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Distribution and removal of transuranic elements and cerium deposited by the inhalation route; Distribution et elimination des transuraniens et du cerium deposes par l'intermediaire des voies respiratoires; Raspredelenie transuranovykh ehlementov i tseriya, otkladyvayushchikhsya v rezul'tate vdykhaniya i ikh udalenie; Distribucion y eliminacion de elementos transuranicos y de cerio depositados por inhalacion


Tissue distribution and excretion of inhaled radioactive isotopes varied with the chemical form and the particle size of the aerosols. In dogs, 30 d after inhalation of plutonium nitrate, 70% of the body burden was in the lungs, 10% in liver, and 15% in the skeleton. After inhalation of P{sup 239} O{sub 2} aerosols with a Count Median Diameter (CMD) of 0.12{mu}m, 71% of the body burden was in the lungs, 3% in the bronchial lymph nodes, 4.4% in muscle, 1.3% in skeleton, and 20% was uniformly distributed throughout all remaining tissues. After inhalation of P{sup 239} O{sub 2} aerosols with CMD's of 0.3 to 0.6 {mu}m; the lungs contained 98%, the bronchial lymph nodes about 1% and all other tissues the remaining one per cent. These data and the analysis of urine and faeces defined the relative importance of the three routes by which inhaled radioactive isotopes were cleared from the lung, e.g. movement up the trachea by ciliary action followed by excretion in the faeces, transport across the alveolar membrane and redistribution in other tissue with gradual excretion in urine and transport to the bronchial lymph nodes which accumulate inhaled insoluble materials. Therapy agents were tested that would  More>>
Bair, W. J.; Tombropoulos, E. G.; Park, J. F. [1] 
  1. Hanford Atomic Products Operation, General Electric Company, Richland, WA (United States)
Publication Date:
Feb 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Scientific meeting on the diagnosis and treatment of radioactive poisoning, Vienna (Austria), 15-18 Oct 1962; Other Information: 23 refs, 10 figs, 5 tabs; Related Information: In: Diagnosis and treatment of radioactive poisoning. Proceedings of the scientific meeting on the diagnosis and treatment of radioactive poisoning| 468 p.
Research Organizations:
World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13S0060058816
Submitting Site:
page(s) 319-338
Announcement Date:
Jun 06, 2013

Citation Formats

Bair, W. J., Tombropoulos, E. G., and Park, J. F. Distribution and removal of transuranic elements and cerium deposited by the inhalation route; Distribution et elimination des transuraniens et du cerium deposes par l'intermediaire des voies respiratoires; Raspredelenie transuranovykh ehlementov i tseriya, otkladyvayushchikhsya v rezul'tate vdykhaniya i ikh udalenie; Distribucion y eliminacion de elementos transuranicos y de cerio depositados por inhalacion. IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Bair, W. J., Tombropoulos, E. G., & Park, J. F. Distribution and removal of transuranic elements and cerium deposited by the inhalation route; Distribution et elimination des transuraniens et du cerium deposes par l'intermediaire des voies respiratoires; Raspredelenie transuranovykh ehlementov i tseriya, otkladyvayushchikhsya v rezul'tate vdykhaniya i ikh udalenie; Distribucion y eliminacion de elementos transuranicos y de cerio depositados por inhalacion. IAEA.
Bair, W. J., Tombropoulos, E. G., and Park, J. F. 1963. "Distribution and removal of transuranic elements and cerium deposited by the inhalation route; Distribution et elimination des transuraniens et du cerium deposes par l'intermediaire des voies respiratoires; Raspredelenie transuranovykh ehlementov i tseriya, otkladyvayushchikhsya v rezul'tate vdykhaniya i ikh udalenie; Distribucion y eliminacion de elementos transuranicos y de cerio depositados por inhalacion." IAEA.
title = {Distribution and removal of transuranic elements and cerium deposited by the inhalation route; Distribution et elimination des transuraniens et du cerium deposes par l'intermediaire des voies respiratoires; Raspredelenie transuranovykh ehlementov i tseriya, otkladyvayushchikhsya v rezul'tate vdykhaniya i ikh udalenie; Distribucion y eliminacion de elementos transuranicos y de cerio depositados por inhalacion}
author = {Bair, W. J., Tombropoulos, E. G., and Park, J. F.}
abstractNote = {Tissue distribution and excretion of inhaled radioactive isotopes varied with the chemical form and the particle size of the aerosols. In dogs, 30 d after inhalation of plutonium nitrate, 70% of the body burden was in the lungs, 10% in liver, and 15% in the skeleton. After inhalation of P{sup 239} O{sub 2} aerosols with a Count Median Diameter (CMD) of 0.12{mu}m, 71% of the body burden was in the lungs, 3% in the bronchial lymph nodes, 4.4% in muscle, 1.3% in skeleton, and 20% was uniformly distributed throughout all remaining tissues. After inhalation of P{sup 239} O{sub 2} aerosols with CMD's of 0.3 to 0.6 {mu}m; the lungs contained 98%, the bronchial lymph nodes about 1% and all other tissues the remaining one per cent. These data and the analysis of urine and faeces defined the relative importance of the three routes by which inhaled radioactive isotopes were cleared from the lung, e.g. movement up the trachea by ciliary action followed by excretion in the faeces, transport across the alveolar membrane and redistribution in other tissue with gradual excretion in urine and transport to the bronchial lymph nodes which accumulate inhaled insoluble materials. Therapy agents were tested that would be expected to increase the clearance of radioactive isotopes from the lung by routes which would avoid accumulation in other, perhaps more radiosensitive tissues. These include chelating agents, wetting agents, irritants, sympathomimetic, parasympathomimetic, parasympatholytic and antihistamine drugs. Diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid (DTPA), a chelating agent, administered by aerosols or intraperitoneally caused rapid transport of Ce{sup 144} -Pr{sup 144} from the lung and from the body via urinary excretion. One month after exposure to Ce{sup 144} O{sub 2} treated rats and dogs retained less than 10% of the Ce{sup 144} -Pr{sup 144} levels of untreated animals. (author) [French] La distribution dans les tissus et l'excretion des radioisotopes inhales varient selon la forme chimique et les dimensions des particules des aerosols. Chez les chiens, 30 jours apres inhalation de nitrate de plutonium, 70% de la charge corporelle se trouvaient dans les poumons, 10% dans le foie et 15% dans le squelette. Apres inhalation d'aerosols de {sup 239}PuO{sub 2} ayant un diametre moyen de 0,12 {mu}, 71% de la charge corporelle se trouvaient dans les poumons, 3% dans les ganglions lymphatiques des bronches, 4,4% dans les muscles et 1,3% dans le squelette, tandis que 20% etaient distribues d'une maniere uniforme dans tous les autres tissus. Apres inhalation d'aerosols de {sup 239}PuO{sub 2} ayant un diametre moyen compris entre 0,3 et 0,6 {mu}, 98% etaient contenus dans les poumons, 1% environ dans les ganglions lymphatiques des bronches et 1% dans tous les autres tissus. Ces donnees ainsi que l'analyse de l'urine et des feces ont permis de definir l'importance relative des trois voies par lesquelles les radioisotopes inhales etaient evacues des poumons : mouvement ascendant dans la trachee par action ciliaire suivie d'excretion dans les feces, transporta travers la membrane alveolaire avec redistribution dans d'autres tissus et excretion graduelle dans l'urine, transfert aux ganglions lymphatiques des bronches ou sont accumulees les matieres insolubles inhalees. On a etudie divers agents therapeutiques qui pourraient favoriser l'evacuation des radioisotopes contenus dans les poumons par des voies qui eviteraient leur accumulation dans d'autres tissus, peut-etre plus radiosensibles. Parmi ces agents, il convient de citer les agents de chelation et d' humidification, les irritants, les sympathicomimetiques, les parasympathicomimetiques, les parasympathicolytiques et les antihistamines. L'acide diethylene-triamine penta-acetique (agent de chelation) administre en aerosols ou par voie intraperitoneale a rapidement elim ine, par excretion urinaire, le {sup 144}Ce-{sup 144}Pr des poumons et de l'organisme tout entier. Un mois apres avoir ete exposes a {sup 144}CeO{sub 2}, des rats et des chiens retenaient moins de 10% des doses de {sup 144}Ce-{sup 144}Pr relevees chez des animaux non exposes. (author) [Spanish] La distribucion tisular y la excrecion de los isotopos radiactivos inhalados varian segun el estado qufmico y el tamafio de las particulas de los aerosoles. En estudios efectuados con perros, 30 dfas despues de la inhalacion de nitrato de plutonio, el 70% de la cantidad de sustancia radiactiva contenida en el organismo se deposita en los pulmones, el 10% en el hfgado y el 15% en el esqueleto. Despues de la inhalacion de aerosoles de {sup 239}PuO{sub 2}, con un diametro medio de particulas (DMP) de 0,12 {mu}, el 71% de la sustancia radi- activa contenida en el organismo se deposita en los pulmones, el 3% en los ganglios linfaticos bronquiales, el 4,4% en los musculos, el 1,3% en el esqueleto, en tanto que el 20% se distribuye uniformemente en los tejidos restantes. Despues de la inhalacion de aerosoles de {sup 239}PuO{sub 2} con un DMP de 0,3 a 0,6 {mu}, los pulmones contienen el 98%, los ganglios linfaticos bronquiales el 1%, aproximadamente, y los demas tejidos el 1% restante. Estos datos y los resultados del analisis de la orina y de las heces indican la importancia relativa de las tres vias de eliminacion de los isotopos radiactivos que se depositan por inhalacion en los pulmones, esto es, ascension por la traquea como resultado de la accion ciliar, seguida de excrecion por las heces, paso a traves de la membrana alveolar y redistribucion en otros tejidos con excrecion gradual por la orina y deposito en los ganglios linfaticos bronquiales que acumulan las sustancias inhaladas insolubles. Se han ensayado agentes terapeuticos que se juzgo favorecerian la eliminacion de los radioisotopos depositados en los pulmones por vias que impidiesen la acumulacion en otros tejidos, tal vez mas radiosensibles. Se han utilizado en particular agentes de quelacion, agentes humectantes, irritantes y preparados simpatomimeticos, parasimpatominmeticos, parasiinpatoliticos y antihistamfnicos. El agente de quelacion, acido dietilentriaminopentaacetico.administ'rado en forma de aerosol o por via intraperitoneal elimina rapidamente el {sup 144}Ce-{sup 144}Pr de los pulmones y del organismo por excrecion urinaria. Un mes despues de ser expuestos a la accion del {sup 144}CeO{sub 2}, las ratas y perros tratados retienen una cantidad de {sup 144}Ce-{sup 144}Pr inferior al 10% de la retenida por los animales no tratados. (author) [Russian] Raspredelenie v tkanyakh i vydelenie vdykhaemykh radioaktivnykh izotopov menyaetsya vmeste s khimicheskoj formoj i razmerom chastits aehrozolej. U sobak cherez tridtsat' dnej posle vdykhaniya 70% nitrata plutoniya bylo obnaruzheno v legkikh, 10% - v, pecheni i 15% - v kostyakh skeleta. Posle vdykhaniya aehrozolya P{sup 239} O{sub 2} s vyschityvaemym srednim diametrom chastits (VSD), ravnym 0,12 mikron, 71% ehtogo veshchestva v organizme bylo skontsentrirovano v legkikh, 3% - v bronkhial'nykh limfaticheskikh uzlakh, 4,4% - v myshtsakh, 1,3% - v kostyakh skeleta i 20% bylo ravnomerno raspredeleno v ostal'nykh tkanyakh. Posle vdykhaniya aehrozolya P{sup 239} O{sub 2} s VSD chastits v intervale 0,3 - 0,6 mikron v legkikh soderzhalos' 98% veshchestva, v bronkhial'nykh limfaticheskikh uzlakh - okolo 1% i v ostal'nykh tkanyakh - 1%. Ehti dannye i issledovaniya mochi i isprazhnenij ukazyvayut na otnositel'nuyu vazhnost' trekh putej, po kotorym vdykhaemye radioaktivnye izotopy vyvodilis' iz legkikh, a imenno cherez trakheyu v rezul'tate dvizheniya resnichen s posledueshchem vydeleniem s isprazhneniyami, cherez al'veolyarnuyu membranu i pereraspredelenie v drugikh lgkanyakh s postepennym vydeleniem s mochoj i, nakonets, putem peremeshcheniya v bronkhial'nye limfaticheskie uzly, kotorye nakoplyayut vdykhaemye nerastvorimye veshchestva. Byli oprobovany terapevticheskie sredstva, kotorye, kak mozhno bylo ozhidat', povyshayut ochishchenie legkikh ot radioaktivnykh izotopov takimi putyami, pri kotorykh mozhno bylo by izbezhat'nakopleniya v drugikh, veroyatno, bolee radiochuvstvitel'nykh tkanyakh. Syuda vklyuchayutsya kompleksoobrazuyushchie reagenty, veshchestva, uvelichivayushchie sekretsiyu s,lizi, razdrazhayushchie, simpatomimeticheskie, parasimpatomimeticheskie, para-simpatoliticheskie i antigistaminnye preparaty. Diehtilentriaminopentauksusnaya kislota (DTPK), kompleksoobrazuyushchee veshchestvo, vvodimoe v vide aehrozolya ili vnutribryupshnno, vyzyvalo bystroe vyvedenie Ce{sup 144} -Pr{sup 144} iz legkikh i iz organizma s mochoj. U krys i sobak, poluchavshikh DTPK, cherez mesyats posle vvedeniya Ce{sup 144}O{sub 2} v organizme ostavalos' men'she 10% ot urovnya Ce{sup 144} -Pr{sup 144} u kontrol'nykh zhivotnykh, ne poduchavshikh DTPK. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Feb}