A new intelligent time to digital converter is introduced, including its operating principle, circuit design and specificities. Starting a common trigger pulse, it can measure 64 event time intervals and never loses them, which belong to simultaneous events. The minimum resolution time is 0.5 {mu}s, channel width range is 1 to 255 times 0.5 {mu}s for programming select, maximum converter range with offset can reach 13 bits. The converter has a capacity of higher automatic control, and specially fits such situations that the time spectrum would be obtained under very low background.
Citation Formats
Yuheng, Jin, Jiahong, Zhang, and Yuqing, Wan.
A 64 x 4096 time to digital converter with never losing simultaneous events for thermoneutron scattering time of fly measurement.
China: N. p.,
Yuheng, Jin, Jiahong, Zhang, & Yuqing, Wan.
A 64 x 4096 time to digital converter with never losing simultaneous events for thermoneutron scattering time of fly measurement.
Yuheng, Jin, Jiahong, Zhang, and Yuqing, Wan.
"A 64 x 4096 time to digital converter with never losing simultaneous events for thermoneutron scattering time of fly measurement."
title = {A 64 x 4096 time to digital converter with never losing simultaneous events for thermoneutron scattering time of fly measurement}
author = {Yuheng, Jin, Jiahong, Zhang, and Yuqing, Wan}
abstractNote = {A new intelligent time to digital converter is introduced, including its operating principle, circuit design and specificities. Starting a common trigger pulse, it can measure 64 event time intervals and never loses them, which belong to simultaneous events. The minimum resolution time is 0.5 {mu}s, channel width range is 1 to 255 times 0.5 {mu}s for programming select, maximum converter range with offset can reach 13 bits. The converter has a capacity of higher automatic control, and specially fits such situations that the time spectrum would be obtained under very low background.}
place = {China}
year = {1991}
month = {Oct}
title = {A 64 x 4096 time to digital converter with never losing simultaneous events for thermoneutron scattering time of fly measurement}
author = {Yuheng, Jin, Jiahong, Zhang, and Yuqing, Wan}
abstractNote = {A new intelligent time to digital converter is introduced, including its operating principle, circuit design and specificities. Starting a common trigger pulse, it can measure 64 event time intervals and never loses them, which belong to simultaneous events. The minimum resolution time is 0.5 {mu}s, channel width range is 1 to 255 times 0.5 {mu}s for programming select, maximum converter range with offset can reach 13 bits. The converter has a capacity of higher automatic control, and specially fits such situations that the time spectrum would be obtained under very low background.}
place = {China}
year = {1991}
month = {Oct}