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The treatment of effluents; Ameliorations apportees aux traitements des residus radioactifs


For several years the French Atomic Energy Commission has been studying with interest problems presented by radio-active effluents. Since high activities have not yet received a definite solution we will deal only, in this paper, with the achievements and research concerning low and medium activity effluents. In the field of the achievements, we may mention the various effluent treatment stations which have been built in France; a brief list will be given together with an outline of their main new features. Thus in particular the latest treatment stations put into operation (Grenoble, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Cadarache) will be presented. From all these recent achievements three subjects will be dealt with in more detail. 1 - The workshop for treating with bitumen the sludge obtained after concentration of radionuclides. 2 - The workshop for treating radioactive solid waste by incineration. 3 - A unit for concentrating radio-active liquid effluents by evaporation. In the field of research, several topics have been undertaken, a list will be given. In most cases the research concerns the concentration of radionuclides with a view to a practical and low cost storage, a concentration involving an efficient decontamination of the aqueous liquids in the best possible economic conditions. For  More>>
Wormser, G; Rodier, J; Robien, E de; Fernandez, N [1] 
  1. Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 1964
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Research Organizations:
CEA Grenoble, 38 (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
TRN: FR05R2651107046
Available from INIS in electronic form
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22 pages
Announcement Date:
Dec 19, 2005

Citation Formats

Wormser, G, Rodier, J, Robien, E de, and Fernandez, N. The treatment of effluents; Ameliorations apportees aux traitements des residus radioactifs. France: N. p., 1964. Web.
Wormser, G, Rodier, J, Robien, E de, & Fernandez, N. The treatment of effluents; Ameliorations apportees aux traitements des residus radioactifs. France.
Wormser, G, Rodier, J, Robien, E de, and Fernandez, N. 1964. "The treatment of effluents; Ameliorations apportees aux traitements des residus radioactifs." France.
title = {The treatment of effluents; Ameliorations apportees aux traitements des residus radioactifs}
author = {Wormser, G, Rodier, J, Robien, E de, and Fernandez, N}
abstractNote = {For several years the French Atomic Energy Commission has been studying with interest problems presented by radio-active effluents. Since high activities have not yet received a definite solution we will deal only, in this paper, with the achievements and research concerning low and medium activity effluents. In the field of the achievements, we may mention the various effluent treatment stations which have been built in France; a brief list will be given together with an outline of their main new features. Thus in particular the latest treatment stations put into operation (Grenoble, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Cadarache) will be presented. From all these recent achievements three subjects will be dealt with in more detail. 1 - The workshop for treating with bitumen the sludge obtained after concentration of radionuclides. 2 - The workshop for treating radioactive solid waste by incineration. 3 - A unit for concentrating radio-active liquid effluents by evaporation. In the field of research, several topics have been undertaken, a list will be given. In most cases the research concerns the concentration of radionuclides with a view to a practical and low cost storage, a concentration involving an efficient decontamination of the aqueous liquids in the best possible economic conditions. For improving the treatments leading to the concentration of nuclides, our research has naturally been concerned with perfecting the treatments used in France: coprecipitation and evaporation. In our work we have taken into account in particular two conditions laid down in the French Centres. 1 - A very strict sorting out of the effluents at their source in order to limit in each category the volume of liquid to be dealt with. 2 - The necessity for a very complete decontamination due to the high population density in our country. In the last past we present two original methods for treating liquid effluents. 1 - The use of ion-exchange resins for liquids containing relatively many salts. The resins are used in the sodium form; the regeneration is carried out using a sodium salt solution which, after decontamination by coprecipitation is used again. With this process it is possible to use a smaller volume of sludge. 2 - The use of a natural evaporator. This process uses atmospheric air which is not saturated with water vapour and which is at a normal temperature, in order to extract water from the aqueous effluents. (authors) [French] Depuis plusieurs annees, le Commissariat a l'Eneregie Atomique Francais s'est penche avec interet sur les problemes poses par les effluents radioactifs. Les hautes activites n'ayant pas encore recu de solution definitive, nous nous bornerons a traiter, dans cette communication, que des realisations et des recherches relatives aux effluents faiblement et moyennement actifs. Dans le domaine des realisations, diverses stations de traitement ont ete construites en France; nous en ferons une breve enumeration, tout en faisant ressortir les nouveautes les plus importantes. C'est ainsi que nous presenterons plus specialement les dernieres stations de traitement mises en oeuvre (Grenoble, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Cadarache). De I'ensemble de ces realisations nouvelles, nous traiterons d'une maniere un peu plus approfondie, les trois sujets suivants: 1 - Atelier de conditionnement par bitumage des boues provenant de la concentration des radio-nucleides. 2 - Atelier de traitement des dechets solides radioactifs et combustibles par incineration. 3 - Ensemble de concentration effluents liquides radioactifs par evaporation. Dans le domaine de la recherche, de nombreuses voies ont ete abordees; nous en ferons I'inventaire. Il s'agit, dans la plupart des cas, de la concentration des radio-nucleides en vue d'un stockage pratique et peu onereux, concentration associee a une decontamination efficace, et Ie meilleur marche possible, des liquides aqueux, en vue de leur rejet. Pour l'amelioration des traitements aboutissant a la concentration des radio-nucleides, nos recherches ont naturellement porte sur I'amelioration des traitements utilises en France: la coprecipitation et l'evaporation. Dans nos etudes, nous avons tout specialement tenu compte des deux conditions imposees dans les centres francais: 1 - Tri tres severe des effluents a la source, afin de limiter dans chaque categorie, le volume des liquides a traiter. 2 - Necessite d'une decontamination tres complete liee a la forte densite de population de notre pays. Dans un dernier chapitre, nous presenterons l'etude de deux methodes originales de traitement d'effluents liquides: 1 - L'emploi de resines echangeuses d'ions pour des liquides relativement charges en sel. Les resines sont utilisees sous forme sodique; le regenerant a cet effet est une solution de sel de sodium qui, apres decontamination par coprecipitation, est reutilisee. Ce procede permet d'obtenir un volume de boue plus reduit. 2 - L'utilisation d'un evaporateur naturel. Ce procede utilise l'air ambiant non sature d'humidite et a temperature ordinaire pour extraire I'eau des effluents aqueux. (auteurs)}
place = {France}
year = {1964}
month = {Jul}