The particle collection characteristics of the Tore Supra outboard pump limiter (OPL) are studied in order to assess and understand the effects of the plasma parameters on the performance of the OPL module. The results of two series of experiments, one in plasmas with ohmic heating and one in plasmas with lower hybrid heating, are analyzed, and the general trend of the module particle collection is evaluated by studying the OPL conductance parameter (total hydrogenic ion particle influx/resulting pressure buildup in the module) in plasmas with various densities, temperatures, heating power, and impurity behavior. For this study, the contribution from the impurity carbon influx to the OPL is taken into account in estimating the hydrogenic ion particle influx obtained from the Langmuir probes that are located inside the OPL entrance throat. The results presented here indicate that molecular gas conductance, not plasma plugging due to ionization of the backflow neutrals, plays the principal role in the particle collection performance of the OPL for local densities up to 4 x 10{sup 12} cm{sup -3}. This observation is consistent with the fact that the ionization mean free path of the outstreaming neutrals is comparable to the throat length of the module for
Loarer, T;
Chatelier, M;
Uckan, T;
Mioduszewski, P K
- Association Euratom-CEA, Centre d`Etudes de Cadarache, 13 - Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (France). Dept. de Recherches sur la Fusion Controlee
- Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States)
Citation Formats
Loarer, T, Chatelier, M, Uckan, T, and Mioduszewski, P K.
Plasma effects on the particle collection characteristics of the TORE SUPRA modular pump limiter.
France: N. p.,
Loarer, T, Chatelier, M, Uckan, T, & Mioduszewski, P K.
Plasma effects on the particle collection characteristics of the TORE SUPRA modular pump limiter.
Loarer, T, Chatelier, M, Uckan, T, and Mioduszewski, P K.
"Plasma effects on the particle collection characteristics of the TORE SUPRA modular pump limiter."
title = {Plasma effects on the particle collection characteristics of the TORE SUPRA modular pump limiter}
author = {Loarer, T, Chatelier, M, Uckan, T, and Mioduszewski, P K}
abstractNote = {The particle collection characteristics of the Tore Supra outboard pump limiter (OPL) are studied in order to assess and understand the effects of the plasma parameters on the performance of the OPL module. The results of two series of experiments, one in plasmas with ohmic heating and one in plasmas with lower hybrid heating, are analyzed, and the general trend of the module particle collection is evaluated by studying the OPL conductance parameter (total hydrogenic ion particle influx/resulting pressure buildup in the module) in plasmas with various densities, temperatures, heating power, and impurity behavior. For this study, the contribution from the impurity carbon influx to the OPL is taken into account in estimating the hydrogenic ion particle influx obtained from the Langmuir probes that are located inside the OPL entrance throat. The results presented here indicate that molecular gas conductance, not plasma plugging due to ionization of the backflow neutrals, plays the principal role in the particle collection performance of the OPL for local densities up to 4 x 10{sup 12} cm{sup -3}. This observation is consistent with the fact that the ionization mean free path of the outstreaming neutrals is comparable to the throat length of the module for the density and the electron temperature available in the throat.}
place = {France}
year = {1992}
month = {May}
title = {Plasma effects on the particle collection characteristics of the TORE SUPRA modular pump limiter}
author = {Loarer, T, Chatelier, M, Uckan, T, and Mioduszewski, P K}
abstractNote = {The particle collection characteristics of the Tore Supra outboard pump limiter (OPL) are studied in order to assess and understand the effects of the plasma parameters on the performance of the OPL module. The results of two series of experiments, one in plasmas with ohmic heating and one in plasmas with lower hybrid heating, are analyzed, and the general trend of the module particle collection is evaluated by studying the OPL conductance parameter (total hydrogenic ion particle influx/resulting pressure buildup in the module) in plasmas with various densities, temperatures, heating power, and impurity behavior. For this study, the contribution from the impurity carbon influx to the OPL is taken into account in estimating the hydrogenic ion particle influx obtained from the Langmuir probes that are located inside the OPL entrance throat. The results presented here indicate that molecular gas conductance, not plasma plugging due to ionization of the backflow neutrals, plays the principal role in the particle collection performance of the OPL for local densities up to 4 x 10{sup 12} cm{sup -3}. This observation is consistent with the fact that the ionization mean free path of the outstreaming neutrals is comparable to the throat length of the module for the density and the electron temperature available in the throat.}
place = {France}
year = {1992}
month = {May}