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Study of the influence of the fast neutron spectrum on the production of defects in solids and liquids; Etude de l'influence du spectre des neutrons rapides sur la creation de defauts dans les solides et les liquides


In the first part of this work a calculation has been made of the number of defects formed in graphite by a given neutron flux having various spectral distributions. The defect formation function is that of KINCHIN and PEASE; its formulation is briefly given. An efficiency function is then defined for a fast neutron spectrum. This defects produced in a light water reactor and those produced in a graphite reactor. Finally an application of this method is given for comparing the defect forming tendency in graphite in the case of the reactor Melusine and of the reactor G-2 and G-3. In the second part are calculated the integrals for the energy release brought about by fast neutrons in carbon oxygen and hydrogen. In a region of 25 cm around the core of a swimming-pool type reactor these energy release integrals are approximately proportional to the neutron flux above 1 MeV. The determination of the energy released as a result of the passage of neutrons in organic liquids can therefore be reduced to the measurement of the flux above 1 MeV for the real spectral distribution. A calorimetric verification has been carried out in the case of water. (authors) [French] Dans  More>>
Mas, P; Droulers, Y [1] 
  1. Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 1964
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: 14 refs
Research Organizations:
CEA Grenoble, 38 (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
TRN: FR06R2510095219
Available from INIS in electronic form
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51 pages
Announcement Date:
Dec 22, 2006

Citation Formats

Mas, P, and Droulers, Y. Study of the influence of the fast neutron spectrum on the production of defects in solids and liquids; Etude de l'influence du spectre des neutrons rapides sur la creation de defauts dans les solides et les liquides. France: N. p., 1964. Web.
Mas, P, & Droulers, Y. Study of the influence of the fast neutron spectrum on the production of defects in solids and liquids; Etude de l'influence du spectre des neutrons rapides sur la creation de defauts dans les solides et les liquides. France.
Mas, P, and Droulers, Y. 1964. "Study of the influence of the fast neutron spectrum on the production of defects in solids and liquids; Etude de l'influence du spectre des neutrons rapides sur la creation de defauts dans les solides et les liquides." France.
title = {Study of the influence of the fast neutron spectrum on the production of defects in solids and liquids; Etude de l'influence du spectre des neutrons rapides sur la creation de defauts dans les solides et les liquides}
author = {Mas, P, and Droulers, Y}
abstractNote = {In the first part of this work a calculation has been made of the number of defects formed in graphite by a given neutron flux having various spectral distributions. The defect formation function is that of KINCHIN and PEASE; its formulation is briefly given. An efficiency function is then defined for a fast neutron spectrum. This defects produced in a light water reactor and those produced in a graphite reactor. Finally an application of this method is given for comparing the defect forming tendency in graphite in the case of the reactor Melusine and of the reactor G-2 and G-3. In the second part are calculated the integrals for the energy release brought about by fast neutrons in carbon oxygen and hydrogen. In a region of 25 cm around the core of a swimming-pool type reactor these energy release integrals are approximately proportional to the neutron flux above 1 MeV. The determination of the energy released as a result of the passage of neutrons in organic liquids can therefore be reduced to the measurement of the flux above 1 MeV for the real spectral distribution. A calorimetric verification has been carried out in the case of water. (authors) [French] Dans la premiere partie de cette etude, on a calcule le nombre de defauts crees dans le graphite par un flux de neutrons donne, pris sous differents spectres. On a ainsi fait les calculs pour 4 spectres de pile. piscine et 2 spectres de pile au graphite. La fonction creation de defauts est celle de KINCHIN et PEASE. On rappelle brievement sa formulation. Puis on definit une fonction efficacite d'un spectre de neutrons rapides. Cette fonction permet alors d'etablir la relation entre defauts crees dans une pile a eau legere et defauts crees dans une pile au graphite. Enfin, une application de cette methode est donnee pour comparer l'aptitude a creer les defauts dans le graphite par la pile MELUSINE et les piles G-2 ou G-3. Dans la deuxieme partie, on a calcule les integrales de degagement d'energie provoque par les neutrons rapides dans le carbone, l'oxygene et l'hydrogene. Dans une zone de 25 cm entourant le coeur d'une pile piscine, ces integrales de degagement d'energie sont a peu pres proportionnelles au flux de neutrons au-dessus de 1 MeV. La determination du degagement d'energie en provenance des neutrons dans les liquides organiques se ramene donc a la determination du flux au-dessus de 1 MeV sous le spectre reel. Une verification calorimetrique a ete faite pour l'eau. (auteurs)}
place = {France}
year = {1964}
month = {Jul}