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The distribution of a pure beta-emitter in the human body. Problems and preliminary results of Bremsstrahlung measurements in vivo; La repartition d'un emetteur beta pur dans l'organisme humain. Problemes poses par les mesures in vivo du rayonnement de freinage et premiers resultats obtenus; Raspredelenie chistogo beta-izluchatel ya v chelovecheskom organizme Problemy i predvaritel'ny e rezul'taty izmerenij tormoznogo izlucheniya v zhivom organizme; Distribucion de un emisor beta puro en el organisme humano. Problemas planteados por las mediciones in vivo de la radiacion de frenado y resultados preliminares obtenidos


In vivo measurements of the distribution of a pure beta-emitter in the human body were previously limited to the localization of radioactivity in superficial tissues only, owing to the short range of the beta particles in tissue. During die last few years the analysis has been extended by means of bremsstrahlung measurements to activities in deep-lying tissues. The present paper deals with problems and results of this new technique. On the basis of an analysis of the physical nature of this radiation, the construction of suitable detection devices is discussed. The theoretical and experimental work done in this field are reviewed. In order to make a proper interpretation of the results obtained, it is necessary to analyse the various factors involved. These include particularly the area ''seen'' by the detector, the specific activity of the tissue seen and the depth of the organ under consideration, A discussion of the results of such measurements already published will permit an assessment of the present situation and of the nature of the problems still unsolved. (author) [French] Les mesures in vivo de la repartition d'un emetteur beta pur dans l'organisme humain se limitaient autrefois a la localisation de la radioactivite dans les tissus  More>>
Mehl, H G [1] 
  1. Strahleninstitut der Freien Universitaet, Berlin (Germany)
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 1959
Product Type:
Resource Relation:
Conference: Seminar on Medical Radioisotope Scanning, Vienna (Austria), 25-27 Feb 1959; Other Information: 15 figs, 3 tabs, 68 refs; Related Information: In: Medical Radioisotope Scanning. Proceedings of a Seminar| 278 p.
Research Organizations:
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria); World Health Organization, Geneva (Switzerland)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ISSN 0074-1884; TRN: XA12N1548112895
Submitting Site:
page(s) 125-139
Announcement Date:
Jan 17, 2013

Citation Formats

Mehl, H G. The distribution of a pure beta-emitter in the human body. Problems and preliminary results of Bremsstrahlung measurements in vivo; La repartition d'un emetteur beta pur dans l'organisme humain. Problemes poses par les mesures in vivo du rayonnement de freinage et premiers resultats obtenus; Raspredelenie chistogo beta-izluchatel ya v chelovecheskom organizme Problemy i predvaritel'ny e rezul'taty izmerenij tormoznogo izlucheniya v zhivom organizme; Distribucion de un emisor beta puro en el organisme humano. Problemas planteados por las mediciones in vivo de la radiacion de frenado y resultados preliminares obtenidos. IAEA: N. p., 1959. Web.
Mehl, H G. The distribution of a pure beta-emitter in the human body. Problems and preliminary results of Bremsstrahlung measurements in vivo; La repartition d'un emetteur beta pur dans l'organisme humain. Problemes poses par les mesures in vivo du rayonnement de freinage et premiers resultats obtenus; Raspredelenie chistogo beta-izluchatel ya v chelovecheskom organizme Problemy i predvaritel'ny e rezul'taty izmerenij tormoznogo izlucheniya v zhivom organizme; Distribucion de un emisor beta puro en el organisme humano. Problemas planteados por las mediciones in vivo de la radiacion de frenado y resultados preliminares obtenidos. IAEA.
Mehl, H G. 1959. "The distribution of a pure beta-emitter in the human body. Problems and preliminary results of Bremsstrahlung measurements in vivo; La repartition d'un emetteur beta pur dans l'organisme humain. Problemes poses par les mesures in vivo du rayonnement de freinage et premiers resultats obtenus; Raspredelenie chistogo beta-izluchatel ya v chelovecheskom organizme Problemy i predvaritel'ny e rezul'taty izmerenij tormoznogo izlucheniya v zhivom organizme; Distribucion de un emisor beta puro en el organisme humano. Problemas planteados por las mediciones in vivo de la radiacion de frenado y resultados preliminares obtenidos." IAEA.
title = {The distribution of a pure beta-emitter in the human body. Problems and preliminary results of Bremsstrahlung measurements in vivo; La repartition d'un emetteur beta pur dans l'organisme humain. Problemes poses par les mesures in vivo du rayonnement de freinage et premiers resultats obtenus; Raspredelenie chistogo beta-izluchatel ya v chelovecheskom organizme Problemy i predvaritel'ny e rezul'taty izmerenij tormoznogo izlucheniya v zhivom organizme; Distribucion de un emisor beta puro en el organisme humano. Problemas planteados por las mediciones in vivo de la radiacion de frenado y resultados preliminares obtenidos}
author = {Mehl, H G}
abstractNote = {In vivo measurements of the distribution of a pure beta-emitter in the human body were previously limited to the localization of radioactivity in superficial tissues only, owing to the short range of the beta particles in tissue. During die last few years the analysis has been extended by means of bremsstrahlung measurements to activities in deep-lying tissues. The present paper deals with problems and results of this new technique. On the basis of an analysis of the physical nature of this radiation, the construction of suitable detection devices is discussed. The theoretical and experimental work done in this field are reviewed. In order to make a proper interpretation of the results obtained, it is necessary to analyse the various factors involved. These include particularly the area ''seen'' by the detector, the specific activity of the tissue seen and the depth of the organ under consideration, A discussion of the results of such measurements already published will permit an assessment of the present situation and of the nature of the problems still unsolved. (author) [French] Les mesures in vivo de la repartition d'un emetteur beta pur dans l'organisme humain se limitaient autrefois a la localisation de la radioactivite dans les tissus superficiels, en raison du faible parcours des particules beta dans l'organisme. Depuis quelques armees, il est possible, grace aux mesures du rayonnement de freinage, d'etudier egalement la radioactivite dans les tissus profonds. L'auteur examine les problemes poses par cette technique nouvelle et les resultats qu'elle permet d'obtenir. Il indique des procedes de detection fondes sur les caracteristiques physiques de ce rayonnement. Il decrit les recherches theoriques et experimentales qui ont ete faites dans ce domaine. Pour interpreter correctement les resultats obtenus, il importe d'analyser les differents facteurs qui interviennent, notamment la surface par le detecteur, l'activite specifique du tissu observe et la profondeur a laquelle l'organe examine se trouve situe. L'examen des resultats deja publies de ces mesures permettra de reconnaitre la situation actuelle et de determiner la nature des problemes qui restent a resoudre. (author) [Spanish] Las mediciones in vivo de la distribucion de un emisor beta puro en el organismo humano se limitaban antes a localizar la radiactividad en los tejidos superficiales unicamente, a causa del reducido alcance de las particules beta en los tejidos. En los ultimos anos, gracias a las mediciones de la radiacion de frenado se ha podido analizar la actividad en los tejidos profundos. El autor estudia los problemas planteados por esta nueva tecnica y los resultados que permite obtener. Describe la construccien de detectores apropiados, basandose en un analisis de las caracteristicas fisicas de esta radiacion. Examina la labor teorica y experimental realizada en este campo. Para poder interpretar acertadamente los resultados obtenidos, es necesario analizar los diversos factores que entran en juego, especialmente el area por el detector, la actividad especifica del tejido observado y la profundidad del organo objeto de examen. Un estudio de los resultados de esas mediciones ya publicadas permitira evaluar la situacion actual y la naturaleza de los problemas que aun no se han resuelto. (author) [Russian] Izmereniya raspredeleniya chistogo beta-izluchatel ya v chelovecheskom organizme do sikh por ogranichivalis', vvidu malogo puti proniknoveniya beta-chastits v tkani, ustanovleniem nalichiya radioaktivnost i tol'ko v poverkhnostny kh tkanyakh. Za poslednie neskol'ko let primenenie izmerenij tormoznogo izlucheniya pozvolilo rasprostranit' ehtot metod na analiz aktivnosti gluboko zalegayushchikh tkanej. V nastoyashchem dokumente rassmatrivayuts ya problemy i rezul'taty ispol'zovaniya ehtogo novogo priema raboty. Na osnovanii analiza fizicheskogo kharaktera ehtoj radiatsii v dokumente rassmatrivaets ya takzhe konstruktsiya detektornykh ustrojstv i daetsya obzor provedennoj v ehtoj oblasti teoreticheskoj i ehksperimental'noj raboty. Dlya pravil'nogo tolkovaniya poluchennykh rezul'tatov neobkhodimo proanalizirovat ' razlichnye faktory, k chislu kotorykh, v chastnosti, otnosyatzya: pole detektora, udel'naya aktivnost' izluchaemoj tkani i glubina zaleganiya izuchaemogo organa. Obsuzhdenie uzhe opublikovanny kh rezul'tatov takogo roda izmerenij pozvolit otsenit' imeyushchiesya dostizheniya i ustanovit' kharakter vse eshche trebuyushchikh razresheniya problem. (author)}
place = {IAEA}
year = {1959}
month = {Jul}