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Mechanical pumps for liquid metals; Pompes mecaniques pour metaux liquides


The pumping of liquid metals by centrifugal pumps poses two principal problems. These are hermetic sealing of the rotating shaft and, its guidance where immersed in liquid metal. The solutions to the problems used on 13 experimental pumps are given here. The resolution of the guidance problem consists in the majority of cases in the utilisation of hydrostatic bearings. Accordingly, a theoretical study was instituted for the first time to calculate the bearings of the earlier pumps. After this, an experimental study was carried out, to check the theory by water tests. A relation for bearing calculation of pumps with diffusers is proposed. Finally the influence of the bearing elasticity on the shafts critical speed is studied. (authors) [French] Le pompage des metaux liquides, par des pompes centrifuges, pose 2 principaux problemes, qui sont: d'une part, la realisation d'une excellente etancheite au passage de l'arbre, d'autre part, son guidage sur la partie immergee dans le metal liquide. Les solutions retenues pour resoudre ces problemes sur 13 pompes experimentees sont presentees. Le probleme du guidage de l'arbre, a dans la majorite des cas ete resolu en utilisant un palier hydrostatique, aussi l'etude en a d'abord ete approfondie de facon theorique pour  More>>
Baumier, J; Gollion, H J [1] 
  1. Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 1964
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: 0 refs
Research Organizations:
CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses, 92 (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
TRN: FR06R2521095230
Available from INIS in electronic form
Submitting Site:
65 pages
Announcement Date:
Dec 22, 2006

Citation Formats

Baumier, J, and Gollion, H J. Mechanical pumps for liquid metals; Pompes mecaniques pour metaux liquides. France: N. p., 1964. Web.
Baumier, J, & Gollion, H J. Mechanical pumps for liquid metals; Pompes mecaniques pour metaux liquides. France.
Baumier, J, and Gollion, H J. 1964. "Mechanical pumps for liquid metals; Pompes mecaniques pour metaux liquides." France.
title = {Mechanical pumps for liquid metals; Pompes mecaniques pour metaux liquides}
author = {Baumier, J, and Gollion, H J}
abstractNote = {The pumping of liquid metals by centrifugal pumps poses two principal problems. These are hermetic sealing of the rotating shaft and, its guidance where immersed in liquid metal. The solutions to the problems used on 13 experimental pumps are given here. The resolution of the guidance problem consists in the majority of cases in the utilisation of hydrostatic bearings. Accordingly, a theoretical study was instituted for the first time to calculate the bearings of the earlier pumps. After this, an experimental study was carried out, to check the theory by water tests. A relation for bearing calculation of pumps with diffusers is proposed. Finally the influence of the bearing elasticity on the shafts critical speed is studied. (authors) [French] Le pompage des metaux liquides, par des pompes centrifuges, pose 2 principaux problemes, qui sont: d'une part, la realisation d'une excellente etancheite au passage de l'arbre, d'autre part, son guidage sur la partie immergee dans le metal liquide. Les solutions retenues pour resoudre ces problemes sur 13 pompes experimentees sont presentees. Le probleme du guidage de l'arbre, a dans la majorite des cas ete resolu en utilisant un palier hydrostatique, aussi l'etude en a d'abord ete approfondie de facon theorique pour calculer les paliers des premieres pompes, puis experimentale pour controler la theorie, en effectuant des essais a l'eau. On propose une relation pour calculer les paliers des pompes a diffuseurs. On a en outre effectue une etude de l'influence de l'elasticite du palier hydrostatique sur la vitesse critique de l'arbre. (auteurs)}
place = {France}
year = {1964}
month = {Jul}