Production of e{sup {+-}}-pairs by photons and bremsstrahlung by electrons at high energies in polycrystals is considered. The energy cross sections of these processes are shown to be equal to similar cross sections in amorphous medium with a good accuracy, at the same time the differential cross sections over the momentum transferred to matter in polycrystal and amorphous substantum differ quite considerably. The probability of coherent and noncoherent interactions of photons in polycrystals has been found. 10 refs.
Citation Formats
Maisheev, V A.
On electromagnetic processes in polycrystals; Ob ehlektromagnitnykh protsessakh v polikristallakh.
USSR: N. p.,
Maisheev, V A.
On electromagnetic processes in polycrystals; Ob ehlektromagnitnykh protsessakh v polikristallakh.
Maisheev, V A.
"On electromagnetic processes in polycrystals; Ob ehlektromagnitnykh protsessakh v polikristallakh."
title = {On electromagnetic processes in polycrystals; Ob ehlektromagnitnykh protsessakh v polikristallakh}
author = {Maisheev, V A}
abstractNote = {Production of e{sup {+-}}-pairs by photons and bremsstrahlung by electrons at high energies in polycrystals is considered. The energy cross sections of these processes are shown to be equal to similar cross sections in amorphous medium with a good accuracy, at the same time the differential cross sections over the momentum transferred to matter in polycrystal and amorphous substantum differ quite considerably. The probability of coherent and noncoherent interactions of photons in polycrystals has been found. 10 refs.}
place = {USSR}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}
title = {On electromagnetic processes in polycrystals; Ob ehlektromagnitnykh protsessakh v polikristallakh}
author = {Maisheev, V A}
abstractNote = {Production of e{sup {+-}}-pairs by photons and bremsstrahlung by electrons at high energies in polycrystals is considered. The energy cross sections of these processes are shown to be equal to similar cross sections in amorphous medium with a good accuracy, at the same time the differential cross sections over the momentum transferred to matter in polycrystal and amorphous substantum differ quite considerably. The probability of coherent and noncoherent interactions of photons in polycrystals has been found. 10 refs.}
place = {USSR}
year = {1990}
month = {Dec}