The work is carried out on U-Pu alloys in the region of the solid solution uranium alpha and in the two-phase region uranium alpha + the zeta phase. The results obtained concern mainly the influence of the addition of plutonium on the physical properties of the uranium (changes in the crystalline parameters, the density, the hardness) in the region of solid solution uranium alpha. In view of the discrepancies between various published results as far as the equilibrium diagram for the system U-Pu is concerned, an attempt was made to verify the extent of the different regions of the phase diagram, in particular the two phased-region. Examinations carried out on samples after various thermal treatments (in particular quenching from the epsilon phase and prolonged annealings, as well as a slow cooling from the epsilon phase) confirm the results obtained at Los Alamos and Harwell. (author) [French] L'etude porte sur des alliages U-Pu du domaine de la solution solide uranium alpha et du domaine biphase uranium + phase zeta. Les resultats obtenus concernent en premier lieu l'influence de l'addition de plutonium sur les proprietes physiques de l'uranium (changement des parametres cristallins, densite, durete) dans le domaine de la solution solide uranium
Paruz, H
- Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires
Citation Formats
Paruz, H.
Study of uranium-plutonium alloys containing from 0 to 20 peri cent of plutonium (1963); Etude des alliages uranium-plutonium aux concentrations comprises entre 0 et 20 pour cent de plutonium (1963).
France: N. p.,
Paruz, H.
Study of uranium-plutonium alloys containing from 0 to 20 peri cent of plutonium (1963); Etude des alliages uranium-plutonium aux concentrations comprises entre 0 et 20 pour cent de plutonium (1963).
Paruz, H.
"Study of uranium-plutonium alloys containing from 0 to 20 peri cent of plutonium (1963); Etude des alliages uranium-plutonium aux concentrations comprises entre 0 et 20 pour cent de plutonium (1963)."
title = {Study of uranium-plutonium alloys containing from 0 to 20 peri cent of plutonium (1963); Etude des alliages uranium-plutonium aux concentrations comprises entre 0 et 20 pour cent de plutonium (1963)}
author = {Paruz, H}
abstractNote = {The work is carried out on U-Pu alloys in the region of the solid solution uranium alpha and in the two-phase region uranium alpha + the zeta phase. The results obtained concern mainly the influence of the addition of plutonium on the physical properties of the uranium (changes in the crystalline parameters, the density, the hardness) in the region of solid solution uranium alpha. In view of the discrepancies between various published results as far as the equilibrium diagram for the system U-Pu is concerned, an attempt was made to verify the extent of the different regions of the phase diagram, in particular the two phased-region. Examinations carried out on samples after various thermal treatments (in particular quenching from the epsilon phase and prolonged annealings, as well as a slow cooling from the epsilon phase) confirm the results obtained at Los Alamos and Harwell. (author) [French] L'etude porte sur des alliages U-Pu du domaine de la solution solide uranium alpha et du domaine biphase uranium + phase zeta. Les resultats obtenus concernent en premier lieu l'influence de l'addition de plutonium sur les proprietes physiques de l'uranium (changement des parametres cristallins, densite, durete) dans le domaine de la solution solide uranium alpha. Compte tenu des divergences entre les differents resultats publies en ce qui concerne le diagramme d'equilibre du systeme U-Pu, on a essaye ensuite de verifier l'etendue des differents domaines du diagramme des phases, en particulier du domaine biphase zeta + uranium alpha. Les examens par micrographie et par diffraction des rayons X des echantillons apres differents traitements thermiques (notamment trempe a partir de la phase epsilon et recuits prolonges, ainsi qu'un refroidissement lent etage a partir de la phase epsilon) confirment les resultats obtenus a Los Alamos et a Harwell. (auteur)}
place = {France}
year = {1963}
month = {May}
title = {Study of uranium-plutonium alloys containing from 0 to 20 peri cent of plutonium (1963); Etude des alliages uranium-plutonium aux concentrations comprises entre 0 et 20 pour cent de plutonium (1963)}
author = {Paruz, H}
abstractNote = {The work is carried out on U-Pu alloys in the region of the solid solution uranium alpha and in the two-phase region uranium alpha + the zeta phase. The results obtained concern mainly the influence of the addition of plutonium on the physical properties of the uranium (changes in the crystalline parameters, the density, the hardness) in the region of solid solution uranium alpha. In view of the discrepancies between various published results as far as the equilibrium diagram for the system U-Pu is concerned, an attempt was made to verify the extent of the different regions of the phase diagram, in particular the two phased-region. Examinations carried out on samples after various thermal treatments (in particular quenching from the epsilon phase and prolonged annealings, as well as a slow cooling from the epsilon phase) confirm the results obtained at Los Alamos and Harwell. (author) [French] L'etude porte sur des alliages U-Pu du domaine de la solution solide uranium alpha et du domaine biphase uranium + phase zeta. Les resultats obtenus concernent en premier lieu l'influence de l'addition de plutonium sur les proprietes physiques de l'uranium (changement des parametres cristallins, densite, durete) dans le domaine de la solution solide uranium alpha. Compte tenu des divergences entre les differents resultats publies en ce qui concerne le diagramme d'equilibre du systeme U-Pu, on a essaye ensuite de verifier l'etendue des differents domaines du diagramme des phases, en particulier du domaine biphase zeta + uranium alpha. Les examens par micrographie et par diffraction des rayons X des echantillons apres differents traitements thermiques (notamment trempe a partir de la phase epsilon et recuits prolonges, ainsi qu'un refroidissement lent etage a partir de la phase epsilon) confirment les resultats obtenus a Los Alamos et a Harwell. (auteur)}
place = {France}
year = {1963}
month = {May}