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Problems of method of technology assessment. A methodological analysis; Methodenprobleme des Technology Assessment; Eine methodologische Analyse


The study undertakes to analyse the theoretical and methodological structure of Technology Assessment (TA). It is based on a survey of TA studies which provided an important condition for theoreticall sound statements on methodological aspects of TA. It was established that the main basic theoretical problems of TA are in the field of dealing with complexity. This is also apparent in the constitution of problems, the most elementary and central approach of TA. Scientifically founded constitution of problems and the corresponding construction of models call for interdisciplinary scientific work. Interdisciplinarity in the TA research process is achieved at the level of virtual networks, these networks being composed of individuals suited to teamwork. The emerging network structures have an objective-organizational and an ideational basis. The objective-organizational basis is mainly the result of team composition and the external affiliations of the team members. The ideational basis of the virtual network is represented by the team members` mode of thinking, which is individually located at a multidisciplinary level. The theoretical `skeleton` of the TA knowledge system, which is represented by process knowledge based linkage structures, can be generated and also processed in connection with the knowledge on types of problems, areas of analysis  More>>
Publication Date:
Mar 01, 1993
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
Reference Number:
SCA: 290500; PA: DEN-94:0F2137; EDB-94:045122; ERA-19:012322; NTS-94:018213; SN: 94001162483
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PBD: Mar 1993
Research Organizations:
Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH (Germany). Abt. fuer Angewandte Systemanalyse
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Journal ID: ISSN 0303-4003; Other: ON: DE94747336; TRN: DE94F2137
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only); INIS
Submitting Site:
102 p.
Announcement Date:
Jul 04, 2005

Citation Formats

Zimmermann, V. Problems of method of technology assessment. A methodological analysis; Methodenprobleme des Technology Assessment; Eine methodologische Analyse. Germany: N. p., 1993. Web.
Zimmermann, V. Problems of method of technology assessment. A methodological analysis; Methodenprobleme des Technology Assessment; Eine methodologische Analyse. Germany.
Zimmermann, V. 1993. "Problems of method of technology assessment. A methodological analysis; Methodenprobleme des Technology Assessment; Eine methodologische Analyse." Germany.
title = {Problems of method of technology assessment. A methodological analysis; Methodenprobleme des Technology Assessment; Eine methodologische Analyse}
author = {Zimmermann, V}
abstractNote = {The study undertakes to analyse the theoretical and methodological structure of Technology Assessment (TA). It is based on a survey of TA studies which provided an important condition for theoreticall sound statements on methodological aspects of TA. It was established that the main basic theoretical problems of TA are in the field of dealing with complexity. This is also apparent in the constitution of problems, the most elementary and central approach of TA. Scientifically founded constitution of problems and the corresponding construction of models call for interdisciplinary scientific work. Interdisciplinarity in the TA research process is achieved at the level of virtual networks, these networks being composed of individuals suited to teamwork. The emerging network structures have an objective-organizational and an ideational basis. The objective-organizational basis is mainly the result of team composition and the external affiliations of the team members. The ideational basis of the virtual network is represented by the team members` mode of thinking, which is individually located at a multidisciplinary level. The theoretical `skeleton` of the TA knowledge system, which is represented by process knowledge based linkage structures, can be generated and also processed in connection with the knowledge on types of problems, areas of analysis and procedures to deal with complexity. Within this process, disciplinary knowledge is a necessary but not a sufficient condition. Metatheoretical and metadisciplinary knowledge and the correspondingly processes complexity of models are the basis for the necessary methodological awareness, that allows TA to become designable as a research procedure. (orig./HP) [Deutsch] Die Studie stellt sich die Aufgabe, die theoretische und methodische Struktur des Technology Assessment (TA) zu analysieren. Sie fusst auf Erhebungen, die bei Technology-Assessment-Studien vorgenommen wurden und die wesentliche Voraussetzungen fuer theoretische begruendete Aussagen zu methodischen Aspekten des TA waren. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass theoretische Grundprobleme des TA insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Komplexitaetsbewaeltigung liegen. Dies schlaegt sich auch in der Problemkonstituierung nieder, die elementarer und zentraler Ansatz des TA ist. Wissenschaftlich fundierte Problemkonstituierung und entsprechende Modellkonstruktion beduerfen interdisziplinaerer wissenschaftlicher Arbeit. Die Interdisziplinaritaet in TA-Forschungsprozessen vollzieht sich auf der Ebene virtueller Netze, wobei virtuelle Netze durch teamfaehige Individuen konstituiert werden. Die dabei entstehenden Netzstrukturen haben eine gegenstaendlich-organisatorische und eine ideelle Basis. Die gegenstaendlich-organisatorische Basis realisiert sich primaer durch die Teamzusammensetzung sowie durch die externen Einbindungen der Teammitglieder. Die ideele Grundlage virtueller Netze wird durch das Denken der Teammitglieder repraesentiert, das im einzelnen jeweils auf metadisziplinaerem Niveau angesiedelt werden muss. Das theoretische `Gerippe` des Wissenssystems des TA, das durch prozess- und wissensbasierte Koppelungsstrukturen repraesentiert wird, ist in Verbindung mit der Kenntnis von Problemtypen, Analysefeldern und Verfahren zur Komplexitaetsbewaeltigung generierbar und zugleich aufarbeitbar. In diesem Prozess ist diszipliaeres Wissen eine notwendige, jedoch keine hinreichende Voraussetzung. Metatheoretisches und metadisziplinaeres Wissen sowie die entsprechend aufbereitete Komplexitaet der Abbilder sind die Grundlage fuer die notwendige methodische Bewusstheit, die TA als Forschungsprozess gestaltbar werden laesst. (orig./HP)}
place = {Germany}
year = {1993}
month = {Mar}