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Relationship between the nuclear resonance of cobalt metal and its ferromagnetic properties; Relations entre la resonance nucleaire du cobalt metallique et ses proprietes ferromagnetiques


Theoretical study of nuclear magnetic resonance in ferromagnetic metals shows the near dependence of ferromagnetic properties and unusual feature of this nuclear resonance. This results from a strong interaction between nuclei and magnetic electrons. They excite the nuclei, and, in Bloch walls, submit them to a RF field much stronger than those directly applied. The parameters of the resonance are determined from wall movement and depend consequently of ferromagnetic constants. The theory is enable to provide quantitatively some peculiar effects, specially those of a continuous magnetic field and of temperature. Experimental study was made on cobalt powders, and is in good agreement with theory. However one must take the skin-effect into consideration and accordingly adjust, the theory. This can explain some observed divergences, as well as the influence at particles size and magnetic field over the line shape. Original informations have been obtained about some typical ferromagnetic properties of cobalt, when studying magnetic field effect, and it has been able to apply this method to other ferromagnetic materials. In consideration of the peculiar characteristics of this nuclear resonance, which occurs without external magnetic field and whose line width is large, new models of spectrographs have been realized and have permitted  More>>
Aubrun, J N [1] 
  1. Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires
Publication Date:
May 15, 1964
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: TH: These ES sciences physiques; 28 refs
Research Organizations:
CEA Saclay, 91 - Gif-sur-Yvette (France); Feculte des Sciences de l'Universite de Paris, Centre d'Orsay, 91 (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
TRN: FR06R2597097992
Available from INIS in electronic form
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79 pages
Announcement Date:
Dec 22, 2006

Citation Formats

Aubrun, J N. Relationship between the nuclear resonance of cobalt metal and its ferromagnetic properties; Relations entre la resonance nucleaire du cobalt metallique et ses proprietes ferromagnetiques. France: N. p., 1964. Web.
Aubrun, J N. Relationship between the nuclear resonance of cobalt metal and its ferromagnetic properties; Relations entre la resonance nucleaire du cobalt metallique et ses proprietes ferromagnetiques. France.
Aubrun, J N. 1964. "Relationship between the nuclear resonance of cobalt metal and its ferromagnetic properties; Relations entre la resonance nucleaire du cobalt metallique et ses proprietes ferromagnetiques." France.
title = {Relationship between the nuclear resonance of cobalt metal and its ferromagnetic properties; Relations entre la resonance nucleaire du cobalt metallique et ses proprietes ferromagnetiques}
author = {Aubrun, J N}
abstractNote = {Theoretical study of nuclear magnetic resonance in ferromagnetic metals shows the near dependence of ferromagnetic properties and unusual feature of this nuclear resonance. This results from a strong interaction between nuclei and magnetic electrons. They excite the nuclei, and, in Bloch walls, submit them to a RF field much stronger than those directly applied. The parameters of the resonance are determined from wall movement and depend consequently of ferromagnetic constants. The theory is enable to provide quantitatively some peculiar effects, specially those of a continuous magnetic field and of temperature. Experimental study was made on cobalt powders, and is in good agreement with theory. However one must take the skin-effect into consideration and accordingly adjust, the theory. This can explain some observed divergences, as well as the influence at particles size and magnetic field over the line shape. Original informations have been obtained about some typical ferromagnetic properties of cobalt, when studying magnetic field effect, and it has been able to apply this method to other ferromagnetic materials. In consideration of the peculiar characteristics of this nuclear resonance, which occurs without external magnetic field and whose line width is large, new models of spectrographs have been realized and have permitted accurate measures of the line shape. The weak intensity of the signals obtained in some cases, has induced the elaboration of an original method of extraction whose theory and practical uses are described here. The whole of this experiment reveals the nuclear resonance as a strong way for the study of ferromagnetism, which is able to detect microscopic phenomenons, not easily accessible by classical methods. (author) [French] L'etude theorique de la resonance magnetique nucleaire dans les metaux ferromagnetiques revele l'etroite liaison entre les proprietes ferromagnetiques et l'aspect inhabituel de cette resonance. Ceci resulte du couplage intense existant entre les noyaux et les electrons porteurs du magnetisme. Ces derniers excitent les noyaux et, dans les parois de Bloch, les soumettent a un champ radio-frequence bien plus intense que le champ RF applique. Les parametres de la resonance se determinent alors a partir du mouvement des parois, et dependent donc des constantes ferromagnetiques. La theorie permet de prevoir quantitativement certains effets particuliers, notamment par action d'un champ magnetique continu ou de la temperature. L'etude expeimentale a porte sur des poudres de cobalt et est en bon accord avec la theorie. Toutefois il faut tenir compte de l'effet de peau et reviser la theorie en consequence. Ceci permet d'expliquer certaines divergences observees, ainsi que l'influence de la taille des grains et celle du champ magnetique sur la forme de raie. Des renseignements originaux ont ete obtenus sur certaines proprietes purement ferromagnetiques du cobalt, en etudiant l'effet d'un champ magnetique et cette methode a pu etre appliquee a d'autres corps ferromagnetiques. En raison du caractere particulier de cette resonance nucleaire, qui se produit en l'absence de champ directeur et possede une importante largeur de raie, des spectrographes de type nouveau ont ete realises qui ont rendu possible des mesures precises de la forme de raie. La faible intensite des signaux obtenus dans certains cas a conduit a la mise au point d'une methode originale d'extraction dont la theorie et les applications pratiques sont donnees ici. L'ensemble de ces experiences fait apparaitre la resonance nucleaire comme un puissant moyen d'etude du ferromagnetique permettant de deceler des phenomenes microscopiques difficilement accessibles par les methodes classiques. (auteur)}
place = {France}
year = {1964}
month = {May}