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Radiation-Induced Copolymerization of Tetrafluoroethylene with {alpha}-Olefine; Copolymersation radiochimique du tetrafluoroethylene avec l'olefine {alpha}; Radiatsionnaya sopolimerizatsiya tetraftorehtilena s {alpha}-olefinom; Copolimerizacion radioquimica del tetrafluoroetileno con la olefina {alpha}


Radiationinduced copolymerizations of olefine monomers with tetrafluoroethylene will be reported. In the cases of ethylene and propylene, the composition of copolymers obtained varies continuously with molar concentration of the components in the monomer mixture, and their melting point varies continuously in the range between the melting points of the composing homopolymers. In the case of isobutene, the composition of copolymer remains constant with the ratio of one to one (alternating copolymer) irrespective of the change in concentration of the components in the monomer mixture and its melting point remains constant (about 200{sup o}C). The copolymers of tetrafluoroethylene/ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene/isobutene show high crystallinity. All the copolymerizations are believed to proceed by a radical mechanism. The case of tetrafluoroethylene/ isobutene seems to be the first observation of alternating copolymer obtained by radical copolymerization. The monomer reactivity ratio of these systems is determined. (author) [French] Les auteurs donnent des indications sur la copolymerisation radioinduite de monomeres d'olefines et du tetrafluoroethylene. Dans le cas de l'ethylene et du propylene, la composition des copolymeres obtenus varie de maniere constante avec la concentration molaire des elements du melange de monomeres, et leur point de fusion varie de maniere constante dans l'intervalle compris entre les points de  More>>
Tabata, Y.; Ishigure, K.; Shibano, H.; Oshima, K.; Sobue, H. [1] 
  1. University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan)
Publication Date:
Nov 15, 1963
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Conference on the Application of Large Radiation Sources in Industry, Salzburg (Austria), 27-31 May 1963; Other Information: 17 figs., 2 refs.; Related Information: In: Industrial Use of Large Radiation Sources. Proceedings of a Conference on the Application of Large Radiation Sources in Industry. V. I| 436 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA13R0332058803
Submitting Site:
page(s) 179-191
Announcement Date:
Jun 06, 2013

Citation Formats

Tabata, Y., Ishigure, K., Shibano, H., Oshima, K., and Sobue, H. Radiation-Induced Copolymerization of Tetrafluoroethylene with {alpha}-Olefine; Copolymersation radiochimique du tetrafluoroethylene avec l'olefine {alpha}; Radiatsionnaya sopolimerizatsiya tetraftorehtilena s {alpha}-olefinom; Copolimerizacion radioquimica del tetrafluoroetileno con la olefina {alpha}. IAEA: N. p., 1963. Web.
Tabata, Y., Ishigure, K., Shibano, H., Oshima, K., & Sobue, H. Radiation-Induced Copolymerization of Tetrafluoroethylene with {alpha}-Olefine; Copolymersation radiochimique du tetrafluoroethylene avec l'olefine {alpha}; Radiatsionnaya sopolimerizatsiya tetraftorehtilena s {alpha}-olefinom; Copolimerizacion radioquimica del tetrafluoroetileno con la olefina {alpha}. IAEA.
Tabata, Y., Ishigure, K., Shibano, H., Oshima, K., and Sobue, H. 1963. "Radiation-Induced Copolymerization of Tetrafluoroethylene with {alpha}-Olefine; Copolymersation radiochimique du tetrafluoroethylene avec l'olefine {alpha}; Radiatsionnaya sopolimerizatsiya tetraftorehtilena s {alpha}-olefinom; Copolimerizacion radioquimica del tetrafluoroetileno con la olefina {alpha}." IAEA.
title = {Radiation-Induced Copolymerization of Tetrafluoroethylene with {alpha}-Olefine; Copolymersation radiochimique du tetrafluoroethylene avec l'olefine {alpha}; Radiatsionnaya sopolimerizatsiya tetraftorehtilena s {alpha}-olefinom; Copolimerizacion radioquimica del tetrafluoroetileno con la olefina {alpha}}
author = {Tabata, Y., Ishigure, K., Shibano, H., Oshima, K., and Sobue, H.}
abstractNote = {Radiationinduced copolymerizations of olefine monomers with tetrafluoroethylene will be reported. In the cases of ethylene and propylene, the composition of copolymers obtained varies continuously with molar concentration of the components in the monomer mixture, and their melting point varies continuously in the range between the melting points of the composing homopolymers. In the case of isobutene, the composition of copolymer remains constant with the ratio of one to one (alternating copolymer) irrespective of the change in concentration of the components in the monomer mixture and its melting point remains constant (about 200{sup o}C). The copolymers of tetrafluoroethylene/ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene/isobutene show high crystallinity. All the copolymerizations are believed to proceed by a radical mechanism. The case of tetrafluoroethylene/ isobutene seems to be the first observation of alternating copolymer obtained by radical copolymerization. The monomer reactivity ratio of these systems is determined. (author) [French] Les auteurs donnent des indications sur la copolymerisation radioinduite de monomeres d'olefines et du tetrafluoroethylene. Dans le cas de l'ethylene et du propylene, la composition des copolymeres obtenus varie de maniere constante avec la concentration molaire des elements du melange de monomeres, et leur point de fusion varie de maniere constante dans l'intervalle compris entre les points de fusion des homopolymeres qui les composent. Dans le cas de l'isobutene, la composition du copolymere demeure constante dans la proportion de un a un (copolymere alternant), independamment des changements de la concentration des composants du melange de monomeres, et son point de fusion reste constant (200{sup o}C environ). Les copolymeres du tetrafluoroethyleneethylene et du tetrafluoroethylene-isobutene presentent un degre eleve de cristallinite. Les auteurs arrivent a la conclusion que toutes les copolymerisations se font par effet des radicaux. Les auteurs ont determine le rapport de reactivite des monomeres dans ces systemes. (author) [Spanish] Los autores informan sobre la copolimerizacion radioinducida de monomeros de olefinas con tetrafluoroetileno. En los casos del etileno y del propeno, la composicion de los copolimeros obtenidos varia continuamente con la concentracion molar de los componentes de la mezcla ; su punto d e fusion tambien varia en forma continua dentro del intervalo de puntos de fusion de los homopolimeros componentes. Por lo que se refiere al isobuteno, la composicion del copolimero permanece constante en l a proporcion de uno a uno (copolimero alternado), sea cual fuere el cambio en composicion de la mezcla de monomeros, siendo tambien constante su punto de fusion (200{sup o}C aproximadamente). Los copolimeros de tetrafluoroetileno-etileno y de tetrafluoroetileno- isobuteno presentan una cristalinidad elevada. Los autores llegan a la conclusion de que todos los procesos de copolimerizacion se verifican por efecto de los radicales. El tetrafluoroetileno-isobuteno parece constituir el primer caso en que se ha obtenido un copolfmero alternado mediante copolimerizacion provocada por los radicales. Los autores determinan tambien la razon de reactividad de esoe sistemas. (author) [Russian] Soobshchaetsya o sopolimerizatsii olefinovykh monomerov s tetraftorehtilenom pod dejstviem oblucheniya. V sluchae ehtilena i propilena sostav poluchennykh sopolimerov nepreryvno menyaetsya v zavisimosti ot molyarnoj kontsentratsii komponentov v monomernoj smesi; tochki plavleniya sopolimerov takzhe nepreryvno menyayutsya v diapazone mekhdu tochkami plavleniya sostavlyayushchikh gomopolimerov. V sluchae izobutena sostav sopolimera ostaetsya postoyannym pri otnoshenii 1:1 (chereduyushchijsya sopolimer) i ne zavisit ot izmeneniya kontsentratsii komponentov v monomernoj smesi; tochka plavleniya takzhe ostaetsya postoyannoj (okolo 200{sup o}C). Sopolimery tetraftorehtilen - ehtilen i tetraftorehtilen - izobuten obnaruzhivayut vysokuyu stepen' kristallichnosti. Po-vidimomu, tetraftorehtilen - izobuten yavlyaetsya pervym sluchaem, kogda chereduyushchijsya sopolimer byl poluchen putem radikal'noj sopolimerizatsii. Sdelan vyvod, chto vse sopolimerizatsii idut po radikal'nomu mekhanizmu. Opredeleno otnoshenie reaktsionnykh sposobnostej monomerov v ehtikh sistemakh. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1963}
month = {Nov}