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Coating of evaporation concentrates with bitumen. Progress Report No. 1; Enrobage des concentrats d'evaporation par le bitume. Etat d'avancement no. 1


Laboratory tests have been carried out on the coating by bitumen of evaporation concentrates having a free nitric acidity of 1 N or 2.5 N, and a high mineralization (400 gm/litre). In order to neutralize the free acidity and to trap the radio-elements, these concentrates have been subjected before coating to various treatments designed to decrease the solubility. As a result of these treatments, sludges were obtained which could be coated directly with the bitumen. By measuring the radioactive diffusion factors of the bitumen coated products immersed both in ordinary and sea water, it was possible to compare the efficiency of the processes developed and of the various types of bitumen used. On the whole the radioactive diffusion tests were satisfactory and the process using successive co-precipitations (hydroxides, nickel ferrocyanide, barium sulphate) was chosen. From the bitumens tried out, a straight - asphalt, Mexphalt 40/50 was selected for low and medium activity concentrates as it ensures good isolation of the radio-elements; an air-blowing asphalt, Mexphalte R 90/40, was chosen for concentrates of high activity because of its higher resistance to irradiation. As a result of this work, a simple coating technology was evolved and pilot experiments will soon begin. Briefly,  More>>
Rodier, J; Lefillatre, G; Rodi, L; Cudel, Y [1] 
  1. Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Chusclan (France). Centre de Production de Plutonium de Marcoule
Publication Date:
Jul 01, 1968
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: 9 refs; PBD: 1968
Research Organizations:
CEA Marcoule, Centre de Production de Plutonium de Marcoule, Service de Protection contre les radiations et d'Assainissement Radioactif, 30 (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
TRN: FR04R3632091470
Available from INIS in electronic form
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[114] pages
Announcement Date:
Dec 10, 2004

Citation Formats

Rodier, J, Lefillatre, G, Rodi, L, and Cudel, Y. Coating of evaporation concentrates with bitumen. Progress Report No. 1; Enrobage des concentrats d'evaporation par le bitume. Etat d'avancement no. 1. France: N. p., 1968. Web.
Rodier, J, Lefillatre, G, Rodi, L, & Cudel, Y. Coating of evaporation concentrates with bitumen. Progress Report No. 1; Enrobage des concentrats d'evaporation par le bitume. Etat d'avancement no. 1. France.
Rodier, J, Lefillatre, G, Rodi, L, and Cudel, Y. 1968. "Coating of evaporation concentrates with bitumen. Progress Report No. 1; Enrobage des concentrats d'evaporation par le bitume. Etat d'avancement no. 1." France.
title = {Coating of evaporation concentrates with bitumen. Progress Report No. 1; Enrobage des concentrats d'evaporation par le bitume. Etat d'avancement no. 1}
author = {Rodier, J, Lefillatre, G, Rodi, L, and Cudel, Y}
abstractNote = {Laboratory tests have been carried out on the coating by bitumen of evaporation concentrates having a free nitric acidity of 1 N or 2.5 N, and a high mineralization (400 gm/litre). In order to neutralize the free acidity and to trap the radio-elements, these concentrates have been subjected before coating to various treatments designed to decrease the solubility. As a result of these treatments, sludges were obtained which could be coated directly with the bitumen. By measuring the radioactive diffusion factors of the bitumen coated products immersed both in ordinary and sea water, it was possible to compare the efficiency of the processes developed and of the various types of bitumen used. On the whole the radioactive diffusion tests were satisfactory and the process using successive co-precipitations (hydroxides, nickel ferrocyanide, barium sulphate) was chosen. From the bitumens tried out, a straight - asphalt, Mexphalt 40/50 was selected for low and medium activity concentrates as it ensures good isolation of the radio-elements; an air-blowing asphalt, Mexphalte R 90/40, was chosen for concentrates of high activity because of its higher resistance to irradiation. As a result of this work, a simple coating technology was evolved and pilot experiments will soon begin. Briefly, it appears that although a method for coating evaporation concentrates with bitumen has been defined, it will inevitably be necessary to devise a specific decontamination process each time that a new type of concentrate is encountered (composition, nature of the salts, radio-element distribution). (author) [French] Des essais d'enrobage par le bitume des concentrats d'evaporation ayant une acidite nitrique libre de 1 N ou de 2.5 N et une mineralisation elevee (400 g/litre) ont ete realises en laboratoire. Dans le but de neutraliser l'acidite libre et de pieger les radio-elements, ces concentrats ont ete soumis avant leur enrobage a divers traitements d'insolubilisation. Ces traitements ont permis d'obtenir des boues qui ont ete enrobees directement par du bitume. La mesure des taux de diffusion de la radioactivite des enrobes bitumineux immerges dans de l'eau ordinaire et dans de l'eau de mer a permis de comparer l'efficacite des traitements mis au point et des differents types de bitume essayes. Dans l'ensemble, les tests de diffusion de la radioactivite ont ete satisfaisants et le traitement par coprecipitations successives (hydroxydes, ferrocyanure de nickel, sulfate de baryum) a ete retenu. Parmi les bitumes essayes, un bitume de distillation directe: le Mexphalte 40/50 a ete retenu pour les concentrats de faible et de moyenne activite car il assure un bon isolement des radioelements tandis qu'un bitume souffle: le Mexphalte R 90/40 a ete choisi pour les concentrats de haute activite en raison de sa meilleure tenue a l'irradiation. A la suite de cette etude, une technologie simple d'enrobage a ete degagee et des experimentations au stade pilote vont etre entreprises. En resume, il apparait que si un procede d'enrobage des concentrats d'evaporatien par le bitume a pu etre defini, il n'en reste pas moins que la recherche d'un traitement specifique de decontamination sera inevitable chaque fois qu'un nouveau type de concentrats sera envisage (composition, nature des sels, repartition en radioelements). (auteur)}
place = {France}
year = {1968}
month = {Jul}