Food Irradiation. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Food Irradiation| 979 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome (Italy)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13M2034075506
Submitting Site:
page(s) 197-209
Announcement Date:
Aug 08, 2013

Citation Formats

Merritt, C. Jr. Chemical Changes Induced by Irradiation in Meats and Meat Components; Transformations Chimiques Provoquees par les Rayonnements dans les Viandes et Leurs Constituants; Khimicheskie prevrashcheniya v myasnykh produktakh i ikh sostavnykh chastyakh pod vozdejstviem oblucheniya; Alteraciones Quimicas Producidas por Irradiacion de las Carnes y de sus Componentes. IAEA: N. p., 1966. Web.
Merritt, C. Jr. Chemical Changes Induced by Irradiation in Meats and Meat Components; Transformations Chimiques Provoquees par les Rayonnements dans les Viandes et Leurs Constituants; Khimicheskie prevrashcheniya v myasnykh produktakh i ikh sostavnykh chastyakh pod vozdejstviem oblucheniya; Alteraciones Quimicas Producidas por Irradiacion de las Carnes y de sus Componentes. IAEA.
Merritt, C. Jr. 1966. "Chemical Changes Induced by Irradiation in Meats and Meat Components; Transformations Chimiques Provoquees par les Rayonnements dans les Viandes et Leurs Constituants; Khimicheskie prevrashcheniya v myasnykh produktakh i ikh sostavnykh chastyakh pod vozdejstviem oblucheniya; Alteraciones Quimicas Producidas por Irradiacion de las Carnes y de sus Componentes." IAEA.
title = {Chemical Changes Induced by Irradiation in Meats and Meat Components; Transformations Chimiques Provoquees par les Rayonnements dans les Viandes et Leurs Constituants; Khimicheskie prevrashcheniya v myasnykh produktakh i ikh sostavnykh chastyakh pod vozdejstviem oblucheniya; Alteraciones Quimicas Producidas por Irradiacion de las Carnes y de sus Componentes}
author = {Merritt, C. Jr.}
abstractNote = {The acceptability of meats preserved by irradiation has been hampered by the formation of an irradiation flavour and odour. This flavour and odour is believed to be due to the volatile chemical compounds produced by radiation impact on the protein and lipid molecules. The analysis of the volatile compounds has been accomplished, employing programmed cryogenic temperature gas chromatography for separation of the complex mixtures obtained, and rapid scanning mass spectrometry for identification of the individually separated components. Comprehensive analyses of the volatiles from irradiated ground beef, pork, mutton, lamb, and veal, as well as the volatile irradiation degradation products of several amino acids and proteins, animal fats, methyl esters of fatty acids, and triglycerides have been made. The results of the analysis of the irradiated component meat substances are compared with those obtained from the irradiation of meat itself, and of separate meat fractions, thus establishing the contribution of each fraction to the total. Mechanisms are postulated for the formation of the volatile components from each fraction and for interactions among intermediates from different fractions. (author) [French] La comestibilite des viandes conservees par les rayonnements s'est trouvee diminuee a la suite de l'apparition dans celles-ci d'un gout et d'une odeur engendres par l'irradiation. On pense que ces derniers sont dus aux composes chimiques volatils qui sont formes par l'action des rayonnements sur les molecules des proteines et des lipides. Il a ete procede a l'analyse des composes volatils a l'aide d'un programme de chromatographie en phase gazeuse a temperature cryogenique visant a separer les constituants des melanges complexes obtenus, et par spectrometrie de masse a balayage rapide destinee a identifier les constituants separes. L'auteur a effectue des analyses completes des composes volatils emanant de viande hachee de boeuf, de porc, de mouton, d'agneau et de veau; il a egalement analyse les produits volatils de la degradation, par les rayonnements de plusieurs acides amines et proteines, de graisses animales, d'esters methyliques d'acide gras et de triglycerides. L'auteur compare les resultats de l'analyse des substances constitutives de la viande soumises a l'irradiation avec ceux obtenus par l'irradiation de la viande elle-meme et de fractions distinctes de viande, ce qui permet de determiner l'apport de chaque fraction a l'ensemble. Il postule des mecanismes expliquant la formation des elements volatils dans chacune de ces fractions ainsi que les interactions entre les sub- stances, intermediaires des differentes fractions. (author) [Spanish] El mal sabor y el mal olor originados por la irradiacion de la carne conservada son un obstaculo para su aceptacion. Se cree que este sabor y este olor desagradables se deben a.los compuestos quimicos volatiles producidos por las radiaciones en las moleculas de proteinas y lipidos. Se han analizado los compuestos volatiles por cromatografia en fase gaseosa a temperaturas sumamente bajas y con arreglo a un programa, para determinar las mezclas complejas obtenidas, y por espectrometria de masas con exploracion rapida, para identificar los componentes separados. Se han efectuado analisis minuciosos de las sustancias volatiles formadas por irradiacion en carne picada de vaca, cerdo, carnero, cordero y ternera, asi como de los productos volatiles de degradacion originados por las radiaciones en varios aminoacidos y proteinas, grasas animales, esteres metilicos de acidos grasos y trigliceridos. Los resultados del analisis de los componentes de la carne irradiados se comparan con los obtenidos irradiando la carne misma y distintas fracciones de ella. Se postulan los mecanismos de formacion de los componentes volatiles de cada fraccion y los de las interacciones de las fases intermedias correspondientes a distintas fracciones. (author) [Russian] Obluchenie razlichnyh sortov mjasa s cel'ju konservacii otrazhaetsja na vkusovyh kachestvah, vyzyvaja pojavlenie specificheskogo privkusa i zapaha. Polagajut, chto jeto ob{sup j}asnjaetsja obrazovaniem letuchih himicheskih soedinenij pri dejstvii radiacii na belki i lipidnye molekuly. Analiz letuchih soedinenij osushhestvljaetsja na gazovom hromatografe s kriogennym ohlazhdeniem do zadannoj temperatury, gde proishodit razdelenie slozhnyh smesej. Identifikacija vydelennyh komponentov provoditsja s pomoshh'ju mass-spektrometrii s bystrym skennirovaniem. Proveden ischerpyvajushhij analjz letuchih soedinenij, vydeljajushhihsja iz govjadiny, svininy, baraniny i teljatiny, kotorye byli oblucheny, a takzhe analiz letuchih soedinenij, obrazujushhihsja pri razlozhenii pod dejstviem obluchenija nekotoryh aminokislot, belkov, zhivotnogo zhira, metilovyh jefirov zhirnyh kislot i trigliceridov. Rezul'taty analizov obluchennyh komponentov mjasnyh produktov sravnivajutsja s rezul'tatami, poluchennymi pri obluchenii samogo mjasa i ego otdel'nyh frakcij, chto daet vozmozh - nost' ustanovit' rol' kazhdoj frakcii v celom. Postulirujutsja mehanizmy obrazovanija letuchih komponentov ot kazhdoj frakcii, a takzhe vzaimodejstvie promezhutochnyh produktov ot razlichnyh frakcij. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1966}
month = {Nov}