Recent developments of carbon nanotubes are reviewed. Analytical solutions for the electronic structure of carbon nanotube on the basis of thight-binding approximation are presented and interpreted using the concepts of crystal orbital. The electronic properties of actual carbon nanotubes are presented. The electronic structures of carbon nanotubes in the presence of magnetic fiels are also summerized. (orig.)
Yamabe, Tokio
- Div. of Molecular Engineering, Kyoto Univ. (Japan)
Citation Formats
Yamabe, Tokio.
Recent development of carbon nanotube.
Switzerland: N. p.,
Yamabe, Tokio.
Recent development of carbon nanotube.
Yamabe, Tokio.
"Recent development of carbon nanotube."
title = {Recent development of carbon nanotube}
author = {Yamabe, Tokio}
abstractNote = {Recent developments of carbon nanotubes are reviewed. Analytical solutions for the electronic structure of carbon nanotube on the basis of thight-binding approximation are presented and interpreted using the concepts of crystal orbital. The electronic properties of actual carbon nanotubes are presented. The electronic structures of carbon nanotubes in the presence of magnetic fiels are also summerized. (orig.)}
doi = {10.1016/0379-6779(94)02939-V}
journal = []
issue = {1-3}
volume = {70}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Switzerland}
year = {1995}
month = {Mar}
title = {Recent development of carbon nanotube}
author = {Yamabe, Tokio}
abstractNote = {Recent developments of carbon nanotubes are reviewed. Analytical solutions for the electronic structure of carbon nanotube on the basis of thight-binding approximation are presented and interpreted using the concepts of crystal orbital. The electronic properties of actual carbon nanotubes are presented. The electronic structures of carbon nanotubes in the presence of magnetic fiels are also summerized. (orig.)}
doi = {10.1016/0379-6779(94)02939-V}
journal = []
issue = {1-3}
volume = {70}
journal type = {AC}
place = {Switzerland}
year = {1995}
month = {Mar}