The paper reviews methods for control and measurement of beam parameters in resonance linear accelerators using the beam-excited passive SHF-resonators. It is shown that in a number of cases it is expedient to use resonators tuned not to the first harmonic, but to higher harmonic of accelerators operating frequency. Description of the methods and particular devices for measuring current and beam position, instability of bunch repetition frequency, their phase extent sis carried out. 41 refs.; 18 figs.
Citation Formats
Vishnyakov, V A, Zakutin, V V, and Zykov, A I.
Application of passive resonators for control and measurement of beam parameters in electron resonance linear accelerators; Primenenie passivnykh rezonatorov dlya upravleniya i izmereniya parametrov puchkov linejnykh rezonansnykh uskoritelej ehlektronov.
Ukraine: N. p.,
Vishnyakov, V A, Zakutin, V V, & Zykov, A I.
Application of passive resonators for control and measurement of beam parameters in electron resonance linear accelerators; Primenenie passivnykh rezonatorov dlya upravleniya i izmereniya parametrov puchkov linejnykh rezonansnykh uskoritelej ehlektronov.
Vishnyakov, V A, Zakutin, V V, and Zykov, A I.
"Application of passive resonators for control and measurement of beam parameters in electron resonance linear accelerators; Primenenie passivnykh rezonatorov dlya upravleniya i izmereniya parametrov puchkov linejnykh rezonansnykh uskoritelej ehlektronov."
title = {Application of passive resonators for control and measurement of beam parameters in electron resonance linear accelerators; Primenenie passivnykh rezonatorov dlya upravleniya i izmereniya parametrov puchkov linejnykh rezonansnykh uskoritelej ehlektronov}
author = {Vishnyakov, V A, Zakutin, V V, and Zykov, A I}
abstractNote = {The paper reviews methods for control and measurement of beam parameters in resonance linear accelerators using the beam-excited passive SHF-resonators. It is shown that in a number of cases it is expedient to use resonators tuned not to the first harmonic, but to higher harmonic of accelerators operating frequency. Description of the methods and particular devices for measuring current and beam position, instability of bunch repetition frequency, their phase extent sis carried out. 41 refs.; 18 figs.}
place = {Ukraine}
year = {1989}
month = {Dec}
title = {Application of passive resonators for control and measurement of beam parameters in electron resonance linear accelerators; Primenenie passivnykh rezonatorov dlya upravleniya i izmereniya parametrov puchkov linejnykh rezonansnykh uskoritelej ehlektronov}
author = {Vishnyakov, V A, Zakutin, V V, and Zykov, A I}
abstractNote = {The paper reviews methods for control and measurement of beam parameters in resonance linear accelerators using the beam-excited passive SHF-resonators. It is shown that in a number of cases it is expedient to use resonators tuned not to the first harmonic, but to higher harmonic of accelerators operating frequency. Description of the methods and particular devices for measuring current and beam position, instability of bunch repetition frequency, their phase extent sis carried out. 41 refs.; 18 figs.}
place = {Ukraine}
year = {1989}
month = {Dec}