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Hydrology and hydrochemistry for the Rice Creek watershed of the Whiteshell Research Area, 1986--1990


This report presents data and results of a hydrometeorological study carried out in the Rice Creek Watershed of the Whiteshell Research Area during 1986-90. Major water budget components, such as precipitation, runoff, groundwater, storage and evaporation, are evaluated and discussed. men annual precipitation was 544 mm, mean runoff was 101 mm, with evapo-transpiration as the residual being 443 mm. The steady-state groundwater component of the runoff is estimated to be less than 2 mm/unit area, or less than 2% of men annual basin yield. Water chemistry data for precipitation,l surface waters, and groundwaters are presented and the relative concentrations compared to provide information about sources of streamflow. Data on a major storm event that provided precipitation with an estimated return period of over 100 a are presented. Also discussed are the effects of beaver dams on the hydrology of a major tributary of the Rice Creek watershed. (auth)
Publication Date:
Dec 01, 1992
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
AECL-TR-570; COG-92-131
Reference Number:
SCA: 540250; 540210; SN: 93000960836
Research Organizations:
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Pinawa, MB (Canada). Whiteshell Labs.
Country of Origin:
Submitting Site:
117 p.
Announcement Date:
May 05, 1993

Citation Formats

Thorne, G. A., Laporte, J. M., and Clarke, D. Hydrology and hydrochemistry for the Rice Creek watershed of the Whiteshell Research Area, 1986--1990. Canada: N. p., 1992. Web.
Thorne, G. A., Laporte, J. M., & Clarke, D. Hydrology and hydrochemistry for the Rice Creek watershed of the Whiteshell Research Area, 1986--1990. Canada.
Thorne, G. A., Laporte, J. M., and Clarke, D. 1992. "Hydrology and hydrochemistry for the Rice Creek watershed of the Whiteshell Research Area, 1986--1990." Canada.
title = {Hydrology and hydrochemistry for the Rice Creek watershed of the Whiteshell Research Area, 1986--1990}
author = {Thorne, G. A., Laporte, J. M., and Clarke, D.}
abstractNote = {This report presents data and results of a hydrometeorological study carried out in the Rice Creek Watershed of the Whiteshell Research Area during 1986-90. Major water budget components, such as precipitation, runoff, groundwater, storage and evaporation, are evaluated and discussed. men annual precipitation was 544 mm, mean runoff was 101 mm, with evapo-transpiration as the residual being 443 mm. The steady-state groundwater component of the runoff is estimated to be less than 2 mm/unit area, or less than 2% of men annual basin yield. Water chemistry data for precipitation,l surface waters, and groundwaters are presented and the relative concentrations compared to provide information about sources of streamflow. Data on a major storm event that provided precipitation with an estimated return period of over 100 a are presented. Also discussed are the effects of beaver dams on the hydrology of a major tributary of the Rice Creek watershed. (auth)}
place = {Canada}
year = {1992}
month = {Dec}