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Contribution to the study of point defects formed in nickel by electron bombardment; Contribution a l'etude des defauts ponctuels crees par bombardement electronique dans le nickel


After a short account of the experimental techniques employed in our studies, the experimental results obtained on pure nickel samples are exposed. The apparition of the successive annihilation stages of point defects created by electron bombardment is established by isochronal heat treatments: the annihilation kinetics and the corresponding activation energies are determined. The effect of the incident particle doses is also studied. The experimental results are then compared with R.A. Johnson's theoretical calculations of the stability and the migration of point defects in nickel, and taking into account the results obtained by Peretto in magnetic after effect measurements. This leads us to a model in good agreement with calculations and experiment for the first stages. In a second chapter the behaviour of nickel doped by certain impurities is studied. First, the results concerning the rate of increase of resistivity (function of sample purity) is investigated. Two possible explanations of the observed phenomenon are proposed: either a deviation with respect to Mathiessen's law, or an increase of the number of defects formed in the presence of impurity atoms. Finally, a study of the resistivity recovery of the doped samples permits us to suggest an order of magnitude for the binding energy  More>>
Oddou, J L [1] 
  1. Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, 38 - Grenoble (France). Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires
Publication Date:
Dec 01, 1968
Product Type:
Report Number:
Resource Relation:
Other Information: TH: These 3. cycle specialite: physique du solide; 36 refs; PBD: Dec 1968
Research Organizations:
CEA Grenoble, 38 (France)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
TRN: FR04R3605091443
Available from INIS in electronic form
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[65] pages
Announcement Date:
Dec 10, 2004

Citation Formats

Oddou, J L. Contribution to the study of point defects formed in nickel by electron bombardment; Contribution a l'etude des defauts ponctuels crees par bombardement electronique dans le nickel. France: N. p., 1968. Web.
Oddou, J L. Contribution to the study of point defects formed in nickel by electron bombardment; Contribution a l'etude des defauts ponctuels crees par bombardement electronique dans le nickel. France.
Oddou, J L. 1968. "Contribution to the study of point defects formed in nickel by electron bombardment; Contribution a l'etude des defauts ponctuels crees par bombardement electronique dans le nickel." France.
title = {Contribution to the study of point defects formed in nickel by electron bombardment; Contribution a l'etude des defauts ponctuels crees par bombardement electronique dans le nickel}
author = {Oddou, J L}
abstractNote = {After a short account of the experimental techniques employed in our studies, the experimental results obtained on pure nickel samples are exposed. The apparition of the successive annihilation stages of point defects created by electron bombardment is established by isochronal heat treatments: the annihilation kinetics and the corresponding activation energies are determined. The effect of the incident particle doses is also studied. The experimental results are then compared with R.A. Johnson's theoretical calculations of the stability and the migration of point defects in nickel, and taking into account the results obtained by Peretto in magnetic after effect measurements. This leads us to a model in good agreement with calculations and experiment for the first stages. In a second chapter the behaviour of nickel doped by certain impurities is studied. First, the results concerning the rate of increase of resistivity (function of sample purity) is investigated. Two possible explanations of the observed phenomenon are proposed: either a deviation with respect to Mathiessen's law, or an increase of the number of defects formed in the presence of impurity atoms. Finally, a study of the resistivity recovery of the doped samples permits us to suggest an order of magnitude for the binding energy interstitial/impurity atom in the nickel matrix. (author) [French] Apres avoir brievement rappele les techniques experimentales que nous avons utilisees pour cette etude, nous exposons les resultats experimentaux obtenus sur des echantillons de nickel pur. Les stades successifs d'annihilation des defauts ponctuels crees par bombardement electronique sont mis en evidence par traitements thermiques isochrones; les cinetiques de disparition, et les energies d'activation correspondantes sont determinees. Nous etudions egalement l'effet de la dose des particules incidentes. Les resultats experimentaux sont ensuite compares avec les calculs theoriques de R.A JOHNSON sur la stabilite et la migration des defauts ponctuels dans le nickel, en tenant compte des resultats de trainage magnetique obtenus par P. PERETTO. Nous en deduisons un modele en bon accord avec les calculs et les resultats experimentaux au niveau des premiers stades. Dans une seconde partie, nous etudions le nickel contenant certaines impuretes. Nous exposons d'abord les resultats concernant le taux d'accroissement de la resistivite, fonction de la purete de l'echantillon. Deux explications possibles du phenomene observe sont proposees: deviation a la regle de Matthiessen ou augmentation,du nombre de defauts crees en presence d'impuretes. Ensuite, une etude de la restauration de la resistivite des echantillons impurs permet de proposer un ordre de grandeur de l'energie de liaison interstitiel- impurete dans le nickel. (auteur)}
place = {France}
year = {1968}
month = {Dec}