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Detection of activated platelets using activation-specific monoclonal antibody (SZ-51) in clinical disorders


A direct test for activated platelets in whole blood was developed by radioimmunoassay with {sup 125}I labeled SZ-51, an antibody specific for an {alpha}-granule membrane protein (GMP-140) that associates with the platelet surface during secretion. The assay had sufficient sensitivity to detect as few as 2% activated platelets. In 50 normal subjects, minimal GMP-140 molecules per platelet were expressed on the surface of circulating platelets. Ten patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass had transiently increased expression of GMP-140 molecules during the bypass procedure, especially at the end of bypass. Evaluation of 18 patients with epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) has shown that the number of GMP-140 molecules on the platelet surface was closely related to the four different phases of EHF. In six patients suffered from acute myocardial infarction (AMI), the number of GMP-140 molecules changed with the procession of AMI and the highest occurred 48 h after AMI. The GMP-140 molecules were also increased in patients with asthma attack (n = 14), but not in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (n = 11) and diabetic mellitus (n = 48). Taken together, these studies suggest that activated platelet can be reliably measured in whole blood using radiolabeled SZ-51 antibody and the detection of  More>>
Guoxin, Wu; Fugang, Li; Jianyong, Li; Changgeng, Ruan [1] 
  1. Suzhou Medical COll. (China)
Publication Date:
Oct 01, 1991
Product Type:
Technical Report
Report Number:
CNIC-00562; SMC-0069.
Reference Number:
SCA: 550601; PA: AIX-24:006523; SN: 93000931490
Resource Relation:
Other Information: PBD: Oct 1991
Research Organizations:
China Nuclear Information Centre, Beijing, BJ (China)
Country of Origin:
Other Identifying Numbers:
Other: ON: DE93611954; ISBN 7-5022-0563-2; TRN: CN9201683006523
OSTI; NTIS (US Sales Only); INIS
Submitting Site:
[11] p.
Announcement Date:
Jun 30, 2005

Citation Formats

Guoxin, Wu, Fugang, Li, Jianyong, Li, and Changgeng, Ruan. Detection of activated platelets using activation-specific monoclonal antibody (SZ-51) in clinical disorders. China: N. p., 1991. Web.
Guoxin, Wu, Fugang, Li, Jianyong, Li, & Changgeng, Ruan. Detection of activated platelets using activation-specific monoclonal antibody (SZ-51) in clinical disorders. China.
Guoxin, Wu, Fugang, Li, Jianyong, Li, and Changgeng, Ruan. 1991. "Detection of activated platelets using activation-specific monoclonal antibody (SZ-51) in clinical disorders." China.
title = {Detection of activated platelets using activation-specific monoclonal antibody (SZ-51) in clinical disorders}
author = {Guoxin, Wu, Fugang, Li, Jianyong, Li, and Changgeng, Ruan}
abstractNote = {A direct test for activated platelets in whole blood was developed by radioimmunoassay with {sup 125}I labeled SZ-51, an antibody specific for an {alpha}-granule membrane protein (GMP-140) that associates with the platelet surface during secretion. The assay had sufficient sensitivity to detect as few as 2% activated platelets. In 50 normal subjects, minimal GMP-140 molecules per platelet were expressed on the surface of circulating platelets. Ten patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass had transiently increased expression of GMP-140 molecules during the bypass procedure, especially at the end of bypass. Evaluation of 18 patients with epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF) has shown that the number of GMP-140 molecules on the platelet surface was closely related to the four different phases of EHF. In six patients suffered from acute myocardial infarction (AMI), the number of GMP-140 molecules changed with the procession of AMI and the highest occurred 48 h after AMI. The GMP-140 molecules were also increased in patients with asthma attack (n = 14), but not in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (n = 11) and diabetic mellitus (n = 48). Taken together, these studies suggest that activated platelet can be reliably measured in whole blood using radiolabeled SZ-51 antibody and the detection of activated platelets is potentially useful in identifying patients with certain thrombotic disorders and others.}
place = {China}
year = {1991}
month = {Oct}