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French research in the field of nuclear agronomy; Les recherches francaises en agronomie nucleaire


This report presents a survey of the most important work in the field of nuclear agronomy carried out in France since the second international conference, ranging from pure research to the most direct application. As the programmes develop, so to an ever decreasing degree does this differentiation cover the distinction made in the report between the biological radiations effects and the other uses of nuclear techniques. Thus research on agricultural radio-genetics is carried on in two directions: from the theoretical and methodological angle, with comparative studies of the action of various types of radiation, the influence of dose rate and temperature, the action of chemical mutation agents, the production of chimera by gamma irradiation; and on the practical side, leading to the creation of new, hardier or earlier varieties (rice, millet, ground-nuts). Problems of pest destruction (eradication) and the preservation of foodstuffs by irradiation are also tackled by widely varied means and for totally different purposes. One operation consisting of a simple irradiation (moist seeds, potatoes...) will sometimes be associated with original studies of a biochemical or microbiological nature (for example: decomposition of starch, glucide metabolism of irradiated tubers, radiation resistance of yeasts). The nuclear technique side is represented mainly  More>>
Guerin De Montgareuil, P [1] 
  1. Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Cadarache (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 1964
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: 0 refs
Research Organizations:
CEA Cadarache, 13 (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
TRN: FR06R2524095233
Available from INIS in electronic form
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11 pages
Announcement Date:
Dec 22, 2006

Citation Formats

Guerin De Montgareuil, P. French research in the field of nuclear agronomy; Les recherches francaises en agronomie nucleaire. France: N. p., 1964. Web.
Guerin De Montgareuil, P. French research in the field of nuclear agronomy; Les recherches francaises en agronomie nucleaire. France.
Guerin De Montgareuil, P. 1964. "French research in the field of nuclear agronomy; Les recherches francaises en agronomie nucleaire." France.
title = {French research in the field of nuclear agronomy; Les recherches francaises en agronomie nucleaire}
author = {Guerin De Montgareuil, P}
abstractNote = {This report presents a survey of the most important work in the field of nuclear agronomy carried out in France since the second international conference, ranging from pure research to the most direct application. As the programmes develop, so to an ever decreasing degree does this differentiation cover the distinction made in the report between the biological radiations effects and the other uses of nuclear techniques. Thus research on agricultural radio-genetics is carried on in two directions: from the theoretical and methodological angle, with comparative studies of the action of various types of radiation, the influence of dose rate and temperature, the action of chemical mutation agents, the production of chimera by gamma irradiation; and on the practical side, leading to the creation of new, hardier or earlier varieties (rice, millet, ground-nuts). Problems of pest destruction (eradication) and the preservation of foodstuffs by irradiation are also tackled by widely varied means and for totally different purposes. One operation consisting of a simple irradiation (moist seeds, potatoes...) will sometimes be associated with original studies of a biochemical or microbiological nature (for example: decomposition of starch, glucide metabolism of irradiated tubers, radiation resistance of yeasts). The nuclear technique side is represented mainly by radioisotopes (carbon 14, phosphorus 32, sulphur 35, calcium 45, potassium 42, copper 64, gold 198) and stable isotopes analysed by mass spectrometer (nitrogen 15, oxygen 18) or by neutron activation (boron 10). The studies mentioned refer to problems on different levels concerning plant physiology, agrology, agricultural entomology and zootechny. Results obtained from measurements of the humidity (neutron thermalization) and density (gamma diffusion) of a soil are also given. Numerous organisations take part in these various research programmes, each according to its speciality: cooperative private enterprise, industrial firms, university laboratories scientific institutes. The role of the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique is defined: on the one hand it supplies information and support, and on the other hand it takes charge of specifically nuclear aspects of the work. Its part in the field has recently found expression in the creation, within the Biology Department, of a Radio-agronomy Section; its objective are described,, as well as the, means placed att its disposal at the Centre d'etudes Nucleaires, Cadarache. (author) [French] On propose un bilan des travaux les plus significatifs effectues en France depuis la deuxieme conference internationale en matiere d'agronomie nucleaire et qui vont d'une recherche apparemment desinteressee a l'application la plus directe. Une telle differenciation recouvre de moins en moins, au fur et a mesure de l'evolution des programmes, la distinction qui est faite dans l'expose entre l'action biologique des rayonnements et les autres emplois des techniques nucleaires. C'est ainsi que les recherches do radiogenetique agricole sont poursuivies dans deux directions: d'un point de vue theorique et methodologique avec l'etude comparative de l'action des divers types de rayonnements, l'influence du debit de dose et de la temperature, l'action des agents mutagenes chimiques, la production de chimeres sous irradiation gamma; et d'autre part, sous un aspect pratique aboutissant a la creation de varietes nouvelles plus resistantes ou plus precoces (riz, mil, arachide). Les problemes de destruction des insectes (eradication) et de conservation des denrees sous irradiation se trouvent egalement abordes par des voies et avec des objectifs tres divers. A la demarche globale representee par une irradiation pure et simple (grains humides, pommes de terre...) sont parfois associees des etudes souvent originales, d'ordre biochimique ou microbiologique (par exemple: alteration de l'amidon, metabolisme glucidique des tubercules irradies, radioresistance des levures). Le dossier des techniques nucleaires est surtout represente par les radioisotopes (carbone 14, phosphore 32, soufre 35, calcium 45, potassium 42, cuivre 64, or 198) et les isotopes stables analyses au spectrometre de masse (azote 15, oxygene 18) ou par activation aux neutrons (bore 10). Les travaux mentionnes se rapportent a des questions de niveau tres variable en physiologie vegetale, agrologie, entomologie agricole et zootechnie. On cite egalement les resultats obtenus a propos des mesures de l'humidite (thermalisation neutronique) et de la densite (diffusion gamma) d'un sol. A ces differentes recherches prennent part, chacun selon sa vocation propre, de nombreux organismes: entreprise privee a caractere cooperatif, firmes industrielles, laboratoires universitaires, instituts scientifiques. A cette occasion, se trouve precise le role du Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique: d'une part, information et soutien, d'autre part, prise en charge des aspects specifiquement nucleaires. Son intervention dans ce domaine s'est recemment traduite par la creation, au sein du Departement de Biologie, d'une Section de Radioagronomie dont on decrit les objectifs ainsi que les moyens mis a sa disposition au Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Cadarache. (auteur)}
place = {France}
year = {1964}
month = {Jul}