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The production of radioisotopes with a betatron using an internal bombarding technique; Production de radioisotopes par bombardement interne dans un betatron; Proizvodstvo radioizotopov s pomoshch'yu betatrona s ispol'zovaniem metoda vnutrennej bombardirovki; Obtencion de radioisotopos por bombardeo interno en el betatron


A new technique for producing radioisotopes of high specific activity with a betatron has been developed and is being used successfully. Materials to be activated are placed inside the doughnut at the end of a blind cylinder inserted from outside; thus samples are bombarded under one atmosphere just behind the bremsstrahlung target where the radiation intensity is extremely high. The saturation activity of Cu{sup 62} produced on a small piece of copper exceeded 1 mc, and the highest specific activity obtainable was approximately 500 times that produced in a conventional arrangement. So far, this internal-target technique has been used only for nuclear spectroscopy work; eight new species of radioactive isotopes (Co{sup 63}, Ga{sup 75}, As{sup 81}, In{sup 121}, In{sup 123}, Tm{sup 173}, Tm{sup 175} and Ac{sup 231}) have been identified and several new isomers have been found. The feasibility of this bombarding technique opens neiv possibilities, since medical, industrial or research betatrons may now be used, for isotope production. Short-lived isotopes are often more convenient in various applications because of their fast decay and high-energy radiation, and they may be made readily without any special skill. (author) [French] On a mis au point et utilise avec succes line technique nouvelle  More>>
Morinaga, H [1] 
  1. Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai (Japan)
Publication Date:
Jan 15, 1962
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Conference on the Use of Radioisotopes in the Physical Sciences and Industry, Copenhagen (Denmark), 6-17 Sep 1960; Other Information: 2 figs, 2 refs; Related Information: In: Radioisotopes in the Physical Sciences and Industry. Proceedings of the Conference on the Use of Radioisotopes in the Physical Sciences and Industry. V. II| 566 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA12N1707112984
Submitting Site:
page(s) 419-424
Announcement Date:
Jan 17, 2013

Citation Formats

Morinaga, H. The production of radioisotopes with a betatron using an internal bombarding technique; Production de radioisotopes par bombardement interne dans un betatron; Proizvodstvo radioizotopov s pomoshch'yu betatrona s ispol'zovaniem metoda vnutrennej bombardirovki; Obtencion de radioisotopos por bombardeo interno en el betatron. IAEA: N. p., 1962. Web.
Morinaga, H. The production of radioisotopes with a betatron using an internal bombarding technique; Production de radioisotopes par bombardement interne dans un betatron; Proizvodstvo radioizotopov s pomoshch'yu betatrona s ispol'zovaniem metoda vnutrennej bombardirovki; Obtencion de radioisotopos por bombardeo interno en el betatron. IAEA.
Morinaga, H. 1962. "The production of radioisotopes with a betatron using an internal bombarding technique; Production de radioisotopes par bombardement interne dans un betatron; Proizvodstvo radioizotopov s pomoshch'yu betatrona s ispol'zovaniem metoda vnutrennej bombardirovki; Obtencion de radioisotopos por bombardeo interno en el betatron." IAEA.
title = {The production of radioisotopes with a betatron using an internal bombarding technique; Production de radioisotopes par bombardement interne dans un betatron; Proizvodstvo radioizotopov s pomoshch'yu betatrona s ispol'zovaniem metoda vnutrennej bombardirovki; Obtencion de radioisotopos por bombardeo interno en el betatron}
author = {Morinaga, H}
abstractNote = {A new technique for producing radioisotopes of high specific activity with a betatron has been developed and is being used successfully. Materials to be activated are placed inside the doughnut at the end of a blind cylinder inserted from outside; thus samples are bombarded under one atmosphere just behind the bremsstrahlung target where the radiation intensity is extremely high. The saturation activity of Cu{sup 62} produced on a small piece of copper exceeded 1 mc, and the highest specific activity obtainable was approximately 500 times that produced in a conventional arrangement. So far, this internal-target technique has been used only for nuclear spectroscopy work; eight new species of radioactive isotopes (Co{sup 63}, Ga{sup 75}, As{sup 81}, In{sup 121}, In{sup 123}, Tm{sup 173}, Tm{sup 175} and Ac{sup 231}) have been identified and several new isomers have been found. The feasibility of this bombarding technique opens neiv possibilities, since medical, industrial or research betatrons may now be used, for isotope production. Short-lived isotopes are often more convenient in various applications because of their fast decay and high-energy radiation, and they may be made readily without any special skill. (author) [French] On a mis au point et utilise avec succes line technique nouvelle pour la production de radioisotopes d'activite specifique elevee dans un betatron. Les matieres a activer sont placees a l'interieur d'un tube toroidal, a l'extremite d'un cylindre a ouverture unique introduit de l'exterieur; les echantillons se trouvent ainsi bombardes, sous une atmosphere, juste derriere la cible de rayonnement de freinage, a l'endroit ou l'intensite du rayonnement est extremement elevee. L'activite de saturation du {sup 62}Cu produite sur de petits morceaux de cuivre depassait 1 millicurie et l'activite specifique la plus elevee que l'on ait pu obtenir egalait environ 500 fois l'activite produite dans un dispositif classique. Jusqu'a present, cette technique des cibles internes n'a ete employee que pour les travaux de spectroscopie nucleaire; elle a permis d'identifier huit nouvelles especes d'isotopes radioactifs (cobalt-63, gallium-75, arsenic-81, indium-121, indium-123, thulium-173, thulium-175 et actinium-231) et de decouvrir plusieurs nouveaux isomeres. L'efficacite de cette technique de bombardement ouvre de nouvelles perspectives, car les betatrons employes a des fins medicales ou industrielles ou pour la recherche peuvent aussi servir a la production de radioelements. Les radioisotopes de courte periode sont souvent plus commodes a utiliser dans diverses applications en raison de leur desintegration rapide et des rayonnements de haute energie qu'ils emettent, et peuvent etre fabriques facilement sans exiger d'operations compliquees. (author) [Spanish] El autor ha ideado y empleado con exito un nuevo metodo para obtener en el betatron radioisotopos de elevada actividad especifica. Los materiales que se desee activar se colocan en el extremo de una varilla que se introduce desde el exterior en el tubo toroidal, y se irradian a la presion de una atmosfera en un lugar situado inmediatamente detras clel blanco que emite las radiaciones de frenado, en el que la intensidad de las radiaciones es extremadamente elevada. El autor produjo en una pieza pequena de cobre una actividad de saturacion de {sup 62}Cu superior a un milicurie, y la actividad especifica mas elevada que pudo alcanzar era unas 500 veces mayor que la obtenida con ayuda de los dispositivos corrientes. Por ahora, la tecnica del blanco interior solo se emplea para trabajos de espectroscopia nuclear. El autor ha Identificado por este metodo ocho nuevas especies radioisotopicas ({sup 63}Co, {sup 75}Ga, {sup 81}As, {sup 121}In, {sup 123}In, {sup 173}Tm, {sup 175}Tm y {sup 231}Ac) y ha encontrado varios nuevos isomeros. Esta tecnica de bombardeo abre posibilidades nuevas porque los betatrones que hoy se emplean en medicina, en la industria o en la investigacion pueden servir para la obtencion de isotopos. Con frecuencia es conveniente emplear isotopos de periodo corto debido a su rapida desintegracion, al hecho de que emitan radiaciones de alta energia y a la facilidad con que pueden obtenerse incluso sin necesidad de poseer conocimientos especiales. (author) [Russian] Razrabotan i uspeshno ispol'zuetsya novyj metod proizvodstva radioizotopov s vysokoj udel'noj aktivnost'yu s pomoshch'yu betatrona. Podvergaemye aktivatsii materialy pomeshchayutsya vnutr' vakuumnoj kamery betatrona v kontse slepogo tsilindra, ustanovlennogo izvne; takim obrazom, proby podvergayutsya bombardirovke pri odnoj atmosfere neposredstvenno za mishen'yu tormoznogo izlucheniya, gde intensivnost' radiatsii chrezvychajno vysoka. Aktivnost' pri nasyshchenii Cu{sup 62}, vyzvannaya v nebol'shoj chastitse medi, prevyshala 1 millikyuri, i poluchaemaya naivysshaya udel'naya aktivnost' priblizitel'no v 500 raz prevyshala aktivnost', vyzvannuyu v obychnom ustrojstve. Do sikh por ehtot metod vnutrennej misheni ispol'zuetsya tol'ko dlya rabot v oblasti yadernoj spektroskopii; bylo ustanovleno vosem' novykh vidov radioaktivnykh izotopov (Co{sup 63}, Ga{sup 75}, As{sup 81}, In{sup 121}, In{sup 123}, Tm{sup 173}, Tm{sup 175} i Ac{sup 231}). Gibkost' takogo metoda bombardirovki otkryvaet novye vozmozhnosti, t.k. meditsinskij, promyshlennyj, a takzhe issledovatel'skij betatrony mogut ispol'zovat'sya dlya proizvodstva izotopov. Korotkozhivushchie izotopy, kotorye chasto yavlyayutsya bolee udobnymi pri razlichnykh vidakh primeneniya vsledstvie ikh bystrogo raspada i obychno vysokoj ehnergii radiatsii, mogut byt' bystro polucheny bez kakogo-libo dopolnitel'nogo umeniya. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1962}
month = {Jan}