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The Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant; La centrais nucleaire Enrico Fermi; Atomnaya ehlektrostantsiya im Ehnriko Fermi.; La central nucleoelectrica Enrico Fermi


Construction of the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, which utilizes a 100 MW(e) fast breeder reactor, was essentially completed in December 1961. During the past eighteen-month period, systems and components have been extensively tested. This pre-operational test programme has proved most valuable in verifying the design and in indicating needed modifications. All the problems encountered have proved manageable. The more important modifications are summarized. Graphite shielding. In December 1960, the primary system was filled with sodium, and extensive testing began. When the primary shield tank was reopened after a 1000{sup o}F primary system test, it was found that much of the graphite block shielding which had been installed around the reactor had deteriorated. These hightemperature blocks which were impregnated with boron had increased in volume and lost strength. Extensive analysis indicated that the graphite binder had failed. It was decided to replace all of the graphite, to use boron carbide as the boronating agent, to install the block with mechanical fasteners, and to keep moisture to a minimum. Modifications within the reactor vessel. Repairs and design modifications were made to correct the cause of sub-assembly sticking, the damage which resulted, and to prevent further malfunctions of the offset handling mechanism.  More>>
Hartwell, R. W. [1] 
  1. Power Reactor Development Company, Detroit, MI (United States)
Publication Date:
Oct 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Conference on Operating Experience with Power Reactors, Vienna (Austria), 4-8 Jun 1963; Other Information: 31 figs., 1 tab.; Related Information: In: Operating Experience with Power Reactors. Proceedings of the Conference on Operating Experience with Power Reactors. Vol. I| 540 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13R0387064233
Submitting Site:
page(s) 151-185
Announcement Date:
Jun 20, 2013

Citation Formats

Hartwell, R. W. The Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant; La centrais nucleaire Enrico Fermi; Atomnaya ehlektrostantsiya im Ehnriko Fermi.; La central nucleoelectrica Enrico Fermi. IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Hartwell, R. W. The Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant; La centrais nucleaire Enrico Fermi; Atomnaya ehlektrostantsiya im Ehnriko Fermi.; La central nucleoelectrica Enrico Fermi. IAEA.
Hartwell, R. W. 1963. "The Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant; La centrais nucleaire Enrico Fermi; Atomnaya ehlektrostantsiya im Ehnriko Fermi.; La central nucleoelectrica Enrico Fermi." IAEA.
title = {The Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant; La centrais nucleaire Enrico Fermi; Atomnaya ehlektrostantsiya im Ehnriko Fermi.; La central nucleoelectrica Enrico Fermi}
author = {Hartwell, R. W.}
abstractNote = {Construction of the Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, which utilizes a 100 MW(e) fast breeder reactor, was essentially completed in December 1961. During the past eighteen-month period, systems and components have been extensively tested. This pre-operational test programme has proved most valuable in verifying the design and in indicating needed modifications. All the problems encountered have proved manageable. The more important modifications are summarized. Graphite shielding. In December 1960, the primary system was filled with sodium, and extensive testing began. When the primary shield tank was reopened after a 1000{sup o}F primary system test, it was found that much of the graphite block shielding which had been installed around the reactor had deteriorated. These hightemperature blocks which were impregnated with boron had increased in volume and lost strength. Extensive analysis indicated that the graphite binder had failed. It was decided to replace all of the graphite, to use boron carbide as the boronating agent, to install the block with mechanical fasteners, and to keep moisture to a minimum. Modifications within the reactor vessel. Repairs and design modifications were made to correct the cause of sub-assembly sticking, the damage which resulted, and to prevent further malfunctions of the offset handling mechanism. In order to make repairs and alterations, the offset handling mechanism was removed, the reactor vessel was drained of sodium, and trained personnel wearing specially designed protective suits entered the reactor vessel. Entrance to the work area was through a special air lock since an argon atmosphere was maintained inside the vessel. Steam generator modifications. During hydrostatic testing of the No. 2 steam generator, several leaking tubes were discovered. Tube failure was traced to stress corrosion cracking. The No. 2 bundle was retubed, all units were stress relieved, and a hydrogen detector system was installed. In December 1962, a sodium-water reaction took place in the No. 1 steam generator. The rupture disc, which was installed for such an eventuality, operated correctly. The cause and effect of this failure is currently being investigated. Completion of pre-operational testing. Anticipating the issuance of a low power licence, the final assembly and test programme is being completed in March. (author) [French] La construction de la centrale nucleaire Enrico Fermi, equipee d'un reacteur surgenerateur a neutrons rapides de 100 MWe, a ete virtuellement terminee en decembre 1961. Au cours des derniers 18 mois, on a minutieusement verifie les circuits et les parties constitutives. Ce programme de verifications avant la mise en service a ete tres utile pour verifier les plans et determiner les modifications a y apporter. Tous les problemes ont pu etre resolus. Voici la liste des principales modifications: Bouclier de graphite. En decembre 1960, on a rempli le circuit primaire de sodium liquide et on a procede a des essais tres pousses. Lorsqu'on a rouvert l'enceinte de protection primaire, apres les essais a 540{sup o}C, on a constate que la plus grande partie des blocs de graphite entourant le reacteur s'etait deterioree. Ces blocs, destines a supporter de hautes temperatures, etaient impregnes de bore; ils s'etaient dilates et avaient perdu leur resistance. Une analyse approfondie a montre que le liant du graphite avait cede. On a decide de remplacer tout le graphite, d'utiliser du carbure de bore a la place du bore, d'assujettir les blocs par des dispositifs mecaniques et de maintenir l'humidite a la valeur minimum. Modifications a l'interieur du caisson du reacteur. On a procede a des reparations et modifications pour supprimer la cause du collage des barreaux et les dommages qui en resultaient, et pour prevenir d'autres defaillances du mecanisme de manutention des cartouches. Pour ce faire, on a du retirer le mecanisme de manutention et vider le caisson contenant le sodium. Des specialistes, portant des vetements de protection speciaux, ont penetre dans le caisson. On entrait dans la zone de travail par.un sas special, car on maintenait une atmosphere d'argon a l'interieur du caisson. Modifications aux generateurs de vapeur. Au cours des essais hydrostatiques du generateur de vapeur No. 2, on a constate que plusieurs tubes fuyaient. La defaillance des tubes resultait d'un fendillage provoque par la corrosion sous contrainte. On a donc remplace les tubes du generateur No. 2, on a fait disparaitre les contraintes auxquelles etaient soumises les pieces et on a installe un dispositif detecteur d'hydrogene. En decembre 1962, il s'est produit une reaction sodium-eau dans le generateur de vapeur No. 1. Le disque de securite installe en prevision d'une telle eventualite a bien fonctionne. On cherche actuellement la cause et les effets de cette defaillance. Fin des essais avant la mise en service. Dans l'attente d'un permis d'exploitation a basse puissance, on termine le montage et le programme d'essais (mars 1963). (author) [Spanish] La construccion de la central nucleoelectrica Enrico Fermi, que esta equipada con un reactor reproductor de neutrones rapidos de 100 MW(e), quedo practicamente terminada en diciembre de 1961. En el curso de los ultimos 18 meses se han verificado minuciosamente los circuitos y partes constitutivas. Este programa de ensayos preliminares ha resultado en extremo util para comprobar la idoneidad del diseflo y obtener indicaciones sobre las modificaciones necesarias. Todos los problemas con que se tropezo pudieron solucionarse. A continuacion figura la lista de las principales modificaciones introducidas en la construccion de la central. Blindaje de grafito. En diciembre de 1960 se lleno de sodio el sistema primario, y se dio comienzo a una amplia serie de ensayos. Cuando se volvio a abrir el recinto primario de proteccion despues de someter este sistema a una temperatura de 540{sup o}C, se comprobo que gran parte de los bloques de grafito que rodean al reactor se habia deteriorado. Esos bloques para altas temperaturas estaban impregnados con boro; se habian dilatado y perdido resistencia. Un analisis detenido puso de manifiesto que el agente aglomerante del grafito habia cedido. Se decidio sustituir todo el grafito, utilizar carburo de boroen vez de boro, sujetar los bloques con dispositivos mecanicos y reducir al minimo la humedad. Modificaciones en el interior del recipiente del reactor. Se realizaron reparaciones y se introdujeron modificaciones en el diseflo a tin de evitar la adherencia de los subconjuntos y el dallo resultante, asi como para prevenir otras fallas del mecanismo de manejo de los elementos combustibles. Para ello, se desmonto el mencionado mecanismo y se extrajo el sodio del recipiente del reactor. Personal especializado que vestia trajes protectores especiales penetro en el interior del recipiente a traves de una esclusa neumatica especial, ya que en el interior del recipiente se mantenia una atmosfera de argon. Modificaciones en los generadores de vapor. Cuando se realizaron loe ensayos hidrostaticos del generador de vapor No. 2, se descubrieron fugas en varias tuberias. Las investigaciones subsiguientes pusieron de manifiesto que esa falla de las tuberias obedecia a un agrietamiento debido a la corrosion bajo tension. Se cambiaron las tuberias del generador No. 2, se eliminaron las tensiones de todas las unidades y se instalo un dispositivo detector de hidrogeno. En diciembre de 1962 el sodio reacciono con el agua en el generador de vapor No. 1. El disco de seguridad instalado en prevision de tal contingencia funciono correctamente. En la actualidad se estan investigando las causas y efectos de esa falla. Terminacion de los ensayos preliminares. A la espera de un permiso de explotacion a baja potencia, se esta terminando el montaje y el programa de ensayos (marzo de 1963). (author) [Russian] Stroitel'stvo atomnoj ehlektrostantsii im. Ehnriko Fermi s reaktorom-razmnozhitelem na bystrykh nejtronakh moshchnost'yu 100 mgvt (ehl.) bylo v osnovnom zakoncheno v dekabre 1961 goda. V techenie poslednikh 16 mesyatsev provodilis' shirokie ispytaniya sistem i komponentov. Ehta predpuskovaya programma ispytaniya okazalas' ochen' poleznoj dlya proverki konstruktsii i dlya opredeleniya neobkhodimykh izmenenij. Vse voznikshie problemy okazalis' razreshimymi. V doklade kratko osveshchayutsya naibolee vatnye izmeneniya. Grafitovaya zashchita. V dekabre 1960 goda pervyj kontur byl zapolnen natriem i byli nachaty shirokie ispytaniya. Kogda byl snova otkryt zashchitnyj bak pervogo kontura posle ispytaniya pervogo kontura pri temperature 1000{sup o}F, bylo obnaruzheno, chto bol'shaya chast' grafitovogo bloka zashchity, ustanovlennogo vokrug reaktora, povrezhdena. Vysokotemperaturnye bloki, nasyshchennye borom, uvelichilis' v ob''eme i poteryali prochnost'. Provedennyj tshchatel'nyj analiz pokazal, chto grafitovaya svyaz' povrezhdena. Bylo resheno zamenit' ves' grafit, ispol'zovat' karbid bora v kachestve soedineniya, soderzhashchego bor, ustanovit' blok s pomoshch'yu mekhanicheskogo krepleniya i dovesti vlazhnost' do minimuma. Izmeneniya v korpuse reaktora. Byl proveden remont i vneseny izmeneniya v konstruktsiyu dlya ustraneniya prichiny zaedaniya sborok, dlya likvidatsii povrezhdeniya, kotoroe yavilos' rezul'tatom ehtogo, i dlya ustraneniya v dal'nejshem neispravnosti v peremeshchayushchem mekhanizme upravleniya. Pered remontom byl udalen peremeshchayushchij mekhanizm upravleniya, korpus reaktora byl osushen ot natriya. Posle ehtogo podgotovlennyj peroonvl v spetsial'nykh zashchitnykh kostyumakh byl dopushchen vnutr' korpusa reaktora. Vkhod v rabochuyu zonu obespechivalsya s pomoshch'yu spetsial'nogo- vozdushnogo shl'za, poskol'ku v korpuse reaktora imelsya argon. Izmeneniya parogeneratora. Vo vremya gidrostaticheskikh ispytanij parogeneratora No. 2 byli obnaruzheny techi v neskol'kikh trubkakh. Prichinoj neispravnosti trubok bylo ikh rastreskivanie v rezul'tate korrozii ot napryazheniya metalla. Uzel No. 2 byl snabzhen novymi trubkami, vse sektsii byli osvobozhdeny ot napryazheniya, i byla ustanovlena vodorodnaya detektornaya sistema. V dekabre 1962 goda v parogeneratore No. 1 proizoshla reaktsiya natrij - voda. Disk razryva, kotoryj byl ustanovlen na takoj sluchaj, rabotal pravil'no. V nastoyashchee vremya issleduyutsya prichiny i vliyanie ehtogo povrezhdeniya. Zavershenie predpuskovykh ispytanij. Planiruetsya zakonchit' v marte programmu okonchatel'noj sborki i ispytanij v ozhidanii vydachi litsenzii na ehkspluatatsiyu reaktora na maloj moshchnosti. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Oct}