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Present Status of Nitrogen Fixation by Reactor Radiation; Etat Actuel des Recherches sur l'oxydation directe de l'azote sous irradiation dans des reacteurs; Sovremennoe sostoyani opytov po okisleniyu azota izlucheniem iz reaktorov; Estado actual de las investigaciones sobre fijacion del nitrogeno por irradiacion en reactores


Investigations in nitrogen fixation by reactor radiation which have been carried out at Rensselear and Brookhaven National Laboratory for a number of years, have used the fission recoil energy directly as ionizing radiation by means of the dispersion of U{sup 235} in glass fibers about five microns in diameter. The effects of temperature, pressure and nitrogen-oxygen ratio on the G-value for nitrogen fixation have been determined and reported in the literature. A brief summary of this work is given. The above work has been done in static systems; more recent work has involved both static and flow systems. In static systems, major emphasis has been placed on the effect of radiation intensity especially at the kinetic radiation equilibrium. It has been found that the production of N0{sub 2} and N{sub 2}0 in 4:1 and 2:1 nitrogen-oxygen mixtures proceeds to the point of total oxygen consumption. A flow (cycling) system is now operating in a loop in the Brookhaven reactor. Data are presented on the effects of temperature, pressure, mixture ratio and radiation intensity which may be applied to the design of a future chemonuclear reactor. The present system is operating at 10 atmospheres and 150{sup o}C. The temperature is a  More>>
Harteck, P; Dondes, S [1] 
  1. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (United States)
Publication Date:
Jul 15, 1960
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Conference on the application of large radiation sources in industry, Warsaw (Poland), 8-12 Sep 1959; Other Information: 10 figs., 4 tabs., 3 refs.; Related Information: In: Large radiation sources in industry. Proceedings of a conference on the application of large radiation sources in industry. V. I| 492 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA12R0221113104
Submitting Site:
page(s) 231-254
Announcement Date:
Jan 17, 2013

Citation Formats

Harteck, P, and Dondes, S. Present Status of Nitrogen Fixation by Reactor Radiation; Etat Actuel des Recherches sur l'oxydation directe de l'azote sous irradiation dans des reacteurs; Sovremennoe sostoyani opytov po okisleniyu azota izlucheniem iz reaktorov; Estado actual de las investigaciones sobre fijacion del nitrogeno por irradiacion en reactores. IAEA: N. p., 1960. Web.
Harteck, P, & Dondes, S. Present Status of Nitrogen Fixation by Reactor Radiation; Etat Actuel des Recherches sur l'oxydation directe de l'azote sous irradiation dans des reacteurs; Sovremennoe sostoyani opytov po okisleniyu azota izlucheniem iz reaktorov; Estado actual de las investigaciones sobre fijacion del nitrogeno por irradiacion en reactores. IAEA.
Harteck, P, and Dondes, S. 1960. "Present Status of Nitrogen Fixation by Reactor Radiation; Etat Actuel des Recherches sur l'oxydation directe de l'azote sous irradiation dans des reacteurs; Sovremennoe sostoyani opytov po okisleniyu azota izlucheniem iz reaktorov; Estado actual de las investigaciones sobre fijacion del nitrogeno por irradiacion en reactores." IAEA.
title = {Present Status of Nitrogen Fixation by Reactor Radiation; Etat Actuel des Recherches sur l'oxydation directe de l'azote sous irradiation dans des reacteurs; Sovremennoe sostoyani opytov po okisleniyu azota izlucheniem iz reaktorov; Estado actual de las investigaciones sobre fijacion del nitrogeno por irradiacion en reactores}
author = {Harteck, P, and Dondes, S}
abstractNote = {Investigations in nitrogen fixation by reactor radiation which have been carried out at Rensselear and Brookhaven National Laboratory for a number of years, have used the fission recoil energy directly as ionizing radiation by means of the dispersion of U{sup 235} in glass fibers about five microns in diameter. The effects of temperature, pressure and nitrogen-oxygen ratio on the G-value for nitrogen fixation have been determined and reported in the literature. A brief summary of this work is given. The above work has been done in static systems; more recent work has involved both static and flow systems. In static systems, major emphasis has been placed on the effect of radiation intensity especially at the kinetic radiation equilibrium. It has been found that the production of N0{sub 2} and N{sub 2}0 in 4:1 and 2:1 nitrogen-oxygen mixtures proceeds to the point of total oxygen consumption. A flow (cycling) system is now operating in a loop in the Brookhaven reactor. Data are presented on the effects of temperature, pressure, mixture ratio and radiation intensity which may be applied to the design of a future chemonuclear reactor. The present system is operating at 10 atmospheres and 150{sup o}C. The temperature is a function of the fission energy released in the glass fibers and the heat resistance of the loop. Another loop to operate at 50 - 75 atmospheres and 600{sup o}C is under construction. These loops make possible the evaluation of the characteristics of a continuous system, including the behaviour of the fission products released in the gas stream. The complicated kinetics of nitrogen oxidation are outlined in three stages: initial reactions in the systems, reactions after some fixed nitrogen has been produced, and finally the kinetics at radiation equilibrium. The conditions for the formation of N{sub 2}0{sub 3}, N{sub 2}0{sub 4} and O{sub 3} are considered, together with their effects and the overall process. (author) [French] Des recherches sur l'oxydation directe de l'azote sous irradiation, entreprises depuis plusieurs annees par le Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute et le Brookhaven National Laboratory, utilisent directement les particules de recul de fission comme rayonnements ionisants, au moyen de la dispersion d'uranium-235 dans des fibres de verre de cinq microns de diametre environ. Les auteurs ont determine les effets de la temperature, de la pression et du rapport azote/oxygene sur la valeur de G pour l'oxydation de l'azote et ont publie le compte rendu de leurs travaux. Ils en donnent un bref apercu. Les recherches en question ont ete effectuees avec des systemes statiques; plus recemment des systemes statiques et des systemes a circulation ont ete utilises a la fois. Avec les systemes statiques, les auteurs se sont surtout attaches a etudier l'effet de l'intensite des rayonnements, notamment sur la cinetique d'equilibre sous irradiation. Ils ont constate que dans des melanges ou le rapport azote/oxygene est de 4 a 1 et de 2 a 1 N0{sub 2} et N{sub 2}0 se forment jusqu'a epuisement de tout l'oxygene present. Un systeme a circulation continue (cycling) fonctionne maintenant dans une boucle a l'interieur du reacteur de Brookhaven. Les auteurs fournissent sur les effets de la temperature, de la pression, du rapport azote/oxygene et de l'intensite des rayonnements des donnees que l'on pourra utiliser pour etablir un projet de reacteur de chimie nucleaire. Le systeme actuel fonctionne sous 10 atmospheres et a 150{sup o}C. La temperature est fonction de l'energie de fission liberee dans les fibres de verre et de la resistance thermique du circuit. Une autre boucle, qui doit fonctionner sous 50 - 75 atmospheres et a 600{sup o} C, est en construction. Il est possible, grace a ces boucles, d'etudier les caracteristiques d'un systeme continu, y compris le comportement des produits de fission liberes dans le courant, gazeux. Les auteurs distinguent trois stades dans la cinetique complexe de l'oxydation de l'azote: reactions initiales dans le systeme; reactions apres fixation d'une certaine quantite d'azote; et enfin cinetique d'equilibre sous irradiation. Les auteurs etudient les conditions de formation de N{sub 2}0{sub 5}, N{sub 2}0{sub 4} et O{sub 3}, ainsi que leurs effets sur l'ensemble du processus. (author) [Spanish] En las investigaciones que, por espacio de varios anos, se vienen realizando, en el Instituto Politecnico Rensselaer y en el Laboratorio Nacional de Brookhaven sobre la fijacion del nitrogeno por irradiacion en reactores, se utiliza directamente la energia de las particulas de retroceso de fision como radiaciones ionizantes; para ello, se dispersa uranio-235 en fibras de vidrio de cinco mieras de diametro aproximadamente . Los autores determinaron los efectos de la temperatura y de la presion, asi como la influencia de la razon nitrogeno/oxigeno, sobre el valor de G 'para la fijacion del nitrogeno y publicaron un informe sobre sus trabajos, que se resumen brevemente en la presente memoria. Las mencionadas investigaciones se realizaron utilizando sistemas estaticos;, mas recientemente, se emplearon tanto sistemas estaticos como de circulacion. En los primeros se ha prestado particular atencion a los efectos ejercidos por la intensidad de la radiacion sobre la cinetica del equilibrio alcanzado en presencia de radiaciones, habiendose comprobado que en las mezclas en que: la razon de nitrogeno a oxigeno es de 4 : 1 y de 2 : 1, la formacion de N0{sub 2} y de N{sub 2}O continua hasta el agotamiento total del oxigeno presente. Actualmente funciona un sistema de circulacion continua en un circuito' colocado en el interior del reactor de Brookhaven. Los autores analizan los efectos de los siguientes factores: temperatura, presion, razon nitrogeno/oxi geno e intensidad de la radiacion; todos estos datos seran de utilidad para disenar un futuro reactor de quimica nuclear. El actual sistema funciona a la presion de 10 atmosferas y 150{sup o}C. La temperatura es funcion de la energia de fision liberada en las fibras de vidrio y de la resistencia termica del circuito. Otro circuito, que habra de funcionar a 50 - 75 atmosferas y 600{sup o}C se encuentra en curso de construccion. Estos circuitos permitiran evaluar las caracteristicas de un sistema continuo, incluido el comportamient o de los productos de fision liberados en la corriente gaseosa. Los autores distinguen tres fases en la cinetica compleja de la oxidacion del nitrogeno: reacciones iniciales en el sistema;, reacciones subsiguientes a la fijacion de cierta cantidad de nitrogeno y, por ultimo, cinetica del equilibrio alcanzado en presencia de radiaciones. Se estudian las condiciones necesarias para la formacion de N{sub 2}0{sub 5}, N{sub 2}0{sub 4} y O{sub 3}, asi como los efectos que ejercen sobre el proceso en conjunto. (author) [Russian] Pri issledovaniyakh okisleniya azota izlucheniem iz reaktorov, kotorye proizvodilis ' v Rensselerovskom institute i v Brukkhejvenskoj natsional'noj laboratorii v techenie ryada let, byla ispol'zovana, v kachestve neposredstvennogo ioniziruyushchego izlucheniya, ehnergiya otdachi oskolkov deleniya putem rasseyaniya urana-235 v steklyannom volokne diametrom priblizitel'no v 5 mikronov. Bylo opredeleno vliyanie temperatury, davleniya i sootnosheniya mezhdu kolichestvom azota i kolichestvom kisloroda na velichinu radiatsionno-khimicheskogo vykhoda G na okislenie azota i rezul'taty byli soobshcheny v tekhnicheskoj literature. Nizhe daetsya kratkaya svodka ehtoj raboty. Upomyanutaya vyshe rabota proizvodilas' nad staticheskimi sistemami ; nedavno proizvedennaya rabota okhvatyvala kak staticheskie, tak i tsiklicheskie sistemy. V staticheskikh sistemakh glavnoe vnimanie obrashchalos' na vliyanie intensivnosti izlucheniya, v osobennosti v sostoyanii kineticheskogo ravnovesiya izlucheniya. Bylo ustanovleno, chto obrazovanie N0{sub 2}. i N{sub 2}0 V smesyakh azota i kisloroda v proportsiyakh 4:1 i 2: 1 proiskhodit do polnogo istoshcheniya yusloroda. TSiklicheskaya sistema funktsioniruet v nastoyashchee vremya v Brukkhejvenskom reaktore v zakrytom konture. Dayutsya dannye o vliyanii temperatury, davleniya, proportsii smesi i intensivnosti izlucheniya, chto mozhet byt' ispol'zovano dlya proektirovaniya budushchego khimiko-yadernogo reaktora. Sushchestvuyushchaya sistema rabotaet pri davlenii v 10 atmosfer i pri .temperature v 150''oC. Temperatura zavisit ot ehnergii rasshchepleniya chastits, osvobozhdaemoj v steklyannom volokne, i ot ognestojkosti zakrytogo kontura. V nastoyashchee vremya stroitsya drugoj zakrytyj kontur, kotoryj dolzhen rabotat' pri davlenii v 50-75 atmosfer i pri temperature v 600''oC. EHti zakrytye kontury dayut vozmozhnost' sudit' o parametrakh potochnykh sistem, vklyuchaya povedenie produktov rasshchepleniya, vypuskaemykh v gazovyj potok. Slozhnaya kinetika okisleniya azota opisyvaetsya na trekh stadiyakh : nachal'nye reaktsii v sisteme; reaktsii posle obrazovaniya nekotorogo kolichestva okislennogo azota i, nakonets, kinetika pri ustanovlenii ravnovesiya izlucheniya. Rassmatrivayuts ya usloviya obrazovaniya N{sub 2}0{sub 5}, N{sub 2}0{sub 4} i O{sub 3}, a takzhe ikh vliyanie na ves' protsess. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1960}
month = {Jul}