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Progress towards phosphorus-33 production: studies on the enrichment of sulphur-33 by means of anion exchangers; Mise au point d'une methode de production du phosphore-33: etudes sur l'enrichissement du soufre-33 au moyen d'echangeurs anioniques; Uspekhi v poluchenii fosfora-33: izuchenie obogashcheniya sery-33 pri pomoshchi anionnykh obmennikov; Progresos on la produccion de fosforo-33: estudios realizados sobre el enriquecimiento del azufre-33 por medio de intercambiadores anionicos


Enrichment of S{sup 33} by chemical exchange between HSO{sub 3}{sup -} and H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} was selected as the most promising means for P{sup 33} production. HCl displacement of HSO{sub 3}{sup -} from anion exchangers was found to be a convenient method for obtaining counter-current and bulk reflux conditions for this system. Some inherent drawbacks concerning the very high reflux requirements are pointed out. In this institute a plant has been constructed for this process, and the obtained parameters, operation experiences and results are presented. Due to a 'tail' formation of H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} in the displacing HCl, a considerably smaller enrichment than had been calculated from laboratory runs was obtained. Investigations on this problem have been carried out, and a possible way out seems to be the introduction of organic solvents instead of aqueous solutions. (author) [French] L'enrichissement du {sup 33}S par echange chimique entre HSO{sub 3}{sup -} et H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} a ete choisi comme etant le moyen le plus interessant de produire du {sup 33}P. On a constate que l'elution par le HCl du HSO{sub 3}{sup -} fixe par les echangeurs anioniques constituait une methode tres pratique pour realiser les contre-courants et reflux necessaires a cet enrichissement.  More>>
Forberg, S; Westermark, T [1] 
  1. Division of Physical Chemistry, Kungl. Tekniska Hogskolan, Stockholm 70 (Sweden)
Publication Date:
Jan 15, 1962
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Conference on the Use of Radioisotopes in the Physical Sciences and Industry, Copenhagen (Denmark), 6-17 Sep 1960; Other Information: 9 figs, 1 tab, 7 refs; Related Information: In: Radioisotopes in the Physical Sciences and Industry. Proceedings of the Conference on the Use of Radioisotopes in the Physical Sciences and Industry. V. II| 566 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA12N1715112992
Submitting Site:
page(s) 495-509
Announcement Date:
Jan 17, 2013

Citation Formats

Forberg, S, and Westermark, T. Progress towards phosphorus-33 production: studies on the enrichment of sulphur-33 by means of anion exchangers; Mise au point d'une methode de production du phosphore-33: etudes sur l'enrichissement du soufre-33 au moyen d'echangeurs anioniques; Uspekhi v poluchenii fosfora-33: izuchenie obogashcheniya sery-33 pri pomoshchi anionnykh obmennikov; Progresos on la produccion de fosforo-33: estudios realizados sobre el enriquecimiento del azufre-33 por medio de intercambiadores anionicos. IAEA: N. p., 1962. Web.
Forberg, S, & Westermark, T. Progress towards phosphorus-33 production: studies on the enrichment of sulphur-33 by means of anion exchangers; Mise au point d'une methode de production du phosphore-33: etudes sur l'enrichissement du soufre-33 au moyen d'echangeurs anioniques; Uspekhi v poluchenii fosfora-33: izuchenie obogashcheniya sery-33 pri pomoshchi anionnykh obmennikov; Progresos on la produccion de fosforo-33: estudios realizados sobre el enriquecimiento del azufre-33 por medio de intercambiadores anionicos. IAEA.
Forberg, S, and Westermark, T. 1962. "Progress towards phosphorus-33 production: studies on the enrichment of sulphur-33 by means of anion exchangers; Mise au point d'une methode de production du phosphore-33: etudes sur l'enrichissement du soufre-33 au moyen d'echangeurs anioniques; Uspekhi v poluchenii fosfora-33: izuchenie obogashcheniya sery-33 pri pomoshchi anionnykh obmennikov; Progresos on la produccion de fosforo-33: estudios realizados sobre el enriquecimiento del azufre-33 por medio de intercambiadores anionicos." IAEA.
title = {Progress towards phosphorus-33 production: studies on the enrichment of sulphur-33 by means of anion exchangers; Mise au point d'une methode de production du phosphore-33: etudes sur l'enrichissement du soufre-33 au moyen d'echangeurs anioniques; Uspekhi v poluchenii fosfora-33: izuchenie obogashcheniya sery-33 pri pomoshchi anionnykh obmennikov; Progresos on la produccion de fosforo-33: estudios realizados sobre el enriquecimiento del azufre-33 por medio de intercambiadores anionicos}
author = {Forberg, S, and Westermark, T}
abstractNote = {Enrichment of S{sup 33} by chemical exchange between HSO{sub 3}{sup -} and H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} was selected as the most promising means for P{sup 33} production. HCl displacement of HSO{sub 3}{sup -} from anion exchangers was found to be a convenient method for obtaining counter-current and bulk reflux conditions for this system. Some inherent drawbacks concerning the very high reflux requirements are pointed out. In this institute a plant has been constructed for this process, and the obtained parameters, operation experiences and results are presented. Due to a 'tail' formation of H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} in the displacing HCl, a considerably smaller enrichment than had been calculated from laboratory runs was obtained. Investigations on this problem have been carried out, and a possible way out seems to be the introduction of organic solvents instead of aqueous solutions. (author) [French] L'enrichissement du {sup 33}S par echange chimique entre HSO{sub 3}{sup -} et H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} a ete choisi comme etant le moyen le plus interessant de produire du {sup 33}P. On a constate que l'elution par le HCl du HSO{sub 3}{sup -} fixe par les echangeurs anioniques constituait une methode tres pratique pour realiser les contre-courants et reflux necessaires a cet enrichissement. Les auteurs indiquent quelques inconvenients inherents a la necessite d'obtenir des reflux tres intenses. Une installation speciale a ete construite a l'institut pour realiser ce processus; les auteurs indiquent les parametres observes, les experiences effectuees et les resultats obtenus. Par suite d'une formation de H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} residuairo dans l'eluant HCl, l'enrichissement obtenu etait beaucoup plus faible qu'on ne l'avait calcule d'apres les essais en laboratoire. Les auteurs ont fait des recherches sur ce probleme; il semble possible de remedier a la difficulte en remplacant les solutions aqueuses par des solvants organiques. (author) [Spanish] Los autores han optado por el enriquecimiento del {sup 33}S mediante intercambio quimico entre el HSO{sub 3}{sup -} y el H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} para la produccion del {sup 33}P, por ser el metodo que mejores perspectivas ofrece. Encontraron que el desplazamiento mediante HCl del HSO{sub 3}{sup -} fijado en los intercambiadores anionicos constituye un metodo excelente para lograr condiciones de contracorriente y de reflujo total en este sistema. Destacan algunos inconvenientes del metodo, que derivan de la necesidad de trabajar con un reflujo muy intenso. En el instituto de tecnologia de Estocolmo se ha construido una instalacion en que se aplica este proceso, y la memoria indica los parametros obtenidos y la experiencia adquirida durante su funcionamiento, asi como los resultados experimentales. El enriquecimiento obtenido, muy inferior al calculado segun los resultados de laboratorio, se atribuye a la formacion de una ''cola'' de H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} en la fase HCl. Los autores han investigado este problema y encuentran que quiza se pudiera resolver empleando disolventes organicos en vez de soluciones acuosas. (author) [Russian] V kachestve naibolee perspektivnogo sposoba polucheniya P{sup 33} bylo vybrano obogashchenie S{sup 33} khimicheskim obmenom mezhdu HSO{sub 3} i H{sub 2}SO{sub 3}. Vytesnenie HSO{sub 3} pri pomoshchi HCl iz anionnykh obmennikov okazalos' ochen' udobnym metodom dlya polucheniya protivotecheniya i sozdaniya massovogo potoka flegmy dlya ehtoj sistemy. Ukazyvayutsya nekotorye prisushchie sisteme nedostatki, svyazannye s trebovaniyami intensivnogo potoka flegmy. Dlya osushchestvleniya ehtogo protsessa pri institute byla sozdana osobaya ustanovka, v doklade izlagayutsya poluchennye parametry, operativnyj opyt i rezul'taty. Blagodarya obrazovaniyu H{sub 2}SO{sub 3} pri vytesnenii HSO{sub 3} s pomoshch'yu HCl dostigalos' znachitel'no men'shee obogashchenie, chem ehto predpolagalos' pri provedenii laboratornykh rabot. Bylo provedeno izuchenie ehtoj problemy, i vozmozhnym putem, veroyatno, yavlyaetsya vvedenie organicheskikh rastvoritelej vmesto vodnykh rastvorov. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1962}
month = {Jan}