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Removal of radiostrontium from man; Elimination du radiostrontium de l'organisme humain; Vyvedenie radioaktivnogo strontsiya iz organizma cheloveka; Eliminacion del radioestroncio por el organismo humano


Studies of the metabolism of radiostrontium were carried out in man under controlled metabolic and dietary conditions. The relatively short-lived radioisotope Sr{sup 85} was used as the tracer. Single tracer doses of Sr{sup 85} were administered intravenously and orally and the plasma levels and urinary and faecal excretions were determined. The main pathway of Sr{sup 85} excretion was found to be via the kidney irrespective of the route of administration of the tracer. An average of 20% of the orally administered dose was absorbed from the intestine and approximately 50% of the absorbed dose was excreted in urine in 12 d by a large number of persons, Studies in which tracer doses of Sr{sup 85} and Ca{sup 45} were given simultaneously by the oral route indicated the preference of the body for Ca{sup 45} absorption and for Sr{sup 85} excretion, the Ca{sup 45}/Sr{sup 85} absorption ratio being 2.6:1. Sr{sup 85} studies carried out during low and high calcium intake in the same persons revealed that the high calcium intake did not lead to any significant change of Sr{sup 85} absorption in most of the persons studied. Since the urinary Sr{sup 85} excretion was found to parallel the urinary calcium excretion,  More>>
Spencer, H. [1] 
  1. Edward Hines, Jr. Hospital Hines, IL (United States)
Publication Date:
Feb 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Scientific meeting on the diagnosis and treatment of radioactive poisoning, Vienna (Austria), 15-18 Oct 1962; Other Information: 11 refs, 11 figs, 3 tabs; Related Information: In: Diagnosis and treatment of radioactive poisoning. Proceedings of the scientific meeting on the diagnosis and treatment of radioactive poisoning| 468 p.
Research Organizations:
World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland); International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13S0052058813
Submitting Site:
page(s) 145-155
Announcement Date:
Jun 06, 2013

Citation Formats

Spencer, H. Removal of radiostrontium from man; Elimination du radiostrontium de l'organisme humain; Vyvedenie radioaktivnogo strontsiya iz organizma cheloveka; Eliminacion del radioestroncio por el organismo humano. IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Spencer, H. Removal of radiostrontium from man; Elimination du radiostrontium de l'organisme humain; Vyvedenie radioaktivnogo strontsiya iz organizma cheloveka; Eliminacion del radioestroncio por el organismo humano. IAEA.
Spencer, H. 1963. "Removal of radiostrontium from man; Elimination du radiostrontium de l'organisme humain; Vyvedenie radioaktivnogo strontsiya iz organizma cheloveka; Eliminacion del radioestroncio por el organismo humano." IAEA.
title = {Removal of radiostrontium from man; Elimination du radiostrontium de l'organisme humain; Vyvedenie radioaktivnogo strontsiya iz organizma cheloveka; Eliminacion del radioestroncio por el organismo humano}
author = {Spencer, H.}
abstractNote = {Studies of the metabolism of radiostrontium were carried out in man under controlled metabolic and dietary conditions. The relatively short-lived radioisotope Sr{sup 85} was used as the tracer. Single tracer doses of Sr{sup 85} were administered intravenously and orally and the plasma levels and urinary and faecal excretions were determined. The main pathway of Sr{sup 85} excretion was found to be via the kidney irrespective of the route of administration of the tracer. An average of 20% of the orally administered dose was absorbed from the intestine and approximately 50% of the absorbed dose was excreted in urine in 12 d by a large number of persons, Studies in which tracer doses of Sr{sup 85} and Ca{sup 45} were given simultaneously by the oral route indicated the preference of the body for Ca{sup 45} absorption and for Sr{sup 85} excretion, the Ca{sup 45}/Sr{sup 85} absorption ratio being 2.6:1. Sr{sup 85} studies carried out during low and high calcium intake in the same persons revealed that the high calcium intake did not lead to any significant change of Sr{sup 85} absorption in most of the persons studied. Since the urinary Sr{sup 85} excretion was found to parallel the urinary calcium excretion, enhancement of urinary calcium was induced by different agents, which increased the calciuria. Intravenously infused stable calcium and strontium, orally administered ammonium chloride given singly or in combination with intravenously infused calcium and certain chelating agents were effective in removing radiostrontium from man as late as two to four weeks after the injection of the tracer. Also, Sr{sup 90} balance studies were carried out in 12 young normal volunteers. No radioisotope was given in this study. The results obtained in Sr{sup 90} studies were similar to those obtained with Sr{sup 85}. (author) [French] Le metabolisme du radiostrontium dans l'organisme humain a ete etudie dans des conditions controlees de metabolisme et de regime alimentaire; le radioisotope {sup 85}Sr dont la periode est relativement courte, servait d'indicateur. Apres avoir administre, par voie intraveineuse et par voie buccale, une meme dose de {sup 85}Sr, on a etudie les taux plasmatiques et les excretions urinaires et fecales. On a constate que, quel que soit le mode d'administration, l'excretion de {sup 85}Sr se faisait avant tout par l'intermediaire des reins. Une moyenne de 20% de la dose administree par voie buccale etait absorbee a partir de l'intestin; d'autre part, un grand nombre de sujets ont excrete dans l'urine, en 12 jours, environ 50% de la dose absorbee. Par ailleurs, des etudes, au cours desquelles on administrait simultanement des doses de {sup 85}Sr et de {sup 45}Ca par voie buccale ont montre que l'organisme marque une preference pour l'absorption de {sup 45}Ca et pour l'excretion de {sup 85}Sr, le rapport d'absorption entre {sup 45}Ca et {sup 85}Sr etant de 2,6:1. Pour ce qui est du {sup 85}Sr, les etudes faites sur les memes personnes pour une forte et une faible ingestion de calcium ont montre que, chez la plupart des sujets, l'ingestion de calcium en forte quantite n'entrauiait aucune modification notable de l'absorption de {sup 85}Sr. Vu que l 'excretion urinaire de {sup 85}Sr allait de pair avec l'excretion urinaire de calcium, on a fait intervenir divers agents pour stimulei l'excretion de calcium. L'injection intraveineuse du calcium et du strontium stables ou l'administration par voie buccale de chlorure d'ammonium-seule ou associee a l'ingestion intraveineuse de calcium et de certains agents de chelation-se sont revelees efficaces pour eliminer le radiostrontium de l'organisme humain, meme deux a quatre semaines apres avoir administre l'indicateur. D'autre part, on a etudie l'equilibre de {sup 90}Sr chez 12 jeunes sujets normaux benevoles, sans administration de radioisotope. Les resultats obtenus pour {sup 90}Sr sont analogues aux resultats pour {sup 85}Sr. (author) [Spanish] Se ha estudiado el metabolismo del radioestroncio en el hombre, en condiciones metabolicas y nutritivas controladas, utilizandose como indicador el radioisotopo {sup 85}Sr, de periodo relativamente corto. Se han administrado por via intravenosa y oral dosis indicadoras aisladas de dicho radioisotopo y se.ha determinado su concentracion en el plasma y la cantidad excretada por la orina y las heces. Se ha observado que la principal via de excrecion del {sup 85}Sr son los rinones, sea cual fuere la forma de administracion del indicador. La cantidad absorbida a traves de la pared intestinal es, por termino medio, el 20% de la dosis administrada; aproximadamente el 50% de la dosis absorbida es excretado con la orina en 12 dias en la mayoria de las personas examinadas. Se han efectuado estudios en que se administraron simultaneamente dosis indicadoras de {sup 85}Sr y de {sup 45}Ca por via oral; tales estudios revelan que el organismo absorbe preferentemente el {sup 45}Ca y excreta el {sup 85}Sr, siendo la razon de absorcion {sup 45}Ca/8{sup 5}Sr de 2,6:1. Las investigaciones sobre el 8{sup 5}Sr, realizadas en periodos durante los que se administro calcio en pequenas y grandes cantidades a las mismas personas, indican que el calcio suministrado en dosis elevadas no modifica de modo significativo la absorcion del 8{sup 5}Sr en la mayaria de las personas examinadas. Como se observo que la excrecion del 8{sup 5}Sr por via urinaria es paralela a la excrecion de calcio por la misma via, se aumento el contenido de calcio en la orina con ayuda de diferentes agentes que favorecen la calciuria. El calcio y el estroncio estables inyectados por via intravenosa, el cloruro amonico administrado por via oral, solo o en combinacion con calcio inyectado por conducto intravenoso, y ciertos agentes de quelacion eliminan eficazmente el radioestroncio contenido en el organismo humano, incluso de dos a cuatro semanas despues de inyectar el indicador. Tambien se ha estudiado el equilibrio del {sup 90}Sr en doce personas jovenes de salud normal que se ofrecieron como voluntarios. En este estudio no se administraron radioisotopos. Los resultados relativos al {sup 90}Sr son analogos a los conseguidos con el 8{sup 5}Sr. (author) [Russian] Issledovanie obmena radiostrontsiya u cheloveka proizvodilos' pri postoyannom kontrole.obmena i diety. V kachestve radioaktivnogo indikatora byl ispol'zovan otnositel'no korotkokhivushchij izotop Sreb. Odnokratnye indikatornye dozy Sr{sup 85} vvodilis' vnutrivenno i davalis' vnutr', posle chego opredelyalsya uroven' ego v plazme i vydelenie s mochoj i kalom. Osnovnoe kolichestvo Sr{sup 85} vyvoditsya pochkami, nezavisimo ot puti vvedeniya indikatora. U bol'shinstva obsledovannykh v srednem 20% prinyatogo vnutr' kolichestva Sr{sup 85} poglashchalos' iz kishechnika i priblizitel'no 50% pogloshchennoj dozy vydelyalos' s mochoj za 12 dnej. Issledovaniya, v protsesse kotorykh indikatornye dozy Sr{sup 85} i Ca{sup 45} byli odnovremenno vvedeny per oa, ukazali na predpochtenie organizma k pogloshcheniyu Ca{sup 45} i k vydeleniyu Sr{sup 85}, prichem sootnoshenie po- gloshcheniya Ca{sup 45}/Sr{sup 85} sostavlyaet 2,6:1. Zakonchivshiesya issledovaniya Sr{sup 85} vo vremya priema bol'shikh i malykh doz kal'tsiya odnimi i temi khe litsami pokazali, chto priem bol'shogo kolichestva kal'tsiya ne vedet k kakomulibo zametnomu izmeneniyu v pogloshchenii Sr{sup 85} u bol'shinstva obsledovannykh. Poskol'ku vydelenie Sr{sup 85} mochoj idet parallel'no vydeleniyu kal'tsiya, okazalos' vozmozhnym uvelichit' soderzhanie kal'tsiya v moche s pomoshch'yu razlichnykh veshchestv, povyshayushchikh kal'tsiuriyu. Vvedennye vnutrivenno stabil'nye kal'tsij i strontsij i prinyatyj per os khloristyj ammonij, primenennye v chistom vide ili v sochetanii s vnutrivenno vvedennymi kal'tsiem i nekotorymi kompleksoobrazuyushchimi veshchestvami, okazalis' ehffektivnymi v otnoshenii udaleniya radiostrontsiya u cheloveka v period ot dvukh do chetyrekh nedel' posle inektsii indikatora. Proizvedeny takzhe issledovaniya balansa Sr{sup 90} u 12 molodykh zdorovykh dobrovol'tsev. Pri ehtom issledovanii radioizotopy ne vvodilis'. Poluchennye pri issledovanii Sr{sup 90} rezul'taty byli skhodny s rezul'tatami, poluchennymi pri issledovanii Sr{sup 85}. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Feb}